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03x09 - The Evergreen Express!

Posted: 03/08/24 18:14
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



You never know what sort of
adventures might lie

in unexplored corners in the
Evergreen forest.

But you can be sure
of one thing,

Bert Raccoon and
his friend Cedric

will be the ones who find them.

Bert: This metal detector
works great, Cedric.

You know, this little gizmo
could make us a fortune.

We could find dubloons

and pieces of eight
and pieces of nine.

[detector getting louder]


A-a-a-aaah. Ah!

Um, Cedric,

I think, we've
got something here.

I think, it's the big bonanza!

Yaaaahoo! Ha-haa!

We are fabulously wealthy!

Cedric: [giggles] Sorry,
Bert, not this time.

You found some
old railway tracks.

Bert: Uh?! Railway track?

What are railway tracks
doing way out here?

Cedric: I don't know.

There is no railway
line marked on this map.

It must be an old spur
off the Evergreen line.

Bert: Well, it sure
hasn't been used in years.

Look at the rust!

Hey, let's follow it
and see, where it goes.

♪ [slow suspenseful music]

Boy, Cedric, this is
pretty creepy, huh?



Wow! This isn't
on the map either.

Cedric: Bert, look!

Bert: An old steam engine

and it's all ours.



Cyril: It's a disaster.

A disaster I tell you.

I sunk my entire fortune
into this project

and it's all going
down the drain.

That chart couldn't
look any worse!

Pig: I wouldn't be too
sure about that, boss.

I just got the
latest sales figures.

Cyril: Ah sell!

Sell the factory.

I can't take this anymore.

Pig: We've been trying, Sir,

but it seems, that
no one is interested

in buying an elevator
shoe company.

Cyril: That's ridiculous!

There's a fortune to be
made in elevator shoes!

The world is full of short
people and they've got money.

Put those on, you'll
feel like a new pig.

Pig: Well, what do you think?

Pig 2: [giggles]
You look dashing!

Oh-ooooh, oaaah!


Cyril: What am I going to do?

I'm facing complete
financial ruin.

Pig: Aw boss, it
can't be all that bad.

Cyril: Wanna bet? I borrowed
a million bucks from Knox

to help finance this mess.

I put the house up as
security against the loan.

If I don't pay him
back in two days,

Knox will own Sneer mansion.

Pig 2: Uooooh!


Schaeffer: This is
an amazing find, Bert.

There aren't many of these
old beauties around anymore.

Cedric: Apart from the rust,

this old engine is
in pretty good shape.

Schaeffer: We've even got enough
coal to get up a head of steam.

Bert: Ya, it's
going to be great;

the rhythm of the rails..

[puffing like steam engine]

[ding ding ding ding ding]

The mournful howl of the whistle

as we rocket through the night.

[steam whistle sound]

Schaeffer: Hmmmm?

You may have to delay
the trip a bit, Bert.

This steam dome is shot.

Bert: Steam dome?
Hmm, can you fix it?

Schaeffer: I can try, but it's
been patched up so many times,

and the rust has
done a lot of damage.

Cedric: Can we get a new one?

Schaeffer: We could, if we had
about two hundred dollars.

Bert: Huh?

Yeah, well..

We better try to fix it.

Cedric: Hey, look!

Bert: Wow!
The Evergreen number 504!

Hey, hold that pose,
Cedric, I'll get my camera.

[camera clicks]

Ralph: Uh huh. Ya.

I see.

Well thank you very much.


Melissa: What
did they say, Ralph?

Ralph: The train was
built by The Blue Spruce

Rolling Stock Company,

but they went out
business years ago.

It looks like nobody
owns the old 504.

Melissa: That's great!

Now the boys can fix it up,

and turn it over to the
Evergreen museum.

Pig: Ehm..

Could a paying
customer get some attention?

Pig 2: Yes, we'd like to put
these valuable items

in the 'For Sale' page.

