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02x05 - Stop the Clock!

Posted: 03/08/24 12:59
by bunniefuu

Narrator: This

Narrator: This is

Narrator: This is

Narrator: This is
the Evergreen

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for..

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]


♪ [gentle music]

Narrator: Springtime
in the Evergreen Forest.

The new leaves on the trees.

The return of the Robin.

And the dust billowing
out of Sneer mansion,

as Cyril Sneer and
the pigs clean up,

making out with the old
and in with the new.

Snag: Eeeeh-ugh!

The Pig: Uuuuh-ugh-uhg-uuuugh!

Cyril: Look at this,

the first annual
Evergreen Forest games.

Huh! What's the prize?

Pig 1: Sir, it's the
prestigious athletic cup.

Cyril: They call that a trophy?!

In my day you needed
to be a real athlete

to win a track and field event!

And I should know,
I won enough of them!

[crowd cheering]

Ah, if I were only

I'd give anything to
relive those days.

Pig 2: Anything?

You know guys, anything
just might mean a raise.

Pig 3: A raise?

- Ohh boy!
- But that's impossible!

The boss can never be his old,
I mean, young-self again.

[vacuum humming]

Pig 2: Well, maybe he
could be young again.

Pig 1&3: Oooh...yes!!

Broo: Woof!
Bert: [heavy breathing]

Boy Broo,

If I can pick this up, I'm a
cinch to win the forest games,

[heavy breathing]
that...that cup is all mine!

[out of breath]

The way I figure it,
if I can run 5 miles a day

for the next week,

by Monday, I should be


[heavy breathing]

Oh boy! I...I feel
stronger, already.

[heavy breathing]

Oh! Oh-huh!


Come on, Broo.

Broo: [happy barking]

Melissa/Ralph: [chewing]

Bert: [wheezing]

Melissa: Hi Bert,
how was your run?

Bert: [wheezing]


Melissa: That's nice.

Ralph: I'm glad to see your
runs getting easier, Bert.

Bert: [struggling]

Ralph: Guess what
Burt, good news!

We're going to have a house
guest for the next few days.

Melissa: That's right, Bert.
Cousin Bentley!

Bert: A kid, here?
Hey, that's great Melissa!

I can take him fishing
and canoeing

and to the home
improvement shows...

You know, all of the
things kids like.

Melissa: Gee Bert,
Bentley may not be exactly

the kind of kid you expect.

Bert: Ahh, kids are kids.
Plain and simple.

I never met one I didn't like!

Yaaahoooo! Ha-haaa!

Someone to train
for the games with!

Cedric: Hi, pop.

Cyril: [grunts]

Cedric: Hey, pop, can I borrow
those old track shoes of yours,

and your old varsity sweater?
It's for the track meet.

Cyril: These shoes and I saw a
lot of good years together.

And this sweater, it went great
with my old raccoon skin coat.

Cedric: Pop!!!
Cyril: Just a joke Cedric.

Here, guard them with your life.

Cedric: Uhm, thanks, pop.

Cyril: Yep, those were the days.

Annoucer: Ladies and gentlemen,

in the 100 yard dash,

Cyril Sneer takes first place.

In the long jump,
Cyril Sneer, 1st place.

For sportsmanlike conduct,

Cyril Sneer, last place.
[audience booing]

Cyril: Aaah,
those were the days.


Were they ever!
Pig: Sir, Sir!

Cyril: What's the big idea,

barging in like this?
Invading my privacy?

Pig 2: Sir, we have the answer
to your problem.

Cyril: What?!
What are you blabbering about?

Pig 1: We can
make you young again.

The Pig 3: Look at this, Sir.

Cyril: [grunts]

The search for the
Fountain of Youth?

What's this all about?

Pig 2: According
to this book, Sir,

one sip from this legendary
elusive fountain

can give someone eternal youth.

Cyril: Eternal youth?!



Find it immediately!!

Pigs: Ohh, yes Sir,
yes Sir! Immediately!

Oh joy, oh bliss!!

Melissa: Bert, come on down!

There's someone here to see you.

Bert: I'll be right there!

Yay! Aaaaah!
[thump thump thump]


Oh, h-h-hi!

You must be Bentley?

Bentley: And you
must be hurt.

