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05x03 - Moving In!

Posted: 03/08/24 18:56
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: When a new family
moves to the Evergreen forest,

it's cause for a celebration.

And of course, no party
would be complete

without Bert Raccoon.

Bert: Hey, there's a lot more
out here, you guys!

Melissa: Not to worry, Nicole.

We'll have you
unpacked in no time!

Gordon: Ohh. My
aching sacro-illiac!

I thought losing
my job was painful.

Moving is worse!

Ralph: And standing
still won't get it done.

Come on big brother,
time's a wasting.

Bert: Gangway! Fragile
material coming through!

Ooh-uuuh-ooh! Whoaa!
Ralph: Interception.

Bert: [giggles] Pretty
good stunt, eh George?

Hey, how about a guest shot
on that new TV show of yours?

George: Gimme a break, Bert.

I haven't even started
my new job yet.

Nicole: Besides, there's not
much call for dare-devils

on a cooking show, Bert.

Bert: Oh, I don't know.

Uh, I could introduce
a new recipe..

Dare-devilled eggs.


Ralph: That sounds about right,
coming from a canned ham.

Nicole: [laughing]
Bert: Fine, fine.

I can take a hint.

Are Bentley and Lisa
still upstairs?

Nicole: Oh yes. They're still
wheeling and dealing over

who gets which bedroom.

Bert: Oo, wait 'til Bentley
sees what I got him!

An official Mammoth
Mud Hens baseball cap.

Bentley: You always get
everything you want!

Lisa: And you're
acting like a big baby!

Bentley: Fine.
Take the stupid room!


See, if I care!

Bert: Um..Bentley?

Lisa: And don't you
dare come back in here!

Bert: Umm, Lisa?

Bentley: I wish I still
had my old room anyway!

And I wish we'd never
even moved! So there!


Bert: Sheesh...I wish
I'd stayed downstairs.


TV Announcer: In days of old,
when there were no laws,

who did we count on?

Pigs: Three guys with a cause!

That's right, kiddies.

Now stay tuned to...

'Biff, Bill and

Three guys with a cause!

Right here on K.N.O.X. TV!

Pig3: Oh boy,
I wish we had a life

of swashbuckling and daring-do.

Pig 2: Yeah, but with
the boss around

it's all buckling down
and daring don't!

Cyril: You are cordially
invited to visit

my new television facility,
K.N.O.X. TV.

Sincerely yours, Mr. Knox.

Fat chance. I'd
sooner eat worms. Pigs!?

I've got something else
for you boys to shred.

Pig 1: Will do, boss.
Put it on the pile.

Cyril: [choking]
Pig 3: What was that boss?

B-b-boys..I think
we're done for!

Pigs: Uaah, oooh, eeeeh!

Cyril: And if I ever
see you three

thick-headed throw-backs

I'll make you the main
attractions at a Luau!

And you won't be
wearing grass skirts!

Show them to the gate, Snag!

Snag: Gruff, ruff.
Pigs: Nooo!

Snag: Grrrr.
Pigs: Nooo!


Cyril: [laughs]


Bentley: Hey Lisa,
look at this!

They're giving away a
genuine mud man whirly-bird

in the Crackle Crunch.

Lisa: Sorry Bentley,
it's not on the list.

Bentley: I never get
anything I want.

Bert: Aw, Lisa, it's only
one measly box of cereal.

Lisa: Until dad starts his new
job, we're on a tight budget.

Bert: Poor little guy.

All these changes
must be tough on him.

Lisa: Yeah, poor little Bentley.

Willow: Hello boys.
What can I do for you?

Pig 1: I'm glad you
asked, Mr. Willow.

As a result of recent cut backs,

we find ourselves available
for gainful employment.

Pig 3: But we'd
settle for a job.

Willow: Well, I guess,
I could use a trio

of hard working pack boys.

Pig 2: Pack boys?

Ha, we were hoping for something

in the executive management
field, at about $40K.

Mr. Willow: Well, uh.. have
you tried the want ads?

Pig 3: Ah. Gee,
thanks, Mr. Willow.

Mr. Willow: Bentley, what are
you doing in these parts?

Bert: Bentley and Lisa just
moved to the forest, Mr. Willow.

Mr. Willow: Isn't that grand?

Bentley, you're going to
have a great time here!

You too, Lisa.

I see, you're a
Mud Hens fan, Bentley.

What do you think of their
chances for the Pennant?

