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06x09 - Hudson and Son

Posted: 03/09/24 10:50
by bunniefuu




- Oh, watch your step.



You know,

it is not even 10 o'clock.

It's gonna be a long night.

- You're laughing

but I hope you're ready for it.

Come on.

You're telling me you're
not gonna miss this?

Oh, what? The drunks?

Their mess?

The long nights?

The dark roast, I will miss.

But Friday night in Bridge City?

units, 1040 at Stevie's Bar.

Reports of a physical altercation.

Please proceed with caution.

Hell yeah, I'll miss it.



Copy that. We'll take it.

We're right next door.




♪ All hands in the air ♪

♪ And tearing it down ♪

♪ Guitars on ten ♪

♪ And the kick drum beating ♪

♪ I'm standing in the front row ♪

- ♪ Kicking and screaming ♪
- Yeah, you got this!

- Go! Go on!
- Police!

That's enough!


Break it up!

how long are you in town for?

We are shipping off Sunday afternoon

after a second recruitment drive.

Two drives, wow.

What, kids don't want
to join the Navy anymore?

Coasters, Charles?

Oh. Yeah.

No, they are far too individualistic.

Speaking of, I'm surprised

that they let you wear your
hair so long in the force.

And how's that office
romance of yours going?

- Are you still seeing your colleague?

- I'm not implying anything.

Sarah's fine. She's good.

She wanted to join us
tonight but she's studying.

She has a big exam tomorrow.

Yes. I still count my blessings

that your mother found all
the fulfillment she needed

- inside the home.


Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's eat.

Don't eat the toothpick.


- Can you excuse me for a second?
- Yes.

This is work.

- Hey, Joe.



Commander Hudson.

I'm on my way.








The victim is Constable Jennifer Wente.

She was 27 years old.

Joe told me she was on duty.



Well, it looks like
she was pushed sideways here.

Her Kevlar vest would have
protected her if not for the angle.

The rebar entered the
chest from under the arm.

Did somebody move her?

Responding officers insist
that she was found this way.

Now it looks like someone
lifted her off the rebar

before they put her
down but I don't know,

maybe somebody was trying to help her?

Or they were covering their tracks.







She did try to defend herself.

She didn't get a chance
to. The nozzle's clean.

Yeah, she got caught off guard.

How long has she been here like this?

Her partner can provide a window.

- Let's get her out of here.
- Yeah.

CHARLIE: Constable Turner.


Can you fill me in on
what happened here tonight?

I only left her for a few minutes.

We were breaking up a bar fight

at Stevie's when she got hit in the eye.

Our kit is empty, so,

I went to the store at about 9:45

to get her some bandages.

And it took me a while because I
lost my glasses during the fight.

Maybe 10 minutes.

When I came back, she was gone.

I went looking and I found her,

uh, there.

Like that.

Tell me more about this bar fight.

It was bad.

A group of sailors instigated

and we were called to intervene

- which only made things worse.
- Sailors?

- Navy sailors?
- And they were in a fighting mood.

What happened when you got outside?

Well, it was just routine.


Okay, thank you, Constable.
Do you need anything?

- No, no.
- Hang in there.

SARAH: So, what happened?

He said they broke up a bar fight

with some Navy personnel.

The sailors were still disorderly
once they got them outside.

Constable Wente, she
told them she didn't want

to see them again tonight.

Warned them to cool off
and head back to their ship.

My father's ship.

His sailors are our prime suspects.

Oh, I'm sorry.

We found a boot print in the mud here.

Size 8. Looks military-issue.

And we found this door
fob beside the body.

- So, I'll send it to Jesse for analysis.

- Right.





- A vape pen.

Do you think he smells the k*ller on it?

Or the substance inside.

I'm gonna see what else I can find out

about this bar fight that
started everything. Rex.

Come on.

You're trying to tell me
you didn't see anything?

Yeah, it's Friday night in Bridge City.

Some people are looking for a fight.

There was a scuffle between some sailors

but we were short-staffed.

I'm sorry if I missed the play-by-play.

One of the responding officers is dead.


They shut us down for the night, but,

- I didn't know that part.
- Mmm.

Well, I understand that the conflict

spilled out into the street
out front. Is that correct?

I didn't see what happened outside.

My hands were full in here.

I swear.






What a mess.

