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01x01 - The Treasure of Grundo

Posted: 03/09/24 15:34
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

[birds chirping]

Come on, Grubby!

Grubby: Teddy,
my feet are getting sore.

I must have stepped on every
rock between Rillonia and here.

You didn't tell me
adventure seeking

would be this hard
on my feet.

Teddy: Yes, Grubby.

You do have a lot of feet
to worry about.

Grubby: So this is
the land of Grundo.

It sure is strange-looking.

Teddy: It certainly is
a lot different from Rillonia.

I'll say, Teddy.

And now that we've seen it,

Maybe we ought to go back
to where we came from.

But, Grubby,
we can't go back now.

We've waited years to look
for the Treasure of Grundo.

Gee, I guess that
does sound like fun,

if you like that sort
of thing, which I don't.

You just have to have
the right attitude, Grubby.

[creatures laughing]


Dangerous creatures.
Let's get out of here.

They don't look
very dangerous to me.

In fact, they look
kind of friendly.

-We are!
-We sure are.

We're Fobs.

-We're as friendly
as anything.
-That's us.


-[laughter continues]

See, Grubby?

There's nothing
to be afraid of.

Well, I can't help it
if things make me nervous.

But just think, Grubby,

you might be
the first Octopede

to ever have
a real adventure.


Well, okay.

But at least
let's stop and rest.

My feet hurt.

-My feet hurt, too.
-But I've got eight of 'em.

That means
my feet hurt, uh,

four times worse
than yours do.

All in favor of stopping,
raise your hands.

The majority rules.

You win, Grubby.

We'll stop and rest.

I'm glad we stopped.

It gives me a chance to
cook up some roasted roots.

What do you think of 'em?

Well, um,

they're, uh,

I knew you'd like 'em.


You missed.

Fine bunch of Bounders
you turned out to be.

You can't even catch a couple
of unwelcome intruders.

We tried, L.B.

Well, you didn't try
hard enough.

-Now, get those two.
-Yeah, right, L.B.


-Let's get out of here, Grubby.
-Grubby: Hey, that's funny.

Suddenly my feet
aren't tired anymore.

Both: Whoa!

These branches will make
excellent firewood.

Here's a good one.

-Grubby: Help!
-[growling continues]

I wonder what's making
that dreadful racket.

[growling continues]

Look out!
These things are after us!

Take that. And this.

And here's one for you.

Poor little Bounders.

Thank you, sir.
You saved our lives.

That sure
was brave of you.

Think nothing of it.

I'd do the same
for any guests of mine.


Why, certainly.

Anyone coming through
Gimmick's Valley

must be coming
to see me.

My name is, uh,
Newton Gimmick,

but everybody
just calls me Gimmick.

I'm an inventor.

I'm Teddy Ruxpin.

Say, aren't you
an Illiop?

Yes, I am.

I don't believe I've ever
seen an Illiop before.

This is my friend

He's an Octopede.

Well, I know I've never
seen an Octopede before.

It's a pleasure
to shake your hand.

That happens to be
my foot,

but it's nice
to meet you, too.

Why don't we all
go over to my place
for a bite of lunch?


Grubby and I came
all the way from Rillonia

-on a great adventure.
-Gimmick: A great adventure?

Well, tell me
all about it.

Well, it all started
when I found this map.

All I asked you to do
was drive Gimmick
out of the valley!

-Oh, can't you do anything?

Will you speak up?

I can't understand
a word you're saying!

Oh, so you've got a stick
in your mouth, too, huh?


What do you mean
can't I do anything, Twees?

How long have you been trying
to get rid of Gimmick?

Never mind that.

And the name is Tweeg.

T-W-E-E-G. Tweeg!

So I guess you're not
interested in my news?

What news?

Gimmick's got
a couple of visitors,

and one of 'em
is an Illiop.

An Illiop.

It can only mean
one thing.

They're after
my secret formula

for making gold
out of buttermilk!

I knew it. I knew it!

They're forming an army
to attack me

and steal my gold formula!

L.B., get down there
and find out what's going on.

L.B.: "L.B., do this.
L.B., do that."