Bentley: I think
they'll take it.

With Roland Nylon pitching,
they can't lose!

Lisa: Uh, I'm a pretty
big basketball fan.

Bert: Aw gee,
that's too bad, Lisa.

There's no basketball
teams in the forest.

Mr. Willow:
I figure the Diamond backs

are the only threat
the Mud Hens have.

Bert: Those wimps? Ha! No way!

Bentley: Not since they
traded Pony Fernando.

Mr. Willow: Yeah, but they
brought up that new southpaw,

Milkcan Floyd.

Bert: Ah, he's a
designated do nothing.

Pig 2: It's too good to be true!

Pig 3: I call it fate.

Pig 1: Well, what
are we waiting for?

The perfect job awaits!

Oh yes! [laughing]

Cyril: Where in tarnation did
those disorganized drips

file the Bosco papers?

Pigs, front and... center.

Cedric: Hi Pop.
Pigs got the day off?

Cyril: Who? Oh right...the pigs.

Huh...fired them!
Should have done it years ago!

Cedric: You're
kidding, right Pop?

Cyril: Kidding?!

Why, I should have fired them

before they messed up
my filing system!

Cedric: Maybe it's not too
late to get them back, Pop.

Cyril: If you think, I'd take
those gold bricking galoots back

then your calculator
needs batteries, Cedric!

Now if you'll excuse me son,
I'm kind of busy.

Bosco.. Bosco.. where is
that dang blasted file?

To the best boss in the world.

Gosh. Yeeeuck.

I've told those
idiots a million times!

No jelly sandwiches
in the office!

George: But Mr. Knox, I moved
my whole family to the forest

on the strength of your letter.

Knox: Well that's very
unfortunate, Sir.

All I said was, I'd
like to try you out

as the host of Chef's Surprise.

Ralph: Now see here, Mr. Knox..

George: Hold on Ralph,
I'll handle this.

So, you're telling me
this is a trial period?

Knox: Exactly. If your ratings

are good on the first show,

I'd be more than happy
to offer you a contract.

Don't worry, Sir.

I'm sure, things
work out just fine.

Now if you'll excuse me.

Ralph: Aw, don't
worry about it, George,

you'll get the job.

George: And what if I don't?

How can I tell
Nicole and the kids?

I've uprooted them, taken
the kids out of school,

brought them to a strange place,

and now I'm not even sure
I've got a job.

Sure made a mess of things
this time, Ralphie old boy.

A real mess.


Knox: I must confess,
I was unaware you three

were trained actors
and stuntmen.

Pig 2: Ooooh, you wouldn't
believe some of the stunts

we've pulled, Mr. Knox, Sir.

Knox: Well, I certainly hope

your audition works out.

It would give me great pleasure

to hire away three of
Mr. Sneer's employees.

In fact, I don't know how you
managed to work for such a

money-grubbing sl*ve-driver
for this long.

Pig 3: You can't talk about

our boss that way.. I..ow..

Pig 2: Um...our ex-boss...

yeah, well, uh, hahah.

He could be difficult at times.

Pig 1: By the way... um...

what happened to
the last three guys?

Knox: Huh? Oh, a couple of
months in a body cast,

and they'll be right as rain.

Well, let's get on
with it, shall we?

Director: Okay boys, action.

Pigs: Yo ho hooaaaah!

[loud crash!]


Knox: I think, you boys are
gonna work out just peachy.

Pig 2: I was afraid
he'd say that.

Lisa: Oh everything's
fine, I guess...

Nicole: I'm popping over
to the RaccoonDominium.

Want to come along?

Lisa: No thanks, mom. Have fun!

Sorry about that.

How's the basketball
team doing without me?

They won? Gee.

That's...that's great!

You have to go?

Oh, no, no. I've got lots to do.

Say hi to everybody for me!


Bentley: We're off to the
ball game, Lisa. Wanna come?

Lisa: No thanks, Bentley.

I still have to
unpack some stuff.

Bentley: You know Bert, I
think living in the forest's

gonna suit me just fine.

Lisa: Yeah, just fine.


