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01x04 - Trail Ride Part 2

Posted: 03/08/24 16:39
by bunniefuu
Hurry up!

The van is leaving for
the mountain trail overnight

in half an hour

whether you're ready or not.

Come on.
Let's go.

I'm not going.


Red's not going.

And if he stays,
I stay.

Phil: I'm Phil Marsten.

I live here.

I'm Stevie.

I'm Veronica di Angelo.


This better be importan.

Red was just about
to ask me out.

I met a guy:
Phil Marsten.

He's so hot.

Tell me everything.

For some reason,
he's chasing after Stevi.

He probably feels
sorry for her.

So what do I do?

You make him
feel sorry for you.

Somebody help me!

I have to go make sure
Red doesn't leave.

I thought he was
just about to ask you ou.

He will,

Turn around,
you silly horse!

Red: Let's see.

All right.
Now, then.


Let's check this
for stableness.

I don't know.
He looks OK to me.

That's so weird.

He was totally

I don't know
what happened.

[Red pats Barq]

Carole: Where is Veronic?

Stevie: You're worried
about Veronica?

No. I'm worried
about Cobalt.

I bet you she's faking
her disappearance
to get back at me

for the spider gag
I pulled on her.

Veronica told me
to tell you

she went
for the ride
without you.

You better go, Phil.

Wouldn't want to keep you
away from Veronica.


I don't know what
she's talking about.

She said if
she wasn't back
in half an hour,

then I was
supposed to
tell you.

She thinks
you'll worry
about her

or something.

I don't even
know her.

We were never
supposed to
go on a ride.

making it up.

Sounds like her.

What's she up to?

We should tell Max
she's gone.

Who's gone?

Stevie: It's no big dea.

Veronica's just looking
for attention as usual.

Carole: She's pretending
to be lost

so Phil will go
looking for her.

Veronica's out
in the woods alone?

How long has
she been gone?

Not long.
Half an hour.

She's fine.

She's probably
sitting on a rock

doing her nails
or something.

[Cobalt neighs]

Carole: Cobalt!

Rider: Isn't that
Veronica's horse?

Second rider: Yeah.

Phil: Careful, Max.

Easy, boy.


Good boy, good boy,
good boy.

Carole: Is he OK?

He's exhausted,
clearly spooked,

but other than that,
he's fine.

But where's Veronica?



Wendy's in charge
while I look for Veronic.

I'll be back soon.

Let's go tack up.

Phil: You guys are goin?

But Max will freak
if he comes back
and you're gone.

Not if we find Veronica.

There's tons of trails.

Max can't look
on all of them.


We'll find her faster
if we've got more riders
out looking.

OK. Let's go!

Thanks, but we're
fine on our own.

Look, I'm not saying
Veronica's in any danger,

but remember
when I told you

that there were
wild animals round here?

I thought
you were joking.

I was, kind of.

There aren't any
blood-sucking man-eater,

but there are wild dogs.


A couple of farmers
have seen packs of wild dogs

on their land.

That's weird.

They usually
stay away
from people.

They att*cked
a mob of sheep

and they're
still around.

They must be starving,
or their puppies are
around or something.

Then we'd better
find Veronica fast.

I'm coming with you.


If something
att*cked us,

what could you do
that we couldn't?

I didn't say
I would protect you.

I grew up around here.
I know the trails.

But if you really
don't want me to come, I--

We don't have any time
to argue about it.

Let's just go find

What's happening?

Veronica's lost.

We're going
to look for her.

I'll get my things.


Lisa, it's more riding.

I'm coming.





Oh, no!
I just got these!


I'm here!


Somebody help me
right now!

They're probably all
sitting around the fire,

stuffing themselves
on Max's disgusting chil,

while I'm lying out here
practically near death!


Wait'll I tell
my parents about this.

I want a full refund!

Phil: Veronica!

Phil: Come on, Teddy.

Come on, Teddy.

Come on, Teddy,
let's ride.

Come on!
Come on!

Stevie: Come on, Comanch!

Come on, boy!

Come on, faster!

