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04x05 - Search and Rescue!

Posted: 03/08/24 18:47
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: On

Narrator: On a

Narrator: On a clear

Narrator: On a clear summer

Narrator: On a clear summer

Narrator: On a clear summer
night in

Narrator: On a clear summer
night in the

Narrator: On a clear summer
night in the Evergreen

Narrator: On a clear summer
night in the Evergreen forest,

you can almost reach out
and touch the stars.

And on nights like
these Bert Raccoon

and his best friend Cedric

make sure they have
front row seats,

because you never know when you
will have a chance

to catch a falling star.

Cedric: It's started, Bert?

Bert: Oh boy, Cedric,
will you look at that!

Cedric: Wow!

Bert: Boy, I've never
seen so many meteorites!

Cedric: Well actually, Bert,
those are meteors.

It's only when
they hit the Earth

that they are called meteorites.

Bert: Right, right.

Cedric: Anyway, this meteor
shower happens every August

and all the meteors
seem to come

from that
constellation, Perseus.

Bert: Cedric,
did you ever wonder,

if there is anyone up there
looking down at our planet and

wondering, if there is anyone
down here looking back up?

Cedric: [chuckles]
All the time Bert.

Cedric/Bert: Oooh!

Bert: Just think
of all the exploring

there is to do out there.

One day, we will boldly go

and take one giant step.

Ahhh! Wow!


Wow!!! Look at that!

Cedric: Wow!

Bert: Cedric, it's going to hit!

It's a going to be a meteorite!

[loud crush!]

A meteorite just landed
on Jack Pine Island.

Cedric: Wow!


Cyril: No, certainly not, Knox.
No hard feelings.

Yes, I'd be happy to attend
your little celebration.

Goodbye, my friend.

Why that back-stabbing double-
dealing Knox has done it again!

That's the third time this week
he's beaten me out on a deal!

It's almost as if he's got
inside information.

Pig: Not from us, boss.

Cyril: Well, find out, where
he does get his information.

Pig: Right away, Sir.

Pig 2: Don't worry
about a thing, boss.

We are on the job.

Cyril: I always worry
when you three

dim-witted disasters
are on the job.

Bert: Do you think
they'll name the meteorite

after us, Cedric?

The Bert and Cedric meteorite.

Oh, it's got kind of a
ring to it, doesn't it?

Cedric: You said it, Bert!

But I still think
we oughta tell

Professor Smedley-Smythe
about it. He is an expert.

Bert: Are you crazy, Cedric?

We can't tell anyone yet.

We are going to be the first
ones to find that meteorite!

Broo: [barking]

Bert: So it's got to be
our secret for now.

Cedric: Well, at least
let's tell someone

where we are going.

Bert: Just relax!

We'll be back this afternoon

and then we can tell
the whole world

we found a meteorite!

Cedric: Hey, Bert!


Bert: Avast me hearties!

There's a fair wind blowing
towards Jack Pine Island.

Riven up the misenshakes.

Cedric: Aye aye, captain.

Professor Smedley-Smythe:
Yes, so you see,

I need to find someone else,
who saw the meteorite.

If I took a compass
bearing from here

and someone else took a
compass bearing from here,

then I would know the
meteorite landed here,

where the two lines meet.

It's called
triangulation, you see.

Ralph: We'll have this in
today's paper professor.

Anyone seeing a bright
meteor in the skies

over the Evergreen
forest last night,

please contact Professor
Smedley-Smythe at the museum.

Professor: Oh that's
absolutely top drawer, Ralph.

I only hope someone
comes forward.

Melissa: You know,
Bert and Cedric were out

star gazing last night.

Ralph: If you check back
this afternoon, Professor,

Bert should be here.

Lady Baden-Baden: Yoohoo!

Here it is, Ralph, my
weekly astrology column.

Mr. Knox: Ehm. Yes.

Pig: How much longer do we
have to spy on Mr. Knox?

Pig2: Until we find out
how he keeps

beating the boss
to the big deal.

Lady Baden-Baden: As a man of
science you must be fascinated

by astrology, Professor?

Professor: Ho-ho.

Well, astrology
isn't exactly a science,

Lady Baden-Baden.
Lady B-B: Oh nonsense!

Just ask Knoxy, he'll
attest to its value.

Knox: Uh, eh...

Lady B-B: He's experienced a
profound increase in business

since I began advising
him through astrology.

Haven't you Knoxy?

