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02x01 - Double Play!

Posted: 03/08/24 12:57
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is
the Evergreen Forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for..

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]


♪ [gentle music]


For some, spring
spawns the dreams

that long, hot
summers are made of.

Like the dream of making
the big leagues.

a dream Bert and Cedric have
been sharing

for as long as they've been
playing the game together.


Bert: And it's a hard
grounder to Bert Raccoon,

who throws a perfect strike...

Cedric: ...into the
outstretched glove of

Cedric Sneer at first base!

Bert: And once again,
another perfect double play

is pulled off by this
incredible duo.

Cedric: What a team!
What a perfect pair?

Bert: Hey, pass me
a pop up, Cedric!

Cedric: Okay!

Bert: I got it! I got it!!



Cedric: Bert, are you OK?

Bert: Well, I'm fine...

except for this
pounding in my head.

[pounding sound]

Hey, what's going on?

- The sign says it all.

The Mammoth Mudhens are coming
through these parts next week,

on a barnstorming exhibition.

Bert: The Mammoth Mudhens. Wow!

They're the greatest!

Mind you, they haven't been the
same since Homer Pigeon retired.

- You wouldn't know of any
natural ball talent

around these parts, would you?
Cedric/Bert: Would we?!?

Cedric: There's some great
baseball talent around here.

- Well, Mr Mammoth has taken a

personal interest in
looking for prospects.

He has a fat, juicy
contract for the talent

with that special quality

to put the Mudhens back on top,
where they belong.

They'd certainly be interested
in playing a team... [giggles]

you could put together.

Cedric: They would?
Bert: Oh, this is incredible!

The Mammoth Mudhens,
here in the Evergreen Forest!

Uh, when?

- Say...this Saturday?

Bert: We'll be here!
You can bet on that!

Cedric: Big leagues,
here we come!

Bert: Yeeeehoooo!

One, two, one, two,

One, two...okay, okay...

Now, I want 1,000 sit-ups!
Come on. Let's go!

Ralph: Gee, Burt, aren't you
taking this a bit

too seriously?!

Schaeffer: Yeah Bert,
we're playing baseball,

not joining the Marines.

Bert: Oh,

all right, 500 sit-ups!

Just remember,
this is our big chance!

We play this game
on Saturday right,

and some of us will be Mudhens!

Melissa: Some of us, Bert?!

Bert: Yeah! Me and Cedric!

Oh, that reminds me..

Melissa, you take
over the practice.

I'm off to get the
second half of the greatest

combination in baseball! Ha-ha!

Cedric! Me without Cedric
would be like...

peanut butter without bananas,

campfires without marshmallows.

Ralph: [whispers]
Bert without a messy room.


Cyril: Up up, down.
Up up, down.

Cedric: Gee,
Pop doing exercises?

Cyril: ...down.

Darn stocks! If they're not up,

they're down!
Why do they annoy me...?

Cedric: Uh, I'm off
to practice, Pop.

Cyril: [grunts]
That's fine, son.

Why don't they buy...?

Cedric: Thre's big
game this Saturday.

Cyril: Um, great.

Cedric: It's for a
Major League contract. Bye!

Cyril: A Major League contract?

Why didn't you say so?

Cedric: Gee Pop, I didn't know
you were interested in baseball?

Cyril: Are you kidding, son?

Baseball's played on a diamond.

I love diamonds.
Diamonds are money!

But Cedric, look at you.

Cedric: Uhm...
what about me, Pop?

Cyril: Why, if you were a fish,
you'd be thrown back,

What you need is to train,
to build yourself up,

to develop the kind
of figure you'd find...

Cedric: Upff!
Cyril: the financial pages

under Sneer!

The big monies Cedric, goes
only to the big players!

Cedric: Keep up? I don't know.

Cyril: Cedric,

you do want to be
in the majors, don't you?

Cedric: Sure!

Cyril: You do want to sign
your name at the bottom

of a big, fat contract,
don't you?

Cedric: Gee Pop, I don't
care about the money,

I just wanna be
a Mammoth Mudhen.

Cyril: You will be
a Mammoth Mudhen,

with a Mammoth contract!

I'll get you the finest
equipment money can buy.


don't just stand there, Cedric!

Get to work!

Cedric: Sure, pop! Right away!

