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02x01 - Jumping on the Moon/Sneezy Riders

Posted: 03/09/24 13:37
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪
both: what?

- ♪ Come over here ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over ♪

♪ To whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey today ♪

Both: he's coming!

- ♪ Now he's arrived ♪

♪ In the thinga-ma-jigger ♪

♪ The thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat,
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers ♪

♪ Thing two and thing one ♪
- ta-da!

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo!

[All cheering]

- Whoa!

All: ♪ it's the cat in the hat ♪

- ♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
knows a lot about ♪

All: ♪ he knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about that! ♪


[Kids grunting]

- [Giggling]

- Keep jumping, sally.

The moon looks close enough
to touch.

- Check out this super-duper,
big jump, nick.

- So close!

Watch my super,
super-duper, duper jump!

- High five.

- [Grunts]
- [laughs]

- It's the cat!
- The cat in the hat.

- That was the highest high five
I ever saw.

- We're trying to jump up high
and touch the moon.

- Only we keep landing
with a thump.

- What goes up must come down.

- How come?

- One word: gravity.
- What's that?

- One word not enough
for you, huh?

Gravity's--um, well,
I mean, it's--it's--oh!

It's all around you.

- Hmm.

I don't see anything.

- That's because gravity
it's an invisible force.

It's got to be felt
to be believed.

When you throw something up,

Gravity pulls it back down.

Oh, ouch.


- And every jump lands
with a thump.

- So there's no way
to touch the moon?

- Not here on earth,

But I know a place
where you can.

- Where?
- On the moon, of course.

It's a great place
to go jumping.

Would you like to take a trip
to the moon

And see how you jump there?

Both: yeah!

- Your mother will not
mind at all if you do.

- [Laughs]

Mom, this is nick.

Are you there? Over.

- Receiving you loud and clear.

- Can we go jumping on the moon
with the cat in the hat? Over.

- Sure, jumping on the moon
sounds out of this world.

Over and out.

Both: we can go! We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

Are you ready?
Both: yes, we are!

- Are you steady?
Both: yes, we are!

- ♪ Are you sure
you're ready to explore? ♪

Both: yes, we are!

- Prepare for blastoff!

- Blastoff?

Where on earth
are we going to this time?

- Not earth, fish.
The moon!

- To fly to the moon,
we'll need a big boost.

- Then buckle up!

[Horn honks]

Pull the space-a-ma-racer.

[Honks, bleeps]

Both: wow!

- This is so cool.

- Get ready
for booma-blasters

In ten, nine, eight,

Seven, six--

- We're going to blast off
like real astronauts!

- I can't wait!
- Neither can i!

Five, four, three, two, one!

[Bell dings]

All: blast off!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We're gonna try out
some jumps on the moon ♪

♪ I hope that we get
to the moon really soon ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Welcome to the moon.


- It's so beautiful!

- Yes, la bella luna.

Prepare for moon landing.

Both: we're on the moon!

We're on the moon!

- Please remember
to wear your space helmets

At all times
for your protection.

[Both giggle]
[clears throat]

It's one small step
for a cat, one giant--


- Are you all right, cat?

- Never better!

- How come we didn't land
with a big thump?

- Well, probably 'cause
the moon's funny that way.

- Let's try another jump!

- Okay.
Jump! Super-duper!

- Super, super-duper!

- Wow, we can jump really,
really high!

- That looks like fun!



- Great jumping cat in the hats!

- Oh, I love this place.

You can't do that back home.

- How come we can jump up
so high?

- Well, uh, you see, it's--

Oh, if only
my friend audrey was here.

She'd know.
- Who's audrey?

- That would be me.

- Whoa!

- Audrey the astronaut.

- Audrey, good to see you.

- Hello, cat.

- Wow, a real astronaut!

- Oh, did I forget to say?

- I'm sally.

That's nick.

Pleased to meet you.

- Copy that.

Pleased to meet you too.

I've never met anyone on one
of my special moon walks before.

- That's probably because
only astronauts come here.

- Would you like to join me
on a moon walk?

Both: yes, please!

- We have a go for moon walk.

But when I say walk,
I mean bounce.

- Yay!
- Whoa!

- Whee!
- Whoo!

- Wahoo!

- Yippee!
- Whee!

- Wahoo!

- Isn't walking on the moon
big, bouncy fun?

- Whoo-hoo!

Copy, control.

That's an affirmative!

- How come we're so bouncy?

- Is it that gravity thing

- Whoa!
- Roger that.

There's less gravity
on the moon than on earth,

So there's less
pulling you down.

- Watch out for moon holes.

- Whoo!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yay!


- Whoo!

