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02x41 - Octopede Sailors

Posted: 03/09/24 16:12
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Okay, Gimmick,
take her up.

Gimmick: I'm trying, my boy,

but we don't seem to be
going anywhere.

Perhaps a little momentum

will break
the surface tension

of the water.

It's not working.

Can we try something else,

I'm getting kinda hot.

Grubby's right.
We'll have to think of
a different scheme.

It appears it's time
I invented

a bigger airbag.

-How's that gonna help?
-I think I see, Grubby.

A bigger airbag would give us
more room for hot air.

And the more hot air we have,
the more lift we get.

Precisely, my boy.

Oh, I get it.

Then we can carry heavier
things, like the Subwater Boat.

Or the Wooly What's-It.

That's precisely what we'll do.

we have to get home first.

Don't worry. I have an idea.

-What's that, Teddy?
-Crystal power.

Both: Crystal power?

Are you ready?

Ready, willing, and able.

Then here we go.
Next stop, Bounder Pass.


Gimmick: What a splendid idea.

We'll follow the coastline
to Bounder Pass.


Who can that be right in
the middle of my beauty nap?

I bet it's the King
of the Mudblups,

that glob of goop.

The idiot's probably here

to beg for my hand
in marriage again.

I'll say one thing for him,

he certainly is
a persistent pile of mud.

Hmm. I can't say I blame
the silly boy.


I do drive men wild.

To tell the truth,

I could use
another load of coal.

-[banging on door]
-All right!

Take it easy! I'm coming!

Why, Kingy, what a pleasant--

Ah! It's my son!

Was there something you wanted,

or did you, ew,
come to spend some time?

Well, one cup of tea, and then
you're out, you understand?

This isn't a boarding house.

Let me see. I had some used
teabags around here somewhere.

-Egad! What was that?

He's gone, and he didn't
even pay for the tea.

Gimmick, Grubby,
are you all right?

We're okay, Teddy.
Just keep towing.

Ah! You certainly know more
than you let on, Grubby.

Latching ourselves to the rail
like this was a lifesaver.

It's an old sailor's trick,

but I'm still pretty scared.

Is that...
heavens to Grundo!

It is!

Another ship
caught in this storm.

-And it's in trouble.
-You're right.

That's a distress signal.

We gotta help them.
It's the law of the sea.

-Teddy! Teddy!
There's a ship over there!
-Teddy! Over there!

-Look at the ship! Teddy!


[thunder rumbling]

This ain't fitting weather
for man or beast.

Lucky for Tweeg, he's neither
of those things. [laughs]

He never did have the brains
to come in out of the rain.

Come to think of it, now with
that black box business,

he's got no brains at all.

And that Quellor guy,

I help him escape
and what do I get?

This stupid uniform

and a mouth full of feathers.

Pfft! I've had it!

Hey you, Que-lar.

Hey! Mind your manners

if you wanna talk to
the Supreme Oppressor.

Supreme Swindler's more like it.

You have a problem,
you bounding blister-head?

We made a deal.
Where's my wealth?

Where's my power? My day off?

[Quellor chuckles]
You innocent fool.

Your friend Tweeg may have been
too stupid to double-cross you,

but you're dealing with
a real Villain now.

-You mean I get nothing?
-[laughs] Not at all.

You get the privilege
of serving me.

You heard the boss.

Now move it!

Hoodwinked. Bamboozled.

Played for a sap.


He was right
about one thing, though.

Tweeg was too stupid
to double-cross me.

You know something, I actually
miss that green galoot.


It's the black box.

Hmm. "To erase memory
press button.

To restore memory,
simply reverse crystal."

Sounds easy enough.

Even Tweeg could do that.

In fact, I'll do it for him.

He ain't much,
but he's the only friend I got.

I'll show that Quellor.

-What's your hurry, shorty?


So, trying to steal
the black box, eh?

Uh... I was just taking it out
to be dry-cleaned.

I'll dry-clean you!

Drudge, take him away.

[laughs] With pleasure.


[thunder rumbling]

Ahoy, on board, is anybody hurt?

No one hurt,
but could you give us a tow?


What a peculiar-looking
bunch of sailors.

They're not peculiar, Gimmick.
They're just Octopedes.

[gasps] Octopedes?!

Hang on, Octopedes!
We'll save you!

Teddy, can you
get over there quick?

They're Octopedes.

Well, many thanks, friends.

