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05x08 - Black Belt Bentley!

Posted: 03/08/24 19:00
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: School's over
for another week,

and for most kids, it's a chance
to turn their attention

to the world around them.

But as Bentley
Raccoon heads home,

his attention is a
million miles away.

Bentley: If a man
gets into a car,

and travels at 45 kilometers
an hour for 18 hours...

- Faster!
- Yahooo!

Bentley: ...then accelerates
to 60 kilometers an hour

- Look out!!


Bentley: Where is he?

Gee, I hope he's
near a washroom!


- You think this
is funny, do you?
- Yeah, do you?

Bentley: Excuse me?
- Why don't you watch
where you're going!

- Yeah, watch where
you're going!!

Bentley: Hey, give me that back!

Give it here. Come on, guys!

- Okay. Have your stupid book.

Bentley: Yah! [bam!] Uh!
- [laughter]

What a goof!

When you learn to stop
knocking people off the path,

give us a call, pal!

Bentley: Hey, come back here!
That's my book!

- [fading laughter]


Bentley: I'm gonna
get those guys for this.

Cyril: This is only the first
phase of my master plan.

Once I've plastered
this picture

on every billboard
in the forest,

people will see
what Cyril Sneer drinks.

They'll be clamoring
to buy my drink!

Then I'll lower my
prices to rock bottom,

and drive the competition
out of business!

With the market to myself,

there's only one
reasonable thing to do,

raise the prices right
through the roof!


[phone ringing]

Pigs, answer the phone!
[phone ringing]

Where are those
lethargic loin chops?

Pig: Booosss, oh, boooossss!

Have we got something
to show you!!

Pig 1: Ohh, sorry for the
intrusion, your Majesty.

We seek a pink guy with
a nose about yaaay long...

Cyril: It's me, meathead!

Now answer those phones!

I've got tons of work
to do around here.

Pig 2: Of course you do, boss,

and that's why we've
come up with something,

that will really
free up your time.

If your office is in a mess...

Pig 1: ...send right for an SOS!

Pig 3: Swine Office Software!

Pig 1: It can run your business
without any glitches.

Pig 2: The SOS software discs
have been custom designed

for Sneer Enterprises.

Pig 1: And we'll make
this computer think,

act and behave just like you.

Cyril: Great!!
Then there will be two of us

to kick you around this office!

Pig 2: Stand by, boss.

[computer bleeps]

There, all your
problems are solved!

Cyril: How do I know it's not
just playing elevator music

in my customer's ears?

Pig: Listen.

Computer: Hey, how about
that money I owe you?

Ha-ha, the check's in the mail!

Cyril, Cyril, ha-ha,

how about sending
those supplies over?

What do you say, Cyril, baby?
Come on, man.

Cyril: Why, it's that
weasel Maximillion Leech?!

I'll take care of this!

Pig: Wait!

Let SOS handle it.

Computer: Listen, Leech,
if I do not see

some cold, hard cash, pronto,

you will hear from
so many lawyers

that Latin will become
your second language.

Cyril: Fantastic!

Now I can concentrate on
becoming the soda pop king!

You, boys, deserve a bonus!

Pigs: A bonus?!

Cyril: Here!

It's on me!

Pig: Gee, thanks,
Your Royal Highness.


Bentley: This'll do the trick.

When those guys come
around, ker-splash!

♪ [spiritual music]


Hey Schaeffer,
are you all right?


Schaeffer: Aaaah.

Oh, Bentley, I was
just meditating.

Bentley: Where'd you learn that?

Schaeffer: Ohh, a long
time ago when I was a

martial arts student
studying for my black belt.

Bentley: Black belt!!

Aya! Oooh..

Schaeffer: [chuckles] Well,
yeah, something like that.

I'd love to stay
and talk, Bentley,

but I've got this big banquet
to organize at the Cafe.

Bentley: Martial arts...
that's it!

Hey, Schaeffer, could you
teach me the martial arts?

Schaeffer: Well, you see,
I gave it up years ago.

I'd be pretty rusty, and uh,

I've gotta get going, Bentley.

Bentley: Darn, it would have
been the perfect way

to get back at those guys.


[bam!, splash!]

Pig 1: Phew! We've been
working our tails off

filling these dumb machines.

Pig 2: If you hadn't
been so clever

and developed that
computer program..

Pig 3: ..we'd be
back in the office.

Pig 1: Oh, the office..

Pig 3: Air conditioning!

Pig 2: Afternoon naps!

Pig 1: Soft cushion chairs!

[car revs]

Cyril: Wow, what a
fabulous day, huh boys?