Ralph: Pocket books
read only once if at all,

$20 each?!

Shower curtains,
genuine plastic.


Forty thousand pairs
of elevator shoes?!

Melissa: [giggles]

Ralph: Well,
that's a tall order!


Pig: Hardy har! We'll probably
be back with more items.

Pig 2: We are trying
to raise some cash

for the boss, you know.

Pig 3: Ya, like about
a million dollars.

Pig: One bean boss?

Cyril: You know
I'm in financial straits.

We've got to
economize somewhere.

Pig 2: But boss, one bean?

Cyril: Chew it slowly. Ha-ha!

You oversized underachievers

could stand to
lose a few pounds.

So how much of that million
bucks have you raised?

Pig: Well, with washing cars,

taking in laundry
and raking lawns,

we've raise two
hundred dollars!

Um, after expenses.

Cyril: Expenses? What expenses?

Pig: We had to buy a rake, Sir.

Pig 2: And we figure we can
make at least $20

at a bake sale, Sir.

Cyril: Great, only nine hundred
and ninety nine thousand

eight hundred dollars to go.

How am I going to raise
that by tomorrow?

Pig: Cedric might
have some ideas, boss.

Cyril: Don't ever
mention this to Cedric.

If he knew we were on the
verge of a permanent camp out,

he'd worry himself sick.

I'll handle it.

Cedric: Hi, Pop.

I'm eating supper at the
Raccoon-dominium tonight, ok?

Cyril: Fine, Cedric.

Pig: Lucky you.

What's going on here, Pop?

Pig: Oh! We are
trying to raise...


Cyril: Uhm, spring cleaning!

And, and where have
you been all day?

Cedric: Why, Pop? Did you
want me to do the accounts?

Cyril: No, no, just showing
a little fatherly interest. He!

Cedric: Bert and I found
an old steam engine.

We are fixing it up

and when we've got it running

we're going to give
it to the museum.

It will really be
something to see

the old Evergreen 504
rolling down the rails.

The only thing it needs
is a new steam dome.

Got to go!


Cyril: Did he say Evergreen 504?


Pig: Here it is, boss.

The story of Snake Eyes LaTour,

the last of the
great train robbers.

Cyril: I knew it!

Here it is, the answer
to all my problems.

Snake Eyes LaTour stole
the Evergreen 504.

They caught him
shortly afterwards,

but they never found the 504,

or the payroll the
train was carrying.

Somewhere on board that train is

ten million dollars!!

And it's going to be mine.



Melissa: how's it
going, Schaeffer?

Schaeffer: Well,
I tried, Melissa,

but it's pretty
hard to weld rust.

I'm afraid we need
a new steam dome.

[ATV engine humming]

Cedric: Pop, what
are you doing here?

Cyril: So this is the
old Evergreen 504, eh?

You've done a fine job, boys!

A fine job!

Bert: Well, thanks,
Cyril, but ehm..

since when are you interested
in old steam trains?

Cyril: Why the happiest
times of my youth were spent

riding the rails.

Oh, what I wouldn't give
to own one of these babies.

This one in particular.

Bert: Oh ya! Well, you can't
have this one in particular.

We found it. We fixed it up!

And we're going to
give it to the museum.

Cyril: Admirable sentiments.

If there was only something
I could do to help?

Schaeffer: Well, unless you've
got a spare steam dome with you,

there's really
not a lot we could...

Cyril: Funny you should
mention steam domes.



Cedric: Um.. yes!

Cyril: Well, if you'll recall
Cedric you did mention

you needed a steam dome,

so I went out and bought one.

Pig: Ya, with our
hard-earned $200!

Schaeffer: What
are you looking for

in exchange for the
new steam dome, Cyril?

Cyril: Oh, nothing. Nothing!

Just a small souvenir.

Say the old steam dome.

What do you say?

It will make a good
planter or something.

Schaeffer: In that case,
you've got yourself a deal.

Pigs: [struggle]

Bert: Easy! Easy!

