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01x04 - The Evergreen Grand Prix

Posted: 03/08/24 12:50
by bunniefuu

[tires squealing]

Cyril: Out of my way!!

I've got millions to make!

Bert: And I don't want a smelly
car factory

destroying our forest!

Cyril: When in doubt,
go for their throats!

In this case, their fuel supply.

[loud expl*si*n]


Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



As evening quietly descends
on the Evergreen Forest,

everyone has settled
in for the night.

Except for Cyril Sneer.

Cyril: And so it is with great
pride that I, Cyril Sneer

present to the press a
brilliant new automobile design,

the Sneermobile.

Designed by the college-trained
mind of my son, Cedric.

Audience: [murmurs]

Mr. Mammoth: [mumbles]

Sidekick: Providing, of course
that Mr. Mammoth here

sees your car's worth too.

Cyril: [chuckles]

A mere formality, of course.

Imagine it, Mammoth Motors,
mass producing on this site

the biggest car makers
in the universe

at work here, in the
Evergreen Forest.

Of course the forest
will have to make way for my

Sneermobile factory.

Press: Uuuuh..
[cameras clicking]

Cyril: The car of the future
built by Sneer and Mammoth.

Press: Aaah....
[cameras clicking]

Narrator: The following day,
Ralph, Melissa and Bert Raccoon

learn some disturbing news
from the morning newspaper.

Ralph: Cyril Sneer,

teaming with Mammoth Motors?!

To build a huge auto plant here?

This could be the end of
the forest as we know it.

Melissa: This could be
the end of our way of life.

Bert: Hey, this could
be the beginning

of a brand new career!

Ralph: What?!
A brand new career?

Bert: Yeah, Bert Raccoon,

test car driver!



Melissa: But Bert,
don't you understand

the danger of
something like this?

[pretend breaks squealing]


Bert: Oh...I do now.

Ralph: We can't let
Cyril Sneer get away with this.



Cyril: Hello!
What's that Mammoth?

You test-marketed our idea?

And you don't want a
solar-powered car?

Uhm, uh, oh..

Of course, you don't want
a solar powered car!

How could you sell,
Mammoth gasoline?

You think I didn't
think of that?

That's what I've been
saying all along.

We've got my son Cedric
to blame for this!

There'll be adjustments
made, Mr Mammoth.

Now don't you worry. I'm taking
care of the situation myself.

See you Saturday.



[birds chirping]

[machine humming]

Cedric: Okay, be careful now,
it's very fragile.

Easy, easy.


Perfect. It's
going to look great.

Cyril: Cedric?!
Cedric: Pop?

Cyril: Get rid of that thing!

Cedric: But Pop,
that's the solar panel.

It's crucial!

Cyril: So is
the Mammoth contract.

Get rid of that too.

A solar powered car!?

I told you time and time again,

when you were drawing up
those plants, Cedric,

a car has to eat gas!
Belch smoke and burn pavement!

And not necessarily
in that order!

Cedric: But Pop, you
approved everything.

Cyril: You must have
caught me in a good mood.

Don't just stand there, start
converting this contraption

into a road hog!!

The Pig: A road hog!? [laughs]

The Pigs: Oh good, oh good, Sir!

Cyril: Strip that body.

Get rid of that
excuse for an engine.

I want a real man's car!

Something oil refineries
are built on.

Cedric: Oh Pop, no!


♪ [gentle

♪ [gentle music]

Cedric: And so it looks
like there won't be

a solar car after all.

Sophia: Don't worry, Cedric,

maybe your dad will
change his mind.

Cedric: I don't think so.

[sad sigh]

Sophia: Oh, Cedric,

there must be
something we can do.

Ralph: Hi Cedric, hi Sophia.

Cedric: Oh, hi, g*ng!
Sophia: Hi!

Ralph: We read about
your father's deal

with Mammoth Motors, Cedric.

Bert: Yeah! And I don't
want a smelly car factory

destroying our forest.

It'll give me a headache.

Cedric: Uh, headache?

Factory? What factory?

Ralph: The factory your
father's going to build

to manufacture the Sneermobile.

Cedric: My Sneermobile?!

Bert: Huh?

You're the designer
of the Sneermobile?!

Cedric: The ex-Sneermobile.

It was supposed to be a simple
home assembly model,

but Pop's opted for one
that guzzles gas

and eats stop signs for

[rumbling sound]

[loud expl*si*n]

Bert: Hey!!!
Melissa: What was that?

[tires squealing]

The Pig: Clear out, clear out!

Ralph: What's going on here?

The Pig: Can't you see we're
blasting for the test track

for the big
trial-run on Saturday?

Clear out, clear out!!

Ralph: Test track? Trial run?!

Cedric: It's the contract.

If the Sneermobile passes the
final test run for Mr Mammoth,

Pop will get his contract.

Melissa: And the green
light for his factory.

Sophia: But he can't
get that approval.

We've got to do something.

Ralph: Hmm..

I've got an idea,
that just might work.

But it'll take everyone's help,

including Schaeffer and Broo.

Now here's my plan.