I've driven everyone
out of business,

and you know what that means.

Time to raise prices!

[coins dropping]

Ah, the sweet sound of money!

Wait a minute!

[tires screech]

That's not my machine!!

Delicious Drinks? Who are they?

And why aren't they
out of business?!

Pig 2: Oh, because their
drinks are so cheap!

Cyril: What? They're
lower than mine!?

This is terrible! I can't
lower my prices anymore.

Pigs, I want you to get on the
horn and set up a meeting.

Tell the owner of Delicious
Drinks that I'm buying him out!

[tires screech]

Pig 1: Ohh, sold out!

Cedric: That's everything.

The place is almost
ready for the banquet.

Bentley: Hey, guys, could
you give me a hand here

for a second?
Bert: Sure, little buddy!

What can we do?

Bentley: Okay, now stand
here and look mean,

like you're gonna
attack me or something.

Cedric: Ugh!

Bentley: Uaaah!
Schaeffer: Hey!

What's going on here?

Cedric: Ohh-ho-ho!
Good question.

Bentley: I was
practicing my martial arts.

Not bad, huh?

Schaeffer: Well, you've
got some talent, Bentley.

But there's more to
martial arts than just

kicking and flipping people.

Bentley: Then teach me!
You've got your black belt.

Bert: Schaeffer
has a black belt?!

Hey, could you teach all of us?

that be great, Cedric?

Cedric: Yeah, fantastic!

Schaeffer: I'm sorry, fellas,
but I'm just too busy

with the banquet.
I just can't teach you.

Bentley: Never mind, guys.
We can teach ourselves.

We'll learn all the moves
from this video I got.

Ninja Knockout. It's by the
master of martial arts mayhem,

Bruce Flee!

Schaeffer: Wait, fellas.
That's no way to learn.

All right. Classes start

first thing tomorrow morning.

Bentley: Great!
Bert/Cedric: [cheering]


Cyril: What

Cyril: What do

Cyril: What do you

Cyril: What do you

Cyril: What do you
mean he's

Cyril: What do you
mean he's still

Cyril: What do you
mean he's still busy?

I've got an appointment and
I've been waiting over an hour!

This is ridiculous!

What's this guy's name again?
Pig 1: No one seems to know.

He only took over this
place a couple of days ago.

Cyril: Good, because
he's on his way out!


[whispers] You keep
that receptionist busy.

Turn on the charm or something.

Pig 2: Uhm, hey, doll face.


You look like my type...uuh!

Oh, heaven!

Cyril: What?
Pig 1: There's no one here!

Cyril: I've been kept
waiting for nothing!

Who does this guy think he is?

Pig 3: Maybe he just
stepped out to, uh,

freshen up before your meeting.

Cyril: I want to
buy his company,

not go out on a date with him!
Pig 3: [giggles]

Pig 1: Well, he
was expecting you.

Listen to this, boss.

Memo: regarding sale
to Sneer Enterprises.

Cyril: Let me see that!

Lie, keep Sneer waiting,

sweat him out for maximum money!
Pig 1: [giggles]

Cyril: First, this guy
muscles into my market?

And now he's trying
to play games with me!

I want revenge!

I want to drive this guy
so far into the ground,

that it will take him a month
to climb out of the hole!

I want this guy's name!
Pig 2: Oooh...

is this turning into a
hostile takeover, or what?

Cedric: Uuuh-eh!

Bert: Oh, this is
going to be great!

We'll all be black
belts in no time!

Cedric: Yeah, martial
arts masters!

Bentley: Ninja warriors!
Aya! Haaa-ah!

No one messes with ninjas!

Bert: Wow, you look like
Kung Fu Karl

in Slash, Bash 'n' Trash!

Schaeffer: Morning, fellas!
I see you started without me.

Now, if you boys don't
mind putting these on,

then I'll be able to
see everyone's face.

Bert: [giggles] We look like
we're going to a pool party.

Schaeffer: All right class, we
shall begin at the beginning.


Bert: [laughs]
Come on, Schaeffer.

We know how to breathe already.
We've been doing it for years.

Schaeffer: You must be the
advanced class. [chuckles]

Bentley: Yeah, we're all
ready to learn how to fight!

Schaeffer: Fight!?


I'm not teaching you
boys how to fight.

Martial arts teaches

and there's a big difference.

Do you understand?

Bentley: Yeah, sure.

Schaeffer: Good. Now,
if you fellas feel

you're an advanced group,
we'll skip the breathing

and see just how good you are.


