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01x08 - Part Eight

Posted: 03/09/24 08:29
by bunniefuu
[CROSBY] While the Eighth Air
Force was hitting the Germans

from bases in England,

the 15th Air Force was striking
at them from bases in Italy.

The 99th Pursuit Squadron
was part of that effort.

They were known as the Tuskegee Airmen.

[LIEUTENANT] Bubble Blue to
Cap One. On your word, sir.


One minute, six seconds
away from Point Foxtrot.

[CAPTAIN] Prepare final approach.
Line astern. Chatter off.

Coming into range. Bombs away!

Seven direct to the structure!
Two hits on vehicles!

that as a direct hit.

- [SOLDIER 1] 500!

- [SOLDIER 2] Nighty night, Hitler.
- Tuskegee, baby! 500 missions!

[SOLDIER 2] With 19,000 pounds of
kisses from the Gruesome Twosome.


[CAPTAIN] 500 Tuskegee
missions under our belt.

That's reason to celebrate, Lieutenant.

- Captain, sir.
- Relax, Alex.

I was just coming to congratulate you.

Was fine work out there as usual.

Thank you, sir.

Am I gonna have to court-martial
you into taking a sip of that beer?

No, sir.

You're a clever fella, Alex.

But don't let smart be
the enemy of happy.

No, sir. It's just, uh...

[SOLDIERS] ♪ Hi ho, men ♪

♪ Tuskegee's up ♪
♪ Tuskegee's up again ♪

♪ Straight into the sky ♪
♪ There and then ♪

♪ Tuskegee's up ♪
♪ Tuskegee's up again ♪

[ALEX] Don't get me wrong, Captain.

I'm extremely proud of what
we've accomplished, but...

when are we gonna get
into some heavier action?

There is some talk of us joining
up with the 332nd fighter group

and doing missions further into Europe.


Plans are underway.

The 96th is due into Foggia
a few days from now.

Gonna fly our first
mission over Germany.

An escort run. Munich.

P-40s can't handle
that type of altitude.

New birds, likely. P-51s.

- Just be patient. We'll see.

In the meantime, relax.


Yeah, I know...

It's just hard when...

when some of our guys
are already out there.

You didn't wash out, Alex.
So now don't burn yourself out.

Everything in its own order.

[BUCKY] Bases loaded, top of the ninth.

Two outs, three balls, one strike.

Newhouser sets and
delivers a curve ball!

Big swing and a miss from
Keller for strike two!

That hack almost took him
right out of his shoes!

Gordon takes a couple of steps back...

- [BUCK] Hey, Bucky.
- ... toward the bag.

Big game going on here, Buck.

Me and the guys were, uh,
wondering what the score is.



You okay, Major?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I be okay?

Just asking.

You're just asking?
Well, I'm great, is the truth.

I've been here for eight months now.

Still trapped, still cold,
still eating scraps.

And we keep waiting for something
to happen even though it doesn't.

It could be worse. We could be dead.

Well, maybe for you.
At least that I could stand.

I can't stand this.

What are we waiting for? Huh?

We all think something's gonna happen.

Maybe we need to make it happen.

Like those Brits did?

Go and get ex*cuted?

We have to be patient.

- [CROSBY] 5:56 to 5:57 a.m.

on June 3rd, 1944.

Three days to D-Day.


The last minute of sleep
I'll get for 72 hours.

Our job was to b*mb the
German defenses in Normandy

only minutes before the
landing craft hit the beaches,

and then spend the day
hitting German bridges,

railroads and communication
lines further inland.

About 200 missions in total,
all needing flight plans and maps.

Twenty-four hours.

The first night lies to you,
tells you it's easy.

The second breakfast on the second day,

that's when the fight starts.

I tried contacting Sandra
whenever I had a break,

but I couldn't reach her.

It was like she vanished.

[IN GERMAN] Papers.



[IN GERMAN] Papers. Where are you going?

[IN FRENCH] Only to my work, sir.

[CROSBY, IN ENGLISH] Thirty-two hours.

The second afternoon on the second day.

That's when coffee is no longer enough.


You need to sleep, Crosby.

Yeah. When the mission's over.

- Not take more pills.
- Yeah, I will. I will, Doc. I will.


Only one every 12 hours.