Cedric, you know the part...
Cedric: Yes..

Ralph: [whispers]
Cedric: Uh-hm!



Cyril: Careful,

Cyril: Careful, you

Cyril: Careful, you swine!

Ruin this opportunity for me,

and you'll all be invited
to a pig BBQ!

Heh! As the main course!

And don't forget,
I want that track finished

for the trial run on Saturday.


[oil pouring, tools clacking]

The Pig: Oh!


[loud honk!]


Cyril: How do you expect
to get any work done down there?

Get up! I've got
a deadline to meet!

♪ [suspenseful music]


Cedric: How can Pop
throw all this stuff away?

Schaeffer: Waste not, want not,
Cedric. Let's get busy.


♪ Here I go again,

♪ Falling out of love

♪ Falling in with someone new


♪ Here I go again,
Getting out of love ♪

♪ Forgetting there's
so much to lose ♪

♪ But I'm holding out for you

♪ Hoping that it's true

♪ I don't want somebody new


♪ Struggling in the dark

♪ Lost when we're apart

♪ No one makes me feel
like you do ♪

♪ Here I go again,
Falling for a line ♪

♪ No one but myself to blame


♪ Everywhere I turn,

♪ searching for a sign

♪ Fall victim to the
same old game ♪

♪ But I'm holding out for you

♪ Hoping that it's true,
I don't want somebody new ♪

♪ Don't want nobody new

♪ Struggling in the dark

♪ Lost when we're apart

♪ No one makes me feel
like you do ♪


♪ Ooh! ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh...



♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh...



[beeping sound]

Bert: Yahooo!

All: Wow!

Cedric: Well, that's
just about does it!

Sophia: What shall we call it?

Melissa: Well,
it's solar powered.

How about the Solar Coaster?

Bert: Alllrrriiigh!

The Solar Coaster.
Broo: [happy barking]


All: [cheering]

Schaeffer: It was
a real team effort.

All: [cheering]

Narrator: The raccoons knew
they had a fine car,

but what they didn't know
and feared most was,

could it save the forest?


Saturday came

Saturday came all

Saturday came all too

Saturday came all too quickly,

and Cyril Sneer's dream of a
Sneermobile and a giant factory

were just a few laps away
from reality.

Cyril: Heh, wait'll you see
the new Sneermobile, Mammoth.

It'll give the word blur
a new meaning. [laughs]

I'm sure this approval
won't take long.

Mr Mammoth: Eh! [mumbles]

Sidekick: Mr Mammoth says,

he hopes not.

Cyril: Uhm, ehm, ehm, eh..

[whispers] Get that
car out here, pronto!

The Pig: Yes, Sir, yes Sir!

The Bears: [chanting]



♪ [drum roll]


[distant squeaking]

Cyril: What is this Cedric?

Are you out of your
college-trained mind?!

Get this thing
off my test track!!

Melissa: What's
the matter, Mr. Sneer?

You wouldn't be afraid of
a little race, would you?

Cyril: A race?
Bert: Yeah!

A race, big shot!

Unless you're
afraid you'll lose?

Cyril: Cyril Sneer, lose?


And to that thing?!

Why, I'd never even
consider racing you!

Now beat it,
we've got work to do!

I wouldn't want to waste
your time, Mr Mammoth.

Mr Mammoth: [mumbles]

Sidekick: Mr Mammoth
enjoys a good contest.

Cyril: [burps]

Oh well, of course
he enjoys contests.

Don't we all? I know I do.

Like I said, you're on!

Bert/Cedric: [cheering]

Cyril: That pathetic
collection of scrap metal

doesn't stand a chance.

Bert: Owwww!

Cyril: I don't want to
take any chances here,

so make sure that toy sees
its first and last race.

Race Announcer: Haggis
Lamborgini here race fans,

and what a contest we've got
staged for ya today.

What might be Mammoth Motors
latest success story,

tests its skill against
a surprise entry,

an automobile actually
powered by the sun!


Gentlemen, start your engines!!



[beeping sound]

[loud rumble]

[motor revving]

Cyril: Wait'll you
see this, Mammoth!

Heh! Get that contract ready.

We'll be toasting
the town tonight.

How do you like caviar?


[engines rumbling]

[tires squeal]

The g*ng: [gasps]


Bert: Hey!!


Cyril: See? What did I tell you?

She's a born winner!

Prepare to keep the lead!

The Pigs: Yes, Sir, Yes,
Sir!Three bags full!






[siren sounding]

Bert: Huh?! Uh oh.

[siren wailing]

The Pig: Hold it, hold it,
pull over!

[siren wailing]

Bert: Is everything okay,

The Pig: That's some fancy
driving you was doing, boy!

Y'all got a license?

Bert: My.. um-oh-uh.. license?


Oh, he-he, here it is.


The Pig: Oh-oh-uoh-ooh!


Bert: What?!

Hey, you guys aren't
cops, you're pigs!



The g*ng: [gasps]


[tires squeal]

Cyril: See? What
did I tell you?

A car with a
healthy appetite?

It'll take that solar toaster

a half-hour to catch up.


What?! Already?

