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02x09 - Courting Disaster!

Posted: 03/08/24 13:03
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen Forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]


[distant chatter]

Narrator: Anyone in the
Evergreen forest can tell you

that Lady Baden-Baden's parties
are truly grand events.

And as you can see,
her annual Strawberry Social

is the highlight of the season.

Melissa: It was good of you
to take Sophia's place

as social columnist, Bert.

Bert: If I've known
how dull it would be,

I'd of had second thoughts.

Lady Baden-Baden:
Uuuuh! The press!

I'm so delighted
you're here.

Bert: Ah, Lady Daniels wore
an atrocious hat.

Melissa: Bert!
Bert: [giggles]

Oh all right,

well, I guess I'll go see what

titillating tidbits
I can pick up.

Melissa: Okay, Bert,
I'll get a few more photos.

Bert: Pst! Hey, buddy!

Have you got any peanut butter?

Huh! Some party!

No peanut butter?

How can you have a party
without peanut butter?!

Boy! I never seen a
set up like this before.

Cyril: I don't care
what you say!

I think she's fine stock, Knox!

Mr Knox: And I think
you're playing with fire!

Getting involved so quickly.

Cyril: Sooner or later you've
got to take the plunge.

It'll be a great partnership.

I think we were
made for each other.

Mr Knox: So, when do
you make the proposal?

Cyril: Tomorrow! [laughs]

Mr Knox: Hmm, well, the
best of luck to you, Sir.

Lady Baden-Baden:
Uuuh, Mr Sneer, and Mr Knox!

My two favourite men!

And what are you
two talking about?

Mr Knox: Why, ma'am,

The only topic worthy
of discussion,

your bountiful
charms and beauty.

Cyril: Ehm!

Yeah, charms!

Lady Baden-Baden:
Uuuh.. [giggles]

Oh, my-my-my-my-my!

Flattery will
get you everywhere!

Now, who would like to dance?

♪ [tango music]


Bert: Cyril Sneer?!

Getting married?!


Naaah! Couldn't be.

He ain't the type!


Mr Knox: Oh, man!

You're playing with fire, Sneer,

and you're gonna get burned.

[camera click]

Cyril: So, let's get
together in this real soon.

I think, we'd be
dynamite together!

And I think it's about time
we tied the knot, signed CS.

Got all that?!

The Pig: Oh, yes Sir!

Cyril: Get that out
to Mammoth right away.

This will be the business
proposal of the century!

When Mammoth hears my terms,

he'll jump at the merger.


And I'll show Knox!
Playing with fire indeed.


Ohh, and while you're out,

drop off this note
to Lady Baden-Baden.

It's a thank you for
the party last night.

The Pig: No problem boss.

Cyril: Where is Cedric?
I haven't seen him all morning.

There's work to be done.

The Pig: [coughing]

[low voice]
In the kitchen, Sir.


The Pigs: [coughing]

The Pig 2: It smells like
the boss has been smoking

old sweat socks in here.

[wind swishes]

The Pig 3: Now look
what you've done!

[gentle blowing]


The Pig 1: Uh oh, we'd
deliver these right away.

[hoof tapping]

Cedric: [humming happilly]

Cyril: Cedric, what
do you think you're doing?

Cedric: Ohh, hi, Pop!
I'm baking a cake.

It's for the Young Aardvark
Society bake sale.

Cyril: [grunts]

[reading] To all
mothers of young aardvarks,

once again we ask
you to contribute

baked goods for our annual sale.

Do you want me to help?

Cedric: No, Pop.
I'm doing all right.

Cyril: Maybe I,
I could hire someone

to do this sort of thing.

Cedric: Nah, I like doing it.

Cyril: Why don't you go
out and buy a nice cake?

Cedric: Nah, it just
wouldn't be the same.

Cyril: Well, do you want me to
come along to the bake sale?

Cedric: Oh no,
that's all right, Pop.

I know, you don't
like those things.

Cyril: Ah.. well, buy me
your cake at the bake sale.


Oops! See if you can
get a good deal. [laughs]

Cedric: Sure, Pop.