- You hear me, Croz?
- No. Yeah. No, I hear you, Smokey.

I hear you.



[CROSBY] Sixty hours. Your mind
starts playing tricks on you.


You can hear that, right?

What? What?

Come on. You can hear it.

It's the tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...

Just as I'd finished mapping
the route for one mission,

operations handed down five more.

All high-priority targets.

The lack of sleep, the coffee,
the uppers, the stress,

the fear, the disconnect.

That's a drug in itself.



I am interested in the gilding.

[IN ENGLISH] I covered
the entire building.

Good job.

We received some news from a train
station in, uh, Le Bec-Hellouin.

Jean will brief you on your assignment.

You leave tomorrow.

[CROSBY] Sixty-four hours.

You just try to survive,

breath by breath, step by step.


Crosby! You have to go to sleep.

No, no, no, no, no. No, I'm fine.
I just gotta... [MUMBLING]

- ... the briefing.
- Go to bed, Croz. That's an order.

- Now.
- I can't do it, Jack.

- Crosby!
- I'm fine. Truly.

Just a couple of more
things I gotta get done...


Watch out.

[COLONEL] Sit down.

For those of you seeing
this mug for the first time,

I'm your new CO.

Name's Jeffrey.

Lieutenant Colonel Bennett is
being assigned back to the 395th,

but the changes made during
his command will remain.


Thank you, Colonel.

Well, boys, if the station
on full lockdown,

sound of a couple thousand ships
forming up weren't your first clues,

we're a few hours away
from the invasion of Europe.


Any last words of wisdom, sir?

No. No, I don't have any last words
because I'm gonna see you again.

All right?

Just take off, do your job, you land,

and then you're gonna be giving
me some words of wisdom.

Each flight is, uh... is its own lesson.


[BUCK] That's it, boys. It's coming.


[BUCK] All right. Now we're getting it.


There you go. Keep that pressure on.

It's coming.

There you go, Simmons.
Keep that pressure on.


This looks like a work camp, the way
you jackasses are grinding away.

Now the ground's loosened up,

we got a chance of getting
wood for cook fires.

Ah, take a break. Come on.
Let's play some ball.

Boys, you wanna play some ball? Huh? No?

Ball, Murph?

Come on. Skins versus Bones.
What do you say?

Skins can be the, uh... the
away team. Actually, no.

No, we're all away.

- Pfft. We're both the away teams.

So... So Bones can take first bat

- by mutual agreement...
- Either pitch in or knock it off.

- Why don't you shut the hell up?
- What the hell's wrong with you?


You ain't gonna help,
stay out of the way.


You're the new king of the camp,
and I'm just in the way?

- Oh, King Cleven says, "No baseball.

Just work, work, work."

- That's all he wants to do.
- I'm sorry.

- Come on.
- No, no, no, no, no, work. Work.

- You got a stump to pull...
- Come on.

... King Stump Stumpity Stump.

- Come on. Get up, you loony.
- Get to work.

- Come on. Get up.
- No, get... get back to work.

- Get up, you loony.
- Get off of me.


- Get off. Get off.
- How's that? How's that?


Can't handle it? Oh, what,
you can't handle i...


Hey! That's enough, fellas.


[GUARD 1] Back in the base, men!

- [BUCKY] What's going on?

[GUARD 1] Back in the barrack.

[BUCK] Looks like the Krauts
got some bad news.

They landed, didn't they?

[GROANS] Oh, you think?

We're in Western Europe.
[PANTS] It finally happened.


[BARTENDER] There you go, gentlemen.

- Man.
- Cheers, man.

Good God, she's a beaut.

She's beautiful, Joe. Congratulations.

Thanks, Macon. Her daddy said yes.

Gonna do it in my auntie's
backyard as soon as I'm back.

Oh, you gonna be a father
nine months after that then.

[CHUCKLES] To the day.
I hope so. I hope so.

Now, show me yours.

- You wanna see my sweetheart?
- Ah, come on now.

Mmm. Mmm, okay. Okay, here you go.

- [WHISTLES] Goodness.
- Now you see,

that's 23.7 acres of loblolly pine.

Prime timberland too.

Man said he gonna hold it for me.

- Is that right?
- Mm-hmm.

Evening, Captain.