♪ We would stand on
Saturday nights, ♪

♪ The boys and me in line,


♪ Fighting for the chance
to dance with you... ♪


♪ I can still remember


♪ The look upon your face,


♪ You were so surprised
that I told you, ♪


♪ All life long,

♪ I knew it was forever

♪ All life long,

♪ I knew we couldn't stop

♪ All life long,

♪ I knew it was forever,

♪ All life long,


♪ We still go back there


♪ Most Saturday nights,


♪ The same old band
in grey and gold... ♪


♪ And I can still remember
♪ Still remember

♪ You and the boys in line,


♪ And I still want to
dance with you... ♪


♪ O-o-o-ooooo

♪ All life long,

♪ I knew it was forever

♪ All life long,

♪ I knew we couldn't stop

♪ All life long,

♪ I knew it was forever

♪ All life long,

♪ I knew we couldn't stop

Cyril: Bosco. Bosco. It's
got to be in here somewhere.

I don't know what's worse,

living with the pigs

or living without them.

I HATE computers!

Cedric: Pop, you'll
never guess what's on TV!

Cyril: A vast wasteland,
I suppose.

Cedric: Watch this!

Announcer: In days of old,
when there were no laws,

who did we count on?

Three guys with a cause!

Pig 1: Bob. Alphonse.
The king's men pursueth me.

Pig 3: Quickly Biff,
lest their approach

signal our ultimate...waaahh!

Cedric: Aren't
the pigs great, Pop?

And to think, we knew
them way back when!

Cyril: I...I'm really
happy for them, son.

Really happy.

They seem to be doing
just fine without me.

Pigs: Uh.. uuuh!

Nicole: Bentley seems
to be having fun.

He and Bert are cooking up
all kinds of things to do.

George: I wish I could settle
in as easily as the kids.

I mean, look at Lisa.

She acts like she's lived
in the forest all her life.

Nicole: Well, that's Lisa.
She's always been so popular.

I guess, she knows, she'll
have no problem fitting in.

George: Yeah, but I might.

About the job, Nicole.
Do you think I should tell them?

Lisa: Tell them what?

George: Oh, Lisa!

Uh, this is a little tough
honey, but, uh, uh..

I saw Mr. Knox..and..

Nicole: What your father
is trying to say is,

the job isn't guaranteed.

George: Let's just keep
this to ourselves for now.

I don't want Bentley to worry.
Okay honey?

Melissa: Bert! Bentley!

Dinner's almost ready.

Bert: Be right there!

Wait 'till Lisa sees
this, little buddy.

She's gonna love it!

Nicole: Professor Smedley Smythe
thinks there might be

a job for me at the museum.

Melissa: And I think azaleas
might be nice out front.

I'll ask Lady
Baden-Baden about it.

George: You remember
the time old man Grothers

caught us in the orchard?
Ralph: He caught you, George!

I was always the
fast one in our family.

Bert: And then we can go
camping up on Frean's Peak.

Oh, and wait 'til you see
the endless Echo Caverns!

Bentley: Oh, I almost forgot.

I've got to show you
my baseball cards!

Bert: You're not saying much,
Lisa. Uh, how was your day?

Lisa: Lousy, as if you care!

Melissa: What's wrong, Lisa?

Lisa: Everything!
Everything's wrong!

I've got no friends anymore!

I miss my school!
I hate this house!

George: That's enough,
young lady!

We've all got a lot
of adjusting to do!

Lisa: Oh, sure!
Everyone else is happy!

Nobody cares what I think!

None of this would have happened
if you hadn't lost your job!

Nicole: Lisa!!
Lisa: [sobbing]

It's all your fault!

And I hope, you don't get that
stupid job at the station!



Bert: How's

Bert: How's Lisa

Bert: How's Lisa doing?

Nicole: She won't talk to us.

Maybe she just needs some time.

Bert: Hmm. Do you mind
if I take a whack at it?

George: It can't hurt.
Maybe she'll listen to you.

Bert: And Bert breaks
out of the pack!

And whammo! Slam dunk!

And it's a swisher
from the three point line!

Hiya Lisa!

Hey, watch me! You
might learn something

about the fine are
of slam dunking!

Oof. Owww!




Uaaah! Oof!



Lisa: You can't teach me

a thing about
basketball, buster!


Bert: B-bu-but?




Uuh, eh-ehh!


Uh! You must have won
the High school championship

all by yourself!

Lisa: Don't be silly, Bert!

Basketball has
to be a team effort.

Bert: Oh? Kinda
like a family, right?

Lisa: Yeah. Exactly like a...

Yeah. A lot like a family, Bert.

Three guys with a cause.

Scene 10, Take 13.

Pig 2: 13th try lucky,
eh boys? Eh heh.

Pigs: Yaaaaaaaa!


