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04x08 - The Great Escape!

Posted: 03/08/24 18:50
by bunniefuu
- [Narrator] This is
the evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is until Bert
Raccoon wakes up.

- Yoo-hoo!


[Bert laughing]

[bright upbeat music]

[Bert exclaiming]

- [Narrator] Luckily he
has some good friends

to help him out.

[bright upbeat music]

Life would be
simple in the forest

except for Cyril Sneer.

[device beeping]

And his life would be simple
except for "The Raccoons."

[fireworks blasting]
[bright upbeat music]

[bright upbeat music]
[birds chirping]

On a perfectly ordinary morning
in the evergreen forest,

things usually go as planned.

Unless of course, Bert
Raccoon happens along,

then the day can turn
around like magic.

- I may not be as good
as The Great Tromboni,

but cast your eyes
on this, Cedric.

Nothing up my sleeve.


- Wow!

Gee Bert, I didn't know
you were into magic.

- Are you kidding?

I've loved magic for ages.

Why, I could make a peanut
butter soda disappear like that.

[train honking]

[Bert gasps]

Here he comes, Cedric.

The greatest magician,
illusionist and escape artist

on the planet!

And he's playing the
Blue Spruce Cafe, oh wow.

[Bert laughs]

[all cheering]

- Whoa.

- That's him, Cedric.

That's Tromboni!

- Boy, Tromboni sure knows
how to make an entrance.

- Come one, come all to
see The Great Tromboni!

Be amazed, be
stupefied, but be there!

[dramatic music]
[hawk calling]

- [Knox] Very
impressive, Mr Sneer.

- Impressive?

This Sneer secure
vault is impenetrable!

- 12 inches of tungsten
titanium steel mesh,

with heat resistant
graphite ceramic armor.

- Oh, she's a doozy

- I'm sure.

How much would you be asking
for the vault Mr. Sneer?

- Well Knox,

all that security stuff
doesn't come cheap.

Besides, you can't put
a price on happiness.

- Try.

- Oh, three quarters
of a $1 million.

- [Knox] Hmm?

- It's a steal.

- Your prize is a little steep

and this is an untested product.

What guarantees do I have?

- Oh, any kind you want.

Pick one.

- Well, thank you for
the demonstration, sir.

But I believe I'll do a
little comparative shopping.

- Fine, fine, I never
rush a customer.

But don't take all day.

[birds chirping]
[calm music]

[Cedric and Bert grunting]

- Boy, this is pretty heavy
for a bunch of illusions.

- Where would you like
this, Mr. Tromboni?

- Right there's good, Bert.

- Here goes, wish
me luck Cedric.

Mr. Tromboni, I was
wondering, uh...

I mean, do you think I
could be your apprentice?

- So you want to be a magician.

- [Bert] Boy, do I ever.

- Do you know how
much work is involved

in learning the
art of magic, Bert?

- I don't care, because
being a magician

has gotta be the greatest
thing in the world.

Mystifying people,
stupefying crowds,

it'd be great!

[Tromboni laughs]

- Well, you certainly
have the right attitude.

- Now, watch this.

Abracadabra, ta-dah!

What do you think?

- Good, but it could be better.

[Bert gasps]

- [Bert] Wow.

And it's real

- [Lady Baden-Baden] Yoo-hoo!

Oh, Mr. Tromboni!

- Mr. Tromboni,
Lady Baden-Baden.

- Oh, Mr. Tromboni, it's
such a thrill to meet you.

And when I heard you
were visiting the forest

I simply had to invite you
to my charity luncheon.

I was hoping perhaps you
could put on a small spectacle

for my guests.

- Lady Baden-Baden,
I'd be honored.

- Ooh, how gallant.

Until noon then, tah-tah!

- Well Bert, if you are
serious about learning magic,

we'll start at noon.

[Bert muttering]

- Cedric, did you hear that?

I'm gonna be a magician!

You won't regret
this, Mr. Tromboni.

I'll be the best
apprentice you ever had.


[enchanting music]
[birds chirping]

And then after he is chained up,

they weld him into
a steel milk can

and drop him out of an airplane.