♪ Nobody knows us
when we're coming out ♪


♪ Nobody shows us what to do


♪ No one can tell you

♪ What growing up

♪ Is all about


♪ No one can live
your life for you ♪

♪ Yeah, yeahhh

♪ We're growing up,


♪ Growing up


♪ We will find our way

♪ Growing up,


♪ Showing up


♪ Always knew someday

♪ That growing up,


♪ Growing up

♪ There's a price to pay

♪ For growing up,


♪ Growing up


♪ We are on our way

♪ Growing up


♪ We are on our way

♪ Growing up

Bentley/Bert/Cedric: [panting]

Schaeffer: Hey, you
guys did rather well!

Bert: [out of breath]
Well, one thing's for sure,

we're working on
our breathing now.

Bentley: I guess there's more
to learning martial arts

than I thought. But there
is one thing I'd love to see.

Schaeffer: What's that?
Bentley: Some karate!

Do you think you could
bust this stick in half?

Schaeffer: No... look, fellas,

I think now is a good
time to take a break.

We'll meet back
here after lunch.

Bentley: Sure thing, Schaeffer.

See you later.

Gee, I hope I didn't
insult Schaeffer.

Maybe breaking that stick was
too easy for a black belt.


Schaeffer: Some black belt I am.


Cyril: I've

Cyril: I've had

Cyril: I've had it

Cyril: I've had it

Cyril: I've had it
with that

Cyril: I've had it
with that guy!

He's taking all my
business, all my money!

Do you boys have anything yet?

Pig 1: We're
working on it, boss.

Pig 2: But getting into the
Delicious Drinks computer

isn't that easy.

Pig 1: This guy is a genius
at hiding information.

Cyril: I want the name of this
Mr. Delicious Drinks.

I want his company clobbered.

I want my desk back.

Pig 2: Hey, I'm into the system!

Cyril: Ha-haaa!

Now, get me the
name of this clown.

Pig 2: I can't access
all the files yet, but..

Cyril: This is no good!
There's no name!

Wait! Here's
something I can use.

Delicious Drinks doesn't own
the land their factory is on!


Schaeffer: Now, a big
key to self-defense,

is to never let your
opponent hit you.

Okay Bentley, let it go.

It takes practice..
Bert: Wow!

Schaeffer: ..patience,
and balance!

Bentley: Wow.

Schaeffer: Why don't you
give it a try, Bentley?

Bentley: This is easy!

Schaeffer: I thought,
you might say that.

- Hey, nice pajamas, kids!

- Oh yeah, nice jammies!
- [laughing]

Bentley: Ugh!

[distant yelling]
- What a little baby!!

Bentley: Hiiiya!
I'll get those guys!

Hoo-ho! They won't
mess with me, ever!!


Schaeffer: Bentley, are
those two fellas the reason

you want to learn all this?

Bentley: In a couple
of more classes

and I'll be ready
for them, right?

Schaeffer: Wrong!

I'm sorry, Bentley,
but there won't be

any more classes for you.

Schaeffer: I need that order.
I have a banquet tomorrow.

No. In fact, I haven't received
a drink order in over a week!

Well, please try. Thanks!

Bert: Schaeffer?
There's something

I gotta talk to you about.

Schaeffer: Sure,
Bert, fire away.

Bert: Well, it's about Bentley.

I mean, you kicked him out
of the class yesterday and..

Well, don't you think you were a
bit hard on the little guy?

Schaeffer: No, not really.

Bentley was learning martial
arts for all the wrong reasons.

He might just hurt someone.

Like.. I did once.

It was a long time ago, just
after I'd earned my black belt

and I was playing with a friend.

Well, we got into some
silly argument and...

I hit him.

I only meant to give him a tap,

but I really hurt him.

Well, I was never really able
to use my martial arts again.

I couldn't even break
that stick the other day.

Bert: Wow!

But Bentley wouldn't do that.
He wouldn't hurt anyone.

Schaeffer: I don't
know about that.

Everyone gets mad sometimes.

And if Bentley is going
to use martial arts

to get even with his classmates?

I just won't teach him.

Bert: What if I went
and talked to Bentley, eh?

If he settled things
with those guys,

could he get back
into the class?

Schaeffer: That would help,

but give him a little
time to cool down.

Bentley is...still pretty angry.


[chopper whirring]

Pig 1: I think the boss is
taking this revenge thing

just a bit too seriously.

Pig 2: He's gone nuts!!

Pig 1: He's at the
end of his rope.

Cyril: Hah-haa!
This is the big leagues

and we play for keeps!

And I just bought the land
his factory's sitting on.


Take her down, boys!

[loud crash!]