Mr. Knox: My dearest,

I wouldn't make
a move without you.


Lady B-B: Oh, Sweetness.

Pig: Astrology!

So that's the secret.

Lady B-B: Well, we'd
love to stay and chat,

but we must run.

Come along, Knoxy, ta-taaa!

Oh and don't forget about our
midsummer soire this evening.

Everyone is invited!

[loud slam]

Pig: Bl-bl-bleah!

Oh! Can't she ever
leave quietly!

Pig 2: So Lady Baden-Baden
is advising Mr. Knox

with astrology.

Pig 3: That's the
secret to his success.

Pig: In that case,
it looks like the boss

is going to need an
astrologer to advise him!

Or better yet, 3 astrologers!

Pig 2: [giggles] Oh yes!

All of a sudden,
our future looks brighter.

Pigs: [laughing]

Bert: Oh boy, Cedric! This
is going to be some fun!

Broo: [barking]

Cedric: I don't know, Bert.

Bert: Come on! We've
got a meteorite to find.

Cedric: Gee, Bert,

I still think we
should've told somebody

where we were going.

Bert: Cedric, we are
about to become famous!

How can you worry
at a time like this?

Cedric: I don't know.
I guess it just comes naturally.

Bert: Hey, where
should we look, Cedric?

This way or that?

Maybe I should go up there, eh?


Pig: I

Pig: I think

Pig: I think we're

Pig: I think we're ready.

All we have to do now is
convince the boss

we can foretell the future.

Pig 2: Ooh, that's brilliant!

Pig 3: Yeah, we might
get a raise out of this.

[phone ringing]

Pig: I'll get it.

Sneer Enterprises,
how may I help you?


Well that's great.

The boss will want
to hear that himself.

Why don't you call
him back in about, um..

two and one-half minutes.

Oh boy! Get the
charts ready, quick!

That was the boss' stock broker.

Sneer's stocks just doubled

and so did our chances of
impressing the boss.

Cyril: What's going on here,

a druids convention?

You simpering sausages are
supposed to be out there

spying on Knox!

Pig: We did, boss,
and we know the secret

to his business success.


Honest boss, Knox uses
astrology to foresee the future.

Cyril: Well, you
three won't have one,

if you don't start
talking sense.

Pig 2: We'll do better
than that, Sir.

We'll talk dollars and cents.

For instance the stars say..

Sneer stocks will double.

Cyril: Hogwash!
[phone ringing]

Pig 3: And that'll be the phone.

Cyril: What a relief it is too.

Sneer here, talk to me.
Talk sense to me!


Uhm! Really?

That's remarkable.


Well boys, that
was my stock broker!

Ha-Haa! Sneer
stocks just doubled!


Pig: Oh, really?

Pig 2: The stars know all.

Cyril: You, boys, are gifted.

With you porkers plugged
into the astroplane,

I can make a fortune,
the easy way.


Looks like we'll need some
more room in the vault.

Add on an extension.

Pigs: Yes, Sir. Oh, yes, Sir!

Cyril: A ha! I'm going
to make millions

with those three curly
tailed clairvoyants.

Pig: It worked!
For the first time,

we've actually
impressed the boss.

He'll believe anything
we tell him now.

Pigs: [laughing]

Bert: It's gotta be here
somewhere, Cedric.

Cedric: We better find it soon.

It's getting late and I don't
want Pop to worry about me.

Bert: And I don't want to miss
Lady Baden-Baden's party.

I just love those
fancy little sandwiches.

Cedric: Maybe this will help.

Bert: A compass?
We know where North is!

Cedric: That's right, Bert,

but some meteorites are made of
highly magnetic nickel iron.

Hey, it's working!

The meteorite is deflecting
the compass needle.

It's over that way!

Bert: Well, what
are we waiting for?

Let's go Cedric.



Cedric: Are you all right, Bert?

Bert: Cedric, we found it!

Cedric: Wow!

Bert: Look at it, Cedric!

W-we are famous!

We-we found a rock
from outer space!

Cedric: Wow,
it's a beauty, Bert!


Bert: Oh, wait'll we tell
Professor Smedley-Smythe.

He'll be over the moon!

Pig: Hmmm, now let me see.

Pigs: [cross talking]

Cyril: Come on,
I want to make some money!

Start predicting!

Pig: But boss, the stars
aren't, uh-oh-uhm..

in proper alignment.

Cyril: Neither is your brain.
Now get on with it!

Pigs: Yes, Sir.