That's it.

Pigs: [struggle]

Cyril: I'd love to stay,

but I've got to get back.

[ATV revs away]

Cyril: I don't know
what's gotten into Pops,

but he sure is acting strange.

Hey guys, look at this!

I found it in the firebox.

Bert: Wow! An old wanted poster!

Snake Eyes LaTour
wanted for train robbery.

Schaeffer: Well,
come on, you two,

let's get up some steam.

Bert: Gee, maybe Snake Eyes
robbed this very train.


♪ When darkness falls

♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ A desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us


Schaeffer: Come on, Bert.

We've got coal that
needs shoveling.

Pig: Ah! With a few ferns
planted in it

this old pot will look

marvelous in your den, boss.

Cyril: Do I look like a
botanist, b-b brain?

I've got no intention
of putting plants in it.

Pig: Well, then why?

Cyril: It's
all right here.

Snake Eyes LaTour
was very predictable.

After stealing a train he always
hid the money in the steam dome,

and came back for it later.

This time they caught him
before he could come back.

He hid the train so well,
no one ever found it.

Pig: You mean..?
Cyril: That's right, boys,

there's ten million
dollars in that dome.


Pig 2: But, boss,
it's stolen money.

You could get in
even worse trouble.

Cyril: I'm not crazy
enough to spend hot cash,

but there is always
a ten percent reward

for returning stolen money

and that comes to
one million dollars!


[crow cooing]

[ATV hums]

Knox, Lady Baden-Baden,

what are you doing here?

Mr. Knox: My, my,

what a gracious
welcome Mr. Sneer.

In fact,

I've come about
this small matter

of a loans repayment.

I assume you have it, Mr. Sneer.

Cyril: Of course,
I have the money.


It's right in there.

Mr. Knox: Strange place to keep

your small change, Mr. Sneer.

[rumbling sound]

Well, Sir?

Cyril: Oh great! Snake
Eyes LaTour's last job

and he changes
his modus operandi.

Mr. Knox: [laughs]

Some problem raising
the cash, Mr. Sneer?

Cyril: Look, I've
still got six hours

before the deadline.

What's your hurry, Knox?

Mr. Knox: Ooh,
no hurry, Mr. Sneer.

I can wait.

Lady Baden-Baden: What
are we waiting for, dear?

Mr. Knox: Oh, nothing,
honey bunch.

Mr. Sneer and I are
just talking business.

Lady Baden-Baden: I'll just
take a walk around these

lovely gardens then.

Oooh, how I wish we had
such beautiful gardens.

Mr. Knox: Well, you
might, my dear.

You just might.

Cyril: Come on Knox!

Would you really throw
me out of my own house?

Mr. Knox: Oh,
heavens no, Sir!

I'll wait six hours,

and throw you out of mine.


Bert: Oh boy! I can hardly
wait to get my hands

on the throttle of
the old Evergreen 504.

Wow, wooooowww!

Chugga chugga chugga chugga!

Wooo wooo wooo!

Schaeffer: Just as soon as we
check the line ahead, Bert.

It hasn't been used
for a long time.

We don't want the train
ending up in the rhubarb.


Bert: Wow!

Schaeffer: I think we'd better
check this out on foot.

Careful now!

Bert: It looks fine to me.

Let's get the engine.



I guess the old Evergreen 504

isn't going anywhere
for a while,

at least not until
the bridge is fixed.

Cyril: Faster! We've
got to find that money.

Another hour and Knox will
have us out on the street.

[ATV motor buzzing]

Not a raccoon in sight,

what a break!

Search the engine!

Now if I was a train robber,

where would I stash the loot?


Pig: Whops!

Pig 2: Aa-aaah!


Oh, no!!

Now you've done it.

Abandon ship!

Pig: Runaway train!

Pig 2: Boss jump!

Cyril: What the..!!


♪ [dramatic music]

Pig: Jump boss, jump!