How come I gotta do
all of his dirty work?

Now I'll teach
Gimmick a lesson.

-[cannon blasts]
-What was that?

Oh, nothing.

It's just Tweeg
firing his cannon at us.

-At us?
-Oh, don't worry.

Tweeg is without a doubt
the world's worst shot.

If he's firing at us,

this is probably the safest
place in the valley to be.

You see? [laughs]
We're perfectly safe.

If you say so, Gimmick.

Maybe you'd like to take
a look at this treasure map.

Gimmick: Oh, by all means.

The treasure seems
to be somewhere here

in the Hard to Find City.


There's something else,

This strange medallion
was with the map.

Looks more like
half a medallion to me.


How decidedly odd.

I wonder what
these words mean.

Spirit, treasure, ledge.

I don't know.

But I have a feeling
the answer lies

at the top of
the Treacherous Mountains.

Come with me.

I think my new invention

might be very useful.

Ah, yes. Here it is.

I call it an airship.

Kinda looks like
a boat to me.

Not only is Gimmick
forming an army.

Now he's got a navy, too.

-I see Tweeg is still at it.

Drat! I missed again!

Ah, yes.

Now, with this airship,

we can float
right up to the top

-of the Treacherous Mountains.
-That's wonderful, Gimmick.

And you'll be welcome
to share in the treasure.

If we're lucky enough
to find it, that is.

Very well. Start putting
some wood into the stove

while I go and get
some supplies.

Let's see.

We'll need the vertical

the solar distributor,

the twitch reducer,

the calibrating stub,

the astronomical

the hyperbolic
modifying unit,

and-- and some
Grundleberry muffins.

Oh, boy.

[groans] With one
well-aimed shot,

I'll take care of
Gimmick's army and navy.

Ow, oof. Oh.

That nincompoop L.B.

never mixes
the gunpowder right.

I've got to do
everything myself.

Gimmick and his friends
will never know what hit them.


[birds chirping]

L.B., I might have known

you'd be at the bottom
of this.


What? Again?

Why am I always pulling things
out of your mouth?

I'm a villain,
not a dentist.

Well, you're gonna be
a rich villain.

Look at what this is.

A treasure map.

You found
a treasure map. Ha ha!

The Treasure of Grundo
will be mine at last!

You're welcome, Twink.

Tweeg: Now remember,
all you have to do

is slip this phony map
to Gimmick

to throw him
off the trail

while you and I locate
the treasure with the real map.

Now get bounding!

Grubby: Hey, Teddy.
It's working.

Gimmick: Ah, yes,
just as I expected.

Make sure all
the tether lines are tight.

Everyone get aboard.

I can't find
the treasure map.

Hmm. Well, maybe I left
the map in the house.

I'll go see.
Just keep filling the air bag.

This'll be like
giving candy to a baby.

Ah, here it is.

[laughs] I guess
I must've dropped it.


That fog-brain crackpot
fell for it!

All right, crew,
let's cast off the line.

Aye aye, Gimmick.
The forward line is cast off.

Same goes for
the aft line, Gimmick.

Just love
all this boat talk.

Your invention works, Gimmick.

We're actually flying.

[laughs] Of course.

It's the law of
thermo-gravitational ascension.

You see, when the air
is heated, it rises,

causing a vertical
lifting force,

consequently pulling
the airship into the sky.

Sounds like this isn't the only
thing that works on hot air.

How do you steer
this thing, Gimmick?

Hmm, I never thought
about that.

Well, you better start
thinking fast, Gimmick,

'cause we're heading for
that big tree over there.

-All: Whoa!

Gimmick: Ooh.
Is everyone all right?

I think so.
Are you okay, Grubby?

I don't know.
I can't see anything.

That's probably because your
feet are covering your eyes.


Just what do you think
you're doing in my tree?

Huh? Who said that?

I said that,
and I'll say it again.

Just what do you think
you're doing in my tree?

Hey, would you look at that.

What is it?

I'm a Woodsprite.

Oh, no. There is no such
thing as a Woodsprite.

Oh, no?