Pig: Mmmmhhhmmmm..

I feel it...I feel it!

We are in touch
with a higher plain.

What are your questions?

Cyril: Oh, the things
I do for money.

All right, tell me
what's going to be hot

in the commodities market.

Pig: Mmmmhhhmmmm..

Cyril: Remind me to
pay the electric bill.

Pig: I hear the
stars calling to me.

Cyril: I've got to get
that roof fixed too.

Pig: The stars are calling.



Cyril: You're going to be
calling an ambulance,

if you don't make
a prediction pronto!

Pig: R-r-right.

Uhm, the stars say, uhm, oh yes.


Cyril: Can you be a
little more specific?

Pig: B-buy. B-b-buy..

Ooooh.. bananas.

Cyril/Pigs: Bananas?

Pig: Yes, boss, bananas.

There is a big banana
bonanza boom coming, boss.

The ancient voice of
the stars has spoken.

Cyril: Bananas it is then,
so get out there and buy!

Buy boat loads! Buy plantations!

Buy republics!

Go bananas buying bananas, boys!

He-he! That's a good one!
Write that down.

Now, get out of those pajamas

and get ready to drive me to
Lady Baden-Baden's party.

I can't wait to gloat at Knox!


Bert: Did you find it, Cedric?

Cedric: I've checked that whole
side of the island, Bert,

and there is no
sign of the raft.

Bert: Oh great,
that's just great!

I should have tied
up the raft better!

Now what are we going to do?

Cedric: Don't worry, Bert.

Somebody will come
looking for us soon.

Bert: Ya, maybe!

But how are they going
to know where to look!?

You were right, Cedric.

We should have told someone
where we were going.

[sighs] It's going
to be a long night.



Lady B-B:

Lady B-B: Oh,

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady Penelope

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady Penelope

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady Penelope
Banyos, how

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady Penelope
Banyos, how do

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady Penelope
Banyos, how do you

Lady B-B: Oh, Lady Penelope
Banyos, how do you do?

How do you do?

Ralph: That's it!
They've been missing too long.

I'm calling search and rescue.

Lady B-B: You don't seem
to be enjoying my soire.

Whatever is the matter?

Cyril: Cedric is missing.

That ring-tailed
rapscallion Bert,

he's behind this.
He's got them lost!

Melissa: We don't know
what's happened to them.

They've never gone
off like this before.

Lady B-B: It is
such a large forest.

Melissa: That's just it,
Lady Baden-Baden,

where do we start
looking for them?

Lady B-B: Wait there! I'll
get my astrological charts.

Professor Smedley-Smythe: I'd
say jolly good party, Melissa.

You haven't seen Bert, have you?

I'm still looking for someone

who might have seen
the meteor last night.

Melissa: That's it!
If Bert and Cedric

did see that meteor last night,

it would be just like
them to go looking for it.

I've got a terrible feeling,
they are in real trouble.

Lady B-B: Yoohoo! Here we are.

Cedric's horoscope says to
rise above his problems.

And according to
Bert's horoscope,

he might find himself
in a high place.

Cyril: You mean the mountains?
Lady B-B: Yes.

Ralph: I don't put much stock in
horoscopes, Lady Baden-Baden,

but I suppose it's as good a
place as any to start looking.

Lady B-B: The stars
never lie, just ask Knoxy.

Mr. Knox: Well, I..umm!

Lady B-B: Gather round everyone.

We must form search parties.


Ralph: Bert?

Cyril: Cedric?

Ralph: Broo?

♪ I walk along
the empty streets ♪

♪ Got no place to call my own

Melissa: Cedric?!!!

♪ Feel the darkness
fall around me ♪

♪ Sound all alone

♪ Every night
I ask the question ♪

♪ Why does it have
to be this way? ♪

♪ Rehearsed the scene
a thousand times ♪

♪ I wanna hear you say

♪ Come on home where
the love is waiting ♪

♪ Come on home, our
love's still strong ♪

♪ Come on home, we're
standing, waiting ♪

♪ Back where you belong

♪ Come on home


Bert: What a night!

I've never been
so c-cold in my l-life.

See if you can get that
signal fire started, Cedric.

Cedric: Gee, Bert.

Bert: I'll see if
I can spot anybody.

They got to be
looking for us by now.

Cedric: I'll never get
this fire started, Broo.

Oh boy!

Bert: No sign of anyone, Cedric.



Cedric: Bert?

