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02x44 - The Ying Zoo

Posted: 03/09/24 16:14
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Teddy: Look, Grubby.
It's a sign for the Ying Zoo.

It says,
"See the incredible Octopedes."

Grubby: And it says they have
"Gimmick the Great," too.

It's not a very good
picture of him.

Hey, and look who's
the Troll-Grunge
with no brain.

Both: It's Tweeg!

Well, now we know
where they are,

but how do we rescue 'em?

Well, simple, Grubby.
We go to the zoo.

Gee, hope they don't
have a dress code.

I want you henchmonsters

to put Wizard World
out of business.

Not one ride left to ride.

Not one game left to play.

Not one attraction
left to... attract.

Got it?

-Yeah, we got it.
-We got it.

Gotcha. Gotcha.

Well, what are you
imbeciles waiting for?

Get going while
I'm still in a good mood.

-Here we go now.
-Come on, guys. Let's move it.

-This is us going.
-Here we go.

Ready... set...


[all shouting]


-Wow, look at this place.


Looks like fun.

Soon Wizard World
will be no more.

Is this thing slow or what?

Where are those stupid

They should have
been back hours ago.

What could be delaying their
destroying Wizard World?

Those fools.

I can't believe they bungled
the simplest job.

What a sucker.
Five never comes up.


Nobody leaves these premises.

Yes, Your Great,
Magician-type Person.

If anyone tries to leave,
stop them,

and that includes you.

Oh, nuts.

Who's gonna run this place
with all my henchmonsters

over at Wizard World?

The prisoners? Hmm.

That's not a bad idea after all.

I'm turning this boat
into a seafood restaurant.

Now, to be our Maître d',

you must learn the proper way
to pull out someone's chair.

-Like this.

Good. Now keep that look
for the customers.

Next I'll show you
how to serve a meal.

Just carry the tray
to the table

and carefully empty it.


That was easy.

Now you try carrying a tray.

But suppose you had
to serve two tables at once.

Then you'd need two trays.


Or three tables,
that would take three trays.

Or four trays
for four tables.


You're really getting
the hang of it.


Keep practicing.

You see, that goodie
two-shoes brother of mine

thinks he can
outsmart me.

But with your brains,
I'll beat him once and for all.

I want you to build
the ultimate fun ride

for my zoo.

Hmm, a rather
challenging challenge.

But I refuse to do it.

I'll give you all
the money you want.

Confined in this habitat,

money would hardly be
a motivating factor.

Well, if you don't think
you can do it.

Who said so?
Of course I can do it.

No, you're right.

It's probably much
too complicated for you.

I'll have to find
a really good inventor.

I am a really good inventor.

But not good enough to build
the ultimate ride, I'm afraid.

Oh, yes, I am,
and I'll prove it.

Why, I'll build
the most amazing ride

ever ridden.

Just wait and, uh, see.

Well, if you insist.

I'll need lots of helping hands
to complete this project.

And since no one has
more hands than an Octopede,

how about lending me
a few of them?

Anything you say.
Just get it done.

♪ I'm naturally scientific ♪

♪ With gizmos I'm terrific ♪

♪ I don't take credit
for this gift I've got ♪

♪ Some folks have got it
but most have not ♪

♪ I remember every thought
that I've ever been taught ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm naturally
scientific ♪

If you want an invention,
I'm your guy.

Like a pair of galoshes
that can make you fly.

Or a popcorn kernel
that won't pop loud

or an igloo big enough
to handle any crowd.

Technical training,
admittedly I lack.

I was born with a certain
scientific knack.

I'll invent anything,
even quicker than a wink,

from a kitchen sofa
to a living room sink.

All: ♪ He'll invent anything
even quicker than a wink ♪

♪ From a kitchen sofa
to a living room sink ♪

♪ The reason I'm so great ♪

♪ Even I cannot explain ♪

♪ It could be
it's simply fate ♪

♪ But it's probably my brain ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm naturally ♪

♪ Naturally, naturally,
naturally ♪

♪ Naturally scientific ♪

Sorcerer: Soon everyone will
know about my new ultimate ride.

This brochure says it all.

No one will ever go to that
stupid Wizard World again.

[person grunting]


Oh, stop complaining.

I had to carry a load, too.

When they see
my new sign,

everyone will be
so impressed

they'll never even notice

that I've raised the price
of the admission.

