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03x05 - Monster Mania!

Posted: 03/08/24 18:11
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



A good photographer is always
ready to cover any story.

And so, even on a lazy summer
evening by Evergreen Lake,

Melissa Raccoon makes sure her
camera is close at hand.

Because you never know

when the big story
might come along.

Melissa: Ooh, what
a gorgeous sunset.

A perfect end
to a perfect day.

Bert: Yeah, Melissa,
I gotta admit it.

You sure know how to
pack a picnic basket.

Melissa: And you sure know
how to empty one, Bert!

Now, where has Ralph gone?

Bert: Oh, he's around.

Hey, watch
this Melissa.

Bet I can make this
rock skip 20 times!

One, two, three, four


Monster: [growling]
Fi-fire breathing monster!


Melissa: I see it Bert!

What is it? This is incredible!
Bert: Come quick!

Melissa: I can't believe it!

I got it! I've got
a picture of it, Bert!

Bert: Fantastic Melissa!

The photo of the century!

Ralph: W-whhaat's wrong?
Are you two alright?

Bert: You're not gonna
believe this, Ralph!

W-w-w-we just saw a
monster in the lake!

It was huge!

It was.. It was.. humungous!!

Ralph: Sure you did, Bert.

And I was over by the bikes,

chatting with the
abominable snowman.

Melissa: It's true, Ralph!

We saw something in the lake!

It-it looked like a monster!

Ralph: Oh, come on, Melissa.

You don't expect me
to believe that, do you?

Melissa: I took
a picture of it!!

The proof's right
here, Ralph!!

I've got a picture
of a monster!!

Bert: A monster.
In Evergreen Lake.



Melissa: I got the picture!!

Look at it.
Just look at it!

That's a monster,
if I ever saw one!

Ralph: I don't know, Melissa.

It could be anything.
Oh hi, Cedric.

Bert: C'mon, Ralph.
It's a great photo!

What a story this'll be.

We'll be. Er..

You'll be famous,

A photo of a real
live sea serpent!

What d'you say, Cedric?

Ralph: You don't think
there's a monster in there,

do you Cedric?

Cedric: Well, um..
Evergreen Lake

is very old and very deep.

No one has explored it properly.

I suppose it is.. possible.

Bert: What do you
mean possible, Cedric!?

I saw as plain as, as..

As plain as the
nose on your face.

Ralph: Well, why hasn't
anyone seen it before?

Bert: Well, uh, maybe
it's a shy monster..

Okay, Ralphi boy.

Let's get started on the special
monster edition of the Standard.

Ralph: With this photo?

Not a chance.

We've got to have
more than this.

Melissa: I don't believe it.

The biggest story the
Standard ever had

and you want to
stifle it, Ralph!?!

Ralph: Exactly. Until
we get more proof.

Melissa: Well, I think,
we have an obligation

to let everyone know there's
something in Evergreen Lake,

right, Cedric?

Cedric: Yeah. I guess so.

Melissa: Bert?
Bert: Yeah!!!

Melissa: Ralph?

Ralph: [sighs]

The Bears: [grumbling]

Cyril: I love marking
things up 300%!


Pig 1: Uh-oh!

Cyril: Hmmmm. Cheap
plastic binoculars.

Recommended price $1.98

Hmmm. Multiply that by 40.

Carry the four. Add tax.

Round it off ..

We'll sell these at
$50 bucks apiece.

Pig 2: Oh goody!

I guess that's what you
call demand and supply.

Cyril: No! That's what
you call highway robbery!


Cedric: Gee, Pop.
What's going on?

Cyril: Are you kidding?

Haven't you seen this?

Cedric: Um.. Yes.

Cyril: You know
what it means?

It means hordes of tourists

flocking to see this thing.

And that means hordes of money

for someone with business sense.

Someone like me!

Cedric: But Pop, you don't
believe in monsters, do you?

Cyril: I don't have to.

Ha! Everyone else does.