Pig 1: Sir, Sir,

there's a Major League

l..up for grabs!

right here,
in the Evergreen forest.

Pig 2: Ohh, there's
a fortune to be made,

even before arbitration.

Cyril: Listen, bacon breaths,

do you think I
spend my afternoons

with my nose buried
in the stock reports?

I've got Cedric out
in the field right now,

securing himself the
best spot in the lineup.

Pig 1: Well,
I hope he makes it, Sir,

because it's going
to be mighty tough.

Pig 2: Yes, Sir.
Only one can make it.

Cyril: Of course he'll make it.

What do you mean,
only one can make it?

Pig 1: Read the fine print, Sir.

Cyril: Let me see that!

Majors... Mudhen... contract...


Only one contract?

Well, if only one person
can win that contract,

we know, who it's gonna be,

don't we?

The Pigs: Yes, Sir!


Bert: Oh, boy, just
think of it! Haha!

Bert Raccoon and Cedric Sneer

in Major League Baseball.

The dazzling duo...

our faces on bubble gum cards.

Kids asking us to
sign their gloves.

Traveling long distances

in a crowded, sweaty bus.

[laughs] It's just
too wonderful to imagine!

[car horn honking]
[tires screeching]

Couriers: This way,
hey, careful with that

pitching machine!
Hey, watch your toes!

Bert: Uh-ah...

Courier: Sign here Mac.
Yeah, thanks lot, eh?

Bert: Uuugh!

Uh...pitching machine?!

Cyril: What are you doing here?

Bert: I'm here to see Cedric.

Cyril: Cedric's busy! Scram!
Bert: Busy?!

But we're supposed to practice
together this afternoon.

Cyril: Cancelled!
Bert: What?!

But...we're an
unbeatable team,

we're inseparable.

Cyril: That's history!

Read the fine print.

Bert: [mumbling]

One contract?

Only one contract?

Cyril: Ha-haa! And Cedric's busy

getting himself into
shape right now

to win the one
and only contract.

Bert: What?!
I don't believe this!

Cedric wouldn't
do this without me.

Cedric: Hey Pop,
these new uniforms are great

and I love all this equipment!

Bert: Pop...uhm, ehm...

You mean Cedric's going
to go for the contract

by himself?

Cyril: You catch on quick.

Bert: Well, equipment
on no equipment,

if there's only one contract
to be won around here,

I'm gonna win it!

Because I'm the best ballplayer

in this neck of the woods.

Ha! I never heard
of such a thing!

Cedric: Pop, what's going on?

What does Bert mean
he's the best ball player

in this neck of the woods?
We work together.

Cyril: Not anymore, son.

The Mammoth Mudhens are
offering only one contract.

Cedric: Only one?!

Cyril: Yeah, the one
you're gonna win, son!

Cedric: Gee, Bert
competing against me?

I don't believe it.

After all those years of
playing the game together.

Cyril: Come here, my son.

Cedric: Well, that's it.

If there is a contract
to be won around here,

it's Cedric Sneer
who's gonna win it!

Bert: Yeah well, Cedric and I

will never be friends again.

Melissa: Now Bert, I'm sure
it's just a a misunderstanding.

Bert: No. I understand alright,

Cedric's got the
best of everything.

Batting cages, pitching
machines, uniforms,

and what have I got?!

Melissa: Talent?

Bert: Yeah, no fancy equipment.


[laughs] Yeah!

And an awesome talent.

Incredible ability,

an arm like a slingshot!

The eye of an eagle.

Melissa: And the helping
hand of a coach, Bert!

Bert: I do?! Who?

Melissa: Me!
Bert: You?

What do you know about baseball?

Melissa: Well, I know that
it takes hard training,

discipline and teamwork.

Bert: Yeah, teamwork!

Me and my awesome ability!

Bert Raccoon,

the new star of the Mudhens!

♪ Nobody knows us
when we're coming out ♪


♪ Nobody shows us what to do


♪ No one can tell you
what growing up ♪

♪ is all about


No one can live
your life for you


We're growing up,

Growing up


♪ We will find our way

♪ Growing up,


♪ Showing up


♪ Always knew someday

♪ That growing up,


♪ Growing up

Bert: Yahooo!