Colonel Davis.

To Munich.

Now, you know I can't
toast to any mission

with the loss of even a few bombers.

We were 12 bombers for every fighter.

On a raid escort?

They knew we were spread too thin.

Only losing a few bombers
is a major victory.

Brass was expecting
much heavier casualties.

Brass doesn't know what
they should expect.

What's really possible.

Take a look around this room, Lawrence.

You see what I see?

I see a group of proud pilots

who flew their first
mission over Germany.

Who can't wait to suit
up and do it again.

A group of men, thousands
of miles away from home,

who finally feel like Americans.

And I see too many second lieutenants.

First lieutenants.

On mission counts alone, I see men
who should already be captains.


And we both know why they're not

and we both know why they may never be.

Can't change the weather, Colonel.

We'll just keep getting better
at charting new courses.

To bluer skies.

Ceiling and vision unlimited.

[PILOT] Hey, Daniels.

We need a fourth, man.

Partners or cutthroat?

- What you think?


I was wondering if you'd ever wake up.


[SIGHS] What time is it?

[GRUNTS] 7:30?

Shit, there's still time.

There's still time! Where are
my pants, g*dd*mn it? Pants.

- Pants! Where the hell are my pants?

- Come on, g*dd*mn it!

- 7:30 Saturday morning, Croz.

- Huh?
- You've been out of it for three days.



What'd I miss?

[ROSENTHAL] Croz, you missed so much.

I did three sorties,

but I couldn't see any...
anything for the first two.

And then the clouds parted.


you've never seen anything like it.

Hundreds of ships.

Thousands of men.

For the third time that day,
we hit bridges, rail yards,

communication centers,

so the Germans weren't able to
bring up any reinforcements.

And the best part?

There wasn't a single
Luftwaffe fighter in the air.

The skies were ours.

All from the routes you plotted, Harry.

Are my daring tales of heroism

not daring enough for
you, Captain Marvel?

Just, uh...

I just can't believe I missed it.

have crossed the Vistula River...

Where's the Vistula River?

Vistula River?



[SUCKS TEETH] Vistula, Vistula...

It's here.

- That's what, 450 miles?
- No, it's less.

Still seems pretty far away to me.

Yeah, but now our guys
are here, almost at Paris.

Hitler's worst nightmare,
a two-front w*r.

With us right between them.

Well, the Krauts will slaughter
us before they let us go.

We won't go without a fight.

We need to make more weapons.

- Whatever we can.
- There's one other scenario.

They force-march us out of here

before the Russkies can set us free.

Move us somewhere deeper
in the Reich, say, Bavaria.

That's leverage, all those POWs.

But how would they do that?

Like this.

We need to start preparing now.

Conserving rations,
getting the men in shape.

Everything we do from this point on

needs to be to prepare
for all three scenarios.

Mass execution, forced
march, or pitched battle.

[DEMARCO] Christ.

[COLONEL] If we could retake
the coast... [SIGHS]

[DAVIS] Gentlemen,
you're going to France.

[ADJUTANT] Ah-ten-hut!

[DAVIS] Be seated.

Operation Dragoon takes
place in three days.

Your mission is what makes it possible.




Each critical landing points
for our incoming forces.

Now, we will have the
manpower to prevail

but if, and only if,
we knock out their eyes.

German radar detection systems
are mounted all along here.

We are gonna take them all out in
phased aggressive strafing runs.

- Yes?
- Colonel, sir,

Toulon is 473.51 miles away,

and that is 947.2 miles round-trip.

And the maximum fuel range of
our P-51s is only 999.8 miles.

And that of course is before
you take into account

the drag coefficient plus the
excess weight of the munitions,

which are both variable

and will obviously cause
a faster fuel burn.

Now, with the drop tanks,

let's say that gets us up to,
what, 1,375-mile range,

but it also adds
significantly more weight.

And if we kick the tanks after the run,

that'll drop us a couple thousand pounds

but we'll still fall hundreds
of miles short, sir.

You're right, Lieutenant Macon.

This is gonna be close.

But it's not impossible.

You use every drop of
gas in your wing tanks.

Try to make it back to
friendly territory someplace.

We're gonna give you IDs,

so if the Germans don't get
you as soon as you land,

you can be somebody else.