So, we need to contact
Constable Wente's next of kin.

An officer's been k*lled

so, the press is going
to be all over this

and we can't have them hear
about it from anyone but us.

Does she have any family in the city?

I'd like to look them in the eye.

Two months ago, she
changed her emergency contact

to her boyfriend, Todd Harford.

Okay, I'll let him know.

I'm gonna round up
the possible witnesses

and interview them down at the station.







CHARLIE: Sorry to bother you.

Who are you?

I'm looking for Todd Harford.

- That's me.
- Detective Hudson, SJPD.

What happened?

Is Jenn okay?

- You mind if we...

speak inside?

Just tell me, man.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but,

Constable Wente,


was k*lled tonight.


No, that's not right.

She wasn't even supposed
to be working tonight.

Her partner convinced her
to take an extra shift.

She was supposed to be home, safe.

I'm sorry. We all wish that um,

this wasn't the case.


We were only just
starting our life together.

How did you two meet each other?


We met online six months ago

but we fell in love.

It took us both by surprise
how fast it all happened.

I dropped everything in
Calgary to come be with her.

We talked about moving
to the country together.

We're gonna catch who did this.

I hope there's some comfort in that.



Any leads from the fob?

No, not according to the data.

It's programmed to
Jennifer Wente's apartment.

Ahh. So, it must have
slipped out of her pocket.

- What's this?
- CCTV from Bridge City.

With all the boozing, we're gonna need

the impartiality of camera recordings

to fill in some of the blanks.

Memory's fallible enough
without the help of tequila.

There were three.

What were they?

Mechanics or something?


They were pilots.

Fighting in a bar?

Three pilots?

Which is... It's weird, right?

So, is it possible that they weren't...

- pilots?
- No.



Eight weeks pregnant. Um...

I've been sipping soda waters all night

pretending that they're gin and tonics.

Can you tell me what you saw?

Yeah. Well, there
were four sailors in uniform.

And one was like clearly
some kind of troublemaker.

And the other was like
an enabler of some sort.

Two of them were actually like that.

Then the fourth
tried to intervene.

But it was weird, like,

the policewoman, she wasn't having it.

It's like she didn't want their help

- or something.
- Really?

The fight apparently
spread onto the street.

Did you see what happened

once the cops kicked
them out of the bar?


MAN: Yeah, I was outside

but I only saw one sailor and one cop.

The policewoman was standing alone

dabbing blood on her eyebrow.

This sailor came up to her,

a little guy, compared to her

Classic Napoleon complex.

He said a few angry words

and then he...

he spit in her face.

So, she pulls her taser out

and I've never seen
anybody run that fast.

A sailor spit in the face
of an on duty police officer?

DONOVAN: And then he may have run off

to get his buddies.

CHARLIE: Okay, well, they
obviously didn't head back to the ship

when Constable Wente ordered them to.

They stuck around

and saw their opportunity
when she was left alone.

Okay, that's it.

- I've put this off long enough.


Hi, Dad.

We have a press conference
scheduled for 1:00 PM

- tomorrow afternoon.
- Today.

DONOVAN: So, Constable Wente's death

is gonna be national news.

So, whatever information
we bring to the public

has to be rock solid.

Hopefully, Charlie's dad will
cooperate with the investigation.

I wouldn't want to be in
Charlie's shoes. That's for sure.

Okay, they're gonna play ball.

My father's agreed to
bring in our suspects.





May I introduce Captain Tilda Grey

of the Judge Advocate General's Office.

CHARLIE: I don't see any suspects.

She's here to assess
whether there's cause

to produce our men for questioning.


You told me you were
bringing my suspects.

How could I?

You don't even have IDs for
the men you want to interview.

We don't have any knowledge
of a so-called bar fight.

No police report. No charges laid.

CHARLIE: Your ship would
have records of all the sailors

who were on shore tonight.

You could compare that to the
descriptions that I gave you.

You know the personnel on your ship

better than you know your own children

and you're trying to tell me
you don't know who I'm describing?

We can't say we do.


Do you really intend to obstruct justice

in the case of a
m*rder*d police officer?

The evidence you claim to have

- wouldn't even be enough

to earn you the court order
you need to compel the Navy

- to produce our personnel records.
- This is a homicide investigation.

This is a civilian matter.

The Armed Forces has
no jurisdiction here.