Good morning, Delicious Drinks!

Good morning, Delicious Drinks!

This is an eviction notice!

This is an eviction notice!

You got 15 minutes to clear out.

..15 minutes to clear out.

Close up shop! Call it a day!

Close up shop! Call it a day!

TV: Yaaaa! Ya! Ya!

Yaaaa! Ya! Ya!

Bentley: Aya!


Ohh brother.



Bert: Bentley?
Bentley: They've come to get me.

Bert: Bentley?!
Bentley: I'll show them.

Bert: Uaaah!

Ow! My arm!

Bentley: Oh my gosh,
I didn't know!

Bert: Oh, oh, don't touch it!

Ohh no, oh,
I think it's broken!

Bentley: Oh no! I really
broke your arm, Bert?

Bert: Oooooh!


Schaeffer: Hello?


Ohh my gosh,
what's happened here?

Cyril: [laughs] It's called
settling an old score.

Ha! Now move it.


[loud crash!]

[loud crash!]

Schaeffer: Oh no!

Cyril: I'm stuck!
Get me out of here!

Schaeffer: It won't
budge! It's jammed in.

Do you have any tools?

Cyril: Forget it!! Run!!

[crumbling sound]

Schaeffer: Yah!
Cyril: Neat trick!

[crumbling sound]

[loud crash!]

Thank you, Schaeffer!

You saved my neck.

If there's anything
I can ever do..

Schaeffer: Forget it.
I just came here

to get this drink order filled.

Cyril: Consider it done.

Pig 1: Boss!!
Pig 2: Hold on!

Pig 3: Wait!!

Pig 1: Don't...
Pig 2: Stop, please!

Cyril: You're too late.
You missed all the fun.

What's that?

Pig 3: Oh, well..

It's just a computer
print out. Heh-he.

We found out who owns,
eh, Delicious Drinks.

Cyril: Go on, make my day!

Tell me it's someone,
I really don't like.

Pig 2: Oh well, it's...uh,


Cyril: What? That's impossible.

Pig: It does seems that our
computer program, SOS,

well, it was doing a
great job of running

your smaller companies..

Pig 2: Yeah, like
Delicious Drinks,

Pig 1: But.. ehm..

When you tried
to buy the company,

well, it only acted the
way you would. [giggles]

Kind of funny, huh?

Cyril: Funny?! I've
destroyed my own company.

If you find that funny,

then this should
really crack you up.

Flying pigs!

Pigs: Aaaaaaah!

Bert: Ah! Just sign
anywhere you can find a space!

Cedric: Wow! Look at
all the names on it!

Ralph: Yeah, it's a cast
of thousands. [laughs]

Cedric: Has, uh, Bentley
signed it yet?

Bert: No. When he saw
the cast, he just ran off.

Bentley: Aaah!

How could I be so dumb?

- Hey, it's the pyjamas kid!

- He thinks, he's so tough.

- You still looking for this?

Bentley: Yeah, and I'd
like it back now, please?

- Sure. Here you go.

Take it!

Bentley: [struggle]

- Ow! Oh!

So, you're still
knocking people over, huh?

Bentley: I just
want my book back.

- Well, I don't think you've
learned your lesson.


Bentley: Chi-ay-haa!

- Grrrrh!

Bentley: Yyy-ah!

- Why don't you hold
still and fight?

Bentley: Because I don't
want to fight. That's why!

- You knocked us off our bike!

Bentley: That was an accident.

- Come on, let's get him!

Bentley: Ya!
- Wha! Whoa!


- You're a pretty fast
mover, aren't you kid?

Bentley: Fast enough to
get out of the way of a

if I'd seen it.

- Maybe.


Hey... could you show me

ho-how you did that flip thing?

Narrator: Bentley and his
classmates met that day

looking for revenge.

But with a little courage
and confidence,

what they found was friendship,

Schaeffer: The trick is
to concentrate.

Bentley: Ehm.. hi, guys!

Bert: Hiya Bentley!

Bentley: Um, I just wanted to
return this and say that I'm...

well, I'm...I'm sorry for
all the trouble I've caused.

Schaeffer: That's
all right, Bentley.

I heard how you handled your
problem, and I'm proud of you,

but you're going to
look kind of silly...

wearing this without your robe.

Bentley: A yellow belt!!

Cedric: It's the first step to
getting your black belt.

Schaeffer: That's...if you want
to come back to the class.

Bert: Wait a second!

He's not getting back
into class that easily!!

Cedric: But Bert..

Bert: I want his
signature on this cast!


All: [laughing]

♪ [show

♪ [show theme

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ The desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