Cyril: Yes, well,

as soon as you're finished, ehm,

come on upstairs
and cook some books.


Cedric: Will do, Pop!

Cyril: [sad sigh]
I'm only a father.

[door bell chime]

Lady B-B: Yes?

The Pig: Letter
from Cyril Sneer.

Lady B-B: Oh! How nice.

Thank you. You may go! Ta-ta!

[door clangs shut]

The Pig: [imitating]
Oh! You may go! Ta-ta.

The Pig 2: Well, we'd better
get this other one to Mammoth.

Lady B-B: Ugh-uh-uuh.

And I think, it's about
time we tied the knot!

Oh, my-my-my-my-my!


Bert: Oh, I don't know, Melissa,

my social column's a bit dull.

I'll bet Sophia would
have done a better job.

Melissa: I'm sure
it's fine, Bert.

Ralph: It's all in
how you write it.

Bert: You know for a while there
I thought I had some real news.


I thought,
I heard Cyril Sneer


talking about getting married!


Schaeffer: Now, that
would be some story!

Lady B-B: Yuuuhuuu!

Good morning!

Oh, isn't it a
simply beautiful day?

Ralph: Uh, well, um.. yes!

Lady B-B: I would like to
publish a very important

announcement in your
wonderful little newspaper.

Ralph: Certainly,
Lady Baden-Baden.

What's your announcement?

Lady B-B: I would like the
whole Evergreen forest to know

of the impending marriage
between myself

and Mr. Cyril Sneer!!!


Cyril: I can't understand why
Mammoth hasn't called yet.

Are you sure you porkers
delivered the proposal to him?

The Pig 1:
Oh, absolutely, Sir.

The Pig 2:
Right to the door, Sir.

[printer humming]
The Pig 3: Oh, wait, Sir!

coming across now.


[reading] From Mammoth
to Sneer. Stop.

Don't remember inviting
you to a party. Stop.

You're welcome anyway. Stop.

Cyril: Party?!

What's that tubby
tycoon talking about?

Cedric: Pop! Lady Baden-Baden
is here to see you.

Cyril: Can't you see, I'm busy!

Tell her to come back
sometime when I'm not here!

Cedric: I don't think
she'll go for that, Pop.

Lady B-B: Uuuuh, Cyril!

Yes, yes, yes!

I do accept! I do! I do!

Cyril: Uh-ehm.. That's nice.

What is it you accept?

Lady B-B: Uuh, you
silly, wonderful man!

Why, your proposal
of marriage, of course!

Cyril: But I, but I..
Lady B-B: Oh, we have

so much to plan for
and so little time!

Oh, there's my dress,
and the finger towels.

Oh, and the doilies...
Cyril: Doilies?!

You mixed up those
letters, didn't you?

The Pig: Oh,
well, well, um..

Cedric: Gee...

Pop married?

Lady B-B: ..yes, and the
flowers and the limousine

Cyril: Cedric!! Wait!!

Lady B-B: Oh, and
the bows on the pews!

Cyril: Cedric!

Lady B-B: And now, you
must show me your house!

Where are the rest
of your domestics?

[printing press humming]

Bert: Wooow! What a story!

Ralph: I still can't believe it!

Melissa: I think, it's romantic.

All: Cedric!!!

Melissa: Congratulations!
You must be so happy.

Sophia: This is such a good news
Schaeffer: Congratulations!

Bert: We kept the first
copy for you, Cedric.

As a souvenir.

Cedric: Um, thanks, Bert!

Bert, can I talk to you?

Bert: Huh?

Oh, sure, Cedric, old buddy.

Lady B-B: Oh, Cyril, this place

certainly needs a woman's touch.

I don't know how you've
lived like this for so long.

Cyril: Hammett!
Lady B-B: Oh!

What a wonderful team
we're going to make, Cyril.

You were so right
about the partnership.

We'll make beautiful
music together. Ta-taa!

Ohh, and Cyril,

if you must keep
pigs in the house,

couldn't you dress
them up a bit?

