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02x50 - A Race to the Finish

Posted: 03/09/24 16:18
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Hiya, sports fans.
This is Louie.

You're up-to-the-second
sportscaster reporting

from high atop
the starting line

on the final day
of Wizard Week.

Today we'll finish
The Great Grundo Ground Race.

There. That oughta do it.

Gimmick: Well done, Grubby.

The new turbocharger
will undoubtedly

give us an additional boost.

Teddy: I sure hope so, Gimmick.

The competition looks tough.

[panting, groaning]

Sheesh! Sparky!

How many times do I have
to tell you to keep up?

Ah, sister,
the day will be ours.

I can feel it in the air.

[Fobs chanting "Wooly"]

[tires screech]

Hey, you fellas should be
wearing your seatbelts.


Well, I guess we're all here.

No. Someone is still missing.

Tweeg: Hurry up, L.B.
The race is about to start.

We don't want to "miss"
anything, do we, L.B.?


Oh, for crying
out loud, L.B.

Where's the cannonball?



How many times
have I told you,

"Don't swallow
the cannonballs?"

They're too expensive.


Now, to see how
the competition is doing.

There's that Ruxpin.

With the airship gone,
we'll be sure to win.

Quick, L.B.,
sh**t off the cannon.

-But, Tweeze, the cannon--
-Of course the cannon.

Do you think I want you
to sh**t off your mouth?

But I may end up
sh**ting off yours.

Fire the cannon!


Louie: Well, sports fans,
Prince Arin has taken
an early lead.

But wait. What's this?

It looks like Tweeg
is firing cannonballs
at all the contestants.

This is very unusual.

We'll have to check
the rulebooks.

Wait! Someone has been hit!


A hit!

I've never hit
anything before.

It feels wonderful.

Enjoy it while you can.


-What do you mean, you boob?

Move over.

Take potshots at
your own mother, will you?!

I'll make you regret
the day you were born.

Even more than I do.

Nothing here.
Do you see him?

Nope. He ain't here.

Where is that Tweeg?

If he's in the race,
he should've been here by now.

I knew we shouldn't
have let him go.


Maybe that's him now.

Over this way.

Imagine that dumb Troll-Grunge
thinking he could outsmart us.

Oh, just listen to that wheel.

Look, brother,
a Grunge village.

The race of races.

The first guys through here.
Let's hit it.

[melancholy cheers]

Thank you for
your very kind support.

But I'm afraid we must as you
for a further kindness.

That favor is,
do you have a workshop here?

I thought I saw some tools
in the old shed once.

That sounds perfect.

This is where the sound
was coming from.

-Trudge: It's Tweeg.
We found him.

Hold on. That ain't Tweeg.

Looks like Tweeg.

You sure it ain't him?

Nah, that's a Grunge.

We're looking at
the Grunge village.

But Tweeg is half Grunge.

Maybe he's hiding here.
Let's check it out.

-Read 'em and weep.
-Oh, no.

Yeah. Five Mudblups.

Hey, where'd the sun go?

Where did Tweeg go?

Yeah, we want Tweeg.


What's a "Tweeg"?

I think you guys could use
a relaxing game of cards.

Hey, why don't you
play with us?

You wanna play?

Okay, we'll play.

Good heavens.
What is that noise?

Arin: I recognize him.

That's one of
Quellor's henchmen.

Aruzia, I believe our services
are required by our kind hosts.

But, Arin, look at them.

How can we fight such monsters?

The last time I was here,
I ate some Grunge gumbo

and became the Iron Warrior.

But, brother, Grunge gumbo
is full of vitamin Z.

It's too dangerous.

But it's our only chance
to save the Grunges.

We must find some.

Give up, Tweeg!

We know you're in there.

Come on out.


[all shouting]

Look, Tweeze.

I didn't know wrestling
was part of this race.

It looks like a good fight.

Too bad we can't stay
and bet on it,

-but Ruxpin's right behind us.
-Teddy: I can't believe it.

Arin's turned into
the Iron Warrior again.

And that looks like Aruzia.

But she's turned into a...

An Aluminum Amazon.

They must've eaten some Grunge
gumbo laced with vitamin Z.

And it changed them
into those monsters.

Gimmick: Most likely they did it

to battle those other monsters.

Teddy: Uh-oh.
Now, that the enemy's gone,

the good guys are in trouble.

Just like the last time
we were here.

Hmm. That gives me
an idea.

Fetch all the buckets of water
you can and follow me.

Okay, you two,
time for a bath.

[both laughing]

Okay, guys, wait for my signal.



Hey, that looks like fun.


[stammering] What happened?

Did we save the Grunges?

