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02x40 - The Hard to Find City

Posted: 03/09/24 16:12
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Look at all this equipment.

Oh, my, my, this is a truly
marvelous invention.

Teddy: It's called
a sub-water boat, Gimmick.

Gimmick: And this
must be a type of manual

maneuvering mechanism.

I like to call it
a steering wheel.


But how do you know
how to operate this vessel?

The Hermit and I
just pushed and pulled on
all the buttons and switches

until eventually
it started moving.

That's amazing.

The really amazing
part of the story
is the crystal.

-Look here.
-[Grubby gasps] The crystal.

How'd it get there?

I was exploring the lake

when I was trapped
in an underwater cave

by a horrible creature.

He ripped my diving helmet
right off.

Grubby: Gee, Teddy.
Then what happened?

Teddy: I thought
I was going to drown,

but the crystal started
making air for me to breathe.


Yow! Yow!

The Hermit frightened
off the creature

long enough
for us to hide.


Then I noticed the crystal slot
in the controls.

So that's what
the fourth crystal does.

It makes air.


Oh, I'm sorry we didn't
believe your story

about The Hermit sooner.

You know, Teddy, we also made
some interesting discoveries.

Grubby: Yeah, a whole lot of
pictures came sh**ting out

of that black box crystal.

We saw the Hard to Find City
with a bunch of Illiops in it.

Gimmick: Yes, and some of
the pictures were of you.

Teddy: How strange.

My heavens,
what in Grundo's name

is a doorway doing underwater?

Teddy: It's an airlock.

It opens onto a staircase that
takes you up to the island.

Oh, boy. Look at all those
things growing out there.

Teddy: That's The Hermit's
vegetable garden.

Grubby: It looks delicious.

Teddy: And this is
the entrance to the cave.

Gimmick: By its shape
and geometrical orientation,

I would say that this cave

was constructed by,
uh... someone.

Well, why don't we
explore it and find out?

You know, Teddy, just once
I'd like to hear you say,

"Let's go home and forget all
about this adventure business."


Aw, come on,
Cousin Dredge.

We're all
counting on ya.

[Dredge mutters]

What do you mean
you're scared to go in the lake?


It's just another
ugly monster down there.

You two should get along great.


Please, Dredge?

If you don't help us
salvage the airship

the Supreme Oppressor
will use the black box on us.

[Dredge mutters]

Maybe you didn't understand.

He'll use the black box
on you, too.


Nice guy, but a little
slow on the uptake.

What a dump this place is.

Look at these colors.
We need more green in here.

Oh, you're absolutely right,
Your Nastiness.

Something that matches
your face.

What shade of green
would you call that?

I'd call it seasick.

Shut up and fan me faster.


[laughs] I really think
I could get used to this life.

♪ I'm the Supreme Oppressor ♪

♪ A villain such as I
could not be lesser ♪

Ha ha!

-♪ Every bad guy,
creep and thug ♪

♪ Beast and lout
will know my mug ♪

♪ And even Mummy will bow
down when I address her ♪

Mummy! Ha ha! Hmm.

I'm the ultimate stinker.

♪ I make hoodlums hide
and monsters start to cry ♪

♪ And things could not
be any happinesser ♪

Ha ha!

♪ Now that
I'm Supreme Oppressor ♪

♪ I finally reached
my natural position ♪

♪ All others now
are dirt beneath my feet ♪


I stand defiant.

♪ A green
and glowing giant ♪

♪ While others' lives
continue to be incomplete ♪

Now pay attention.

♪ I'm the uppermost ugly ♪

♪ No despot
is despottier than I ♪

♪ And I will
show up Gimmick ♪

♪ That idiot professor ♪

♪ Now that I'm Supreme ♪

♪ It almost seems a dream ♪

♪ Now that I'm the Supreme ♪

♪ Oppressor ♪

Ha ha!

Now then,

where do we get the money
to redecorate this place?

A few statues of me
would be nice.

Ah, I'm afraid our dues bag
is a bit empty this month,

-oh, Ignoble Leader.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

We must be able to get
the money from somewhere.

Well, I suppose we could sell
off some of these jewels

and, oh, those piles of gold.

Tweeg: Sell the jewels?

Sell the gold?

What are you, some kind of nut?

Here's the morning paper.

Not now, you idiot.

I'm trying to think.

Oh, goody. "True Villainy."

Oh! Oh! I wonder what's
in "Dear Crabby" today.

What does this
look like?

The public library?

This happens to be my copy.

Oh, sorry,
Your Supreme Oppressor-ness.

I just thought since it only
cost five coppers a day...

That's not the point. It's--

Wait a minute.

Maybe that is the point.

What do you mean?

I've just had
a particularly
incredible idea.

Oh! Oh!
I just knew you would.

The Gutang ambassador
is here, Your Scariness.

Oh, Supreme Oppressor.

You got a pretty lousy
sense of timing.

I was just about to tell
everyone my great idea.

I'm certain my people
would be interested
in your great idea,

Your Great Green-ness.

Sure. Lay it on 'em,
Tweez, old sleaze.

Well, here it comes.

I hereby decree
that the subscription rate

to "True Villainy"
shall be increased

to 300 pieces of gold a copy.


Our people can't afford
such a price.

So you won't pay, huh?

Do you know
what this means?

I'm afraid to ask.

It means w*r.

Sludge, throw this deadbeat
in the dungeon.

You can't do this.

Tweeg: I can do anything I want.

I'm the Supreme Oppressor.

Ooh, you certainly are.

Oh! Oh, what's next
on the agenda?

Ho ho ho! What else?

We invade the Hard to Find City.


[all groaning]


Hmm. Shall I go to w*r in this,

or shall I go to w*r in this?

It's a battle Tweez,
not a fashion show.

Mm-mm. First impressions
are so important.

Haven't you finished
polishing that gold yet?

Look, Tweez,
since nobody else
is gonna tell ya,

I guess it's up to me.

This w*r with the Gutangs
is a dumb idea.

Really? Why is that?

Because nobody wants to fight
over a stupid newsletter.

That's enough, L.B.

One more word
and you'll join Quellor

and the Gutang ambassador
in my dungeon.

I don't have to listen
to your stupid advice.

That's right, Twooz.

You can follow
your own stupid advice.


What is it, stool pigeon?


What? Tweeg has emptied
the M.A.V.O. vaults

of our gold and jewels?

-What? Something else?

He's declared w*r
on the Gutangs?

After all the lying,
cheating, and stealing

we've done over the years to
make the Gutangs our friends.

I wonder what that idiot
is up to now.

Now this is the kind of
thing I had in mind.

Well, L.B., what do you
think of my new, um,

springy things?

They're called catapults.

Don't be ridiculous.

Catapults are those
hairy little things

that crawl on the ground.

Those are caterpillars.

Oh, anyway, I believe
you're supposed to hit
this button here.

Tweez, I don't think
you ought to do that.

Why not?

[all scream]


That's why.

Good news, Supreme Oppressor.

The w*r ship "Eclipse"

has been rescued
from Leekee Lake

and will be here shortly.

This is my lovely
airship? Yuck.

Repair it at once.

I want to test-drive it
this afternoon.

[all groan]

What are they
grumbling about?

They say they're
tired and hungry.

Maybe they could
start tomorrow.


You dare challenge the orders
of the Supreme Oppressor?

[all scream]

And, you,
you turncoat of a Bounder,

you can scrape the slime off
the bottom of the ship.

Scrape the slime?

-But how?
-How else?

With your tongue, of course.

Haven't you heard that a general
never asks his troops

to do anything
he wouldn't do himself?

Oh. You know,
you're right, L.B.

That's why I'm not
asking you to do it.

-You're not?

I'm ordering you
to do it!

Now get moving!

Actually, a guy could develop
a taste for this stuff.


The Supreme Oppressor
wants you.

Give me the keys,
and I'll watch the prisoners.

Hey, Quellor, you think
I could maybe do you a favor?

Oh, it appears
that you could.

Tweeg's being an even
worse jerk than usual,

so I thought
I'd let you out.

-On one condition.

I'll give you anything.

Money, power,
Thursdays off.

That'd be nice.
But I also want something else.

-Name it.
-I wanna be your
right-hand Bounder.

Hmm, a Bounder.

And I've never had a right hand.

We're a perfect combination.

It's a deal.
Now, hand me those keys.

Follow me, Ambassador.
We have work to do.

Yes, the Gutang Army
must be warned.

Where is that blasted
stool pigeon?

You must warn the Gutang
of the impending invasion.

Now fly!

Where are we now, fellas?

According to my calculations,

we should emerge
back into the lake

in exactly, uh, five seconds.

Four, three, two...

All: Whoa!

Gimmick: Eh... One.

-What did we hit?
-Teddy: I don't know.

It looks like
some sort of chamber.

Maybe I should go out
and do some exploring.

You'd better take
this lantern.

Hmm, well, well.

My, oh, eh, my.

What do you see, Gimmick?

A hollow chamber.

What I mean is,
do you see a way out?

Just the way we came in,
whichever way that is.

I see what you mean.

Wait. Gimmick. Go back.

We are trying
to go back, Teddy.

No, no, I mean, shine your light
back there again.

Look. What's that?

Hmm. It appears to be
a hole in the wall.

And it's shaped like
one of our crystals.

Teddy: It fits, all right.

But I don't know what it--

Great galloping Grundos!

It's a doorway.

It's a staircase.

I say let's see
where it leads.

Uh, do we have to?

Well, maybe we'll find
something to eat.

Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's go!

Gimmick: We've been climbing
for a long time now,

and, whew,
we're still nowhere.

Hey, fellas, I smell fresh air.

Good. Let's follow it.

We appear to be,
uh, locked in.

I have a feeling our crystal
will open this door, too.

[sniffs] Oh, boy! F--

-[muffled groans]

Oops. Sorry.

-[quieter] Oh, boy. Food.
-Later, Grubby.

First let's make sure
it's safe.

Now I know where we are.

It's the Hard to Find City.

I remember these buildings
from our last visit.

But where is everyone?

Grubby: Maybe they all
went on vacation.

Hmm. I suspect
they may be in a reclining,

subcortical condition.

-You mean sleeping?

Those are good possibilities,

but I think we'd better
find a safe place to stay

until we know for sure.

How about the pavilion?

Gimmick: Excellent idea, Grubby.

While we're there,
we might be able to find out

some more
about the crystals.

Teddy: The pavilion it is.

Grubby: Gee, fellas,
it seems kinda weird

to be back in here again.

Yes, this is
the pavilion

just as we left it.

Hmm. I wonder if we could learn
something about the crystals

if we put them back inside
the pedestal where we found 'em.

That shape is the same as
the crystal from the black box.

I do believe Grubby is correct.

So this is where
the crystal came from.

-That's a familiar sound.

It most certainly is.

It sounds exactly
like our airship.

No, Gimmick, it sounds
almost like our airship.

Come on.

It's the M.A.V.O. pirate ship.

And look who's in command.

Gimmick: Heavens to Grundo.

It's Tweeg!

Loyal subjects
of the great Tweeg,

your new Supreme Oppressor.

already the skies have darkened
at my evil command.


Gutang flying machines.



What should we do, Teddy?

We have to get back
to the sub-water boat.

Follow me.
And keep out of sight.

Quellor: Come out of your hiding
place, you sniveling worm.


What are you doing here?
How'd you escape?

I helped spring him.

You, L.B.? But why?

I got tired of seeing you
make a fool of yourself.

Why, you ungrateful

Just for that, I'll do
something really nasty to you

with this black box.

Fire away, Twooz,

if you can figure out
how to work it.


Are you certain he doesn't know
how to use that contraption?

Are you kidding?

He don't even know which end
of a toothbrush to use.

In that case,
all right, Tweeg,

if you're the real
and rightful Supreme Oppressor,

punish me
with the black box.

Use its powers
to erase my memory.

Ha, that's a good idea.

I'm glad I thought of it.

There, Quellor.
Take that--


L.B.: Now, that's the old Tweeg
I've come to know and love.

-[Tweeg muttering]

Intruders, oh,
Magnificent One.

The Illiop and his friends
have returned.

Well, don't just stand there.

After them!

Uh-oh. They've seen us.

Quick, run for it.

Let's hide in this alley.

Come on.
They're gaining.

Oh, me, oh, my.

It's a dead end.

Do you have to use
the word "dead"?

They went down this alley.
Follow me!

I've got an idea.
The third crystal.

-You first, Gimmick.

Grubby, you next.

Now it's your turn, Teddy.

Okay. Now let's disappear.

Grubby: I thought
we already did. [laughs]

There's no sign of 'em,
Great Leader.

Don't let that blasted
Illiop escape.

[Grubby laughs]

[theme music playing]