[Both giggling]

- These moon holes
are called craters.

- Wow!

Moon walks are so different
from earth walks.

- [Yelps]

Wait till you play ball here.

- Come on, cat.

- Are you ready
for my moon ball?

- [Laughs]

- Hmm.


- [Grunts]

Both: wow!

- [Giggles]

Yeah, hooray!

- Whoo!
Go, nick, go!

Go, nick, go!

Go, nick, go!

Go, nick, go!

- Wahoo!

I never hit a home run before.

- We never played moon ball

- Look.
That ball's still going.

- Too bad it's our only one.

Hey, what's that?

- Huh?

What's what?

- Oh, my.

An unidentified flying object.

- Oh, no,
that's my space station.

Want to see it?
- You bet!

- Roger that.

Follow me!

- To the space-a-ma-racer.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yippee!

- Welcome to my space station.

- Wow!
- Ooh.

- Spacey!

- Prepare to land.

Ah, it's good to be home.

- [Gasps]
what about your space helmet?

- You don't need them here.

The people who built
my space station

Filled it with lots of air
to breathe.

- Huh?

- Your helmet, it's floating.

- [Giggles]
so are we.

- Mm, me too.

- Oh, fish, you always
float around in water.

- Not like this.


- Is it gravity playing tricks
on us again?

- Roger that.

- I wish it would make up
its mind!

- Gravity changes
depending on where you are.

- Let's take a look!


On great, big planet earth,

Gravity pulls you down
to the ground.

- So when you jump--

- You land with a thump.

- [Laughs]

- The moon is much smaller,

So there's less gravity there.

- So you can jump up
really high.

- And hit balls really far.

- And out here in space,
you can't feel gravity at all.

So you can float all day.


I don't know about you,

But floating
gives me an appetite.

Snack time!

- Okay.

I wasn't expecting company.

- Oh, that's okay.

When I get hungry
out of the blue,

I simply whistle
for thing one and thing two.


Both: ta-da!

[Both humming]


- What's on the menu?

Oh, my, there's so much
to choose from!

- Hmm?

- Yes, please.


My orange drink!

- [Giggles]

- [Clears throat]

- Why, thank you.


My favorite!

- Huh?
- Hey, come back!

- This is why we astronauts
like food

In closed tubes and containers.

- Mmm!


Veggie pizza!


- I think I prefer snack time

When the food
stays on the plate.

- And the plate
stays on the table.

- I agree.

Gravity's pretty useful.

Try juggling without it.


There is a great force
that you can't see,

Pulling down you
and pulling down me.

When anything falls,
that's gravity.

I think that's swell.

I hope you agree.

- Good-bye, astronaut audrey.

- Thanks for showing
us your space station.

- Roger that.
Come back anytime.

Both: we will!

- Ready to exit space station

In five, four,
three, two, one.

All: wahoo!

[Both giggle]

- I won't ever look
at the moon again

Without thinking
of astronaut audrey.


- Me either.

And even though we can't jump
as high here on earth...


It's sure nice to feel gravity
pulling us down again.

- You got that right.

Gravity's g-r-r-r-reat!


Ow! Ouch!


Most of the time.

[All laugh]

Isn't this fun?

- Hi, kids.

I have a very hard question
for you today.

Some cats like to purr.

Do you know what other animal
can also purr?

Is it a whale?

Or is it a snake?

Or is it an elephant?

So which of these animals
can purr like a kitty cat?

Did you say the elephant?

That's right!

Elephants purr when they
say hello to each other!

Next time,
I'll stump you for sure!

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras!

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

[Camera clicks]

It looks like polka dots
or freckles.

- [Giggles]

- Oh, it's a fruit.

A strawberry!

- You're right!

- How come it has so many

Of those little yellow things?

- They're seeds.

A strawberry has its seeds
on the outside.

- Next time,
I get to take the picture.

[Both laugh]

- Ready or not,
here I come, nick!

Coming to get you.

- [Sneezes]

- Huh?


Found you!

- [Sighs]

Only because
I keep sneezing, sally.



- [Laughs]
- thanks.

- You're most welcome.

- It's the cat!

- The cat in the...



- Hide and sneeze,
my favorite game.

- It's not a game.

I can't stop sneezing!

- Can you help him, cat?

- I can't,
but I know a man who can.

Cluey louie.

- Cluey louie?

- No one solves problems
like louie.

He'll know
how to stop nick's sneezes.

- Can we go...


See him?

- Your mother will not
mind at all if you do!

- Mom, can nick and I
go visit cluey louie

To find a way
to stop nick from sneezing?

- [Laughs]

Cluey louie?
Sure, honey.