And you might be able to blend
in with the population.


Good luck blending in.

Are we Tuskegee men or what?

[PILOTS] Sir, yes, sir!

- Will we get this job done?
- [PILOTS] Sir, yes, sir.

Then let's take care of it.

[SERGEANT] Here you go, sir.

[PILOT 1] Thanks, Sarge.

- Name?
- Burrel. Right here.

The edge of the front's moving pretty
fast across the mountain range.

Just timing.

We'll do it.

It's all mathematics.


All right, men. Kick your
tanks! Kick your tanks!

Copy that, Lieutenant Macon.


Damn it.

[MACON] Lead to squadron.
Stay on course.

What's going on with
your tanks, Westbrook?

I said drop.

[SIGHS] Tanks won't drop.

[MACON] All right,
Westbrook, I'm with you.

We're gonna work this out.

We ain't gonna leave you, kid.

Westbrook, you gotta kick it hard now.

Kick! Watch me. Come on. Kick!


You ain't pushing hard
enough, kid. Come on.

[WESTBROOK] I am pushing it!


[MACON] Like me, like me. All right?


Got it!

[MACON] That's it.

Hey! Whoo!

Nice work, kid. Now let's
get this thing done.

All right, boys. We're coming
back into formation.

[DANIELS] Roger, Macon.

Wall of fire. They know we're coming.

[MACON] Was never gonna be easy.

I didn't come all this way not to
take a shot, boys. Come on.

I was hoping you'd say that.

Gordon, you lead.

Westbrook up the middle,
and I'll follow.

Now drop in here.

Hit 'em hard, boys.

[EXCLAIMS] I'm hit! I'm hit!

Get out of there, kid.

Westbrook, you gotta bail. Bail, bail!


No, Gordon, get out! Bail, bail!

Oh, no. You're gonna pay for that.





Black ones in here with the others.

- In here is good.




Told you I saw another chute.


They got y'all too, huh?


Who's that?

Second Lieutenant Alexander Jefferson.

Went down about 30 miles away.

[DANIELS] Looks like you in bad shape.

mm-mmm, mm-mmm. [STRAINS]


Every time I move, I...
[GRUNTS] I pass out.


You must've hurt your neck.


[ALEX] Let's see what we can do for you.


[BUCK] Who's that?

Think that's the new commandant?

A guard told me they
were sending someone.


[COLONEL] The moment our
boys landed in France,

the order went out.

All POW camps run by SS.

Seems like that would
require a lot of 'em.

[DEMARCO] You think they're
just trying to scare us?

Well, let's hope so.

SS rules would put us
in a world of trouble.


We gotta get the men in shape.

It's not gonna look good to
our German host, now is it?

We gotta get these guys ready to fight.

There's no telling what
these Krauts'll do.

All of us training together,
building up muscles,

that's... that's something
they might notice.

But that stump remover,
that's a solution.

We've all had a turn on that thing.

It's hard work.

It'll build the strength
we need to resist.

Up the rotations.

If we're consistent for
a couple of months,

we'll all be ready to fight.

And the Germans will be none the wiser.

We tell them we're after the wood,

stocking up for winter.

Plus, extra wood, extra weapons.

Have a seat, Lieutenant.

Nice watch you have here.

I have to thank you.

These are my favorite.


Mmm, I'm keeping the pen though.

So... [SIGHS] ... how are
things in the States?

Alexander Jefferson,
Second Lieutenant, 0819461.


Let's not be so formal, Jeff.

I feel as if I already understand you.

Your father worked over ten years

at the Elijah McCoy
Manufacturing Company

assembling air brake lubricators.

He earned $17 a month.


No wonder you went into chemistry.

We Germans value scientists greatly.

Although I'm sure there must
be many American laboratories

who would hire you.

As a toilet cleaner.

- So, what was your target that day?

Richard D. Macon, Second
Lieutenant, 0821916.

How did you hurt your neck?

Do you have pain?

Second Lieutenant, 0821916.


I love jazz.

I still remember visiting
Paradise Valley in Detroit.

You must know it.

Alexander Jefferson,
Second Lieutenant, 0819461.

What's the place in Los Angeles

where all you Blacks are forced to live?

Yes. It's Watts. Watts.