What's so special
about that sign?

Just watch.

Ready when you are, Boss.

Let her rip.

Crowd: Whoa!


[all chattering]

This stuff always
attracts a crowd.

Every moron is impressed
by my magic.



Step right up, folks.

See the world's
greatest zoo

where the magic starts
at the front gate.

That's right, folks.

We've got Octopedes,

Gimmick the Great,

and the incredible
Troll-Grunge with no brain.

He mumbles.
He stumbles.

He slithers on his belly
like a sub-creature.

Grubby: Yikes.
Will you look at that?

Well, this must be
the right place.

Excuse me, sir, is this
where we buy tickets?

You betcha.

-How many?
-Two, please.

One for me and one
for my friend here.

[growls softly]


He certainly is
a tough monster, isn't he?

Oh, yes. I wouldn't
wanna mess with him.


You know, I've never seen
anything like you two
around here before.

What kind of creatures
are you?

He's, uh, um, uh--

Uh, I'm a Slimepuppy,

and my friend here
is an Octoslug.

Hmm, I've never seen
an Octoslug

or a Slimepuppy before.

And I'm sure no one else
has either.

-You snapped, Boss?
-Yes, I want those two.

I'll be the first zoo

to have an Octoslug
and a Slimepuppy.

Never heard of them.

Of course you haven't.
No one has.

That's why I want them.

Soon I'll have
the ultimate ride

and the ultimate attraction.


Quellor: I presume
you've come with good news.

Well, have you found Tweeg?

Answer me, you idiots.

-Have you?
-We, er, uh...

Uh, that is...

We, uh, um...

We didn't find Tweeg,
and Sledge here takes
full responsibility.


I send you to do
one simple thing,

and you come back

I ought to erase your brains
with the black box,

except it might
be too much of a strain

on brains that were
never there to begin with.

Sledge, this looks like
your lucky day.

Mail call and fun break!

what are you babbling about?

Paragraph 17,
subsection 41--

the Supreme Oppressor
is to have 15 minutes of fun

each and every day.

-So I called in a troll
for you to thrash.

No, just give me the mail.

Then perhaps I should
summon a few slugs

for you to throttle within
an inch of their lives.

Just the mail, I said.

Perhaps a few dozen villains

for you to boil in bilge oil.

Just give me the mail!

Yes, Your Malevolence.

Death threats,
eviction notices,

catastrophe predictions.

How come I never get
anything interesting?

Oh, did I get my copy
of "Monster's Digest"?

Digest this.

Ah, what have we here?

That idiot Tweeg is c*ptive
in the Ying Zoo.

If you want something
done right,

you have to do it yourself.

Summon the "Eclipse" airship.

We're going to
the Ying Zoo.

Oh, boy.

I love going to the zoo.

Eleanor: Blackmail demands,
extortion notices,

death threats--
always the same junk mail.

I never get anything


Hey, wait a minute. What's this?

Some tacky brochure
for the Ying Zoo.

But look at the cover, Eleanor.

-It's your son Tweeg in a cage.

Doesn't he look sweet
behind bars?

Yeah, it is the perfect setting.

if we want to get our hands

on that formula for making
gold from buttermilk,

we'll have to rescue him.

L.B., we're going to the zoo.

This beast
is an Upside-Downer.

-Better not get too close.
-Why not?

[smacking lips]

You don't look too well.

-Gee, I don't?

You look terribly pale.

Are you feeling
all right?

As a matter of fact, I have been
getting these pains in my--

Wait a minute.
I feel just fine.

[laughs] You see what I mean?

Like I said,
stay away from that one.

He can get you
really depressed.

What kind of creature is that?

It's the Gorge Monster.

It gets so hungry that every
few minutes it eats itself.

That's amazing.

Doesn't he get tired always
eating the same thing?

♪ For creatures big and yucky,
it's the Ying Zoo ♪

♪ See monsters, if you're lucky,
at the Ying Zoo ♪

♪ We've captured
one of everything ♪

♪ From Grundo
and the Land of Ying ♪

♪ So make your mom and daddy
bring you to ♪

♪ The Ying Zoo,
the Ying Zoo ♪

♪ The Ying Zoo ♪

Now, this cage
used to house the Illiop.

An Illiop?

Yes, one of the most feared
creatures in all of Ying.