And I suppose
there's no such thing

as a big bag of air
stuck in my tree,

but there it is,
big as life.

Gimmick, if she says
she's a Woodsprite,

then I guess
she is a Woodsprite.

And a very pretty one
at that.

Well, how about
moving this big--

Oh. [laughs]

Do you really think
I'm pretty?

Oh, yes,
I certainly do.

Oh... [giggles]
Aren't you sweet?

And who are you?

Well, I'm Teddy Ruxpin,

and this is Grubby,

and this is Newton Gimmick.

-My name is Leota.
-I'm pleased to meet you,

and I'm sorry if we've
damaged your tree.

Oh, that's all right.

Is there anything
I can do to help?

Well, I'm not sure.

You do understand
the simple basics

of aerodynamics,
don't you?

Now, see here,
you little sprout.

Er, uh, sprite.

There's nothing you
can teach me about flying.

Oh, no?

Watch this.

Now can I teach you
to fly?

By all means, Professor.

[both laugh]

Now, in order
for your airship

to move in any
given direction,

you must apply a force
in the opposite direction,

such as this large,
manually-driven propeller.

Whatever you say, Leota.

Teddy, you'll get
more vertical lift

-if you shorten these straps.
-Sure thing, Leota.

Grubby, you start hammering
this new mast into place.

Aye aye, Leota.


Now try to remember everything
I taught you about flying.

Gimmick: We won't forget,
I assure you.

Teddy: Why don't you
come with us, Leota?

I'm sure there's enough
treasure for all of us.

Grubby: Yeah, I'll even help
carry your share of it.

Your aeronautic knowhow
would certainly come in handy

up there in
the Treacherous Mountains.

Thanks, but I have all
the treasures I need right here.

a scientist like you

wouldn't want to be seen with
a creature that doesn't exist,
would you?

Well, uh, that is...


♪ Come and discover
the world with me ♪

♪ There are lots of people
we can meet ♪

♪ Lots of things to see ♪

♪ So come and discover
the world with me ♪

♪ It's a world
full of wonders ♪

♪ And it's here
for you and me ♪

♪ Come and discover
the world with me ♪

♪ My friend ♪

♪ My friend ♪

[Tweeg laughs]

That fool Gimmick
and his friends

have been thrown
well off-course by now,

leaving the Treasure
of Grundo for me!

And you.

Yeah... [grunts]
but mostly for you.

Stop complaining,
you ungrateful lout.

I told you we'd be
equal partners.

So how come I'm doing
all the pulling

and you're doing
all the sitting?

Because I've got
to rest my brains.

I'm the thinking partner.

Grubby: Are we at
the Hard to Find City yet?

Gimmick: Heavens no.

We've barely made it
to Boggley Woods,

let alone Woodley Bog.

What's that strange-looking
crack in the earth, Gimmick?

Oh! Oh,
that's Trembly Fault.

Trembly Fault?!

We should be over
the Moss Forest!

Oh! We've been heading
in the wrong direction!

No wonder!
It's a counterfeit!

You mean it's a phony?

Every landmark on it
is in the wrong place.

Oh, I'll bet
that scoundrel Tweeg

had something
to do with this.

[Fobs laugh]

[Fobs laugh]


A flock of Fobs!

Both: Whoa!



L.B., you imbecile!

What made you run away
from those Fobs?

Because they're
always so helpful

and friendly and loyal.

-I hate that in an animal.

Teddy: What's that
down below, Gimmick?

Gimmick: It looks like
the Great Desert.

Grubby: Great Dessert? Oh, boy.
Let's stop and get some.

Not dessert, Grubby.
A desert.

It's a great, big,
empty place.

Sounds like the inside
of my stomach.

Teddy: You think we'll make it
safely across, Gimmick?

There's nothing
to worry about.

We'll be fine as long
as our firewood holds out.

Then this had better
be a slow-burning log.

It's our last one.

[Grubby gulps]

Oh... me.

Oh... my.

We're losing altitude!


Teddy, there's a little secret
I have to let you in on.

-What's that, Grubby?
-I hate adventure!

Hang on, everybody!

We're about to crash!

[theme music playing]