Hey, you cut me off!

Phil: Teddy needed more room!
Stevie: He did not!

You just wanted
to be in the lead,

and since I've got
the faster horse,

you had to push me
off the trail
to stay in front.

Carole: Guys, quit it.

We're supposed to be looking
for Veronica.

I was...before I
got cut off.

I haven't seen
any sign of her.

Lisa: Which way do we g?

I don't know.
What do you guys

That way!
That way!

Real helpful.

That's totally
the wrong way.

If we turn right,

we stay on the main trai.

It's the safest
way to go.

That's why we should go left.

If Veronica was on
one of the main trails,

we would've seen her by now.

And besides, the best way
to find someone who's lost

is to be lost, too.

Who's with me?

We shouldn't go off
the main trail.

OK, let's try
the main trail,

and if we don't
find Veronica,

we can go back
this way.

Sounds good to me.

Come on, Comanche.

Looks like
it's just you and me.

come back here!

She can't go off on her own.

What if something
happens to her?

I'll catch up with her.



Can anybody hear me?


can you hear me?

This is crazy!
Where is she?

Come on, Patch,
let's go!

Lisa, you're not supposed
to let a horse snack.

I know,

but he won't
listen to me.

Come on, Patch!
Stop eating and move!


Stop, stop!


Lisa: Oh, no!


Are you all right?

No! I can't do
anything right.

That's not true.

You guys are so much
better than me,
at everything.

Stevie and I
have been riding
since we were kids.

You've just started,
and you're already

on an overnight
trail ride.

That's pretty good.

I guess so.

I'm sorry if
I've been giving you
too much advice.

It's just I know
what it's like when
you first start riding.

I bet you were a natural.

you should've seen me

after my first
overnight trail ride.

Oh, I couldn't sit down
for 3 whole days.

Come on.

It's true!

I even had to bring
a pillow to school.

It was totally

Ha ha ha!

You think that's funny?
Go ahead and laugh.

I'm sorry, Carole,
but bringing a pillow
to school?

Even I'm a better rider
than that.



Can anybody hear me?




Stevie: Veronica!


Phil: Stevie, would you
wait up?!

What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

Taking off like that
was a really dumb
thing to do.

For your information,
I didn't take off.

I was just looking in
a different part of the woods.

And who said you had to come
running after me, anyway?

It's dangerous out here.
Come on.

Let's get back
to Lisa and Carole.

I'm looking for Veronica.

If you think it's so dangerous,
why don't you go back home?

I will!


What are you
waiting for?

I said go home.

I can't go home...
neither can you.

What are you
talking about?

We're lost.

Wait. You can't go.

I mean,
it's too late.

Nah, Wash said
they were late starting,

so I can make rehearsal
after all.

Maybe I should
come with you

and help carry
your guitar.

but I've got it.

Oh, I almost forgot
why I needed you.

I can't find
Barq's bridle.

Isn't it in
the tack room?

That's what I thought,
but I can't find it.

Can you help me,

Can't it wait?

I really need it now.

It'll only take
a minute.

but then I'm going.

It's kind of like
helping with
the horses.

What're you little
freaks doing?

That's Barq's.

Mrs. Reg said we could.

Well, stop it.
That's Red's job.

Let him do it.

Ah. You found
Barq's bridle.

Wow! Did you two clean
all these bridles?

Thanks. You guys
are the best.

Thanks to you,
I'm out of here.

I owe you guys.

Maybe you could
take us out,
you know,

to thank us for all
the work we did.

Great idea.

Uh, why don't
the 3 of you

It's on me.


Stevie: How can we be lo?

You said you knew
your way around.

Phil: I did know,
until you decided
to take a shortcut!

I was fine
until you showed up.

Well excuse me
for trying to help!

I told you
I don't need your help.

Oh, yeah?

So which way
do we go?

That way.

I don't remember
coming from there.

If you remembered,
we wouldn't be lost.

Come on,
it's worth a shot.


Just great.

I'm stuck out
in the middle of nowher,

cold and broken.

Nobody even cares enough
to try and find me.