Bert: [giggles]
That's, um, Bert.

How was your trip?

Bentley: Fine,
how was yours?

Melissa: Bentley, you're going
to be sharing Bert's room.

Bentley: Mr Bert,
pleased to interface

with your acquaintance.

Bert: Hey, smart kid there!

He knows a foreign language!

By the way, Bentley...


Um, Melissa, is Bentley
always this friendly?

Melissa: Well,
he's never had a chance

to make friends very easily.

His family moved so much
that he never lived

in one place long enough,

and now his computers
come to mean a lot to him.

Bert: Well, it's come to
mean a little too much to him,

if you ask me.

I think it's
time he found out

what a real
friend can be.

Hey Bentley, old pal, uhm...

why don't you set up
this thing later?

Hey, let's have a game
of Chinese checkers,

Well, how about a
friendly game of cards?

I could set up
the ping pong table?


Bentley: No Bert, according
to my careful calculations,

playing games can be
hazardous to your health.

Bert: Ahh boy!

Ralph: Gee Bert, maybe you
should take Bentley outdoors

and and show
him the forest.

Bert: Yeaaah!
Hey, good idea, Ralph!

Come on Bentley, what do you say

we go outside and have some fun?

Melissa: The fresh air
will do you boys good!

Bentley: All right,
if I have to.

Bert: That's
the spirit, Bentley.

We'll be buddies.
Just you and me.

Aaaand...uh, your computer.

Here comes a beauty, Bentley!

A perfect pop up!

Hey, it's all yours! Go for it!


Isn't this a great fun, Bentley?

Bentley: Allowing
for human error

and according to the figure
being presented to me now,

the ball should hit..
[computer beeping]


Bert: Bentley, Bentley
speak to me! Bentley!

Cyril: The pole strikes ground.


Ugh! Uuuh-uh-uugh!

Cedric: Pop, pop, are you okay?

What are you doing on the
ground? With that pole?!

Cyril: Ah, looking for worms.

Gonna do a little fishing.

Cedric: You should
be more careful, pop.

Someone your age could get hurt.

Cyril: Uhm, someone my age?! Ha!

I'd love to show all those
young upstarts a thing or two.

Now where was I?

Sneer begins his run.

He's really building
up momentum now!

The crowd is cheering
like never before.

The pole strikes ground,

Sneer is up.. up.. up..



Got to get the Bears
to cut down those trees.

Bert: Gee Bentley, I thought
you had that ball for sure.

You were right under it!
Oh well, that's OK.

Tomorrow, we're
gonna play football.

Yeah, footballs are
much easier to catch.

And after that, you can help me

practice for the Forest Games!

Bentley: Bert, enough!!

I prefer that tomorrow
weren't like today!

Bert: Huh?! W-w-what
does that mean?

Bentley: Today I tried
everything you wanted me to

and what have I got
to show for it?

Melissa: Gee Bentley,
Bert was just trying to show you

how much fun games
can be. He meant well.

Bentley: He made me feel unwell.

I just want to sleep now, OK?

Bert: Ok.. ok.
Goodnight Bentley.

Melisa: Goodnight.

Bert: Hey Melissa,
what am I doing wrong?

What have I got to do to
get through to that kid?

Pig 2: I can't wait
until we find that Fountain.

One sip and the boss
will be a new younger man!

Pig 1: [giggles] And we'll
have ourselves that raise!

Pig 2: So what
are we waiting for?

We're not getting
any younger.

♪ [playful music]

[rumbling sound]

[water spraying]

Pig 3: Boy, am I tired!

Pig 1: We've searched
the whole forest,

and we still haven't found it!

Pig 2: But we
can't give up yet!

If we come back without water
from the Fountain of Youth,

the boss will be writing us
a euology instead of a check!

Pig 1: Where else
is there to look?

Bert: Trust me, Bentley.
Wait 'til you taste this!

Something I've never
shared with anybody...ever!

Just like that sweater.

Here it is, Bentley!

Bert Raccoon's own

peanut butter soda!


What?! Eh,
let me taste that.


Hmm, maybe it could
use a little more water.


Aaah! He-he!

That's better.

Here Bentley,
you'll love it now.


Bert: [giggles] Well?

