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02x12 - Spyhog

Posted: 03/08/24 11:36
by bunniefuu
Blue streak speeds by,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Too fast for the naked eye,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

Look out when he storms through,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Don't doubt what he can do,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

He's the fastest thing alive.

He's the fastest thing alive!

Sonic the Hedgehog [SatAM] Episode 25:

You there! What are you doing in here?

Circuit breaker tripped, sir. Reset.

Be cool, stomach! Here it comes.

Time to blow this chili stand.

Thanks for the ride, bud.

Sonic! Oh, this is a nice surprise.

Double nice, Unc. Moi and a chili dog.

Why thank you, Sonic.


Cool. Anything up with the fuel tankers?

Yes. I just got the schematics.

Way past, Unc! Sal's been waiting for this.

Any word on the schedule?

Not yet. It might take a while.

Snively almost caught me today.

You gotta bail, Unc. Come back to Knothole!

No way, Sonic. My job here is still vital.

Yeah, but it's getting mondo nasty.

It's the chance we have to take.

It's clear.

Better get that disk to Sally!

I'll let you know when I get the tanker schedule.

Be careful, Unc!

I will.

And all Doomsday engines will be ready for testing by midday tomorrow.

Are you on schedule with the fuel tankers?

A tad ahead, sir.

How much of a "tad", Snively?

Three minutes, sir.

Three whole minutes. Well.

Whatever would I do without you?

When does the fuel depart?

Dawn tomorrow, sir.


So, once we're attached, we inject water into the pipes marked "fuel test".

Any questions?

Oui, oui. I am having a question.

You are being so too beautiful today, my Princess.

That's not even a question, Antoine.

Oh, get a grip, Ant!

My hair!

Come here, little dove!

What's up, Sal?

This is it, guys. The tanker convoy leaves at dawn tomorrow.

Hedgehog alert! All units, do not fire! Apprehend!

What? There a problem here?

Been a gas! Later, Swat-butts!

Hedgehog, priority one.

Boy, this magno-vest sure makes me feel attractive.

Antoine, quiet!

My Princess!

Hold on, Antoine!

Got it.

Thanks, Antoine.

I would gladly to sacrifice my life for you, my Princess.

Oh, dear! That miserable little hedgehog!

What is it, Snively?

The hedgehog, sir. Units are in pursuit.

What about the convoy?

Transmitting, sir.

Snively, where are the other guards?

Pursuing the hedgehog, sir.

You fool! It's a diversion! Recall the guards and stop that convoy!

Hold your fire!

Return to stations!

Hey! What's up? Am I the priority hedgehog or what?


Comin' up on our bolt-hole, Sally girl.

Just one more, Bunnie.


We are doomed! Oh, no! I am too very young and handsome-

Button it, Antoine!

We are giving up!

We're not giving up without a fight, Antoine.

Get used to it!


Dust and bust time, guys!

Good ol' sugarhog!

Four times in four weeks!

How do they do it, Snively?

It's as though they know my every move.

Well, sir, I...

We have a spy.

Oh, man.

But wait, there's more. Yes. Swat-Bots to the left, Swat-Bots to the right,

but am I having a fear?

No, and no again

as I am snatching my Princess from the draws of death.

Yeah, right. Dream on, Ant!

You are not believing my story?

No way.

Oh, Antoine.

Bonjour, my Princess.

Antoine, you were very brave today.

Yes, I know.

And por vous my Princess, I would move... How you say? The molehills.

Well, I just wanted to thank you for rescuing me.

So magnifique!

I think I will croon.

I think I will hurl.


Sir! I was just...

Shut up, Snively!

Now you may speak.

Thank you, sir.

Snively! We have a spy in our midst.

Make an electronic sweep of headquarters immediately!

Yes, sir.

When I find that spy...

Rotor, how much longer do we have to wait?

Almost ready.

That'll do it. Ready girls?

Sugar, we've been ready for a month of Sundays.

This is it.

Oh my stars!

Rotor, where did you get that?

In the Great Swamp.

I modified the engines, so it really moves.

And I got another surprise.

Rotor, you finished it! Does it work?

Haven't tested it, yet.

I thought maybe you could help.

Oh, got something else here you'll like.

Isn't that one of Robotnik's security transponders?

Right. Which means...

...we can go anywhere!

We've found something, sir.

I was right.

Shall I destroy it, sir?

No, Snively. That's why you're the lackey.

I don't understand, sir.

I know.

You see, the bug will malfunction and the spy will come to replace it.

And when he does...

Here we go, Sally girl.

The transponder's gettin' a signal.

Come on, come on!

We're in!

Oh my Heavens to Bunnie!

Will you at that ugly old thing?

Only Robotnik could create something that horrible.

What's up with these headphones, Unc?

Bug malfunction. We'll have to replace it.

Cool. I was itchin' for some action. Where to?

Robotnik's warehouse.

I like the idea of using one of his own bugs to spy on him.

That's it.

Nicole, download plans!

Downloading, Sally.

Okay, we got the plans.

Then let's get the hoo-hah outta here!

This place gives me the heebie-jeebies.

In a second.


These are Robotnik's daily operations files.

Nicole, can you break the code on the one marked "Top Secret"?


Oh my gosh! He's on to Uncle Chuck's bug!

- Antoine!
- No, no, no. There is more.

When I am seeing my Princess in terrible dangers,

I leaped to the rescue-

Oh my!

Robotnik's on to Uncle Chuck. We gotta warn him!

No, no, no. I, Antoine,

the most bravest, most handsomest

and most charmingest, will warn Uncle Chuck.

Onwards and sideways, Dulcy.

Onwards and sideways?

Oui, oui. That is what I am saying.

Come on, Antoine! What are you doing in there?

Is Chuckie there?

No. He has flowned as a cuckoo.

Dulcy, you must go to the junk piles.

I will find Uncle Chuck.

You will?

You are doubtings my uncredible courage?

Of course.

Ha! I say to you. And ha again!


Priority one hedgehog!


Hedgehog alert! Hedgehog alert!

What I am doing? I could be captivated.

No. No! I must go or my Princess will think

I am a yellow jellied coward.

No. I am not wanting to be caughted. Perhaps...


Even hurted.

Oh my.


Well, well. The stupid spy has come in from the cold.


Trained as a squire from the Delmont Province.

This Antoine must have some weakness.

Of course. Perfect. Now I will break him like an egg.

Alright, alright. I must keep my controls, huh? Yes.

I must be too brave. Yes, too cool.

Steels of nerves.

I must be out of my mind.

Why you are humming that sinister dirge?

Now, I will make some Crepe Suzette.

You fuel! You are using too much of the butter. No, no.

Crepe Suzettes are thin and delicate-ed.

I know.


What's up, Unc?

Big problem. Antoine's been captured.

That's no problem.

Yes, it is. He'll talk.


Please to be stopping this terrible things!

Oh, man.

Are you going to talk?

Yes! No. Yes! No.

I cannot be disappointing to my Princess.

No! I will never talk!

Then I must make escargot!

But escargot are too special, you fiend.

They must be prepare-ed just right, you maniac!

Yes, yes, of course.

We start with plump, juicy snails.


A little garlic.

Oui again.


- butter?
- Oui, oui. Oh yes. Butter.


Margarine? Margarine?

You would cook escargot with margarine?

Oh but no! It will be too cruel, you fuel!

I... Okay, I give! Uncle! I will tell you everything.

Shut up, Ant!

Yo, Snerdly.

The hedgehog! Security!

The escargot! You must stop him!

- Get him! There he is!
- Priority one hedgehog, surrender!

No, Sonic! Go back! He's using margarine!

Do you not understand, you stupid?

Escargot must not be...

I see they found his weakness.

One of them.

I'll take him to the junk heaps. Meet you back here.


Oh, Bunnie!

What happened?

Tell you later. I gotta get back to Uncle Chuck.

Dulce, take Antoine back to Knothole!

No. No! I am...

Please, he is animal!

You do not know what he does to the escargot!

Ah, ah! No talking during take off, Tony!


We intercepted Robotnik's message about the bug.

Is Uncle Chuck okay?

So far but I want him outta there.

Gotta juice!

Snively, you will pay for this.

But sir, I've captured...

I'll have your miserable...

Sir Charles?

Yes, sir. The real spy.

It won't do you any good, Robotnik. I'll never talk!

Oh, but you will, Sir Charles.

All I have to do is plug you in.

Oh, no!

No way!

So, my old friend.

I am no friend. Scum.

You call me scum?

Perhaps you need an attitude adjustment.

Robotnik is supreme ruler.

- Supreme ruler.
- Better.

Much better.

Jam and ram time!

Now, Sir Charles, where is Knothole?

Sir Charles?

Knothole is located...

Get that hedgehog!

Thanks, Sonic. Now let's get out of here!

Taxi's waiting, Unc.

I hate you! I hate you both!

Uncle Chuck, you gotta come back to Knothole. Your cover's blown.

I anticipated that possibility.

Welcome to my new home!

Needs a little redecorating.

Cool, Unc, but Robotnik knows your face.

Yes, I know. Excuse me for a moment!

He's subborner than a ten-legged mule.

No way is he stayin' here.

We have to make him understand that.

Intruders. Priority one, hedgehog.

You should have seen your faces.

Sugar-Chuck, you scared a years' growth off me.

Gotta hand it to ya, Unc, you nailed us big time.

But I still want you back in Knothole.

There's plenty for you to do there.

When Robotnik is defeated,

we'll be together. Until then, I stay here.

Now take those long faces back to Knothole! I have work to do.

Bye-bye, Sugar-Chuck.

Bye, girls.

Be careful, Uncle Chuck.

Be cool, Unc.

See you soon, Sonic.

Take care of him for me!

We will, Uncle Chuck.

We will.