- And he escapes?

That's fantastic.

- Ooh, that's terrifying.

[Bert laughs]

- I laugh at danger.

[Bert laughs]

So, do I look like the
well dressed magician?

- Very spiffy, Bert.

- Oh, I can't wait

till I'm the greatest
magician in the world!

Hmm, gotta get that fixed.

And now I'm off to Lady
Baden-Baden's luncheon.

So if you'll just
close your eyes,

I will perform an amazing stunt.

I'll disappear.

- Amazing, and I thought it
was all done with mirrors.

[bright upbeat music]

- Come on, Knox,
don't be a tightwad,

you need the Sneer secure vault,

be the first on your
block to install one.

- Mr. Sneer, I have
heard the sales pitch.

Now, kindly back off.

- Right.

- They're almost ready, pop.

Wait till you see this,

the world's greatest
escape artist.

- And now, without further ado,

appearing before us,

[Lady Baden-Baden crowing]
[drum roll]

The Great Tromboni!

[audience applauds]

- Thank you, and good afternoon.

As you can see my able
assistant, Bert Raccoon,

has chained me up securely.

- Are you sure about this?

- It's all right, Bert.

And now he will lock me in
inside this brass bound trunk.

- Ladies and gentlemen, we
ask for complete silence

during this difficult
and daring escape.

[Bert gasps]

Mr. Tromboni?

- Thank you, ladies
and gentlemen.

As you can see, no
nefarious device

can hold the great
Tromboni for long.

I will escape from
anything, anywhere, anytime.

- Well, here's your
chance to prove

the quality of your
new vault Mr. Sneer.

- What?

You don't mean...

- If the great Tromboni
can't escape the vault,

I will happily
purchase one, or more.


- Oh, what a great
idea, Mr. Knox.

- Like you said, sir,
it's impenetrable.

- Um, yeah.

Great, all right.

You're on, Knox.

Tromboni, I challenge
you to escape

from my Sneer secure vault.

[all gasp]

- I accept, sir.

With pleasure.

[calm music]

- Heat resistant,
graphite, ceramic armor.

- You don't mind if I do
the honors, do you Raccoon?

- By all means, Mr. Sneer.

- Nice pose, Cyril.

- You designed
this vault, Cedric.

What are Tromboni's chances?

- Well, if I were here
him I'd pack a lunch.

- Are you satisfied
everything's secure, Mr. Sneer?

- Those chains are tighter
than one of my contracts.

[Sneer laughing]

- Then let's proceed.

- All right, lock him up boys!

[dramatic music]

- You'll never get out of here.

[door clanging]
[pigs screaming]

- Well Knox, I guess
I've proved my point.

Tromboni's in there
for the duration,

so we might as well
close the deal.

Our easy payment plan
is straightforward;

I take the cash,
you get the vault.

[Tromboni clears throat]

Not now.


- I knew he'd get out!

[Knox laughing]

- Mr. Sneer, just let me
check you on that quote.

I believe you said, Tromboni
is in there for the duration?

- [Bert] Wasn't
that amazing, Cyril?

- Yeah, amazing.

[calm music]

- Okay Broo, this is it.

Lesson number one, and
this time I'll do it right.

[coin clattering]

Oh, I can't do it.

I'll never be able to do it.

Besides, this hasn't got
anything to do with magic.

Magic is the disappearing
cabinet, levitation,

that's the kind of
stuff I wanna do.

Hey Broo, watch this;

Nothing up my sleeve, right?



[Bert coughing]

A little too much of the
old flash powder, eh Broo?

[bell ringing]

Ugh, gee.

- Hi Bert, hi Broo.

- Oh, hi guys.

I was just practicing
my coin manipulations.

Tromboni says it
sharpens the eye,

quickens the hand and...


Well, it still
needs a little work.

- It's great to see you
working so hard on this Bert.

- We thought you might
like to see this.

- Wow!

This one definitely
goes in my scrapbook.

Gee, thanks guys.

- Well, we'll let
you get back at it.

See ya.

- You know, Bert, when
you first started this

I didn't think you'd have
the patience to stick to it.

