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02x04 - Blast to the Past pt. 1

Posted: 03/08/24 11:31
by bunniefuu
Blue streak speeds by,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Too fast for the naked eye,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

Look out when he storms through,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Don't doubt what he can do,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

He's the fastest thing alive.

He's the fastest thing alive!

Sonic the Hedgehog [SatAM] Episode 17:
Blast to the Past - Part 1

It's cool.

Ready, Sonic?

Are lambs wooly? Does lightning fork?

Get a grip guys, I'm outta here!

Yo, you bot-breaths looking for me?

I'm the only one here.

Hedgehog alert, Sector 7, Quadrant 5.

Whatever happened to hello?

Jelly and jam time!

Good luck, guys.


They're in.

Four, three, two...

Cool plan, Sal!


Where are they?

Sal, over there!

I'll get them, Sal.

Meet me at the junk heaps.

Open, stupid door!

Hedgehog alert, Quadrant 7.

Aw, man!

Sometimes I seriously hate this job.

See him, Sally girl?

Not yet, Bunnie.

Incoming sugarhog!

I was too late, Sal.

The took them to Robuttnik's headquarters.

The Roboticizer!

Yeah! We got to get them out!

Agreed, but how?

I hate when you ask that.

- Sonic! - What?
- Take a look.

Sonic, what is it?

They're already roboticized.

Oh, no!

One day Robuttnik you're going down man, big time!

No, Sonic, It was my fault.

Come on, Sal, I was too late.

No, if I had spent more time on the plan,

we wouldn't have lost them.

I should've posted guards here, here, and here.

You can't cover everything, Sally.

Robotnik's too cagy.

That's no excuse! The plan was no good. Period.

Come on, Sal. Dulce is right.

Robuttnik's holding all the aces.

We should've taken him down a long time ago.

Before he took over.

Sonic, we were five years old.

So we were a way cool five.

Well, do it now! You can use the Time Stones.

Say what?

The Time Stones, you know.

They take you back in time.

Dulcy, the Time Stones are just a myth.

No way, they're on the floating island.

Another myth.

Sally, I know that island's no myth.

I bumped into it.


Sonic, time travel violates all the laws of physics.

So does Dulcy's flying but that doesn't stop her.

Let's go for it.

What do you think, Dulce?

We're real close now. I can feel it.

You've said that 20 times today.

I saw it!

You've said that 20 times, too.

So sue me, now it's 21.

Going down!

How can you see anything?

'Cause I got radar eyes.

Now we're really going down.

Oh yeah, nice landing, Dulce.

Thanks, ma.

So what do you think, Sal?

I think we're back on the ground.

This is no floating island.

Oh, yeah?

Oh my gosh.

It''s true.

Way cool.

Okay, Dulce, now where are the old Time Stones?

Like I know.

Probably in the palace.

I have enough trouble traveling forward.

So I'll just hang right here.

Hey, Sal, you get the feeling someone's watching us?

You're just imagining things.

- What was that?
- What?


Don't move!

Maybe they won't notice us.

Then again, not. Grab on, Sal!

Outta here!


Just five more minutes, ma.

I'm up, I'm up, I'm up.

Sonic, faster!

Sonic, look!

Not to worry, Sal. I just had a brainstorm.


Why didn't I think of this?

We'll be cool, Sal. Trust me!

I'm coming, Sonic.

You guys alright?

Fine, Dulcy.

Thank you for saving our lives.

It's lucky I heard Sonic's whistle.


Check it out.

I'm gonna fire my travel agent.

It's not the cruise I had in mind either.

Come on.

Man, where's an elevator when you need one?

Major headache.

Where the heck are we?

Good question.

I try.

I am Keeper of the Time Stones.

To use them, you must solve this riddle.

A riddle?

I run, and run, but cannot flee.

A dog disguised as an owl.


I am often watched, yet never seen.

That's cake, a seeing eye owl.


When long, I bring boredom,

when short I bring fear.

What am I?

That's easy, Antoine.

"I run, and run but cannot flee."

"Watched yet never see."

Who can understand this guy? He talks in riddles.

The answer is time.


To reach your destination,

synchronize your thinking.

Synchronize your what?

Thinking! For some of us, just thinking will be a first.

Remember, Sonic,

concentrate on the palace fountain

and the year 3224.

Nothing else.

No prob, Sal.

Palace fountain, 3224.

Let's bust!

Palace fountain, 3224.

Palace fountain, 3224.

Palace fountain, 32 chili dog.


Where are we?

Looks like Robo-town.

Oh man, here we go again!

Greetings, citizens!

Have a nice day.

Nice day?

We got to check this out.


Oh, Sonic, isn't it beautiful?

Yeah, it sure is.

Yo, there's the palace!

Despite your bad concentration

and synchronization, we arrived at the right time.

Home, sweet home!

Two doggies with the works, pal!

You got it, bud.


Sal, what?

