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02x39 - The Black Box

Posted: 03/09/24 16:11
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪



Young Ruxpin, you okay?

[laughs] Well, Mr. Hermit,
I'm a little tied up
right now.


Gosh, the sub-water boat

certainly is starting
to look awfully nice.

Thanks to the excellent
job you're doing.

-You getting hungry?
-Boy, am I.

Good food.

Yum, eh,
young Ruxpin?

Mm, yes.
It's delicious,
Mr. Hermit.

I knew you'd like it.

Best food
in the world.

I've never
had this before.

What's it called?

Called, um...

Well, it's, uh...

It's called
the chewy vegetable.

Oh. I'll have
to remember that.

Uh, my friend Grubby
would love it.

Tell me, does it grow
around here?

Uh, better than tell you,
I'll show you where it grows.

Right after lunch.

Yoo-hoo-hooey! Ha ha!

I'll make my cannon
so accurate

I'll be able to knock
the glasses of Gimmick's nose.

Just one more
little adjustment and...


Drats. Rats!

Ugh. Darn that L.B.

This is his fault.

He stole
this screwdriver.

How's it goin', Tweez?

Fix your cannon yet?

I'd like to fix you,
ya fur-brained bubble head.

Just look at this screwdriver
you stole for me.

Yeah, ain't it beautiful?

No, it's not beautiful.

It's broken.

And if you don't steal me
another one right now

ya won't get paid.

That means if I do
steal ya one I will get paid?

I didn't say that.

Now run down to Gimmick's place
and steal one of his.

And don't dawdle.

You know, Twig,

I'm picking up lots
of bad habits from you.

Hmm. Maybe that's why I like
hanging around with you.

This way, young Ruxpin.
This way.

We're nearly there.

Gee, Mr. Hermit.
It's beautiful.

Who built all this?

Built it?
I don't know.

It's just here.

But where is here?

Why, in the garden,

Look. This is where I grow
all of those delicious
vegetables we had for lunch.

Yes, uh,
I can still taste them.

Oh. Huh?


Whoa! Ugh.

Careful, Ruxpin.

Look, Mr. Hermit.

It's some sort of tunnel.

Yeah. Seems to go
on and on, doesn't it?

Well, let's see
where it leads.

You Illiops
are a curious bunch.

You're an Illiop too,

Ah, yes.
I guess I am.

I keep forgetting.

what are we waiting for?
Let's get going.

Gee, Gimmick, is this
gonna take forever?

Be patient,

can't be rushed,
you know.

Well, maybe if we tell science
it's getting close to lunchtime
it'll hurry up.

Don't worry, Grubby.
Gimmick will figure
it out soon.

Thank you for your vote
of confidence, Fuzz.

Hey, I know where
I've seen that before.


-Right here.
-My, my.

And they appear
to be identical.

Only the one in the book
isn't cracked.

And it doesn't have
that funny glow.

What funny glow?

-[Fuzz shrieks]
-Heavens to Grundo.

Why, that looks like
the Hard to Find City.

Except these guys
all look like Illiops.

I thought only Gutangs
lived there.

I did too.

How very remarkable.

Yes. And look.
More Illiops.

What an amazing machine.

Look, it's Teddy.

And he's even smaller
than me.


I don't get it,

How come Teddy's
in the crystal?

Uh, we-- Because.

Obviously this crystal
is endowed with
an image-producing


Shouldn't we tell Teddy?

Tell him what?

I didn't understand
a word Gimmick said.

Fuzz is right.
We must find Teddy

and notify him
of this development.

Well, looks like we're
going back to Leekee Lake
a couple of days early.

Now, where would
a screwy guy like Gimmick
put a screwdriver?

A toolbox.
The perfect place.

I might as well
take the whole thing.

Now who says
crime don't pay?

Ow! Ooh! Ouch!

Hey, great moves, boss.

What is it, L.B.?

Can't you see
I've hurt myself?

Sorry, Tweez.
I thought you were doing
the latest Grunge dance.

Never mind that.

Did you bring
the screwdriver?

Better than that,

I brought
the whole toolbox.

Ow! Ouch!

L.B., you hair-brained
fuzz ball.

I asked for a screwdriver,
and you bring me a black box.

Ooh, why, I ought to...

Black box?

"Property of Quellor,
the Supreme Oppressor."

L.B., do you realize
what this is?

I hope, for the sake
of my paycheck,

it's some kind
of new-fangled screwdriver.


Who needs to fix the cannon
when I have this?