I think that's great.

- Ha!

You think that's
great, watch this.

Hat, milk.

- [Cedric] Uh
Bert, are you sure?

- And say the magical words;



Eh Cedric?

[Cedric laughs]

- Sure is.

I'll wait till you
get cleaned up,

then we better get
over to the cafe.

- I invested a fortune
developing this vault,

and it's got as many
holes as a Swiss cheese.

I might as well install a
turnstile in the darn thing.

- But boss, we've been
over the entire vault

and there's no way
Tromboni could've escaped.

- Brilliant observation.

The fact remains he did escape,

and there is nothing wrong
with Cedric's design.

So it must be in
the construction,

and you two bit truffle
snuffers built it!

So you find out how
he escaped, capisce?

- Oh, yes sir.

Right away, sir.

- Boy, the boss is on
the w*r path this time.

- Yeah, let's show the boss

we can do something
right for a change.

- Well that shouldn't
be too hard,

all we've gotta do
is find a way out

of an impregnable vault.

[metal clanging]

Seems solid here.

[Tromboni grunting]

- Well, that's
everything Schaeffer.

- Wow!

- Hi Bert, Cedric,

we're just about set here.

How's the coin
trick coming along?

- Oh fine, just fine.

Wow, look at all
this great stuff.

Mr. Tromboni, actually,
I've been working

on a couple of
zingers for the show.

- Really?

- Watch this;

And now, out of nowhere.

[Bert chocking]

[Bert coughing]

- Bert, are you okay?

- Oh, thanks Mr. Tromboni.

I guess one got stuck.

- Bert, don't do these things

unless you know exactly
what you're doing.

It's dangerous.

There's plenty of time to learn
that one when you're ready.

- I'm sorry, Mr. Tromboni.

It's just that I wanna
skip the penny ante stuff

and move on to major illusions.

I really think
they are my forte.

- Bert, practice with the coin

until you can do it
perfectly, then we'll move on.

- Bert, would you mind putting
some of these boxes away?

Mr. Tromboni and I are
heading for the train station

to pick up the
rest of his stuff.

- Sure Schaeffer.

- Cheer up Bert,

Mr. Tromboni's not
trying to discourage you.

He just wants you to be
as good as him one day.

So keep practicing,
you'll get the hang of it.

Oh yeah, sure.

You couldn't play a guitar
first time you picked it up.

It's the same with magic.

I'll see you later, okay Bert?

- Yeah, thanks Cedric.

- Hey, thanks Broo.

Yeah, Cedric's right.

A little practice and I'll be
disappearing all over the map.

[bright upbeat music]

♪ Ooh, this kinda night,
music rides the breeze ♪

♪ Wind on your face, moon
shadows through the trees ♪

♪ I feel your touch like
perfume in the air, everywhere ♪

♪ I hear your voice
come whisper in my ear ♪

♪ If I had a choice, I'd
be getting out of here ♪

♪ But I lost the power to turn
and walk away, walk away ♪

[audience applauds]

♪ I can't trust myself

♪ Can't trust myself

♪ I'm someone else

♪ When I'm around you

- Oh, I'll never get
the hang at this.

[coin clattering]

Hmm, what's this?

[dramatic music]

- Broo, do you
know what this is?

The most death defying
escape trick ever!

Tromboni's world
famous water trap.

[upbeat music]

- There's no way

Tromboni could have
gotten out through here.

It's only a light socket.

[electricity buzzing]
[all screaming]

- Well, that does it.

We've poked and prodded
every square inch

of this vault, and nothing!

- I was watching an old rerun
of "Pignum PI" last night,

and he was locked in
an escape proof room.

- How did he get out?

- Well I don't know, I
didn't watch the end,

but I did tape it.

- Well, let's watch it.

Maybe we can pick up a clue.

- Yeah, I'll just
lock up the vault.

- Hey stop!

- Oh, darn it!

That was the time lock.

- Drats!

- Hey, no problem.

I'll just leave this note
which explains everything.

[birds chirping]

[Broo whimpering]

- Ah, don't worry about it Broo.

I just wanna have a look.