GREY: Correct. And you've issued

no charges or arrest orders.

The Navy will cooperate fully

if and when the SJPD can
provide compelling evidence.

EDWARD: When you have that,

you can contact Captain Grey here.

- And we will produce

any servicemen or women implicated.





- Hey, Sarah.
- The busker's story checks out.

Someone spit on her.

Traces of amylase
found on Jennifer's face

confirm human saliva.

- Can we identify the culprit?
- It's the weekend.

Even a rush DNA analysis
would take at least 72 hours

and that's well after
the press conference.

Yeah, that's long after my father's
ship sets sail on Sunday too.

You were right about the vape pen.

It contains a cannabis cartridge.

So, Rex was likely alerting
to this
and not to the k*ller.

Yeah, but cannabis is legal now.

So, I don't see that
leading to the altercation

with Constable Wente.

We did find traces of pink
chapstick on the mouth piece

but again, with no DNA analysis,

we can only rule out that
it belonged to Jennifer.

Her lips were bare.


They don't match anyone in the system.

Okay. What about
Constable Wente's firearm?

She didn't appear to attempt to draw it.

The clasp on her taser
was still fastened, too.

A witness said that she
reached for her taser.

As far as I can tell she
only reached for her mace.

And too late.


Maybe we should be looking at someone

she wouldn't have
wanted to use force on?


Bandages and two bottles of water.

And when I went back outside,
she wasn't where I left her.

What made you look for
her in the alleyway?

I don't know. Instinct, I guess.

The same instinct that told you to

leave her alone after the brawl?

You think there's been a single second

since this happened,

where I haven't been blaming myself?

You're right.

I should have never left her side.

The boyfriend said that she wasn't
even supposed to be working tonight.

That you pressured her into it.

I didn't have to pressure her.


I didn't know she was seeing anyone.

We told each other everything.

I thought

we did.

Why wouldn't she mention that
there was a man in her life?

Well, maybe she thought that
you had feelings for her.

She was worried you might get jealous.

Sometimes female officers,
they're worried that their partners

won't take as good care of them
if they feel rejected.


Jenn was completely independent.

Chivalry, chauvinism,

to her they were all the same.


- Hmm.
- And she hated it.

Would you have hated it if you
knew you were going to lose her?

She was gonna move to the
country with her boyfriend?

I asked her to pick up the shift tonight

because it was one of our
last chances to work together.

Check my file.

My mom is sick.

And I'm transferring to
Gander to be closer to her.

I'm very sorry for the
loss of your partner.

And no, this is not your fault.

Come on.

- JESSE: Charlie, I got something.

Okay, so the footage is timestamped

moments after Constable
Turner left Jennifer

to get the Band-aids.

Have a look.


- That's the smaller guy.
- Yeah. He's crying.

Didn't Sarah say it
looked like the k*ller

had tried to help
Jennifer before fleeing?

Yeah, that looks like remorse to me.

- Did you see a fourth sailor in this footage?

No, just these three.

Okay, I'm gonna need their IDs.

- Yeah. Oh!

Way ahead of you.

Yeah, I compared this footage against

the social media feed
from the recruitment drive.

This sailor crying on the curb

is Chief Petty Officer Bryson Reed.

Our bachelorette confirms he is the one

that instigated the bar fight

and I was able to identify
the other two sailors

as Able Seamen Noel
Bentley and Andre Kent.

Thanks, Jesse. Great work.

- You're the best.

Come on, pal.




Looks like that dog of yours
has adopted your temper.

- What's this?
- You wanted ID's. There they are.

Bryson Reed, Noel Bentley.

Andre Kent.

The three sailors that
were involved in the bar fight

immediately preceding
Officer Wente's m*rder.

Yes, Charles. I know who they are.

Well, I'm gonna need to
interview them myself.


I want you to hear this from me.

I've adjusted the
departure time of my ship

from Sunday afternoon

to 3:00 PM. Today.

Not so convinced of your
sailors' innocence after all.

If you had sufficient evidence,

you would have already charged someone.

But you haven't,

because you know you would
just have to release them.

So, a police officer has been m*rder*d

and you're skipping town to protect...

- Navy recruitment efforts?
- I have to leave port

so the SJPD can't take shortcuts

to pin this on my boys!

Your boys?

You know what I mean.