I hate everyone,
and I hate camping!


Could my life
get any worse?


Maybe Max has found
Veronica by now.

I hope so.

It's getting late,
and I'm tired and hungry...

so is Starlight.

Do you think we should
head back to camp?

Yeah. But first we have
to find Stevie and Phil.







Max! Phil!

Get me out of here!

Where is everyone?




Will somebody help me?!

[wild dog growling]


So, uh, does anything
look familiar?


I think that's the third time
we've passed that tree.

Do I have something
on my face?


Well, then why are you
looking at me like that?

I wasn't looking at you
like anything.

Can't you figure out
how to get us out of here?

Veronica: Help!

Help! Help me!

[wild dog growls
and barks]

Get away from me!


Help! Help!

Phil: Veronica!

Veronica: I can't move!

My ankle's broken!

[Comanche whinnies]

Go away!
Get out of here!

Get out! Go!

Get that dog out of her!

[wild dog whimpers]

Phil, thank you!

You might want
to thank Stevie.

She's the one
who found you.

It's OK, Comanche.


look at my ankle.

I think it's broken.

What happened?


Go away!

Get back!

Get away!

Here, Stevie, use this!

Go away!

Get out of here!
Go away!

They don't give up,
do they?

Not unless their
pups are around.

If they're
their den,

they won't leave
until we're dead.

[Comanche whinnies]

Any other happy thoughts
you'd like to share?

Nice doggies.

Good blood-thirsty


Did you hear something?

Veronica: Help!

[Comanche whinnies]

Lisa: Veronica, we're coming!

Carole: We're on our wa!

Veronica: Help!

Max: Get up!

[whistle blows]

Way to go, Lisa.

Talk about
perfect timing!

What happened?

Oh, nothing much...

Lisa just saved
your butt.

Stevie: Yeah.

Using the emergency whistle
that her mom gave her.

the one you made fun of?

Well, uh,
I was just joking.

Can't you guys
take a joke?

I think what Veronica's
trying to say is thank you.

Yeah, you totally
saved us, Lisa.

Now, aren't you glad
you over-packed?


Hello? Hello?!

If your little Saddle Club
reunion is over,

can somebody give me
a hand?

Max: Veronica!

We're over here, Max!

Is everyone OK?

I'm hurt
and they won't help me.

Will my head be OK?

Like it ever was.

You have a small graze,

but it doesn't
look serious.

I think my ankle
is broken.

Phil will have to help me
back to camp.

Can you move it?


It's probably
just a bad sprain.

What do you know?

I'm sending you home
to get checked out
by a doctor,

just to be safe.

I'm sure you'll be fine.


You should consider
yourself lucky.

It could've been
a lot worse

if the Saddle Club
hadn't shown up.

Don't you have something
to say to them?

Thank you,
Saddle Club.


I heard you guys
were heroes yesterday.

Stevie was.

She fought off
the wild dogs.

Lisa helped, too.

We all did.


Life at Pine Hollow must be
pretty boring after that.

Lisa: No way!

We're so glad
to be home.

We just wish we
had a chance to say
good-bye to Phil.

Phil who?

Stevie's new boyfriend.

He is not!

Red: Ahem.
Is he around this tall?

With blonde hair
and blue eyes?

How did you know?

He's standing
right behind you.

What are you
doing here?

I signed up for
Saturday lessons.

I really like you--
your instructor, Max.

He's the best.

So, see you
Saturday, Phil.

[girls giggle]

Phil, wait.

Look, I'm sorry.
You were right.

I shouldn't have gone
off the trail.

Phil: I'm sorry, too.
You were right.

If we'd stayed
on the trail,

we wouldn't have heard
Veronica at all.

Carole: She's actually
smiling at him.

Do you think
they like each other?

And you don't have
to thank me

for helping you out
with Veronica.

Thank you?

Why would I
thank you?

I was handling the wild dogs
fine by myself.

Phil: In your dreams!

They were coming
right for you!

Sounds like
love to me.

That was all
part of my plan.

What plan?

You know, the plan
to protect everybody.


♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