I have my domestics
wearing neckties.


Cyril: The kind of necktie
I've got in mind

for you three walking sausages
is made of rope!

Now get that proposal out
to the right Mammoth!

The Pigs: Oh, yes, Sir!

[hoofs tapping]

Cyril: And now I've
got to find Cedric,

and explain this to him.


Bert: You mean,
your Pop didn't tell you

he was gonna get married?
Cedric: No.

Bert: Well, um, maybe he forgot.

Cedric: I don't think so, Bert.

Maybe, he was just
afraid of what I'd say.

Maybe, he thought
I wouldn't like it.

Bert: Well, um..

Cedric: Perhaps
I've been selfish.

Pop's been alone so long.

Maybe he needs someone...
to talk to.

A companion! I never thought
about Pop being lonely.

Cyril: Cedric!!

Cedric, my boy.
Cedric: Pop?

Cyril: I've been looking
all over for you.

Cedric: You didn't have to
do that. I was right here.

Cyril: We've got to talk. Alone!

Bert: Um, I'll see
you later, Cedric.

Cyril: Son, about this
Baden-Baden thing.

Cedric: Congratulations, Pop!

I'm very...happy for you.

Cyril: are?
Cedric: Sure, I am!

I think it will be great
for you to have a wife,

and I'll...have a mother.

Cyril: Well, that's great!


♪ In everybody's life,
just once, ♪

♪ Hopefully twice

♪ Someone will write
you a song ♪


♪ In everybody's life,
just once, ♪


♪ Hope for it twice

♪ Someone like you comes along
Lady B-B: Yoohoo!

♪ And gets me singing

♪ All through the night

♪ When you're singing

♪ I hold you so tight

♪ When you're singing,

♪ You make it so right

♪ That someone like
you comes along ♪


Cyril: What am I
getting myself into?


Bert: [giggles] Boy,

looks like Lady Baden-Baden's
been busy already.


Ralph: My! Aren't we spiffy?

The Pig: Go ahead, laugh.

Lady B-B: Whoo iiiis it?

Melissa: We've brought some
wedding gifts for you.

Lacy B-B: Just
freshening the place up.

So what do you think?

Bert: Well, it's, um,
eh, um, it's very.

um, [giggles].. pink?

Cyril: What's this!?

Not more doilies?

Congratulations, Mr Sneer.

Schaeffer: We've just
come to wish you luck.

Cyril: I'll need it!




Lady B-B: There!
Isn't that better?

Cedric: [Laughs]
Yes... thanks!

Ralph: So? Uhm..

When's the wedding?

Mr Knox: Never!!

As far as I'm concerned.

Lady B-B: Oh! My dear, Mr Knox,

whatever do you mean?

Mr. Knox: Oh Lady Baden-Baden,

I've concealed my true
feelings long enough.

I love you.

And I want you to be my bride.

Cyril: You do? That's great!
Cedric: Huh?

Cyril: I mean it's great that
you want to, but...heh...

she's marrying me, Knox!

Mr. Knox:
In that case, Mr. Sneer,

I challenge you to meet me

in the field of honor...


for the hand of
Lady Baden-Baden.


Melissa: You look wonderful,
no matter who you marry.

Oh, I think it's romantic.

Imagine, Mr. Knox sending
you roses all these years!

Lady B-B: And I never
knew who they were from!

I always thought it was my

flower-of-the-month club

If only he'd told me!

Melissa: Who do you hope wins?

Lady B-B: Ooh!
It's so difficult!

Mr. Knox is so, know,

and Mr. Sneer, well he's just...

he's know.

Melissa: We sure do!

Pig: We can't let the boss
go through with this.

It's a fate worse than death!

Pig 2: Oohh! What will we do?

Pig 1: Appeal to his
better judgement?

Pig 1: Why, the ring alone boss!

Pig 2: That's $40,000

for a good one.

Pig 2: Oh, here's a nice
honeymoon spot, boss!

Pig 3: One week, all inclusive,

fruit basket in your room...

Pig 2:
Only #10,000 for one week!