Ha ha ha!

I don't get it, Twizzle.

What's so great about
an ordinary black box?

Don't you understand?
This is Quellor's black box.

When I return it to him,

he's sure to make me
a member for life.


Get ready, L.B.

We're going to M.A.V.O.

There. It sparkles
just like it was new.

It's finished down here too.

Well, it looks like
we've done all we can
for the sub-water boat.

Is there anything else
I can help you with?

Hmm. Well,
now that you mention it,

there is one thing.

Gee, Mr. Hermit,
this is really fun.


I can't remember when I've
enjoyed a boat ride more.

Actually, I can't remember
much of anything.



[both groan, laugh]


♪ Now the sub-water boat,
it can either float ♪

♪ Or dive beneath the water ♪

♪ Yes, the sub-water boat
it can go real slow ♪

♪ Or fast,
just like an otter ♪

♪ And the sub-water boat
has windows ♪

♪ Through which
I can clearly see ♪

♪ And watch
the many wonders ♪

♪ That are right here
next to me ♪

♪ Like a Grundo-lobster
or Grundofish ♪

♪ A barracuda
or a bubblefish ♪

♪ An aquasnail
or a tubafish ♪

♪ A peanut butter
and jellyfish ♪

A peanut butter
and jellyfish?

Uh, I think so.

♪ Now the sub-water boat
it can either float ♪

♪ Or dive beneath
the water ♪

♪ Yes the sub-water boat
can go real slow ♪

♪ Or fast,
just like an otter ♪

♪ And the sub-water boat
has windows ♪

♪ Through which
I can clearly see ♪

♪ And watch
the many wonders ♪

♪ That are right here
next to me ♪

♪ There's an albatross
and an albafish ♪

♪ A rainbowtail
and a wishingfish ♪

♪ An octocrab
and a school of fish ♪

♪ A barnacle
and a bunch of fish ♪

♪ And a mock turtle
and a lot of fish ♪

♪ A mini whale
and another fish ♪

There goes another
peanut butter and jellyfish...

I think that's what
they call 'em.

I don't know.

Well, Gimmick, are you ready?
It's time to go.

That's right.
You don't want to be late.

Eh, uh, yes.
In a moment.

I don't want to leave
without feeding the fish.

Gee, I can't wait
to see Teddy's face

when we tell him
about the black box.

Yes, it truly is
a most important discovery.

I hope you packed it

Huh? Me?
I didn't pack it.

I thought you packed it.

Eh, well, I didn't pack it.

Did you pack it, Fuzz?

Nope. I sure didn't.

Oh, dear. Well,
then where is it?

It's gone.


This is the last
of the supplies,

and-- whew-- we can
be on our way now.

Hand 'em over, Gimmick.

Be very careful
with this one.

It contains sensitive
scientific instruments

which I wouldn't want to--

Whoa. That was close.

Okay, let's go.

Eh, uh,
I'll tend to the fire.

Let's hurry.
We've got to tell Teddy

about the new crystal
we... used to have.

My theory is that the black box
and that crystal

have become molecularly

I couldn't have explained it
any better myself.

Prepare to lift off.

Next stop, Leekee Lake!

Pay attention, L.B.,

and I'll show you how
to talk to these people.

Open up!
Open this door!

You mustn't
keep Tweeg waiting!

Ah, Tweeg.

How wonderful to see
your face again.

Reminds me of the last time
I was sick.

I've no time for flattery.

I must see Quellor

Article 28, paragraph 37
of the M.A.V.O. handbook--

subsection Tweeg--
says... get lost!

So that's how you talk
to these people.

I'm impressed, Tweek.

Oh, go bound off a cliff,
you-- you Bounder.

Personally, I would have
just shown 'em the black box.

L.B., if you don't
shut up, I'll--

Did someone say "black box"?

Huh? Oh, yes, right here
underneath my cape.


You see, L.B.?

You just have to know
the right thing to say.

The-- The-- That Tweeg,

uh, he's, uh-- that is--


Thank you for being so brief,

Now, go find someone
to throw into the dungeon
or something.

But-- But-- But-- But--

See, L.B.?
They love me.

your supreme horridness.

What are you doing here?

I have something
to show you.

Careful where
you point that thing,

you green-skinned

Guards, seize them!


I think I just
recollected something
I forgot to remember.

Well, what are you
waiting for?

Well, I--
It's just that I can't, uh--

Can't what?
Seize him, I say!

Duty requires I say it.