My Superintendent is issuing a
statement to the press at 1:00 PM.

Don't count on a
quiet retreat from scrutiny.



Excuse me.

I'm Lieutenant Faith Keough.

I understand you're
looking into Bryson Reid.

DONOVAN: I won't discuss case details

but do you have something you
want to tell us about Bryson Reed?

He's a chief petty officer.

I'm a lieutenant.

So, he reports directly to me

and let me just say,

nothing pisses himself off more.

Because you're a woman in
a position of authority.

Any chance he gets,

he makes my life hell on that ship.

So, a female police officer
putting him in his place...

Yeah, that set him off.

And if his buddies were watching?


What can you tell me

about these two

right here?

Noel and Andre? They're all right.

They're actually sweet guys
when Bryson's not around.

But he's always getting,
them into trouble

making them clean up his messes.

And why do you think they still do that?

In the Navy, we charge into
all sorts of dangers together.

We bring relief in natural disasters.

We keep the peace in w*r-torn countries.

We need to know, when
push comes to shove,

that we'll watch each other's backs.

No matter what.

To the best of your knowledge,

is there a fourth sailor
in this friend group?


That's all of them.

The three bruhsketeers.

Any arrests for our trio?

Well, either they're
all upstanding citizens

or they get the servicemen's discount.

Actually, you know what?
Bryson Reed does appear

in a domestic disturbance though.

Six months ago, police
were called to an incident

at the residence of a Olivia English.

Hold on.

Olivia English.

Yes, Charlie interviewed Olivia English.

She was behind the bar

at Stevie's Pub when
the fight broke out.

Isn't that the bartender that
said she didn't see anything?

Yeah well maybe she's
not saying anything

because she's afraid of him.

she's a light sleeper.



Do you have any reason
to fear Bryson Reed?

What? No.

Then why did you lie to me
about not knowing him at the bar?

I said I didn't see what happened.

But you did know that he was a fighter.

You were named in a domestic disturbance
involving him six months ago.

- I wasn't actually in any danger.


Is there somebody in the house with you?


Rex, around back.




- Ughh!

Rex, get off him.

Stay down!

- Come on.
- Ughh.

Noel Bentley.

Give me the bag.


You're running from the
police with empty beer cans?

Still doing Bryson
Reed's dirty work, huh?

Let's go.


Antigens in the saliva
from the beer cans

matches the saliva on the victim's face.

Now, it's not as precise as DNA,

but it gives us blood type.

So, Bryson pays Olivia a
visit while he's in port

and then has Noel remove
anything that we can test against.





I'll call Judge Bannan
and get us our court order.

We'll get him.



CHARLIE: Turn around for me please.

Bryson Reed, you are
under arrest for the m*rder

of Constable Jennifer Wente.

Come with me.



CHARLIE: When the DNA comes back,

I bet those beer cans are
gonna be the perfect match

to whoever spat on Constable
Wente before she was k*lled!

Don't respond to that.

I thought we were here for questioning?

I have a signed affidavit
from Able Seaman, Noel Bentley

that attests to the fact that Bryson

ordered him to retrieve any DNA

that could link him to this crime.

We don't accept the affidavit as fact.

Well, this isn't your interview!


Olivia and I used to hook up.

When I went to visit
her today, yesterday,

we had some brews and she told me
she didn't want to see me anymore.

Not like that.

Six beers later, I'm at her bar,

begging her to give me another shot.

I felt like a huge loser.

So, when that cop came
in all high and mighty

talking down to me and whatever,

kicking me when I'm down,

I just...

- I lost it.
- That's enough now.

BRYSON: She belittled
in front of everyone

and I just couldn't let it go.

Someone tried to pull me off her

but she dressed them down.

She didn't even need their
help. She was stronger than me.

So, when the other cop took off,

- I went back.
- Well, that's really brave of you

to wait until she was alone.

But he didn't find her.

End of story.

If you can't control yourself
I'm gonna ask you to leave!

Can I have a moment
alone with my client?


Commander Hudson told me
to tell the whole truth

and I take my orders from him.


I found her.

And yeah I...

I spat on her.



I'm in so much trouble.

CHARLIE: You just admitted
to assaulting a police officer.

Because I did it.

That part, I mean but I didn't k*ll her.

She pulled out her
taser and I freaked out.