I'm familiar with those places.


[STAMMERS] Why do you fight for a
country who treats you like that?


Do you know any other
country that's better?

I know what my country's
shortcomings are.

And I know it's trying hard

to become what it says
it's supposed to be.

And when I get back...

I'm gonna help them
do that a lot faster.

- Are you kidding me?

[PRISONER 1] I hope you
gave 'em hell, boys.

You guys know 'em?

- [PRISONER 2] Tell us the news!
- Hey!

[PRISONER 3] Hey, look.
It's the Red Tails.

[PRISONER 4] What regiment y'all with?

[PRISONER 5] I'm telling ya,
those guys are Red Tails.


[PRISONER 8] Any updates? Hey!

[PRISONER 9] They all
belong somewhere else!

- [PRISONER 10] Where you from?
- [PRISONER 11] Where you coming from?

[PRISONER 12] Went down
flying over Berlin.

I look like a g*dd*mn cr*pple.

You look like a g*dd*mn soldier.

- [PRISONER 13] What are we doing here?

[PRISONER 14] How many
of them did they get?

Hey, Red Tails.

You guys saved our asses so
many times, I tell you what.

What unit you guys with?

Here, let me help you there.

I'm over in the north.

- Thank you.
- [PRISONER 15] Yeah. Come with us.

We'll get you fixed up.

[GRAHAM STAMMERS] What do we got?

- [CRANK] Come on. Let's go.
- [GRAHAM] Man, what is that?

[DEMARCO] g*dd*mn it, Murph.


Second Lieutenant Alexander
Jefferson, 332nd Fighter Group.

Second Lieutenant
Richard D. Macon, 332nd.

Gentlemen, welcome to paradise.

Follow suit, Lieutenant.

[GRAHAM] All right, where were we?

No, it's your deal.

- I just dealt and I won.
- [CRANK] All right. All right.

[GRAHAM] All right.

Let's see how many more smokes
I can get off you then, huh?

[CRANK GROANS] Christ. Let's go.

- [GRAHAM] You playing, Murph?
- [MURPHY] No.

[GRAHAM] All right, deal him out.

[JEFFREY] We've put a lot
on your shoulders of late.

You've handled all of it.

You went above and beyond, Croz.

I appreciate that, sir.

That's why you're getting a month off.

You... Oh, you mean leave?

Starting tomorrow.

I'm sorry to ask this, sir,
but is this my choice?

- 'Cause I kind of feel as if I'm...
- Listen, Crosby.

We need you functional.

We need you to get a real vacation.

Proper R and R.

You're too important to us.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir.

[SECRETARY] Can you please
explain what this is regarding?

As I've explained three times

to the last three people
I've been put on with,

I'm a friend.

I've been calling for a
couple of days now.

Subaltern Wesgate gave me
this number to reach her.

Captain Wesgate is not available, sir.


Okay, well... [STAMMERS]
... is she out for lunch?

Will she be gone a long time?

I'm not at liberty to say, sir.

Okay, can you just tell her that-that...

Will you tell her I'm
going home on leave

and this will be my last time
in London for a while?

I'll put through the message, sir.

Thank you.

- [MACON] That's double-barbed wire,

and there's a guard tower every

Running out of here is out
the question for me anyway.

[DANIELS] Plan it right,
wouldn't have to run.

- Eh, I don't know, Bob.
- I'm telling you, it could work.

[SIGHS] Well, even if we get the
truck, and now that I can believe,

and even if we recruit one of
those white boys to drive it...

- Two. It's gotta be two.
- Uh-huh.

Krauts always travel in pairs.

[SIGHS] Okay, okay,
so we... we got the truck,

we got the two white
boys in n*zi uniforms,

it still... [STAMMERS]
... took us four days

to get here from Frankfurt.

Yeah, and half of that was by train.

Point is, where we gonna refuel?

It ain't like we can just stop off
at some POW camp and top off.

We ride until it's empty
then we hike from there.

Three days might get us
to friendly territory.

Alex mapped it out.

What do you think of 'em?

I don't think anything of 'em.

- Think maybe we should.

[MACON] Girl of your dreams, huh?

No, not mine.

No, my dream girl is 5'2".

River hips.

Skin like Lena Horne.