Bentley: It's OK,
I've had better.

Pig 1: Did you see that?

Pig 1: Did you see that?
I don't believe it.

Wait, he's turned into a kid.

We've gotta get that bottle!

Pig 1: Eureka!!
We've got that raise! Come on.

♪ [upbeat music]

♪ Nobody knows us
when we're coming out ♪


♪ Nobody shows us what to do

♪ No one can tell you
what growing up ♪

♪ is all about

♪ No one can live
your life for you ♪

♪ We're growing up,

♪ Growing up

♪ We will find our way

♪ Growing up,

♪ Showing up

♪ Always knew someday

♪ That growing up,

[slapping sound]
Cyril: Uuuh...Aaaah! Oooh!

If I gave out as much as
my back does, I'd be broke.

There's.. ugh.. got to be..

uuuh.. an easier.. aaah.. way.

Pig 2: Boss, boss,
we have it, we have it!

Pig 3: The magical formula
from the Fountain of Youth.

Pig 2: This will make you

Pig 1: We've seen it work sir,
with our very own eyes!

Pig 2:
..and seeing is believing!

Uhm.. isn't it, Sir?
Cyril: [gulp-gulp]

Pheeew! This
stuff tastes terrible!

It must be good for me.


Eh, strange taste, would
go well with jelly!

Pig 2: My, my Sir,
you certainly look younger.

Pig 3: And you feel
younger, don't you, Sir?

Cyril: Do I look
like I feel younger?

Pigs: Ohh yes Sir, yes Sir!

No doubt about it, Sir!

Cyril: Then it works!

Pig 2: It works, it works!

Ohh, you're a boy wonder, Sir!

Pig 1: The King Titan.

Cyril: I'll say, I am!
The Bear: Ugh?!

Cyril: Yahoo! Get my
equipment ready, boys!

Tomorrow I'm going to
show the world

the Cyril Sneer of old

and new hot diggity yahoo,

we're in the money! Hahaaa!
We're in the money!

d*ck Ermine:
Ladies and gentlemen,

the first annual Evergreen
Forest Games are about to begin.

I'm d*ck Ermine, and my colour
commentator this afternoon

is Melissa Raccoon.

Melissa: Thank you d*ck, and
hello to everyone in the forest.

[crowd cheering]

Here are the rules.

The competitor who accumulates
the most points over today's

declared the winner.

Ralph: Say Bert,
where's Bentley?

d*ck: Will the entrants
in the first event

now take their places?

Wait a minute,
ladies and gentlemen,

we have a last-minute entry.

Cyril Sneer!

[crowd gasps]

Bert: Cyril Sneer?!

Cedric: Pop! You?!

Bert: Me competing
against Cyril Sneer?!


Aaah.. that Cup's already
got my name on it.

Cyril: Save your
breath, Raccoon.

You're gonna need
it for the race!

Where's that formula?


I feel like I could leave
a jack rabbit in the dust.

d*ck: On you mark..

Get set..


[crowd cheering]

d*ck: ..and Bert Raccoon

takes the first big step towards

winning the Athletic cup.

Cyril: Aaaaah! Don't get
too excited, Raccoon!

I was just warming up.

d*ck: Ladies and gentlemen,

our next event - the hurdles.

[crowd cheering]

[crowd booing]

Cyril: Ha-haaa! Ha-ha!
Now that's more like it!

I'm feeling younger
by the minute.

d*ck: There's no question
who's won this event.

Cyril Sneer's performance

was nothing short of remarkable.

Melissa: This is a big
upset for Bert, d*ck.

He had his heart set on winning
all of these events so much.

d*ck: And as we
near the final turn,

Bert Raccoon and Cyril Sneer
are neck-and-neck.

♪ [dramatic music]

But wait...!
[crowd gasps]

... right behind
is Sophia Tutu!

And it's Sophia Tutu
with a strong finish!

But look, Bert Raccoon's
been hurt!

Well, it doesn't look to me
like he's going to be able

to take part in any of
the other events today.

Melissa: Ohh, these games
meant so much to Bert.

d*ck: How do you account for an
injury like that, Melissa?

Melissa: He didn't train
the way he planned to.

He's been preoccupied with
something else lately.

Bert: Ouch. Ah-eh!