I ran away. I found my guys.

I told them how I messed up.

I was scared I'd be suspended.

So, you had to make
your problem go away!

No. I tried to sober up

and they walked me back to the ship.

We didn't find out
till later she was dead.

That's when I sent Noel to Olivia's.

He didn't want to. But I begged him

because I knew you were going
to try and put this on me.

EDWARD: You can't study
this in any textbook.

CHARLIE: Well, with that admission,

- we could have tampering...
- Still convinced he did it?

I won't comment on an
ongoing investigation.

Well, contrary to what my son believes,

I do want to get to the
bottom of last night's events.

He's a very lucky man, my son.

Good luck with your exam today.

BRYSON: I've told you
everything that I know.

CHARLIE: Nothing? All
right, well we're done here.

An officer will be in here shortly

to escort you to be booked.

And they'll be taking you to
a holding cell after that.

BRYSON: I know that didn't
go the way you wanted it to.

But what else was I supposed to do?



I found something.

I have something too.

- CHARLIE: Commander!


Your ship's logs.

All right. Combined with
CCTV and the time stamp

from Constable Turner's
drugstore receipt,

there is no way that Bryson Reed
could've committed the m*rder

and been back with his
sailors on the ship by 10:10.

So, I'm releasing him.

Well, I hope this settles
the unpleasantness between us

- during this visit.
- Yeah, I hope so too

because I found something
else in the logs.

After Bryson and his buddies
were taken back to the ship

you had another sailor
who was still in the city.

A Lieutenant Faith Keough.

A good officer.

She left her sweatshirt here.

The chapstick we found
in her sweatshirt pocket

is being tested against a vape
pen that we found in the alleyway

where Constable Wente was k*lled.

Mud on the soles.

Unisex 8.

What? I'm tall.

Ha. You want to explain to
me why you failed to mention

that you were in the very same alley

where Constable Wente was
found m*rder*d last night?

I wasn't.


I didn't know I was.

I didn't know where it happened.

We located your vape pen on the dumpster

right next to the victim's body.

But there was no
government records of you

legally purchasing cannabis.

So, that suggests you were
trying to keep it secret.

Did the Constable discover you

smoking illegally obtained marijuana?

- No!

You didn't panic and you
know, cause a fatal accident?

- No!
- But you do know about Bryson's conflict

with the Constable and
decided that you could destroy

two problems at the same time

so, you shifted blame to a subordinate

who in your words,
made your life miserable

- on that ship!
- No!

You're gonna have to do
better than that Lieutenant.


That was my vape pen.

No, I didn't want the Navy
to find out about it.

I am this close to submarine duty,

something I've been vying for for years.

And although cannabis may be legal now,

the restrictions are strict.

No marijuana use within 8 hours of duty.

There's always a chance
of schedules or duties

changing at the last minute,

just like what happened today.

And it wasn't illegally purchased.

I was sharing it with my girlfriend.

We saw a cop coming around the corner
with some guy and we bailed.

It was a force of habit.

Was it a female cop?


Was the man who was with her a sailor?

All my other personnel
were already on board.

I'd like to hear it from the Lieutenant.

Was the man that was with her a sailor?

He wasn't in uniform.

I'd never seen him before.


I'm gonna need the
name of your girlfriend.


Hey, Todd. Is there
something we can do for you?

TODD: Yes, actually.

But first, I have to ask.

Did you find the person who did this?

We're working on it but you
should go home, get some sleep.

I don't think I could if I tried.


I was wondering if I could bring
home Jenn's personal effects.

Okay, well, um,

let me see what I can
do if you don't mind

sticking around here
for a little bit longer.

Constable, do you mind taking
him downstairs to get a coffee?

Come on.

CHARLIE: Yeah. Yeah, okay, thank you.


Faith's friend corroborated her story.

So, that is it.

All the sailors have
been cleared of suspicion.

Oh uh... Do you mind if I... ?

DONOVAN: Charlie.

You're okay.


Well, I'm just here

working on my statement for
the press conference in...

two hours.

I hate to speak without
having all the facts but...

Yeah, I know the news
will break without us.


When my father moved up the
ship's departure, I just...

I focused all my energy on the sailors.

Now I've got to rethink
everything that I've...

seen and heard this
morning. I don't know.