Schaeffer: You go past the
Raccoon Dominium, turn left,

and you'll see the lake.

Melissa: A radio interview?

Sure, let me check my schedule.

No.. Tomorrow afternoon's good.

See you then.

I can't believe this, Ralph.

I've been asked
to do a radio show,

a magazine layout
and a talk show.

I'm a celebrity!

Ralph: Come on, Melissa.

You have to admit this
is getting out of hand.

What can you tell
them about monsters?

You took one blurry photo

and now you're a monster expert?

The thing's even got a name now.

Evie! It's ridiculous!

Bert: Ya, you're
absolutely right, Ralph.

Evie is a silly name.

Maybe Melissa and I can
think up a better one.


Ralph: Evergreen Standard.

Can I help you?

Bert: Boy, Cedric. Can you
believe all this excitement?

Cedric: Well, it's not every day

a monster turns up
in Evergreen Lake.

Bert: Cedric, we need a
close-up of that monster!

And you and me are gonna get it.

Cedric: I don't know, Bert.

I've got a lot of
typing to catch up on.

Bert: Tonight, Cedric.

You and me.

Pig 1: [giggles]
Scary Lloyd.

Real scary.


Pig 2: Right this way..

Straight ahead.

Bert: Hi! Welcome to
the Evergreen forest!

Good to see you.
Have a nice time!

Oh, hi there!

[laughs] Wow! This
is really something.

The monster's put the
Evergreen forest on the map!

It's fantastic.
Huh, Cedric?

Cedric: Gee, Bert,
I don't know.

Ralph: Well, at least
Bert's enjoying it.

Melissa: If I could only
get a good clear picture,

we could figure out
what that thing is.

Ralph: I thought you were sure
it was a monster, Melissa.

Changing your mind?

Melissa: I said, it
looked like a monster.

Everybody else is saying
it is a monster.

Ralph: Whatever. It's getting
ridiculous around here!

The forest is a mess.

I can't even walk along the road
without a bus tour driving by

and pointing me out as the
husband of Melissa Raccoon,

monster photographer!

There's even a society for the
preservation of monsters.

Melissa, we don't
even have a monster!

Melissa: If I didn't
know you better, Ralph,

I'd say you were jealous!

Ralph: Jealous?
Of a blurry photo?

I just don't want you
to look foolish, Melissa.

There's just no such
thing as monsters!

Melissa: Ralph.
[camera clicks]

Portrait of a jealous man.

[water splashing]

[frogs croaking]

[lonely loon call]

Bert: I-I don't see it, yet.

Cedric: Me neither.

Maybe we can go home now..?


[water gently splashing]

Bert: Shhh!

What's that?

Cedric: Wh-wh-who's there?


Bert/Cedric: Yaaahhhhh!!!!!!

Bert: Yeow!!!
Melissa: Oooh!


What are you doing out here?

Melissa: Oh, hi, Bert.

We were just trying
to get more evidence.

Bert: U-u-us too.

W-w-why don't you take
that end of the lake,

and we'll keep looking here.

Schaeffer: Okay, Bert.
Yell, if you see something.

Cedric: Don't worry. He will!

[spooky sounds]

Bert: Hey, Melissa?

I thought you were going to
check the other end of the lake!


Bert: Melissa?
[water splashing]

Schaeffer is that you?

Bert: M-M-Melissa?


Bert: Yaaahhhh!!!

Row, Cedric, rooooow!


[crows cawing]

Pig: Well, boss, we think,

this new line of T-shirts
will really catch on.

Cyril: That is without doubt

the tackiest thing,
I've ever seen!

It'll sell like hot cakes!

Pig: And how about this, boss?


Nifty, huh?

Cyril: Never mind
this penny ante stuff.

What's the status
on the land grab?

Pig: We've bought up all
the shore front property

on the lake, except one lot.

And it's gone way
up in price, boss.

Cyril: Buy it. I don't
care what it costs.

Money's no object.

Pig: Uh.. are you
all right, boss?