Oooh, I think
I pulled something.

Cyril: Yeah, a cheap stunt
to back out of the race!

Well, it won't be as fun for me,
winning that cup

without any competition,

but it'll still be a pleasure!


Bentley: Without
competition, Mr Sneer?

Cyril: What?! Stay out
of my way, short stuff,

or you'll be eating dust!

d*ck: We have a
last minute entrant

in the final two events,
ladies and gentlemen,

Bentley Raccoon.

Pig 2: Do you see what I see?

Bert Raccoon and the
little guy who looks...

just like him.

Pig 1: Oh, that means that
our discoveries a fake!

Pig 2: Oh no!!

What are we going to do?

Melissa: Bentley,

will first be participating
in the long jump.

[crowd cheering]

d*ck: Aaaand a very good
jump for Sophia Tutu.

Pig 2: Uhm, Sir.. um..

may we have a word with you?


Pig 2: Uhm.. Sir?


d*ck: What a jump
for Cyril Sneer!

Raplh: Gee Bert, I can hardly
believe that's Cyril Sneer!

Bentley will really have
to try his hardest

to beat that jump.

d*ck: And now for
Bentley Raccoon.

[crowd cheering]

d*ck: He did!

He did it!

Bentley Raccoon has
ex*cuted a record jump!


Cyril: What?! Record jump?

Phaaa! Beginner's luck!

Ralph: Bert, Bert,
did you see that jump?

Bert: Yah!

Cyril: Hand over the
Fountain of Youth elixir!

My specialty is coming up!

The pole vault!

Pig 2: [chuckles] Sir,

maybe this stuff isn't all

that it's cracked up to be?
Cyril: Nonsense!

How can you tell me
that it isn't working

when I'm one point away
from taking the cup.


There, I feel I could
jump so high,

I'll be the first tycoon
in outer space!


[crowd cheering]

Cyril: Ugh! You
call that a jump?

Now lift that bar!

I want it higher!!

Pig: Ugh-oh!
Higher, Sir?

Cyril: Higher!! Higher then
my bank's interest rates!!

No, no, not 2 inches higher!

Two feet!

d*ck: Well, I really don't know
what Cyril Sneer is doing...

[crowd gasps]

He's placed that bar at a height
that he can't possibly clear.

♪ [dramatic music]

Cyril: Wohooo!

[crowd gasps]

d*ck: I don't believe it.
Ladies and gentlemen,

I just don't believe it!

[chuckles] Cyril Sneer
cleared the bar!

What a show Cyril Sneer
is putting on today..

The way things are going, that
cup will belong to Cyril Sneer!

That is if Bentley Raccoon
doesn't beat him here.

[keyboard clicking]

♪ [drumroooolllll]

Cyril: I win!! I won!!!

d*ck: And the winner..

with the most total points..

Cyril Sneer!!!

Cyril: We're in the money!
Ha ha! We're in the money!

Bentley: I wanted to win
that cup for you, Bert,

for all you've done for me.

I'm sorry I let you down.

Bert: Don't be sorry Bentley,
just like doing it,

you did something for
both you and me, pal?

Bentley: Boy, I sure
learned a lot about games.

I never realized it
could be this much fun.

Melissa: Well, you did
have an expert teacher.

You learned it from Bert

and there's nobody better
at playing games.

All: [laughing]

Journalist: Mr. Sneer
that was a remarkable

display of agility.

How could someone
your age do it?

Cyril: With this!

Sneer's own rejuvenating formula

developed by yours truly!

And I plan to mass-market this

truly amazing
concoction any day now.

Ask for it by name.

It'll be available in
all Snear's supermarkets,

Sneer's drugstores.
Bert: [gulp-gulp]

Heeey, this is my
peanut butter soda!

Cyril: Peanut.. butter.. soda?

Bert: Made from
my secret formula.

Right, Bentley?

Cyril: Why you
bumbling bacon bits!

You mud rolling morons!

The next time we enter
one of these things,

you'll be assigned
your own locker.

The meat locker!

[cracking sound]
Oooh! my.. aching back!

Bert: Come on Bentley,
let's go home.

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls

♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid

♪ Wipe that fear
from your eyes ♪


♪ If desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything you need

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