Well, Quellor's
henchmen are gone.

But so is most of the village.

Oh, dear.
I was afraid this might happen.

But you understand,
we had no other choice.

We know that,
Prince Arin.

Once the race is over,
we'll come back and
rebuild the village.

-That's a promise.

And if you see
those other guys,

have them
give us a call.

They play an el destcructo
game of cards.

Hiya, sports fans.
This is Louie.

Bringing you all the action
from every faction.

And remember,
Wizards are wonderful.

why not take one to lunch?

Great excitement here
at Trembley Fault

as we await the arrival of
the team in the lead.

And here they are.
The airship looks in fine shape.

Close behind are Prince Arin
and Princess Aruzia.

Looking a little wet,
but otherwise okay.

And coming up quickly on
the outside Leota and Seymour,

together with the Surf Grunges.

It's a tight battle
for third place.

They're throwing up
a lot of dust.

Most of which is being caught
by Eleanor and Sparky,

who are gaily rolling along

in their repaired...

[Eleanor and Sparky
coughing, panting]

Louie: Right behind Eleanor
is her son Tweeg.

From the looks of it,
it's not a very close family.

Get out of the way, you hack!

Where'd you learn to drive?


Louie: What's this?
Tweeg appears to have a hatchet.

I don't think that's allowed.

I know that's not allowed.

Here comes the Wooly What's-It.

It looks like the race
is over for him.

Hang on, fellers.


-[Fobs chanting "Wooly"]
-[Wooly jabbering]

Louie on radio: What a race!
I've never seen such excitement!

I sure hope the prize
is as good as the event.

Hmm. Louie's right.

What will I give to the winner?

Oh, if only Wizard World
hadn't been destroyed.

Wait a minute.

Maybe it wasn't
completely destroyed.

Louie on radio:
Great Grundo! I don't
believe what's happening.

All of the contestants
are coming out of the jungle
at the same time.

Uh-oh. It looks like
a major smash-up.

I'd better get out of here.

[all screaming]

That was a close call, folks,
but luckily I'm all right.

I'm not so sure about
the contestants, though.

Let's go down to the field
for a closer look.

Teddy: Is everyone all right?

Oh, sure.
Everything is just fine.

Well, Tweeg certainly seems
like his old self.

I'm not sure how to say this,

but as long
as no one is hurt...

Why don't we get going
and win the race?


Boy, are we in trouble.

Guys, I'm afraid Quellor ain't
gonna be too thrilled with us.

Yeah, if we'd have got Tweeg,

we'd have pulverized him.

Yeah, pulverized him.

Yeah. What you said.

Villain guacamole.

Wait a minute.

Are you guys thinking
what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking this looks
just like a mushed up Tweeg.

What are you thinking, Sludge?

Sludge: The same as you, Drudge.

We can show this to Quellor

and tell him it's Tweeg.

Drudge: Two brilliant minds,

but with a single thought.

-Louie: Boy, oh, boy,
sports fans, what a race.

Everyone is really hoping
to win that terrific prize.

All right, don't rub it in.

If only I could think
of a prize.

Hmm. Those wrecks out there
just gave me an idea.

Louie: Uh-oh. The airship is
moving up on the outside.

It's taken the lead. It's gonna
cross the finish line first.

Right behind are Prince Arin
and Princess Aruzia.

Followed by Wooly and Leota
and the Surf Grunges.

And bringing up the rear
are Eleanor and Sparky.

And the former Supreme
Oppressor of M.A.V.O.,

and all around lame-o,
Tweeg in last.


And the grand champions
for the first annual

Great Grundo Ground Race are
Teddy, Grubby, and Gimmick!

We won! We won!

-We won, Teddy. We won!

[laughs] We won!

Teddy: Well done, Gimmick.
Well done, Grubby.

I demand a recount!

They cheated, I tell you!

Don't be such
a sore loser, Tweeg.

You shouldn't care about
this stupid race anyway.

Races are for idiots.

So how come Tweeze
didn't do better?

That's right.
How come I didn't do better?

Oh, brother.

Attention, Grundoians.

We now come to the moment
you've all been waiting for.

The awarding of the...
[clears throat]

grand prize.

Which will be presented
in a special ceremony later on.

-[crowd groaning]
-Thank you very much.

What do you suppose
he means by that?

I think he wants to give us
something to look forward to.

Congratulations, Teddy.

It couldn't have happened
to a nicer Illiop.


Huh? Ooh, what is it, Mr. Louie?

[whispers] Wooly,
I've got a favor to ask you.

Ooh, what kind of favor?

-[shushes] You'll see.

Follow me.

Congratulations, Teddy.

It seems the day is yours.