Bert: Ohhh!
Cedric: Bert! Bert, speak to me!

W-What am I going to do?

I gotta go for help.

I gotta swim for it!

Broo: [sad whine]

Cedric: Uh! This will help.

Broo, watch out for Bert!

I'll be back as soon as I can!

Ralph: Nothing? Nothing at all?

And you've looked up
on Freen's Peak?

Cyril: We've checked
everywhere in the mountains.

This isn't like Cedric at all.

Lady B-B: I've made a new chart.

I forgot to take into account

the sign in the skies
two nights ago.

So I think, we
should look up in the..

Mr. Knox: Uhm, I don't think
consulting the charts

will do any good, my sweet.

Lady Baden-Baden: But Knoxy?

You've always depended
on my charts to guide you.

Mr. Knox: Well,
my dear, you see

I've always made my
own business decisions.

I couldn't hurt your feelings
by telling you that.

Cyril: Hmm, how interesting?

Pigs: Oooh!

Cyril: Wonderful, my son's
been out all night

while we've been looking
in the wrong place.

Lady B-B: Oh Cyril,
I thought.. [sobs]

I thought, I was helping.

Ralph: No one is blaming
you, Lady Baden-Baden.

The mountains were as good
a place to look as any!

But where do we look for
Bert and Cedric now?

It's a big forest out there.

Cedric: Ah, ah!

Ah! [sighs] Eh!



Ralph: I see...

Yes! Good luck.

That was Search and Rescue.
Nothing to report.

They'll keep looking, though.

Professor Smedley-Smythe:
..and I just might know,

where to look.

What does this mean,
Lady Baden-Baden?

Lady B-B: Oh, that.
That's the sign in the heavens.

I saw it the other night.

Professor Smedley-Smythe:
A bright fireball?

Lady B-B: Yes.

Professor Smedley-Smythe:
Oh! That's it.

She's saw the meteor!

You may have saved the
day, Lady Baden-Baden.

You're observations
fill in the missing piece

of the equation, you see.

The meteor should
have landed here,

Jack Pine Island.

Ralph: In that case we'd
better hope Bert and Cedric

did go looking
for that meteorite.

Cyril: Well,
just don't stand there

flapping your gums. Move it!

Bert: Ooooh... Broo?

Uuh, w-we-where is Cedric?

Cedric: It didn't
look that far to land.

I've got to keep going.

Cyril: Can't you get any more
speed out of this

oversized eggbeater?

Ralph: Cyril...down there!

[helicopter humming]

Cyril: Keep flying,
I'm getting out here!

Melissa: You can't swim!

Cyril: Geronimoooooo!


[helicopter humming]
[bubbling sound]


Cyril: Ugh!


Cedric: Pop,
Bert is on the island.

He, he's hurt!

Cyril: I've got him.

Bert is on Jack Pine. Go!

[helicopter humming]

Cedric: Are you all right, Pop?

Cyril: Fine son, but in future,

let me know where you are going.

I'm getting a little old
for this kind of thing.


[helicopter humming]

Broo: [barking]

Melissa: Bert!!!
Are you all right, Bert?

Bert: Huh?... Hi guys!

I guess I...
missed the party, huh?

Ralph: Oh, Bert!


Narrator: Explorers
on land and sea

have always navigated
by the stars.

Fortunately for Bert and Cedric,

their friends had a falling star

to guide the way.

Bert: How about that,

'The Bert and Cedric meteorite

is going to be on permanent
display at the museum.'

Cedric: Ugh! Ah!

Hi, Bert. I brought you
some bananas.

Bert: No kidding!

Hey, where did you get them all?

Cedric: Pop took a plunge
in the banana business.

The bottom fell
out of the market

and he's, he-he,
stuck with a few extra.

Cyril: And you are not coming in

until you've sold
every single one.

Big banana bonanza boom my foot!

When am I ever going
to learn not to listen

to those pin-headed
prevaricating porkers?

Pig: You heard the boss.

Get your bananas
on special today!

Pig 2: Hey, you are eating
into the boss' profits.

Pig 3: Now tell me honestly,

do you think the boss is going
to miss one crummy banana?

Pigs: ♪ Buy a banana,
hey, let's make a deal ♪

♪ Know a banana, and
you've got a steal ♪

♪ Buy a banana and
we'll throw in a peel ♪

♪ Please, or the boss
will drive us all... ♪

♪ Bananazz!

♪ [show

♪ [show theme

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ The desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