Article 17, paragraph 31
of the M.A.V.O. bylaws

clearly states that
the Supreme Oppressor

shall have possession
of the black box at all times.

Therefore, you, Tweeg,

must be the new
Supreme Oppressor!

-I am?
-He is?

Well, of course I am.

What is your first command,
Your Extreme Green-ness?

This has got to be
a bad dream.

Quiet, L.B.!
I'm about to make
a proclamation.

Take this fool
and put him in irons.


Unhand me, you oaf.

How dare you?

Well, you said
I should find someone
to throw in the dungeon.

I found you.

Hey, this might not be
such a bad dream after all.

I think I'll just relax
and enjoy the show.

get a move on.

what do you think
you're doing?

I'm throwing you
in the dungeon

like the Supreme Oppressor
said to.

You idiot.
I'm the Supreme Oppressor.

Uh, not anymore you ain't.

Uh, not according
to what Ickley said.

Blast what Ickley said.

You want to work
for that green slug, Tweeg,
for the rest of your life?

Careful what you say
about the boss, Boss.

Uh, ex-boss.

But he stole the box
from me.

He doesn't
know how to use it.

This could be the end
of M.A.V.O.


Now you stay put.

Drudge, I'll have
your brain for this.

If you have one,
that is.

Land ho, Mr. Hermit.

Yeah. Yeah,
good spot for lunch.

-Here you are, my friend.
-Thank you.

Oh, boy, a sticky
vegetable sandwich.

Well, you liked it so much
the last time,

I thought I'd surprise you.

it's the airship.

Yoo-hoo! Teddy!

Eh, Teddy! It's us!

It's my friends,
Grubby and Gimmick.

You'll like 'em,
Mr. Hermit.

Mr. Hermit?

Mr. Hermit!

There you are.
We've been looking
all over for you.

You didn't see
where my friend
the Hermit went, did you?

Gee, Teddy, are you sure
you saw a hermit?

Of course I did.
We were just about
to have a picnic.

Hmm. More than likely,
an imaginary friend

brought on
by all those days
of isolation.

You're probably right.

But there is a hermit.

He's not imaginary.

Is that imaginary?

Heavens to Grundo!

And is this sandwich
he made imaginary?

I don't think so, Teddy.

But can I have another one
just to be sure?

Hmm. The existence
of this Hermit fellow

is most interesting news.

Yeah, but we've got some
even more interesting news
for you, Teddy.

You do? What is it?

Remember the black box?


All right, Trudge.
Take another letter.

"Dear Mummy,
you'll never guess
what happened today."

It's about time, L.B.

It's been five
full minutes since you
basked in my magnificence.

Now, what did you bring me?

These beautiful tools.

Tools? I wanted jewels,
you idiot.

You did? They're real
nice tools, though.

I don't care
how nice they are,
you melon head.

Red handles and everything.

I'm the Supreme Oppressor,
and I want more jewels!

Ugh. Never mind.
Bring me the dues collector.

Here she is, boss.

Ooh! You wish
to see me, Your, uh...

um, uh, uh, Tweeginess.

I have a very important
task for you.

Oh, your wish
is my command.

Peel me these grapes.

Grapes? But I...

don't understand.

It's very simple.
Peel the grapes for him.

Very good, L.B.

You finally
got something right.

Gee, thanks, Twipple.

And for absolutely
the last time,
the name is Tweeg!

♪ I'm Tweeg... Tweeg ♪

♪ T-W-E-E-G ♪

It's Tweeg. Tweeg!

♪ Say "Tweeg" when you're
speaking to me ♪

♪ No Twizzle or Twig
or Twinkle or Twoop ♪

♪ Tweedledum
or Tweedledee dee ♪

♪ It's Tweeg ♪


♪ T-W-E-E-G ♪

♪ It's a very simple word ♪

♪ With but one
syllable in total ♪

♪ So I wish that
you'd memorize it ♪

♪ You utterly
hopeless dodo ♪

I'll try, Twunk. [laughs]

♪ I'm Tweeg ♪


♪ T-W-E-E-G ♪

It's Tweeg! Tweeg!

♪ Say "Tweeg" when you're
speaking to me ♪

♪ Not Sammy or Moe
or Tammy or Schmoe ♪

♪ Rumpelstiltskin,
Stocky, or Smee ♪

♪ It's Tweeg ♪


♪ T-W-E-E ♪

♪ W-E-E ♪

♪ W-E-E-G! ♪

But that spells
"Twee-wee-weeg," Toots.

That's Tweeg!

[theme music playing]