And at this moment, at this
very moment, Lieutenant,

she's kissing the last of her
departing 5th graders sweetly

on the forehead,

whereupon she is immediately
without dalliance

taking the number 54 bus

straight to 650 Marion Street

where she is dutifully watching
and waiting by her window

- for yours truly. [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLES] You hope.


Yeah, I do hope.


This is just another kriegie wet
dream for Turner over in 112.

Well, you just make sure
they pay you in Old Golds

'cause these smokes here ain't for shit.



It might be useful in talking
strategy with that major.



Fella didn't have two words
for you, you coming here.

Now you're his.

You flew P-51s?

- P-39s, P-40s, P-47s, P-51s, AT-6s.
- Mmm.

AT-6s. I trained in the AT-6.

That's a powerful torque.

P-51s are much smoother.

- It's an easy transition.
- Hmm.

You know, I-I started out
wanting to be a fighter pilot.


Then I... I ended up falling
in love with the big birds.

Yeah, I, uh... I've been building
model planes since I was a kid.

Built every model imaginable.

But my masterpiece, you know,
my absolute masterpiece,

was a Supermarine Spitfire

with twin two-foot floats,
three-foot wingspan.


Drew the plans myself
from newspaper photos.

Hmm. How about that? [CHUCKLES]


What are you reading there?

Uh, a story about an artist.

He sacrifices everything
to pursue his passion.


You draw this?

Yes, sir.

Is this to scale?

Uh, more or less.

No elevation though.



You know, uh, we could use your help.


There's a, uh, group of us
figuring out next moves,

running scenarios.

We can't just stay sitting ducks.

Yeah, I, uh, noticed the new and
improved supergoons around.

Yeah, I got a plan for that.

What would you need me to do?


We need help charting the
area to get out of here.

Back on that first day,
all the guys looked to you.

You got the final say.

Why didn't you gripe
about us bunking in eight?


Well, let's just say, I at least
knew you weren't spies.


Ain't that a bitch.

Gale Cleven, Major, 100th b*mb Group.

Everybody calls me Buck.

Second Lieutenant Alexander
Jefferson, 332nd Fighter Group.

You can call me Alex.

Now, John here's gonna
demonstrate for you.

You hand over the papers,
immediately grab the wrist.

Bring the ball straight
across the temple.

Here or here. Knock him clean out.

That's it, fellas. Uh-huh.

Angle it, angle it. Center yourself.

That way, the center of your
gravity got more leverage.

... if in doubt.

Because those splinters will
take the whole thing up, okay?

Cutting it's gonna do no damage at all.

It's gonna go straight
into the neck, okay?

And then you're gonna push it
forward and rip his throat out.

You got it?



[MESSENGER] A message from the
lady to meet at the hotel, sir.

Uh, okay. Thank you.

Good night, sir.





Come out or I'm coming in.





[SANDRA] Sorry, Croz.

I've been called away once again.

Probably for the better.

You belong with Jean, and
we've still got a w*r to win.

I'll always remember our
time together fondly.

Love, Sandra.

When you headed out?

Tomorrow morning.

- Four weeks in New York City.
- Mm-hmm.

- God, how I envy you.
- Oh, yeah?

You know I told Colonel
Jeff I didn't want leave?

It'll be good for you.

What's that supposed to mean?

Means I think it'll be good for you.


You excited to see Jean?


I mean, what if it's not the same?


Nothing's the same, Croz.


Never will be.

Ain't that the truth.


[RADIO ANNOUNCER] ... led by the
Russian front of the Red Army.

Jesus Christ.

The Russians crossed into Germany.

East Prussia.

- How close, Buck?


Lights out.


[BUCK] They're close.

Really, really close.

[GUARD] March, march!


g*ons gave us 30 minutes. Then we march.

[BUCK] You're not thinking
of running, are you?

[BUCKY] Not in this icebox.


Any idea where we are?



We're in the heart of their
fatherland now, boys.

"Whoever fights monsters

should take care not
to become a monster."

[ROSENTHAL] Yeah, that's
made us do some tough things.

The things these people
are capable of...

No, they got it coming.

I'm in. We make a run for it tonight.

[BUCKY] Get going. I'm right behind you.

- Don't sh**t. Go, Buck. Get out of here.