Cyril: Of course I'm all right!

Never been better.

Now get out there
and buy me that land!

Pig: Yes, sir! Yes, sir!

[hoof tapping]


Ralph: They found it last night

when they were running
away from the 'monster.'

What do you make
of it, professor?

Smedley-Smythe: W-well..
Nothing at the moment. No.

I-I'll need to make a plaster
impression of the print

and-and then we'll see..

what we'll see.

Reporter: Melissa,
reports tell us

that you were att*cked
by the monster.

Bert: I was att*cked
by the monster!

It was horrible!

It had fangs two
feet long. And, and..

Reporter: Tell us Melissa,
were you terrified beyond words

when you saw this
monster creature?

Melissa: Now let's not
jump to conclusions here.

Bert: Jump to

It's a monster alright!

With slimy, horrible,
yucky green scales,

a-a-and big claws and, and..

Well, look at the
size of its feet!

Reporter: There you have it.

The scientific proof.

Evie, the monster of
Evergreen Lake, exists.

[car horn blaring]

Pig 1: Attention! Attention!

We have an important

Pig 2: In light of the strange
activity in Evergreen Lake,

the boss, er.. Cyril Sneer,

invites you all to an important

press conference this evening.

This is something you
can't afford to miss!

Pig 1: At his lakeside tent.

Of course, refreshments
will be available

at outrageous prices!

Pig 2: Thank you for
your attention!

[crowd murmuring]


Cyril: Since the monster,
Evie, was spotted

we've had a lot of suckers,
er, tourists.

And I know what they want.


Sneer's Monster Theme Park.

To be built right here on
the shores of Evergreen Lake.

There'll be 2,000 rooms,

Not to mention
parking for 5,000.

Metered, of course.

And now, to give you a sample of
the quality entertainment

the Sneer Monster
Theme Park will provide,

I present Sneer's Aquacade,

featuring talented amateurs.

[boat whizzing by]


Pigs: Aaaaagh!


♪ Nobody knows us when
we're coming out ♪


♪ Nobody shows us what to do


♪ No one can tell you
what growing up ♪

♪ is all about


♪ No one can live your
life for you ♪


Pig: Aaaaagh!

♪ We're growing up,


♪ Showing up


♪ We will find our way


♪ Growing up,


♪ Showing up


♪ Always knew someday

♪ That growing up,


♪ Growing up,


Cyril: All this and more at
Sneer's Monster Complex

and condo park.

This was all made
possible by Evie,

the monster of Evergreen lake.


Cedric: Mhm, alright!
I'll tell them.

That was professor

He's been checking out
that footprint we found,

and he's puzzled by it.

Melissa: What did
he say, Cedric?

Cedric: After rechecking
his measurements,

he found the footprint
was of an even depth.

That's not normal.

Bert: Well, it's a
monster print, Cedric.

Of course it's not normal.

Cedric: Any footprint
is deeper at the heel..

Or the toe.

The monster's isn't.

Ralph: So, what does it mean?

Cedric: I don't really know.

And neither does
professor Smedley-Smythe.

He wants to get a closer
look at the monster tonight.

Melissa: So do I!

Ralph: I don't know, Melissa.

It could be risky.

Melissa: But Ralph, you've
been telling me all along

there is no monster.

So what's the risk?

Ralph: [sighs] Oh boy...

Cyril: Having a monster
in Evergreen Lake

is like having a
licence to print money.


How are the receipts boys?

Pig: We're not doing
as well as we thought, boss.

People don't want to pay
$70 for a pair of sunglasses.

Cyril: Oh, alright.
Slash the price.

Put them on special.


Anything else?

Pig: What about..
tonight, Sir?

Cyril: Ah, yes!

I think, it'd
be very, ummm..


if the monster
makes an appearance.

Pig: Yes. Yes it would, boss.


Smedley-Smythe: This
could prove to be exciting.

I've never been on
a monster hunt before.

I have a theory that
this creature might be

from the later Jurassic era.