Pig 3: The honeymoon of a
lifetime in the Porkinos.

Pig 2: Don't forget the
cost of the reception.

Pig 1: And of course boss,
she'll only own

half of all your assets!

Cyril: Half! Stop!

I've had enough!

Pig 3: Why don't you
just call her, boss?

Tell her that there's
been a big mistake.

[phone ringing]

Cyril: WHAT?!?

Mammoth Assistant: Mr. Mammoth,
speaking as a dear friend

of Lady Baden-Baden,

hopes you will win
her hand in marriage.

Cyril: Thanks, I'm touched!

Assistant: Mr. Mammoth says,

that although you're a very
poor choice for a husband,

you are a great deal more
acceptable than Mr. Knox.

Cyril: I'm touched. Twice!

Mammoth: [mumbling]

Assistant: Mr. Mammoth says,

the bottom line is,
no marriage, no merger.

Is that clear, Sneer?

Cyril: He he!
W-where did you say...

was a good spot
for the honeymoon?

Cyril: Why do they always
have to have these things

at the crack of dawn?

Schaeffer: It's tradition.

And since I've been
appointed judge,

I'd like to make sure that
everything runs by the book.

[clears his throat]

There are three trials
to choose from.

Trial by fire, air and water.

Lady Baden-Baden,

will you draw one from the hat?

Lady B-B: Trial by water!

Oh, that sounds so exciting!

Mr. Knox: My element ma'am!

And I assure you
I shall return...



Lady B-B: Ooohhh!


According to the rules,

the first challenger to find a
rare Evergreen Lake clam pearl

and return, is the winner.

Good luck, gentlemen.
Cedric: Good luck, Pop!

Lady B-B: Ooh, don't
they look dashing!

Cedric: Pop must really be in
love with Lady Baden-Baden.

He doesn't even
know how to swim.

[eerie underwater sounds]

Melissa: They've been down
there an awfully long time!

Pig 2: This is our last chance
to make sure the boss loses!

Turn down his air pressure.

That should slow him up!

Pig 3: The boss will
thank us for this!

[eerie underwater sounds]



Pig 3: Oh no!

The boss is in trouble!

Oohh! Quick!
Turn up the air pressure!



[bloop bloop bloop bloop]


Pig 1: It's a bird!

Pig 2: It's a plane!

Pig 3: Noooo!

It's Super Clam!

Cyril: Aaaaaaahhhh!



Ladies: Oohh!

Schaeffer: A winner!

Mr. Knox: Well, I reckon

the better man won.

Congratulations, Mr. Sneer.

I hope you'll be...

very happy.

Lady B-B: I'll never,...

never forget you, Cyril.

Mr. Knox: Huh? M-M-My lady!

Cyril: I-I...

don't understand.

Lady B-B:
Dear Cyril, forgive me.

You see, once I learned that

Mr. Knox had loved me all these

I realized that I too loved him.

I do hope you understand.

Sure. Sure, I understand.

I only want what's best for you.

Good luck!...To both of you.

Hey Knox! Hope you like pink!

Cedric: Pop! Pop! Wait up!

I tried son.

I tried my best for you.

I really wanted you
to have someone.

Someone who could
be a mother to you.

I'm sorry.
Cedric: For me?

But I'm sorry for you!

I thought you wanted a wife!

I was being happy...for you!

Cyril: You mean, you're not sad?

Cedric: Heck no, Pop!

I mean, Lady Baden-Baden
was nice, but...

not as a mother.

Besides Pop,

I couldn't have a better mother

and father...than you!

Cyril: mean that?

Cedric: Sure, Pop.

We make a great team,
just the two of us!

'Til the right lady comes along.

Cyril: Wo-would you...

like to hear about...
your mother?

Cedric: I sure would, Pop.

Cyril: She was a,
a wonderful lady, son.

Cedric: Ooh!
Cyril: I loved her!

She really knew
how to make money!

Cedric: Oh, really?

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Fading shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid

♪ Wipe that fear
from your eyes ♪


♪ A desperate love

♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got
everything you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