A cure for sneezing
is not to be sneezed at.

Both: we can go! We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

- Buckle up.
[Horn honks]

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We'll meet cluey louie,
as surely he knows ♪

♪ How to stop sneezes
that tickle your nose ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- There's muddy feet water hole.

[Distant sneeze]

And that must be cluey louie!

- Sounds more like sneezy wheezy
to me-zy.


- Oh, louie.


- Hmm.



- I know you're here somewhere.

- Look out!

- Is it louie?

[Both laugh]

Both: no, it's a dog!

- Hmm?

Oh, my!



- Cat, how are you?

- A little wet, actually.


What are you doing here?

- I'm staying with cluey louie
for a few days.

- Where is cluey louie?

- Oh, he's working hard
to solve a puzzle.

[Distant sneeze]

Ah, there he is.

[Distant sneeze]

- In his house.

- Hmm.



- Cluey louie!

- Cat, what brings you
to muddy feet water hole?

- My friends, nick and sally,
need your help.

- I keep sneezing.

- And he wants to find out
how to stop.

- You've arrived
at just the right time.


I'm sneezing too.

- You're more like
ah-choo-y louie today.

- The only way
to stop sneezing is to find out

What started you off
in the first place.

I've been trying
to track that down for days.

- And what exactly
have you found out?

- Every sneeze starts
with a tickle in the nose.

- You mean like this?


Oh, itchy.

- The nose sends a message

To the sneeze center
in the brain.

[Cell phone rings]

- Sneeze center, cat speaking.

How can I help you?
[Phone ringing]

hello, this is nose here.

I'm itching.

- Then the sneeze center
sends out messages

To the chest, throat,
and nose.

- [Stammers]

Nose is itching!

Nose is itching!

- Then the chest, throat,
and nose

All work together
to blast air out of the nose.

- [Clears throat]


- Why did cat close his eyes?

- Nobody can sneeze
with their eyes open.


Sneeze coming.


[Sneezing repeatedly]

- You're right.

- Your eyes do close
every time you sneeze.

- But what makes
your nose tickle?

- If we knew what was making
nick's nose tickle,

We could stop him from sneezing.

- Tell us, louie!
Please do-ee!

- Aha!



I don't know.

If only I could see
what's happening in my nose!

- Well, we can do that!
- How?

- The thinga-ma-jigger
can go anywhere!

- Take this walkie-talkie
with you

So you can tell me
what you find.

- Will do-ee, louie!

Press the shrinkamadoodle!

- [Laughs]

- Which way now?

Left, right, left?

No, let's try right.

Both: wow!

- This is not my idea
of a fun day out.

- Hey, we're going up
louie's nose.

- It's pretty warm in here.

- And a little damp too.

Now, press the hover-abover.

- [Laughs]


- What are those things?

- They look like big ropes.

- They must be the hairs
in my nose.

- Whoa!
Big rocks.

- I just breathed in some dust.

- Is that what's
making louie sneeze?

- I don't feel a sneeze
right now.

- Look, those big hairs
caught it all.

The big bits of dust
are sticking right to them.

- Nobody likes dust
up their nose.

The hairs are there
to keep it out.

- Ah!

- They're trying
to keep us out too.

- Luckily,
we can get around them.

- Phew!
Close one.

- Don't worry, I'm the best
pilot in the whole--

All: whoa!

- Louie to cat!

All: whoa!


- Where are you?

- I don't know,
but the weather's terrible here,

And the floor's pink and wobbly.

- I see light!
- And teeth!

- You're in my mouth.

- Whoa!

- Awesome.

- How did we get in there?

- The tube
at the back of the nose

Runs down into the mouth.

- Whoa!
[Both laugh]

Then we've gone way too far.

We'll head back.

- Well, the cat in the hat
is on the case.

I'm sure he'll find out
what's making me sneeze.

Oh, no.

I think I feel an itch now!

- Do you see any itchy stuff?

- [Gasps]

I see something.

- There's stuff
stuck to the wall.

- Let's take a closer look,
shall we?


- Hmm.

Maybe that was
a little too close.

- Don't tell me.
We're stuck.

- Oh, we're stuck,
but not for long.

- Are you sure
that's a good idea?

- [Grunts]

Of course it's a good idea.



Waist-deep in mucus,
don't know what to do?

Time for some help
from thing one and thing two.


Both: hello!

- Go!

- Ouch!

Both: uh-oh!

- Ouch!

Oh, boy, I'm stuck!

Why, I thank you.

Both: yay!


- Cluey louie to cat!


I'm gonna sneeze!

- Hang on, louie.

- There must be
some itchy stuff here.

- [Gasps]
I see it!