Ha, you'd figure there'd be
some kind of trick to this.


Oh great, I'm gonna
look really stupid

when Tromboni sees this.

[Broo barking]

Broo, help!

Get me outta here!

Stop the water!

Broo, get help
before it's too late!

[dramatic music]

- This is the last
of it, Schaeffer.

[Broo whimpering]

- [Schaeffer] Something's
wrong, let's go.

Bert, how do we open it?

- There's no time, stand back!

[glass shattering]

- Bert, say something!

[Bert coughing]

- Oh, now I see why it's
called the water trap.

- Bert, you almost
k*lled yourself.

How could you be so stupid?

- I'm sorry, Mr. Tromboni.

I thought...

- You didn't think.

You didn't at all.

- I've been trying to tell
you to stick to the basics,

the rest will come, but...

[Tromboni groans]

- Come on Bert,
let's get you home.

- Move it, you bumbling bruins!

Time's running out for my boys.

- Pop, what are you doing?

- They left this note.

It's all my fault.

- "Dear boss, so far
no luck breaking out,

but there's one
thing left to try.

Hoping we find the answer
before it's too late.

We remain yours, the boys."

[Cyril cries]

- And this is all I've
got to remember them by,

a crushed hat.

Oh, those dear, brave boys.

Stand back, I'll go in first.

This won't be pretty.

- What's happening here?

You've wrecked the vault.

- What are you three
doing out here?

You're supposed to be in there.

- Oh, sorry boss.

But you see Pignum
PI was trapped

in this escape
proof room, you see?

[dramatic music]

And then he slipped the
lock with a credit card.

- Well, it probably wouldn't
work anyway, huh boss?

[laughs nervously]

[Cyril grunting]

[hawk calling]

- Ah, come on Bert.

Come to the show.

- I told you I wasn't coming.

Now get going or you'll
be late for the show.

- It's me Bert, Tromboni.

Do you mind if I come in?

- Well, there's nothing
stopping you but a closed door.

- Giving up on
magic already, Bert?

- Yeah, I guess

- You didn't give
it much of a chance.

- Sure I did.

But when I was caught
in the water trap

I knew I couldn't
do the impossible.

- Nothing's impossible, Bert.

If you believe, you can do it.

- Yeah, well there's
a big difference

between believing you can do
something and really doing it.

- Ah, what's this?

- Huh?

- Catch.

[Bert gasps]

Do you believe I just did that?

- Well, I saw it,
so I guess I, uh...

Yeah, I believe it.

- Then you can do it too,

and I'll show you how.

But you must promise never to
reveal how the trick is done,

one magician to another.

- I promise.
[enchanting music]

- [Tromboni] Now, let's
do the impossible.



- [Bert] Wow, I did it!

- [Tromboni] That's magic.

- [Narrator] Sometimes it's
hard to tell the difference

between what's real
and what isn't.

But as Bert Raccoon found out,

nothing is impossible, if
you work hard enough for it.

- Ladies and gentlemen!

The Great Tromboni will now
try to escape the water trap!

Will he succeed or
will he, will he...

[dramatic music]

[bell ringing]

[enchanting music]
[audience laughs]

- Thank you, ladies
and gentlemen!

And now, my new student
will demonstrate his ability

with what we magicians
call, close magic.

[audience applauds]

- Hocus pocus!


[audience gasps]


[both gasp]

[audience applauds]

- A true spectacular
show, wasn't it Mr. Sneer?

- Terrific.

- Anyway, you'll
be pleased to hear

I have decided to purchase
one of your vaults.

- But Tromboni got out of it.

- My dear Mr. Sneer,
surely you are aware

that magic is the
art of illusion.

What you see is not
necessarily what happens.

Can I expect delivery
of the vault tomorrow?

- Sure, Knox.

But what you saw

is not necessarily what
you're going to get.

[audience applauds]

[bright upbeat music]

♪ When darkness falls,
leaving shadows in the night ♪

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ Wipe that fear
from your eyes ♪

♪ But desperate love

♪ Keeps on driving you wrong

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone

♪ You can run with us

♪ We got everything you need

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free

♪ Come with us

♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us