There's no worse enemy for
a ship than an angry sea.

-It's you.
-Oh, what are you
gaping at, matey?

Why-- why you're Zelza.

I hope so.

I'd hate the think I'd been
using somebody else's name
all these years.

-Don't you remember me?
-I don't owe you money, do I?

No, but I owe you something--
my life.


No, it couldn't be.

Wh-- why it is.
It's Grubby!

Yep. It's me, all right.

Excuse me.
I'm forgetting my manners.

These are my friends,
Newton Gimmick and Teddy Ruxpin.

-Howdy do.
-It's nice to meet you, Zelza.

This here is Brenda,
my first mate.


And able-bodied Octopedes


-Zelza: Gila.

-Zelza: And Droogie.


Zelza: And last but not least,
our navigator on this voyage,

-my daughter Zena.
-[chuckles] Hello, everyone.

Gosh, I remember you.

We used to play together.

-You sure have gotten pretty.
-Oh... [giggles]

-Well, thank you, Grubby.
-Sure would like to talk over
old times with you.

Maybe later. Right now,
we've got work to do.

She's right.
We should cut away that rigging
while the sea's calm.

Oh, who would've thought it,

so many years ago we helped
a shipwrecked little Octopede,

and today he's all growed up
and returning the favor.

A debt repaid, I call it.

You never told us you were
shipwrecked, Grubby.

Or that you had such
interesting friends.

And pretty, too.

I don't talk about it much,

but it's something
I'll remember my whole life.

That's a story
I'd like to hear, Grubby.

If you don't think
it's too personal.

Aw, I don't mind
telling you fellas.

Well, you know that Octopedes
are natural-born sailors.

Most of the travelling
we do is on water.

One day I was out sailing
with my family

when out of nowhere
a big storm blew up.

Much worse than the one
we had today.


Grubby, take the tiller.

If I don't cut that canvas away,
it'll drag us down.

Aye, aye, Dad.





Grab my hand, Father!

Whoa! Quick thinking, son.

Now follow me.


[gasps] Grubby!

Grubby! Where are you?!


You were swept overboard?

No wonder you were
so nervous

when we sailed out
onto the lake.

Well, tell us
the rest of the story.

What happened then?

I was in the water
for days and days.

Just swimming around
in circles when finally...

Ahoy, crow!

Octopede off
the starboard bow!

Grubby: Zelza and her crew
rescued me and took me
to their village.

-My folks sailed
into their harbor...

...a few days later
searching for me.

That village was in Rillonia.

We decided to stay,

and that's how I became one of
the few Octopedes living there.

I'm glad your story
has a happy ending, Grubby.

Me too. There's just one thing.

What's that?

Well, ever since that day,

I haven't cared
too much for swimming.


♪ Oh, the site of the sea
is so pleasant to view ♪

♪ It's a scene I would love
to be seen in ♪

♪ To be seen in the sea
would suit me to a "T" ♪

♪ Or a "C" if you follow
my meaning ♪

♪ But there's one tiny flaw
to this glorious plan ♪

♪ He's the kind of a lubber
who clings to the land ♪

♪ You won't find me exploring
the edge of the sand ♪

♪ He's the sort of a guy ♪

♪ Who will stay high and dry ♪

♪ Oh, I'd love to go in swimming
if the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water
weren't so wet ♪

All: ♪ Oh, he'd love
to go in swimming ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water
weren't so wet ♪

♪ Now it's not that I'm
delicate, dainty, or odd ♪

♪ I just try to be tidy
wherever I trod ♪

♪ I don't prefer moisture
all over my bod ♪

♪ I'm the sort of a guy ♪

♪ Who stays high and dry ♪

♪ Oh, I'd love to go in swimming
if the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

All: ♪ Oh, he'd love to go in
swimming if the water
weren't so wet ♪

♪ With vigor and vim
I'd dive in for a swim ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water
weren't so wet ♪

[thunder rumbling]

We're in for it again.
Octopedes, man your stations.

Batten down the hatches!

That's a good lad, Teddy.
Slow and easy.

Look sharp!
Keep that tow line
free of snags.

Don't worry, Captain Gimmick.
We'll be all right.

It's not "Captain Gimmick."
It's just Gimmick.

What are you talking about.

Your first thought was for
the safety of your crew.

You didn't want them in danger
because of a mistake
you might've made.

Oh, well, uh, that's true.