- Ah-ha!

I got it!

- We found the itchy stuff!

- [Stammering]
- whoa!

Let's go!

- Can I just point out
that we can't go anywhere?

We're totally stuck!


- [Gasping]


[All cheering]

- Press the bigamaboodle!



- We found this.

It's what's making
your nose itch.

- Let me see.



It's some sort of hair,
but what?

- Why not use the snap-o-rama?

- [Laughs]

[Camera clicks]

- Dog's hair.

- Of course!

Now that I think about it,

I only started sneezing
when bobby the bloodhound

Came here to visit.

- Little pieces of bobby's hair
went into your nose.

- Dog hair can have
tiny bits of skin stuck to it.

We call that dander.

That's super sneeze-making.

- And the only way
to get it out was--

- To sneeze, that's the answer.

- But we don't have any dogs
back at my house.

What makes me sneeze?

- Different things
make different people sneeze.

- You haven't sneezed once

Since you've been here
at muddy feet water hole.

- So it must be something
we have at home.

- We need to get back
and find out what that is.

- Thanks, cluey louie.
- Bye!

- Toodle-louie!

- It starts when some stuff
blows into your nose.

Then it sticks there
till an itch grows and grows.

To get rid of this itch
with the greatest of ease,

All you need do is have a big--

Both: sneeze!


- Hmm.




- [Laughs]

[Camera clicks]

- Flower pollen.

- What's that?

- It's special dust
from inside those flowers.

That's what's making
you sneeze,

But you don't need to stop.

- [Sneezes]

- 'Cause sneezing's such fun,

And quite useful too.

- Welcome to hat chat.

Today, we're going
to interview an eyed hawk-moth.

- Here I am.

- Hello, mr. Moth.

We didn't see you there.

You blend in with the bark
on the tree.

- Yes, I do.

The color of my body
helps to camouflage or hide me.

- Neat!
You're so camouflaged,

I can't even see your body,

Only your big eyes.

- Those aren't my real eyes.

Those are my wings.

- Wow, your wings
look just like a face.

- That's right.

The pattern on my wings
look like big eyes.

This makes me look
much bigger than I am,

So other animals don't try
to pick on me.

- Thanks for teaching us all
about your cool wings, mr. Moth.

- Yeah, and next time,

We'll know
which face to talk to.

- See you later.

- ♪ When you get hot,
you start to sweat ♪

♪ Your forehead
gets a little wet ♪

♪ But what you won't know,
I don't suppose ♪

♪ Is cows
sweat through their noses ♪

Both: ♪ we were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ Now we're not, not, not ♪

♪ We were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ But now we're not ♪

- ♪ And what about dogs?
When they get hot ♪

♪ Do they sweat
through their noses? ♪

♪ No, they do not,
when they've been for a run ♪

♪ And spent too long
in the sun ♪

♪ They start to pant ♪

♪ Cooling down
with their tongue ♪

All: ♪ we were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ Now we're not, not, not ♪

♪ We were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ But now we're not ♪

- ♪ Well, elephants
cool down in a different way ♪

♪ Their giant ears
fan the heat away

♪ A friend, the hippo,
he stays cool ♪

♪ By rolling in a muddy pool ♪

All: ♪ we were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ Now we're not, not, not ♪

♪ We were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ But now we're not, not, not ♪

- ♪ Lie on your belly ♪

♪ When you look
through the grass ♪

♪ But don't forget
to take a magnifying glass ♪

♪ Hey, there's a spider ♪

♪ He's an eight-legged friend ♪

♪ And he's spinning a web ♪

♪ It's like a sticky silk fan ♪

♪ It catches insects,
look! ♪

♪ He's crawling this way ♪

♪ He'll build a new web
each and every day ♪

♪ See what you can find ♪

♪ When you're
searching outside ♪

♪ It's a world to explore
in the backyard ♪

♪ Crickets can jump
almost three feet in the air ♪

♪ When they rub
their two wings ♪

♪ You hear them chirp
everywhere ♪

♪ What's that cocoon
stuck to that leaf nearby? ♪

♪ It's a caterpillar ♪

♪ That's turned
into a butterfly ♪

♪ The creatures are neat ♪

♪ They might be
under your feet ♪

♪ There's an adventure in store
in the backyard ♪

♪ See what you can find ♪

♪ When you're
searching outside ♪

♪ It's a world to explore
in the backyard ♪

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

[Camera clicks]

Oh, a puzzle!

I see feathers.

It looks like the wing
of a bird.

I know.

It's a swan.

- You got it,
but what is the swan doing?

- It looks like it's running.

- They need to run to get
enough speed to fly away.

- Great photo, nick.
