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02x64 - L.B.'s Wedding

Posted: 03/09/24 16:26
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Teddy: "After all this time,
the crystal book is still
a mystery to me."

Hmm. What did I write about it
the day it happened?

Ah. "Today Arin discovered
a remarkable old book

in a secret chamber

deep beneath
King Nogburt's castle.

At first we couldn't
get the book open,

but then I noticed there was
a space on the clasp

in the shape of a crystal.

I put a crystal
into the space

and the book opened,

but the writing is in
a strange alphabet

that we don't understand.

If we can ever
translate this,

we might be able to solve
the mystery of the crystals."

Most mysterious.

It may take a few
more experiments

to discover the power
of the sixth crystal.


Hmm, most interesting.

Perhaps this is the way
to do it.

Or possibly this.

Hmm, how very peculiar.

I'm prepared to spend
days on end

searching through
untold amounts of things.

I will struggle with
this problem to the end.

I will not, uh, rest.

Mr. Gimmick?

Breakfast is ready.

Eh, but first,
a bit of breakfast.

Ya-hoo-hooey! Ha ha!

Finally a chance
to get closer.

I know those guys
are up to something,

and I'm gonna find out
what it is.

I've made this special
Rillonian rhubarb pie
for breakfast.

I hope everybody likes it.

Like it? [laughs]

We haven't smelled
anything so good

since the Harvest Feast.

Hardest feat?
Yes, quite right.

Learning what
this crystal does

is the hardest feat
I've ever attempted.

What about translating
the crystal book?

Uh, yes, that's quite
a mystery too.

May I see
this strange book?

We don't know what
all the weird writing
in here's supposed to mean.

Hmm, that's funny.

These letters, I've seen
them somewhere before.

Where, Mother?

I'm not sure, but I know
I've seen them.

If only I could remember.

And of course we're gonna
need a whole bunch
of brides Bounders

and, uh, shovers.

And a whole lot
of guests.

Listen, Mother,
we was thinkin'--

Now, now, now, we already
decided on a quiet wedding.

Just the immediate family
and a brass band.

But, Ma,
if Mrs. L.B. wants--

Brass band?
What a dumb idea.

Oompa. Oompa.

I'll have you know
that Buffy's father
played first tuba

in the Grundo Bounding Band
ten years in a row.

Well, if you're having
a brass band,

the wedding's gonna
have to be at your house.

Our house?
We want it at your house.

But, Ma, Mrs. L.B.,

we thought it'd be romantic

to get married on the beach
near Bounder Pass.

That's a terrible idea.

Kids today.
I don't know.

So impractical.

Not a thought
for anyone else
but themselves.

Sheesh. I wonder if
it's too late to elope.

So you see,
I know precisely

how to figure out
what this crystal does.

What do you plan to do,

Uh, well, if I can
isolate the bilateral
frequencies of light

as refracted
by the obtuse surfaces...

Oh, you mean you're just
gonna mess around with it

and hope
that something happens.

Eh, exactly.

Would you like
to come into town
with me today, Burl?

Oh, that sounds nice.
What's on the agenda?

Well, we need some new
plates to replace the ones
that broke,

and maybe a tray
to match--

What is it, Mother?

Teddy. Now I remember where
I saw those strange letters.

-You do?
-The ones from
the crystal book?

Yes. Come with me.

Now-- Now where did I
put that thing?

I say yes.

And I say no.

I insist.

Absolutely not.

Your whole family
is a bunch of slobs.

And yours is a bunch
of stuffed shirts.

Bounders don't even
wear shirts.

Shut up!

Ah, there's nothing like
a wedding to bring a family
closer together.

♪ It's a beautiful,
beautiful Bounder wedding ♪

♪ It's a day for all
the Bounder guys and gals ♪

♪ It's a special day
in such a lovely setting ♪

♪ It's a day for having fun
with all your pals ♪

♪ We've waited long enough
for all the presents and stuff ♪

♪ We'll be getting ♪

♪ At this beautiful, beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful ♪

♪ Bouncing Bounder wedding ♪

Look at what
she's wearing.

isn't it lovely?

An ugly dress
for you to wear

that's kind of old
and full of holes.

♪ That's torn
and tattered ♪

♪ A funny hat,
a pair of spats ♪

♪ A silly vest,
you look your best ♪

♪ As if it mattered ♪

♪ It's a beautiful, beautiful,
Bounder wedding ♪

♪ It's a day for shoving food
between your jaws ♪

♪ It's a day I know
I'll never be forgetting ♪

♪ It's a day for being nice
to mother-in-laws ♪

♪ And I can't wait to go
and count the piles of dough ♪

♪ We'll be getting ♪

♪ At this beautiful, beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful ♪

♪ Bouncing Bounder wedding ♪

♪ We've waited long enough ♪

♪ For all the presents
and stuff ♪

♪ They'll be getting ♪

♪ At this beautiful, beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful ♪

♪ Bouncing Bounder wedding ♪

I know it's here somewhere.