Bert: That late huh?
Smedley-Smythe: Yes.


Cyril: Monster!


Cyril: Here they come!

Now, get out there
and sell, sell, sell.

[footsteps rushing]

♪ [suspenseful music]


[monster growl]

Bert: There it is!
The monster!

Monster: [growls]


[loud growling]


[loud growling]

Bert: I got it! I got it!

Monster: [growls]
[loud splash!]

Bert: Oh-oh! It's got me!

[loud groaning]
It's got me!

Cedric/Melissa: Bert!!

Bert: Help!! Stop!!

Blub! Blub!

Pig 1: Did you hear that?
Pig 2: What?

Pig 1: Oh, I guess it
was nothing. More fog!

Pig 3: Coming..right..up!

Monster: [growls]

Bert: Heeeelp!

Pig: Full speed ahead!

Let's have another
blast of fire!

Give the tourists
their money's worth!

Cedric: Bert!!
Melissa: Can you hear us?!!

Cedric: Bert!!


Bert: Oh no!



[bubbling sound]

Pig: Did you see that?

Pig 2: Sure, Lloyd!

Funny, very funny!


Smedley-Smythe: I say! Listen.

Do you hear it?
I do believe it's...

a mechanical monster!

Melissa: Real or not,
it's going to ram us!!

Monster: [loud roar]

Pig 1: Well, that's it
for the 10 o'clock run.

Time to get Evie
back to the garage.

Pig 3: It was a brilliant
show tonight, guys.

The tourists will love it.

And the boss'll love us!

Pig 2: [heavy breathing]
He'd better.

I've been slaving over

a hot monster...all night.


Pigs: [coughing]


Bert: Yahoooo!!

Melissa: What's happening?

Everyone: Look out!!


Hang on Berty, old boy!

Ralph: It's heading for shore!
Bert: Yipeeee, yahoooo!!

Ralph: Let's go!

Cyril: I'm giving you good
people the first shot

at investing in
my new theme park.

All you have to do
is sign right here,

on the dotted line.

Monster: [loud roar]

Cyril: That's right!

Go get those cheque books!

Relax. It's just a monster.


What are you doing?!!

Get that thing out of here,

you hair brained ham hocks!!

Bert: Yahoooo!
Monster: [roars]


Cyril: Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!


Bert: Wow! What a ride!

Pigs: [coughing]

Pig 1: Hi, boss.

Pig 2: Um, w-we
seem to have had

a small accident...boss.

Cyril: Accident?
I'll show you an accident!

Cedric: Pop. Pop. Pop.

Crowd: It's a fake.
- I told you it was fake.

- It wasn't a fake,
it was just a rip off!

Cyril: [laughs] It's not
what it looks like, folks.

Crowd: I'll say..

Cyril: Wait! Come back!!!

Sneer monster hot dogs
are now only a dollar.

Souvenir sunglasses
a buck ninety eight.

It's a steal!
A buck fifty nine..!

Fifty cents!

Come back, oh come back!


Melissa: Looks like your
monster's all washed up, Cyril.

Give us a big smile!

[camera clicks]

Narrator: Evergreen Lake is
calm and peaceful once again.

The storm Melissa
started with her

photograph of a monster
has passed.

With the help of her friends,
Melissa learned

that things are not always as
they appear.

Sometimes, you have to look
beneath the surface

to find the truth.

Cyril: What a mess!

I've lost a fortune!

I'm stuck with miles
of useless beach.

My warehouse is packed
with monster memorabilia!

And to make matters worse,

those Raccoons have
plastered my face

all over their
so called newspaper.


Come in. And it'd
better be important!

Monster: Uaah-uaaah!
Cyril: [screams]

Pig 1: [laughs]
Pretty realistic, huh boss?

Pig 2: I figure we can make a
fortune with this baby, boss!

Right, boss?

Pig 3: Uummm. Did we come
at a bad time, Sir?

Cyril: AAArrggghhh!!

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ The desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