He does look kinda mean.

He was one of the zoo's
most popular attractions.

The money
was just rolling in.

What happened to him?

The little ingrate escaped.

Gee, what a tough break.

Don't worry.
One day I'll find
myself another Illiop,

and I promise you this one
won't ever get away.


That's it, lads.
Keep on hammering.

Well, Zelza, this project
is certainly working out

even better than I planned.

Gimmick, how can you be
so excited when you're still
a prisoner?

Prisoner or not,

I've really outdone
myself this time.

Just look.

It goes on
a downward angle,

then it goes, eh...

Hold on.
That's not, uh, right.

Try it this way.

Ah, yes. [laughs]

Much better.

I tell you, Zelza,
it's just wonderful.

Inventors. [huffs]

Look, Teddy.

It's Gimmick
and the Octopedes.

Teddy: We've found them.

Now all we have to do
is get away from the sorcerer

-and talk to Gimmick.

And figure a way
out of here.

What's all
the whispering about?

Huh? Uh, whispering? Us?

Well, you see, uh,
er, uh...

What he's trying
to say is, um...

Never mind.

I'd like to show you
a very interesting exhibit.


-But I don't
see anything at all.
-Yeah, me neither.

You're both absolutely right.

That's because it's empty.

Exactly what's so
interesting about that?

It will soon be the home

of a Slimepuppy
and an Octoslug.


You wouldn't happen
to know any, would you?

-I think he means us, Teddy.
-I think you're right, Grubby.

Let's get out of here.

-Grubby: Mm, hey, hands off.
-Teddy: Hey!

-Let go of me.
-Why, you, I oughta...

-Teddy: Hey, cut it out.
-Welcome to my zoo.

Make yourselves at home.

And I do mean home.


You really won't like us.

We make terrible pets.

Yeah, that's right.
We, um, uh,

we fight all the time
and, um, make lots of noise.

Splendid. The public loves that.

You two will make
a wonderful attraction.

What I mean to say is we're very
quiet and we sleep all the time.

Lock them inside.



Run for it, Grubby!

Darn. Missed the slippery
little whatever it was.

Maybe we can make a deal.

I'll give you free
room and board.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Hey, that's not an Octoslug.

That's an Octopede.

And the other is a-- an Illiop.

After them!

-Yeah, we got it.
-We got it.


How are we gonna
get out of here, Teddy?

The walls are too high to climb
and the gates are all guarded.

Well, maybe if we hide until
nightfall we can sneak out.

Good idea.
But where will we hide?


Quick, Grubby,
into this empty cage.

Gee, I thought we wanted
to stay out of cages,

not get inside 'em.

I've got an idea.

I'll stand on my hands

and you grab me
around the waist.

Teddy, this is no time to start
practicing circus tricks.

Hurry, Grubby.
There's no time to explain.

Oh, I get it.

Teddy: Now wrap the blanket
around both of us.

They can't
have gotten far.

Check all the exits.


Grubby: Whoops.

We've been tricked!

Run, Grubby.

-Where to, Teddy?
-The top of the rollercoaster.

Maybe we can jump
over the wall.

Hurry, Grubby.
They're gaining on us.

I sure wish we had
the airship.

The last one up the scaffolding
will be my new attraction

in my monster museum!

Guard: Wow!


This way.

Better this way
than that way.

[all yelling]

[both gasp]

I'm afraid we're still not
close enough to the wall.


I'm just plain afraid.

[all shouting]


[both gasp]

♪ The Land of Ying ♪

♪ Is not the kind
of place to go ♪

♪ For a visit ♪

♪ The Land of Ying ♪

♪ We've got ourselves
an Octo-thing ♪

-And a what is it?
-I don't know!

♪ My mother told me never
to go to the Land of Ying ♪

♪ She said it is the place
where evil sleeps ♪

♪ I really hope you two
like living in the zoo ♪


-♪ This place is
giving me the creeps ♪
-Teddy: Me too!

♪ The Land of Ying ♪

♪ Is not the kind
of place to go ♪

♪ On a vacation ♪

♪ The Land of Ying ♪

♪ We've got ourselves
into an awful ♪

♪ Situation ♪


Sorcerer: Now I'll be rich.

I have an Illiop
on permanent display.


And I do mean permanent.


[theme music playing]