Knox: No. No. No!!!

You're supposed to land
IN the hay cart!

In the hay cart!

Pig 1: Ooo. Believe me Mr. Knox,

we're trying. We're trying.

Knox: That's it! If you boys

can't provide the
sort of action I need...

Cyril: Ahem!

Knox: Why, Mr. Sneer!

I'm so glad, you
accepted my invitation

to visit my extensive studio!

Pig 1: It's the boss.

Pig 2: Maybe he wants us back!

Pig 3: Dream on.

That part of our lives
is over and done with,

and we might as well face it.

Cyril: So...ahem...

the pigs giving you
a hard time, Knox?

Knox: Boil mah grits, no Sir!

They're exemplary employees!

Come and say hello
to my three guys.

Uh, they might even deign
to sign an autograph.

Cyril: Heh heh. Wouldn't
that be a thrill.

Three x's.

Pig 2: Hi

Cyril: Hello boys!
How are things?

Pig 1: Hunkey dorey, boss!

We're having the time
of our lives, thanks!

Cyril: That's great boys! Umm...

you left these behind.

Pig 1: Oh, boss.

Cyril: I..I thought,
you might want them.

Pigs: Our bunny-wunnies!

Cyril: I know you
always liked your uh...


Director: Alright.

We're not sh**ting
a soap opera here.

Places everyone!

Pig 1: Would you like to
stick around and..w-watch?

Cyril: Sure. Thanks, I will.

Director: Camera three,
zoom in on that logo.

George: Ah, Nicole,
what if I b*mb?

What if I don't get the job?

I wish, none of this
had ever happened.

Nicole: Well, it did happen.
And we'll get through it.

We're all going to be out there
rooting for you, George.

Bentley: Hi mom.
Nicole: Hi guys.

Oh, I wish Lisa had come.

Bert: Me too.

Announcer: And now,
ladies and gentlemen,

it's time for
everybody's soon to be

fabulously favorite
cooking show,

Chef's Surprise!

Starring George Raccoon!

George: Good afternoon, folks...

and welcome to the show!

Director: Battering ram
sequence.. Take one..



Pigs: Aaaahhh!

[loud crash]

Pig 1: Ga-ga-gagaaaa.


Cyril: Ahem. Headache, Knox?

George: [chuckles] And to
celebrate my first show,

every audience member can
take home one of these pies.

But first, we'll just finish up

our chocolate cherry
cheesecake supreme.

By the way, this is my
daughter's favorite.

Well, would a member of our
audience care to sample it?

Lisa: I will!!

George: Lisa.

Lisa: I'm sorry, daddy.

Director: Fellas, fellas.
In this one,

you're trying to get away
from the king's men.

Okay? Hit it!

Pigs: [panting]


Knox: No! No, you
pea-brained pork bellies!

Pigs: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Lisa: Mmmm. This is the best...

Knox: Uaaaaah!
[loud crash!]

Pig: Oww!


Knox: You're fired!

You hear me? Fired!

Cyril: [laughing]


Knox: Take that, Sir!

Cyril: [laughs]

Nicole: What's going on here?

Knox: Bombs away!

Nicole: Oh George. Your show!

C'est un.. Oh?
George: Oh!

Nicole: [laughs]

George: Well, you can't
say I didn't try.

Pig 2: More pies, Sir?

Cyril: Haha. I haven't
had this much fun

since my last tax refund!

Pig 2: We make a pretty
good team, he ha, right

Cyril: I've seen...worse!

Pig 1: Boss? About that little
accident with the shredder..

Cyril: It's coming
out of your salary!

Pigs: You mean, we can
have our old jobs back?

Cyril: Might as well.

I wouldn't wish you three messed
up meatballs on anyone else. Ha!

George: Stay tuned folks,
for more Chef's Surprise!

All: [laughing]


Narrator: It takes courage
to face the future,

when you leave your past behind.

For a while, Lisa didn't know
where to look

for the strength she needed,

until Bert Raccoon
helped her find it,

in her family.

Melissa: It looks
pretty official to me!

George: After that
double dip disaster,

I still can't believe
Mr. Knox gave me the contract!

Bentley: Well, the show is
called Chef's Surprise, dad.

Bert: Welcome to
the Evergreen forest!

Schaeffer: g*ng way!

Here comes the pie!

Everyone: Duck. Look out!

Schaeffer: Was it
something I said?

♪ [show

♪ [show theme

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ The desperate love

♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