Cedric: Hello Melissa!
Bert: Huh?!

What are you doing here?!

Did one of your
machines breakdown?

Melissa: Oh, I forgot
to tell you, Bert.

I invited Cedric
to practice with us.

Bert: What?!
Melissa: Well, after all Bert,

we all have to play together.

Bert: Not when there's only one
contract to be won, we don't!

Let's just call it quits for
this afternoon, Melissa,

Aaah, after all,
when you're hitting

outside-the-park bunts...

Cedric: Yeah, sorry Melissa,
I can't practice either.

I'm too tired.

I hit so many baseballs

into the streets this morning

that our weatherman
reported snow.

Bert: Ohh...[laughs]

Listen guys, we're gonna need

one another in the big game.

I think you two should consider

patching up your differences.
Bert: [laughing]


Bert: Oh, okay.

By the way, Cedric,
good luck in Saturday's game.

Cedric: Oh, gee...thanks Bert.

Bert: You're gonna need it!


Cedric: Funny, I heard
you weren't gonna be

in Saturday's game, Bert.

Bert: Oooh?!
Cedric: Word is,

they can't find a batting helmet

big enough for your head.


Bert: Well, there's only one
resident of the Evergreen Forest

who's ever gonna play
in the World Series,

and that's me.

Cedric: Says who, big shot?

Bert: Says me, hose nose?

Melissa: Come on, guys?

[car horn honking]

[tires screeching]

The Pig: Master Cedric,

your father wants you back
at the house...immediately!

Pig 2: Your special
batting coach has just arrived.


Bert: Batting coach?!
Pig 3: Yes, Homer Pidgeon!

Pig 1: And he doesn't want
to be kept waiting, Sir.

Cedric: Well, let's not
keep them waiting then, boys!

Goodbye Melissa.

[car engine revs]

Vendor: Popcorn!

Duck Snyder: Welcome Baseball
fans to this afternoon's

all important game.

I'm Duck Snyder, yes Sir, and
we're awaiting the arrival

of the Mammoth Mudhens.

Cyril: Cedric, hustle
when you're out there!

By the end of this game, uh...

♪ [dramatic music]

Mr. Mammoth...ehm...

speaking on behalf
of my son, Cedric,

who has an arm like a cannon,

runs like an antelope,

and looks like an aardvark,

let me assure you that

that contract is as good as won.


Mr. Mammoth: [mumbles quietly]

Duck: Mr. Mammoth says,
he'll be the judge of that.

Cyril: Ah, right!
Of course he will.


- Playball!

Snyder: The leadoff hitter
for the Evergreen Giants

is Cedric Sneer.

Cyril: Wait 'til you
see my son at bat, Mammoth!

You'll be naming a
candy bar after him.


Snyder: It's a solid line drive
and Sneer is safe at 1st!

Cyril: That a boy, Cedric!

You've got almost as
much power at the plate,

as I've got at the bank!

Snyder: Bert Raccoon now
steps up to the plate.

We're gonna see somethin' here.

- Strike one!

Cedric: [chuckles]

Snyder: Here's the pitch.

Bert connects!

And both runners are safe!

Cyril: You're next up to bat,

I want you to bring Cedric home,

but not that grandstanding
Raccoon. Understand?

The Pigs: Yes, Sir!

Cyril: [chuckles]

That Raccoon's committed
his first and last error...

entering this game.

Pigs: [laughing]

Snyder: Well fans,
with Lloyd Pig at bat,

the Evergreen Giants
are threatening.

They got a man on 1st and 2nd

and none, I say, not one out.

Here's the pitch...


The base runners
get a good jump!

Bert: Upff!

[fly buzzing]

Cedric: Upff!

[fly buzzing]
Pig: Ooops!

Snyder: A triple play!

Cyril: Oh! I don't believe it!

Get out on that field
and redeem yourselves!

Snyder: And now the
Mudhens come to bat.



Melissa: For heaven's sake,
guys, we're on the same team!


Snyder: And it's a pop-up
to the short stop.

Bert: Come on, baby!

Hey! Whoops! Au!

Cyril: [laughs]

Snyder: What a catch! Ooo-wee!

Why, this short stop can
catch 'em in his sleep!

Cyril: Ohh!

Snyder: It's a towerin' hit.