Ralph: You're doing great, Bert!

Schaeffer: Quick.
Let's check the oil.

More brake fluid, it's low.

Cedric: The solar panels
are holding up well.

All set?
Bert: All set!



Cyril: Now you bungling bundles
of bacon, get this straight

No more foul ups!
Pull out all the stops!

You got that?
All the stops!

[evil laughing]

Haggis: And at the halfway mark,

both cars are still in the race.

Cyril: Wait'll you see the lead
we take in this lap, Mammoth!

Heh! There'll be enough daylight
between us and them

to fill an Arctic summer!

[train crossing bell ringing]

[train crossing bell ringing]
[slow rolling]









The Pig: Wait! Wait, wait!!





[innocent laugh]


The Pigs: Uaaaah!

Cyril: You porkers couldn't
pour water out of a boot,

if the instructions were
written on the heel.


[slow quacking]

Bert: Hey, this is
April, isn't it?

They should be heading north.

[slow quacking]

The Bear: Quack-quack!

Bert: [giggles]


The Bears: [gasp]



Cyril: She'll be pulling in
any second now, Mammoth!

Miles ahead of the competition.


[tires squealing]



What did I tell you?
There she is now!


Haggis: And here
comes the leader.

Wait, it's, it's, it's, it's...

Melissa: Bert!!
Schaeffer: He's taken the lead!

Cyril: What?

The g*ng: [cheering]

[tires squealing]


The Pig: Change those tires

and fill her up
with high octane.

Cyril: Um, excuse me!

Melissa: You're
doing great, Bert!

Schaeffer: Just hold
on for one more lap.

Ralph: Everything looks okay,
you're all set!


Cyril: What's going on?

Don't you realize
we have a race to win?

The Pig: But Sir,
she's not ready.

Cyril: Not ready?!
Here, give me that helmet.

The Pig: But Sir...

It needs an overhaul!!

Cyril: Out of my way.
I've got millions to make.

[loud rumble]

The Pig: Oooh!

[tires squealing]
Cyril: [laughing]

[tires squealing]


Audience: [gasps]

Haggis: Incredible,
ladies and gentlemen!

Bert Raccoon looked like
he was out of this race

from the beginning, recovered
from so many great setbacks.

to gain the lead in
this grueling race!

Cyril: Enough of
this fancy stuff.

Let's get back to basics.

When in doubt, go
for their throats.

In this case, their fuel supply.


Mind if I smoke?

Kiss the sun goodbye, suckers!




The Pig: Oh goody, goody.

[giggles] Here comes the boss!

Cyril: Oh!
[tires squealing]

The Pig: Uh-oh! Oooh!

[tires squealing]

The Pigs: Oink-oink-oink!

Bert: Uh oh!
No sun, I'm stopping.


Time for the backup power!

The Pigs: Uaaaah!
Cyril: Hurry!

The Pigs: Uaaaah!
Cyril: Hurry up!

The Pigs: Uaaah!
Cyril: Huh?!


Bert: All right!

[bleep-blee- bleep]



[loud rumble]

Cyril: No more Mr. Nice Guy!

Time for turbo power!


[tires squealing]

The Pigs: Uh-ouh-uh-oh!


Haggis: Their too much

But what's this?


The Sneermobile is
back in the race!

Or what's left of it.

And it's closing fast
on Bert's tail.

What an incredible
turn of events!

It looks like it's going
right down to the wire!

Melissa: Come on, Bert!

Schaeffer: Go, Bert,
you can do it!

Broo: [happy barking]

Haggis: And with an incredible
burst of power,

the Sneermobile wins it!!

The Pigs/The Bear: [cheering]

Hooray, hooray for the boss!


The Bears: [distant cheering]

Cyril: I won! [laughs] I won!


Sidekick: Mr Mammoth says

you've got the contract.

Cyril: The contract.
Of course. I got the contract!


Who's got a pen?

Sidekick: But first, Bert,

Mr. Mammoth would like to
test the car personally.

Bert: Me. Me?!

Wha-wh-why.. of course!

What a beauty it is, Sir,

why she drives like a dream.

Cyril: Bert's car? What?!

That thing?
Wait a minute, I won!

I! Me!! We had a deal.

Mr. Mammoth: Peppy
little number, isn't it?

Bert: She sure is.

Cyril: Mammoth! Mammoth!!

I'll renegotiate.
I'll take a pay cut!

We'll only take 85%. How's that?



Mammoth, get back here!

I won fair and square!!

Mammoth! Mammoth!
Come back here!!

Narrator: Through inspiration,
imagination and teamwork,

Schaeffer and the Raccoons
accomplished quite a lot.

They proved to Mr Mammoth
that he could hedge his bets

with a marketable car that could
be built without a factory,

thereby preserving
the natural beauty

of the Evergreen Forest.

As for Cyril Sneer, well,

not one to miss a trick.

He collected the royalties
on Cedric's design

for years afterwards.

♪ [show theme music]


♪ Ooooooh


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got
everything you need ♪


♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes


♪ Run with us


♪ Oh-oh-oooh, run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪
