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02x04 - Inside Out/Hear Here

Posted: 03/09/24 13:41
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪
both: what?

- ♪ Come over here ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over ♪

♪ To whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey today ♪

Both: he's coming!

- ♪ Now he's arrived ♪

♪ In the thinga-ma-jigger ♪

♪ The thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat,
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers ♪

♪ Thing two and thing one ♪
- ta-da!

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo!

[All cheering]

- Whoa!

All: ♪ it's the cat in the hat ♪

- ♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
knows a lot about ♪

All: ♪ he knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about that! ♪


- [Giggling]

- [Humming]

- Surprise, sally!

- Oh, hi, nick.

- Didn't I surprise you?
- [Laughs]

No, I noticed your sweater
from way over there.

- Oh.

I guess it is kind of bright.

- [Gasps]

I wonder where the cat is today.

[Trumpet playing]

- Surprise!

- Look, nick, it's the cat.

- Yes, the cat in the hat.

- I bet you didn't know
it was me.

- [Laughs]
of course we knew it was you.

Nobody else has such
a special hat.

- You're wise to my surprise,
but don't worry.

I know where we can find
a splendiferous surprise.

- Really?
- Where?

- There's a surprising
little bean

In the skippylarito fields.

- How can a bean be surprising?

- The answer might surprise you.

- Can we meet
this surprising bean?

- Your mother will not mind
at all if you do.

- [Laughs]

Mom, can sally and I go
to the skippylarito fields

To meet a surprising bean?

- [Laughs]

A surprising bean
in the skippylarito fields?


While you're there,
perhaps you'll meet

An astonishing turnip
or a startling carrot.

- Thanks, mom.
[Both laughing]

Both: we can go!
We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

- Fish, we're going
to meet a surprising bean.

- Fish?
He stepped out for a while.

- Oh, really?

- Surprise! It's me.

- We knew it was you all along.
- Oh.

- But that mustache
does suit you, fish.

Are you ready?
Both: yes we are.

- Are you steady?
Both: yes we are.

- ♪ Are you sure
you're ready to explore? ♪

Both: yes we are.

- Then buckle up.
[Horn honks]

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We're off to meet
a surprising bean ♪

♪ You won't believe it--
this has to be seen ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- There it is--
the skippylarito fields.

Both: yahoo!

- Yoo-hoo,
surprising little bean,

Where are you?

- Maybe these are the beans
you're looking for on this bush.

- Hmm, maybe.

Aren't you clever?

- Look, some have fallen off.

- Let's see.


- It moved!
I saw it move.

- [Gasps]
there are more moving. Look.

- It's like they're jumping.

- Jumping beans.

- Whoever heard
of a bean that jumps?

Now, isn't that surprising?



It's tickly.
Here, nick.

- [Laughs]
it feels funny.

Here, sally.

- [Laughs]
you take it.

- hot potato.

Hot potato-like bean.

- Whoa.

- Do you mind?

- [Gasps]
who said that?

- It came from the bean.

- But beans don't talk.

- No, but this bean
has another surprise inside.

- Cool.

- Macy, is that you in there?

- Of course it's me.

And would you mind not
tossing me around like that?

- Oh, so sorry.

I suppose it's rather impolite
to throw around a friend.

- You have a friend
who lives in a bean?

- Indeed I do,
but to meet her,

We'll have to shrink down
to bean size.

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

Okay, fellas.

Press the shrinkamadoodle.

- How do we get inside?

- Look, there's a hole.

- Come on in. Stay awhile.

- [Laughs]


[Both laughing]

Here we go, go.


Come on in.

- Cat?

- What are you doing?

- Oh, just thought
I'd hang around for a bit.

- Oh, cat.

- Well, wiggle like a worm.

If it isn't the cat in the hat!

- Macy the moth larva.

What an absolute delight--

- A moth larva?
What's that?

- A moth larva's a young bug
who looks like a worm,

With itty bitty legs
that wriggle and squirm.

- Wow, macy,
it's nice to meet you.

- Why do you live in a bean?

- It's not just any old bean.

It's a special kind of bean.

It's rather cozy,
don't you think?

Mmm, and delicious too.

- Wow, you eat the bean too?

- Sure, it's my home
and my food.

This place has everything
I need to grow big and strong.

- Amazing, but what are
these stringy things for?

- Oh, they help me get around.

They're attached
to me and the bean.

- So when you move,
the bean moves.

- Yup.

- Phew, it's getting
really warm in here.

- Yeah, I'm getting hot.

- Whew, it's a scorcher,
all right.

My whiskers feel hot,
hot, hot.

- [Giggles]
no problem.

- Whoa!

- We're moving!

- Whoa!

You didn't mention
this was a mobile home.

- We need to find a shady spot.

- Can we help?

- Of course.
Wiggle away.


- This is fun!

Yeah. Whoo!

- Yay!

- Ah, impossible.

That bean, it's m--moving.

[Laughter and cheers]

- That's better.

- [Sighs]
it feels much cooler now.

- Well, that's because we found
a shady spot.

- So that's why you
bump around like that.

- To find a cooler spot.

- Well, who wants to be
out in the hot sun all day?

- Oh, these surprising beans
are just so full of surprises.

Right, macy?

- Right, cat.

Ooh, you should go see miguel.

He'll really surprise you.

- Who's miguel?

Another surprise?
What is it?

- If I told you,
it wouldn't be a surprise.

- Nice meeting you.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

- Good seeing you.

Ah, shade.

- Wiggling in a bean
is great fun.

- Wouldn't it be great if we
had our own beans to jump in?

- Hmm, if jumping in beans
is what you love to do,

Thing one and thing two
will bring them to you.


Both: hello.



- Cool.
- Our very own bean balls.

[Both squeaking]

- Only the jumpiest
jumping bean balls ever.


[Both squeaking]

- This is amazing.

- And awesome.

Both: bye.

- Whoa.
- Whoa!

[Both laughing]

[Shouts and laughter]

- Hold on to your socks.

This joint is jumping.




Both: nobody bounces like cat.

[Grunting and bouncing]

- Whoa, look.

- [Gasps]
another bean.

- [Laughs]
this is my friend miguel's bean.

Yoo-hoo, miguel?

No one's at home.

- Oh, cat.

- There.

- How nice to see you.

- Miguel, is that you?
What happened?

You were just a little larva
the last time I saw you.

- I was?

Oh, yes,
I was when I lived in there,

And then I changed into this.

- A moth.

So a moth larva
turns into a moth.

- Just like caterpillars
turn into butterflies.

- Well, isn't that
the best surprise of all?

Such clever creatures.

- Why, thank you, cat.


- To the thinga-ma-jigger.
- Bye.

- See ya.

- Press the bigamaboodle, nick.

- [Laughs]
[horn honks]

- A jumping bean
has a surprise inside,

A tiny moth larva
who will eat, grow, and hide.

When it gets hot,
the larva will wiggle,

And its hopping
and jumping makes us--

Both: giggle.


- Hi, mom.
- Hi, kids.

- Phew, I'm hungry.

- Me too.

Mom, what's for lunch?

- Oh, it's a surprise.

- [Laughs]
another surprise.

- I'll be right back
with some milk.


- Did I hear someone
say surprise?

- I think it's our lunch.

I bet we're having...

Both: beans!

- [Gasps]
moth larva beans?

- [Laughs]

No, cat.

Not moth larva beans--
baked beans.

Nobody lives inside these beans,
and they're delicious.

- Oh, hey, I knew that.

Baked beans are, um,


- Hi, kids.

It's important
to eat your vegetables,

But which one of these
is really a fruit?

Is it a cabbage,

Or is it a carrot,

Or is it a tomato?

So which of these foods
is really a fruit?

Did you say
that it's the tomato?

A tomato has seeds inside,
so that makes it a fruit.

Did you get it this time?

Well, next time
I'll stump you for sure.

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.


It looks like a jump rope.

A jump rope
with stripes and scales.

Oh, it's a bunch of snakes,
and they're all lying together.

- That's right, nick.

Garter snakes huddle together
to keep warm.

- But next time,
I get to take the picture.

[Both laughing]


Hear that, sally?

[Chirping continues]

- Where's that sound
coming from, nick?

- I don't know.

I think it's coming
from over there.

- Why are you whispering?

- [Laughs]

- It's the cat.

- The cat in the hat.

- Whispering's okay for some,
but not me.

I'm proud to be loud!
[Both laughing]

- We're trying to hear
where a sound is coming from.

- Hmm, is it this sound?


- [Laughs]

- Listen, there it is again.

- Where is it coming from?

- Maybe here, there,
or is it everywhere?

Who can tell?

- If we had better ears,
maybe we could find it.

- It just so happens I know
animals with amazing ears.

Ears that can hear
amazingly well.

- Can we meet them?
- Oh, can we?

- Your mother will not mind
at all if you do.

- Mom, can we go
with the cat in the hat

And meet animals
with amazing ears?

- Animals with amazing ears?

Wow, now I've heard everything.

Have fun, you two.

- We will.
[Both laughing]

Both: we can go!
We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

- Buckle up.
[Horn honks]

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We're off to meet creatures
with ears that amaze ♪

♪ And see how they use them
in all sorts of ways ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- We are now arriving
at dusty-musty-ville!

- No need to shout.

We can hear you.


- ♪ Ears, ears, ears, ears ♪

♪ ♪

♪ We're off
to find amazing ears ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ I wonder what ears
they'll be ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ We're off
to find some ears ♪


- We're visiting
my friend athea.

One of the great things
about elephants

Is that they're so easy to find.

- [Laughs]
I'm right behind you, cat.

- [Yells]
[both laughing]

- Sorry, did I surprise you?

- Athea,
I didn't hear you coming.

- Hello, athea.
- Hi.

Wait, did you hear that?
- No.

- It's my mom calling me
to the water hole.

It must be bath time.

- I can't hear her.

She must be really far away.

- Your ears are really big.

Maybe that's why you
can hear her so well.

- Yeah, and the breeze
blowing on my ears

Helps keep my whole body
cool too.

- If only we had ears
like yours,

We could hear your mom too.

- Well, I think I might just
have some big ears around here.

Ah-ha, try these on for size.

[Both laughing]

- These are great.

[Elephant trumpeting]

- Now can you hear her?

- [Gasps]
both: we can! We can!

- We can hear sounds
from a really long way away.

- That's great.

b*at you to the water hole!

- I'll get there first.

- Not before me.

- [Laughs]


- [Humming]

[Both laughing]

[Both grunting]


- Oh, that's fun.

- I would have been first
in the water hole

If I hadn't tripped
over my big ears.

- I think your friends' ears
are too big for running, athea.

- They are great for hearing,
but just too big for us.

- We need to find
some different ears.

- But wait,
you're much too muddy

To sit in the thinga-ma-jigger.

We need some mud-cleaning work
to be done.

Let's try a quick call
to thing two and thing one.


Both: hello!


[Both squeaking]

- [Squeaks]

- [Grunts]
- ha!


- [Grunts]

- [Yelling]

- Whoa. Phew.

- [Squeaking angrily]

- [Laughs nervously]


- Oh, I don't think
we're going to need that.

[Both laughing]

- Wow.

- Athea's mom
cleaned us up just fine.

- Bye, athea.

Thanks for showing us your ears.
- Bye.

- [Laughs]

Good-bye, everybody.

- To the thinga-ma-jigger.

♪ Ears, ears, ears, ears ♪

♪ ♪

♪ We're off
to find amazing ears ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ I wonder
what ears they'll be ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ We're off
to find some ears ♪


- Welcome to grassy-wassy.

- [Hooting]
[all yelling]

- Oh, ollie, you made us jump.

You grass owls fly so quietly.

- Well, I certainly
heard you coming way, way back.

- We're here
to find some better ears.

- Can you help us?

- Sure thing.

I can hear the tiniest sound,

Not just with my ears,

But with the help of my face.

- You hear with your face?

- Not exactly, but--

- Wait, is it because
of the shape of your face?

- It looks kind of like a bowl.

- My, how clever you both are.

It does look a little
like a cereal bowl,

But without any cereal.

- Don't know about that,
but it sure is

A great shape for hearing.

Both: why?

- How 'bout we find out
with these?

Oh, it looks pretty.

Both: we're cool grass owls.

- Okay, cat, how about you hide
and make some quiet sounds,

And we'll try and find you?

- Oh, I love hide-and-seek.


Come and get me.


Both: found you!

- [Yells]
oh, my.

How did you find me so easily?

- We could hear you.

These bowl shapes
really catch the sound.

- They make everything
sound louder.

- See, I'm not just
a pretty face, you know.

- Well isn't this
the perfect way to hear?

- It's great, but...

- We can't wear
these all the time.

- And we don't have faces
shaped like ollie.

- Well, maybe there's
another friend of mine

Who might have the answer.

- Let's go!

- Bye, ollie.

Thanks for showing us
how you hear.

- No problem.

- Bye.

- ♪ Ears, ears, ears, ears ♪

♪ ♪

♪ We're off
to find amazing ears ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ I wonder
what ears they'll be ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ We're off
to find some ears ♪


- Welcome to sandy-wandy.

- Who lives here, cat?
- Me.

- [Screams]

Will everyone
please stop doing that?

- Wow, you have amazing ears,
mr. Fox.

- Yeah, neat, huh?

Name's fergie.

Fergie the fennec fox.

Shh, did you hear that?

- Huh?

- Where? Who? What?

- There.

All those wiggly, squiggly bugs,
all scrit-scratching.