The Evergreen Giants
have it covered.

He's out!

But a Mudhen slips home!

Cyril: I can't believe it!

This is a game of baseball,

not a tug of w*r!

Snyder: Well fans, fortunately
for the Evergreen Giants,

Melissa Raccoon has
kept this game close.

Oh! It's goin''s goin'...


...and it's a hard grounder
to the short stop.

Ohh...what a snag!

And that brings the Mudhens
top hitter to the plate.

Jeepers, did he connect!

An inside the park home run!

That is a first
for this announcer...

And as we head to
the top of the 9th,

the Evergreen Giants
come to bat,

down 5 to nothin'

and this is their
last chance, folks.

Melissa: I think it's time
we talked, guys.

Bert: Yeah, and maybe
Cedric will start listening.

Cedric: Pfffthhwwww!

Melissa: Listen to you two,

if you don't smarten up,

not only will you
lose that contract,

you'll lose a lot
more than that!

Melissa's right, fellas.

Teamwork wins games.

Ralph: And it's
our only hope now.

Melissa: Now, come on!

Schaeffer: Yeah, let's hustle!

Ralph: Alright!

♪ [upbeat music]
[crowd cheering]


Snyder: This game
has come to life!

Two runs and the bases
are still loaded.

Pig 1: Look at the boss,

he's giving you the secret
sign to wait!

Now he wants you to stay...

No, steal again...

[confused] Traded?!

[screams] Aaaah!

- Safe!!
Snyder: What a steal!

and the Evergreen Giants
are now only down by two.

[crowd cheering]

Cyril: Thinking signing bonus
yet Mammoth? [chuckles]

[crowd cheering]

Snyder: We are in
the bottom of the 9th.

Can the Evergreen Giants

maintain their surprising

It's an easy pop up.

And the winnin' run is on 1st.


Snyder: Oops! The Hens
are one away...


Two out!

- Striiiike one!

Bert: Let him hit it, Melissa,

so I can catch the last out.

- Striiiike two!

Cedric: This one's
is mine, Melissa!

Just let him hit it!

Just one more strike, Melissa!

♪ [dramatic slow motion music]

Oh, I've got this one!
It's all mine!

Snyder: Well, this
should do it, fans.

Bert/Cedric: Ugh!
Snyder: Oh wait!

What a collision!

The ball pops loose and
rolls into left field!

The tying run crosses the plate,

and the go ahead run
is not far behind!

And here's the play
at the plate!

- SAFE!!

Cyril: Aaagh!

[crowd booing]

Cedric: We lost!

Bert: We sure did!

The game, the contract,

and our friends.

Cedric: I...think we
owe everyone an apology.

Bert: I think...
we'd better do it together.

Cedric: Yeah, I guess we always

did work better as a team.


Cyril: So, uh...we have
a contract then? [chuckles]

Mr. Mammoth: [mumbles]

Duck: Mr. Mammoth says,

he does.

We know who the contract's for,
right, Bert?

Bert: Right! It's for Melissa.

Cyril: [upset]

Duck: You did play well,
Melissa, but...

Cyril: That's right!!

It's for...
Duck: You!

Cyril: Uh?

Duck: The Mudhens have plenty
of players of potential,

but Mr Mammoth thinks
what's really needed is

an aggressive manager...

like you.
Cyril: Me?!

Of course me! Huh!

Where's the contract?

What?! This is a paltry sum!

Where's the multi-million
dollar contract?!

Duck: Those are for players.

Cyril: What?!

Ball players are born
every day of the week!

A great, strategic mind

comes along once in a lifetime!

I've invested a fortune in
hard earned cash and time.

And this is my return??

Mr Mammoth: [mumbles]
Feisty little guy, isn't he?

Hm, too bad!

Cyril: Mammoth, come back!

You can use a pitching machine.

I can sell you one, hardly used.

Bert: Hey, Cedric, old buddy,

hit me a pop up!

Cedric: Okay, Bert,
but you better move back!

Melissa: I'll take first.
Bert: Alright!

[happy laughter]

♪ [show theme music]

Bert: Me and Cedric,
what a team! [chuckles]

Weren't we the perfect pair?


♪ When darkness falls

♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid

♪ Wipe that fear
from your eyes ♪


♪ If desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything you need

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