Well, that makes you
a first-rate captain
in my log.

Maybe someday
you could teach me

how to fly this thing,
Captain Gimmick.

It would be my pleasure,
Captain Zelza.


That's the last straw!

Son or no son,
I'll spear him where he stands!

Take that! And that!

And... who's there?

It's me, Eleanor.
Can I come in?

Thanks for the tea, Eleanor.

Next time, though,
could you use a fresh bag?

I thought there was
something strange going on.

Tweegy seemed so dull.

Duller than usual, I mean.

You should've seen it.

There was Quellor,
shaking in his boots,

Tweeg purged the black box,
and zot, he zaps himself.

So his brain
is completely fried?

Charbroiled would be
a better description.

Well, it's not as if
he were using it.


-I just thought of something.
-What's that?

If Tweeg caused as much damage
as he did when he had a brain...

Egad! You're right!

There's no telling
what he might foul up

now that he's totally

We've got to find him
for our own good.

I'll get my purse.

[music playing]

♪ Now most of the folks
I get to meet ♪

♪ Have usually just got
a couple of feet ♪

♪ I guess that's why
it seems to me ♪

♪ They jump and dance
so easily ♪

♪ Now, I don't wanna brag,
but I've got eight ♪

♪ So when I hit the floor ♪

♪ I should be
four times as great ♪

♪ With the Octopede shuffle ♪

Grubby and Teddy:
♪ A simple little step ♪

All: ♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪

♪ And it doesn't take much pep ♪

♪ It may not be too elegant ♪

♪ It may not be too hep ♪

All: ♪ But it's
the Octopede shuffle ♪


♪ It's the Octopede shuffle ♪

♪ It's not too complicated ♪

All: ♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪

♪ And it's kinda understated ♪

♪ The oddest dance created ♪

♪ And it's uncoordinated ♪

All: ♪ But it's
the Octopede shuffle ♪


♪ Okey-dokey,
I know it's kind of hokey ♪

♪ And beside the hokey-pokey,
it's bland ♪

You said it.

♪ But first you jump a jiggle,
and add a little wiggle ♪

♪ Now you do it
all together and... ♪

♪ It's the Octopede shuffle ♪

♪ A slinky little move ♪

♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪

♪ With a nifty little groove ♪

Hey, Grubby,
have I got it right?

Don't worry, you'll improve.

All: ♪ 'Cause it's
the Octopede shuffle ♪

-Teddy: ♪ Shuffling along ♪
-♪ As far as dancing goes ♪

♪ It isn't number one ♪

♪ But you'll be glad to know ♪

♪ That at least
it's almost done ♪

All: ♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪


All: ♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪

Grubby: Oh, oh, boy.

All: ♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪

-Teddy: Hey, I'm getting it.
-Grubby: All right.

All: ♪ The Octopede shuffle ♪

-Is everything
all right, Grubby?
-I guess so.

I thought you would've been
a little more excited.

This has been
quite a day for you.

Oh, I'm excited
all right, Gimmick.

But I feel
a little confused, too.

Why's that, Grubby?

Oh, I just wish I knew
how that cute Octopede girl
felt about me.

Zena? Well, I could
tell you that in a jiffy.

-You could? How?

With the crystal stethoscope.

It shows me whether someone
is telling the truth or not.

-We'll find out how she feels
about you, my boy.

Don't worry.

This won't hurt a bit, Zena.

It's just a little invention
I'm working on.

That's all right.
I don't mind helping you,
Captain Gimmick.

Now, I'll just ask you
some questions.

What is your name?

Eh, you know that. It's Zena.

Do you like Grubby?

He's all right, I suppose.
I haven't given it much thought.

[Gimmick chuckles]

Well, thank you, Zena.

That's all for now.


If my calculations are correct,

she's head over heels
in love with him.

-[thunder rumbling]
-All hands, batten down!

This is the strangest
weather I've ever seen

in all my years at sea.

Yes, I've noticed that, too.

These storms occur
with alarming frequency.

This isn't just a storm,

It's a hurricane!

Land ho!


Off the starboard bow.

That's not land, that's a reef.

Teddy, the tide is carrying us

onto a reef!

Teddy, our ship
struck the reef!

We've got to head
for shore!

I'll do my best.

Where are we?

Zelza: Beats the tar
out of me.

Ah, fresh specimens.

The Sorcerer will want
to know about this.


[theme music playing]