Cyril: What are you,
porkers, babbling about?

Pig: Boss, it's a runaway train.

Cyril: What?

♪ [tense music]

I've got to stop this thing!


Schaeffer: Ah well,

maybe people will come
out here to see the train.

Bert: Yeaaaah!

Schaeffer: No!
The train will de-rail,

if it hits the hand car.


I can switch us
onto a siding.


Bert: Yikes!

Schaeffer: [struggles]

Cedric/Bert: [out of breath]

Cedric: Pop!!


Schaeffer: We've got
to stop that train,

before it hits the bridge.


Cyril: Where is the
ignition key?

[loud whistle blow]


Schaeffer: Ugh!


Bert: Ahhh!

Schaeffer: I've
got you, Bert.

[train track rattling]

[loud rumble]

Cyril: Phew!

Good thing, I don't
crack under pressure.


Bert: Cyril! More steam!

We need more steam!

Cyril: What in blue blazes
are you doing here?

Bert: We came to rescue you!

Cyril: You are doing
a heck of a job.

Schaeffer: Cyril, you've
got to stoke the fire,

build up the steam pressure.

Cyril: I thought stoking
was bad for your health.

Bert: More coal, Cyril!

More coal!

Cyril: Yahoo! I found it!

I found the money!

All my troubles are over.

Bert: Stoke Cyril! Stoke!

We are going oveeeer!


Cyril: There is not enough coal.


I may never recover from this.

Bert: Aaaaaah!

Cyril: I've heard
of money to burn,

but this is ridiculous.

[steam whistling]

Bert: That was close, Cyril!

We owe you one.

Cyril: Ten million dollars!

Bert: We don't
owe him that much.

[loud steam whistle]
[crowd cheering]

How about that, Schaeffer,

the old wail of the whistle
sure draws a crowd!

[long whistle]

Pig: O-oh! The boss
doesn't look too happy.

I guess, he didn't
find the money.

Pig 2: Oooh!

Lady Baden-Baden, will you be
needing three trustworthy

and loyal employees to help
you run your new house?

Lady Baden-Baden:
What are you talking about?

Cyril: I guess Sneer
mansion is all yours, Knox.

Cedric: What?

Cyril: I'm sorry, son.

I didn't want this to happen.

Cedric: We lost our house?

Cyril: Never mind son,
we'll go somewhere else.

Maybe find a nice little condo.

Lady Baden-Baden: What's this
I've been hearing, Mr. Knox?

Am I to understand you're
throwing Mr. Sneer

and his fine son out
of their own home

over a mere million-dollar debt?

Mr. Knox: Business
is business, my dear.

Lady Baden-Baden:
And friends are friends.

Return those keys at once!

Cyril: I'm sure we can settle
on some reasonable form

of repayment, Knox.

Lady Baden-Baden: Ho-ho-ho,
as trustee of the museum,

and a lover of the
romantic age of steam,

I would like to
announce the formation

of the Evergreen Steam
Heritage Foundation.

Mr. Knox has agreed to finance
it, haven't you sweetness?

Cyril: Looks like things worked
out pretty well, Knox old buddy.

Mr. Knox: Oh yes, old friend,

and I believe I've
come up with a solution

to our financial differences.

Cyril: Great! Great!

Love to hear it!

[crowd murmuring]

Lady Baden-Baden: I declare
the new steam service

on the Evergreen!


Schaeffer: Come on, boys,

put your backs into it.

Cyril: Tickets!
Have your tickets ready.

Do I have to do this?

Knox, I promise,
I'll have the money next week!

Mr. Knox: Hm, I'm sure you will,

but until then, Sir,

enjoy your work.

Cyril: Tickets!

Have your dag-blasted
tickets ready!

[passengers laughing]


♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls

♪ Leaving shadows in the night

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪

♪ The desperate love

♪ Keeps on driving you wrong

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone

♪ You can run with us

♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free

♪ Come with us

♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