Yes, Teddy.

I could not have imagined
a more fitting reward

for your earlier service
to my sister and me.

Thank you both,
but that reminds me.

Now that the race is over,

we have a promise to keep
at the Grunge village.

Grubby: Gosh, Teddy,
it's gonna take a lot of work

to get this place
back into shape.

Don't worry.
This won't take long.

Grubby, did you
bring the lantern?

Sure did, Teddy.

-But what are you gonna do?
-You'll see.

Grubby: I get it.
That'll make time fly.

What a weird-looking stone.

-What's it do?
-Wait and see.



Hey, not bad.

Once again, we are sorry for
the trouble we caused you.

We'll accept your apology

if you'll help us
with one more thing.

Just name it.

You gotta help us celebrate.

-Teddy: A job well done.

We are here to honor
three depraved,

ruthless, and most of all,
successful bad guys.

These slimy colleagues
have managed to accomplish

what no monster
before them could,

they have brought us this.


We're gonna be in big trouble

if Quellor finds out
that ain't Tweeg.

Yeah, next week,

that jar might have
our names on it.

Monsters and villains,

I give you Sludge,
Drudge, and Trudge.

All: Sludge, Drudge, and Trudge!


Enjoy your triumph.

This crud's for you.

-Grubby: Gee, fellas.

This sure is fun, isn't it?

Yes, but I wonder
what our prize

for winning
the race is.

Well, Gimmick, this party seems
like a pretty good prize to me.

-[helicopter blades whirring]
-Hey, look up there!

It's that furry purple guy.

What's that big box he's got?


Greetings from your Wizard.

Well, open it.
It's for you.

Gee, Mr. Wizard,
it's an awfully big present.

Yeah, we're gonna need some help
getting that thing open.

Quite true.

Would some of you mind
helping us to open this?

[all oohing]

Seymour: Look, it's our car!

Arin: Sister, our bicycle.

Gimmick: Why, it's all
the vehicles from the race.


This is a great prize!

Um, yes.

I've decided to include
all the imaginative

racing machines you built
for Wizard Week.

I felt it would be a fitting
monument to a wonderful guy

and one heck of a Wizard.

Namely me.

Kindly climb aboard.

[music playing]

Gimmick: Better hold on tight.

-[Grubby chuckles]
-It works beautifully.

Anyone else wanna ride?

You know, maybe we should leave
this ride here in the village.


No one could possibly
enjoy it more

than the Grunges.

Teddy: ♪ It's a crazy carousel ♪

♪ It's a nutty carousel ♪

♪ It's a very merry go-around ♪

Grubby: ♪ A funny ride as well ♪

-Leota: ♪ It's a windup car ♪
-Wooly: ♪ A skateboard ♪

-Grunge: ♪ Oh, it's fabulous ♪
-Grunge #2: ♪ It's hip ♪

-Arin: ♪ It's a bicycle ♪
-Grunge: ♪ A surfboard ♪

-♪ It's a tricycle ♪
-♪ A ship ♪

♪ It's a crazy carousel ♪

♪ It's a wacky carousel ♪

♪ The best part
is my chariot ♪

♪ As you can surely tell ♪

-Aruzia: ♪ It's a miracle ♪
-L.B: ♪ A triumph ♪

-♪ A bonanza ♪
-♪ A hit ♪

♪ It's a scientific wonder ♪

♪ And I'm glad I thought of it ♪

♪ Oh, it's totally composed ♪

♪ Of all our racing cars
and stuff ♪

♪ And a few ingenious
things of mine as well ♪

♪ Once you ride upon it ♪

♪ You will never get enough ♪

♪ Of the totally unique ♪

♪ Amazing, crazy carousel ♪

♪ It's a crazy carousel ♪

♪ It's a nutty carousel ♪

♪ It's a very merry
go-around ♪

♪ A funny ride as well ♪

-♪ It's a windup car ♪
-♪ A skateboard ♪

-♪ Oh, it's fabulous ♪
-♪ It's hip ♪

-♪ It's a bicycle ♪
-♪ A surfboard ♪

-♪ It's a tricycle ♪
-♪ It's a ship ♪

♪ And we're glad ♪

♪ He thought of it ♪

Teddy: Thank you, Wizard.

-Thanks a lot.
-Gimmick: Thank you.

Grunge: Thank you. Wow.

You folk are
all most welcome.

Well, Wiz, it was a heck
of a show this week.

-Do you really think so, Louie?

Wizards everywhere
should be proud.

Why do you think
it was such a success, huh?

Well, Louie,
I'd say it's because...

-Because of the wonderful
week it was?

Eh, something like that.

[theme music playing]