- Uh, I can't hear anything.

- Oh, of course you can't.

Not with those tiny ears
of yours.

You need ears like mine.


- Hmm.

- You know what?

You can with--

Now, where did I put them?

My superduper fergie fox ears.

Both: cool.

- Whoa!

There are so many sounds now.

- It's kind of hard to tell
who's making which one.

- Try turning your ears
until one sounds the loudest.

[Static blips]

- It works.

The other sounds are quieter.

I hear someone digging.

- [Yells]

- [Laughs]

- [Gasps]

I hear marching feet.


- You got it.

- These are great ears.

- They sure are.

- No time to lose.

Got to go.

Bugs are calling.

Both: bye.

- Time to go home.

- We learned about hearing.

Now, that was such fun.

A good pair of ears
will get the job done.

Whatever the shape,
the position, or size,

Each ear has its very own
special surprise.

Both: yeah!


- There's that sound again.

- I know.

Why don't we use our hands
to make bigger ears?

- And if we move our heads,

It will help us find
where it is coming from.

[Louder chirping]

- We're getting closer.


[Both laughing]

- Hey, mr. Cricket.

- Nice chirpy chirp sound.

[Both laughing]

I wonder what other
great sounds are around.

[Drum banging]
- [laughing]

Both: cat!


- Welcome to hat chat.

- Today, we're going
to interview a rock crab.

Why are you called
a rock crab, anyway?

Is it because you eat rocks?

- I'm called a rock crab

Because I look
a bit like these rocks.

We like to blend in

With the rocks and sand
to keep safe.

But I do eat things
like plants, worms, shrimp,

Things I can find
on the beach here.

- Hmm, I don't see any teeth.

How do you chew your food?

- Well, for starters,

I use my claws
to crunch up my food,

Then I have things in my stomach
that are sort of like teeth

To finish the breaking the food
into small bits.

- Teeth?
- In your stomach?

- Well, they're quite different
than your teeth,

But they do the same job.

- That's so cool.

- If you'll excuse me now,
I really must find more food.

- And that was our interview
with a rock crab.

- Hello, dr. Twiggles.

Both: ♪ trees, trees,
glorious trees ♪

♪ From roots below
to crowning leaves ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Some are tall
and others are not ♪

♪ What other differences
can you spot? ♪

♪ ♪

- There's one.

- ♪ This tree's a pine,
so prickly and fine ♪

♪ With cones so cony
and needles divine ♪

- ♪ Behold the birch ♪

♪ A beautiful sight
with delicate branches ♪

♪ And bark black and white ♪

- ♪ Trees, trees,
glorious trees ♪

- ♪ Trees, glorious trees ♪

- ♪ Now here's a maple
spreading its seeds ♪

♪ They twirl through the air
on the slightest breeze ♪

- ♪ This tree has fruit
way up high ♪

Why, it's an apple.

Let's give it a try.

Both: ♪ trees, trees,
glorious trees ♪

♪ From roots below
to crowning leaves ♪

♪ ♪

♪ They make wonderful homes
for birds and bees ♪

♪ Trees, glorious trees! ♪

- ♪ There's a fish
that looks like me ♪

♪ A catfish, look and see ♪

♪ There's a cowfish too ♪

♪ Though I've never
heard him moo ♪

- ♪ But a dogfish is no dog ♪

♪ He doesn't even bark ♪

♪ As far as I'm concerned ♪

♪ He's just
a weird-looking shark ♪

♪ There's no need to run ♪

♪ No need to flee ♪

♪ He's the kind of dog
that doesn't scare me ♪

- ♪ There's a fish
that looks like me ♪

♪ A catfish, can't you see? ♪

♪ There's a swordfish too ♪

en garde
how do you do? ♪

- ♪ Don't worry,
my good friends ♪

♪ Thing one and thing two ♪

♪ I'm sure there's
a fish somewhere ♪

♪ That looks just like you ♪

♪ Somewhere out in the ocean,
deep into the blue ♪

♪ And I bet they're up
to mischief, just like you ♪

- ♪ There's a fish
that looks like me ♪

♪ A catfish, look and see ♪

♪ There's a cowfish too ♪

♪ Though I've never
heard him moo ♪

♪ The sea is very full
of wonderful things ♪

♪ So everybody sing ♪

♪ So everybody sing ♪

♪ So everybody sing ♪

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.


It looks like a bunch
of needles.

Oh, it's some kind of animal.


A porcupine!

- You're right!

- Why is he covered in needles?

- Those are called quills.

They use them for protection.

- Next time
I'll take the picture.

- [Laughs]