Two doggies with the works, pal.

Sonic, that's your third one today.

Yeah, I'm really lucky.

That is disgusting.




Double disgusting!

Triple cool.

E equals M C squared disgusting!

A zillion, chilion, gillion times cool.

Some things never change.

Sonic, you're it.

You're it, Sal.

No, I'm not, Sonic Hedgehog, it's your turn!


Children, childre...

Uh oh.

Sonic, you know our rule about playing in the lab.

Yeah, guess I forgot, Unc.

We're sorry, Sir Charles.

Just play outside, okay?


Yo, Unc. What's up?

Hello, Sir Charles.

Of course you'll be there, Julian.

Everyone is anxious to meet the man

responsible for winning the great w*r.

You're a hero.

Forgive me, Your Majesty, I just can't...


Tonight I will announce the closing of the w*r Ministry,

then your appointment as Minister of Science.

You will attend, Julian.

That is a royal order.

And your plans for dismantling the military

are approved as presented. Get started at once!

Of course, Sire.

I am honored, Sire.

See you tonight.

Snively, ready the palace attack force!

And Julian has a spaceship that will destroy Robo-

I mean, Mobotopolis.

This is horrifying.

I'm afraid it gets worse, Sir Charles.

Yeah, Robotnik changes everybody into robots

with this mondo machine.


You know him as Julian.

Show him, Nicole!

Accessing, Sally.

Robotnik calls it...

The Roboticizer, I know. I invented it.

Woah, Unc! You invented it?

It was supposed to help older people live longer,

but it changed them, took away their will.

So I destroyed it.

Then, how did Robotnik-

Files transfered to w*r ministry?

Julian stole them.

It's cool, Unc.

We've got a whole week to stop him.

Uh oh.

Who are you?

Sonic, Princess Sally, these are my friends.

I'm Alicia.

That's my middle name.

Oh, really?

So, what's your name?

My name? It's...

Juice. Call me Juice.

He's a distant cousin.

Does that mean you live far away?

Yeah, sort of.

Say, you're pretty cool looking.

Yeah, so are you. Way cool.

Oh, brother.

But I'm faster.

No way!

Yeah way!

So immature.

So true.

Race you to the chili dog stand.

You're on!

- Eat...
- dust!

Oh, great.

Two of them.

Two chili dogs!

With the works, pal!

Race ya back!


Where are they going, Juice?

I don't know, kid, but it's not good.

Come on!

Told you I was faster.

Way fast for me, kid.

That's okay, you're just old.


Something's up.

Hover units and tanks are all over the place.

Looks like Robuttnik's already making his move.

But he couldn't.

Sir Charles, what's today's date?

- It's the 13th.
- The 13th? Oh, no!

The coup happens tonight!

Yo, Unc, where is she?

Where's who?

She'll be here, she's very prompt.

Who is?

But it could happen any time!

What could happen?

We can't leave the children.

Good morning, Sir Charles.

Oh, mercy!

Come in, please.

Oh dear, something wrong?

I can't explain now.

But if anything unusual happens today,

use the escape tunnel

and take the children to Knothole!


I want all engine tests completed within the hour.

We're on schedule, Uncle Julian.

But the Peace-Bots still need to be retro-fitted with laser weapons.

Thank you, Snively.

By this time tomorrow

Mobotropolis will be ours.

Not ours, Snively.


But I...

Switch to voice recognition mode!

Block all outside users.

Voice recognition made complete.

Why are we voice activating, Uncle Julian?

We aren't.

From now on, everything will answer only to my voice.

Do you know what that means, Snively?

No, Uncle Julian.

It means you call me: sir.

Yes, sir.

From now on, Snively,

you do exactly what I say.

Yes, sir.

Something's going on,

and we've got to check it out.

But we will get in ze big trouble.

I'm going anyway.

But Sonic, Uncle Chuck said to stay with Rosie.

He always says that. Come on!

Sonic, wait.

Please to be waiting for me myself!

Chill, Sal.

Everything's gonna be cool.

I know, I know. It's just...

I haven't seen him for so long.

This is what you've been waiting for, Sal.

Trust me, Sal. It'll be way cool.

He'll see us now.


Wait! I'm sticking to this brush!

Flank the palace. Secure all exit and entry points.

Intruders, Sector 4.

You are now prisoners of Dr. Robotnik.

Julian plotting against the throne?

A serious allegation, Sir Charles.

I assume you have proof.

Your majesty...

Daddy, it's me.

Sir Charles?

This will be hard to believe, Your Majesty,

but she's come from the future.

The future?


Yes, daddy.

The royal signet.

What is our secret family credo?

To rule with honor.

Sally, it is you!

Daddy, it's true. Julian is going to take over! He's...

Freeze, prisoners!

Do not move!

Greetings, Sire.


Your Majesty,

members of the Royal Court.

Welcome to Robotropolis,

the capitol of my kingdom.