Maybe I just let my issues with...

my dad maybe go too
far down the wrong path.


Charlie, I've been looped
in to this investigation

from the very beginning.

And you've always followed the evidence

even when it put you in a
tough spot with your father.

What you need to do is get some rest.

I'm serious. You've
been on this all night.

Go on, get out of here.
Everything else can wait.

I just need a fresh perspective.

Come on, pal.

Rex, come on.


Okay, Constable Wente.

What can you tell me?



Yeah, I see.



Let's go.


This is the fob we processed
at the scene of the m*rder.

It has two sets of prints on it:

Constable Wente's and
another set not in the system.

Possibly Todd Harford's.

Which wouldn't be unusual
if they were sharing keys.

If they share keys, but...

this is the fob you found
in Constable Wente's locker.

And we only found her
prints on this one.

So, she left her fob in her
locker with her personal items

and didn't take them on patrol.

But she was sharing this with someone,

presumably the man who
recently moved in with her?

You know, when I went to,
Constable Wente's apartment

to tell Todd about her death,

I found him in the back yard.

What happened? Is Jenn okay?

You mind if we speak inside?

I suggested that we go inside to talk

but he wouldn't budge.

Just tell me, man.

I think that he was afraid to
admit that he had lost his fob.

JESSE: Guys, hey.

Did you find anything on social media?

I just pored over every single tag post

from Stevie's Bar last night.

In the hour leading up to the brawl,

there were way too many people

and it was way too dark to
make much sense of anything but,

look at this.

Some friends posted a boomerang

- of some afterwork drinks at 6:30 PM.


Todd is sitting at the end of the bar.

Notice anything about his clothes?

Just like a certain uniform.

He's wearing a white button-up shirt.

In the darkness of the bar,

he would've blended right
in with Bryson and his guys.

He's the fourth sailor that all the
witnesses have been referring to.

SARAH: So, he's the one who
tried to intervene in the bar fight?

Yeah, but, the bachelorettes said
Constable Wente brushed him off.

He intervenes and tries to protect her.

Macho behaviour that her partner
Cory said that she despised.

So, Todd's chivalry is rejected

but he goes outside to follow Jennifer,

and sees Cory tending to her wound

and he gets jealous of their closeness.

CHARLIE: You said that
Jennifer's body was moved

by somebody who seemed
like they cared for her.

JESSE: Okay.

So, where's Todd now?

He's locked out.


CHARLIE: Hi, Todd.

I think we found your fob.



OFFICER: Hey! Where are you going?

OFFICER 2: Hey, whoa whoa whoa, stop!

OFFICER: Yeah, catch him on that side!

- Cut him off on that side!


- OFFICER 2: I got him!

- OFFICER 3: Easy, easy!

There's nowhere to go!

- Hands up!


I didn't mean to k*ll her.

I wanted to help her.

She had her partner for that.

- It was an accident!

She was playing me against him!

He didn't even know who I was!

- All right, come on.
- OFFICER 2: We're bringing him in now.

Todd Harford.

You're under arrest for the
m*rder of Jennifer Wente.

OFFICER: We have him in
custody on the front lawn.

We're gonna bring him back in.

DONOVAN: I stand before you today

to speak about a tragic incident

that has affected the community

and the St. John's Police Department.

Last night, we lost one of our own.



Constable Turner.

What are you doing here?
You're on bereavement leave.

You don't need to be here today.

I've prepared a few words
to say about Jennifer.

I was wondering if I could
read them to the press.



Yes, you can.

Of course.

CHARLIE: Easy, pal.

EDWARD: Sarah told me I'd find you here.

Did she?

I saw your ship's gone.

Yes, I...

took a couple days leave.

Look, Charles.


I couldn't help but think that

each of us was in a similar
predicament last night.

Each of us trying to protect our own.

I know it seemed that we
were at odds with one another.

Not how I wanted this visit to go.

It did make me realize

that the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree.

Yeah, I suppose you're right.

Well, I was hoping for an overdue visit

but I imagine that you're just

- desperate for some rest, so...
- I'll take the visit.

- Rex might need a nap, though, but...

[EDWARD LAUGHS] That's my boy.

Aghh, so now Rex is your boy!

♪ And the end is only the start ♪

- Come on.
- ♪ You'll get past the broken heart ♪

♪ Yeah the end is only the start ♪