Here we are.

What's all that writing?

It looks
just like the writing
in the crystal book.

Grubby, may I have
the crystal book?

The writing looks
the same, Teddy.

What a discovery.

This is an important clue

about the ancient alphabet
in the book.

It's more than a clue,

Gee, Teddy.
The writing looks different.

You can almost read it.

What does it say?

"Now witnesseth the sacred
record of Wyma the Illiper,

scribe to the court
of King Philben,

the defender
of the Illiper realm."


What's an Illiper?

I've told you about
my friends, Prince Arin
and Princess Aruzia.

They're Illipers.

So are their parents,
the King and Queen.

And the crystal book
was written by an
Illiper historian.

That explains why it was
found at the castle.

Keep reading, Teddy.

"Hear me while I tell
of a golden age

when all Grundo prospered.

A time of great discovery
and understanding."

Hmm. My grandfather
used to speak of a time
long ago

when anything
was possible.

Too bad we didn't go
adventuring then, huh, Teddy?

Ha. Right.

"Illipers lived in peace
and harmony

with their great neighbors
in the Hard to Find City."

In the Hard to Find City?

But the Gutangs live there.

I can't imagine them
living in peace and harmony
with anybody.

Neither can I.
But maybe they were
friendlier then.

"Safe inside
the Hard to Find City

were its peaceful

well protected were they
against the menace
from the north,

safe in the arms
of the mighty Wall of Ying."

Menace from the north?

Gee, Ying hasn't
changed much.

Oh, I never heard
such rubbish.

Even L.B. makes more sense.

The Wall of Ying
doesn't have arms.

Oh, what's this? A crystal?


Just what
I've always wanted.


That was close.


"Then, in the history
of our people,

came the greatest
achievement of our time--

the six crystals of Grundo,

and those who gaze upon them
should know this.

Only the pure of spirit
may find the treasure
of knowledge therein."


-That sounded like Tweeg.

It is Tweeg.

How come he's
zooming around like that?

And why is he here
in Rillonia?

Heavens to Grundo!
The sixth crystal.

It's gone.


[Tweeg shouts]


Gosh I didn't know
Tweeg could fly.

I don't know
if I'd call that flying.

It appears more like
a runaway crystal to me.

-A runaway crystal?
-Yes, Teddy.

The citric acid
in that orange juice

seems to have activated
an anti-gravitational pull.

At least that's
my deduction.

What are you guys
talking about?

The crystal.

It has the power
to make you fly.

[Tweeg shouts]

How do you
stop this thing?

Quickly, we have to catch him
before he hurts himself.

I'll prepare the airship.

I'll get a net.

Tweeg ain't gonna be
an easy fish to catch.

Do you see him yet?

Not yet, Gimmick.

Look, thar he blows!


If you stop now, I'll give up
my evil ways forever.

I'll devote my life
to charity.

I'll even pay L.B.
the money I owe him!


I take it we don't
have a deal.


Oh, it's no use, Teddy.

He's moving too fast
for the airship.

We're never gonna
catch him this way.

Well, he's gotta
come down sometime.

It's hard to see
Tweeg anymore.

That sun
sure is bright.

I wonder what will happen

when the orange juice
on the crystal evaporates.


How ya doing?

Ah, nice to see ya.

Love your dress.
Have you lost weight?

Gee, for me? Thanks.

Let's do lunch.

Friends of the bride?

Cousin Larry.

Long time no see.

How they treatin' ya
in the Grundo Jail?

Eh, can't complain.

They let me come
to your wedding.

Sorry I didn't bring nothing.

My finances
are kinda tight.

So who's the lucky


Crowd: Ah!

Great cake, chef.
A masterpiece.

Just give me a second
to set up,

and I'll record this
moment for posterity.

A little more to the left.

All right, that's it.

-[projectile whistling]
-[Tweeg shouts]

[all groan]

Oh, my. Oh, my.

Oh. Oh. Oh, my.

Mm. Oh!

Oh, my! Whoo-hoo!

Oh, my!


You didn't have
to crash my wedding.

You were already invited.

-I was?

I even sent you
an invitation.

Oh, L.B., that's the very
first time in my life

anyone ever invited me
to anything.

So where's your present
to the happy couple?

My present?

Um, uh, oh, well...

Aw, Mother.

Twerk is too cheap
to bring anything.

Oh, I am not cheap!

Of course
I brought a gift.

And, um, uh,
just a minute.

Ah-ha. Here it is.

Note the workmanship.

That's not imitation,
you know.

It's the real thing.

Gee, Twank, a real box.

-It's not just a box, L.B.

It's filled with beautiful
and rare shells

I personally collected
on the beach in Rillonia.

It took at least
ten minutes,

but you're worth it.

Oh, wow, man.

I sure hope Tweeg
likes all that gold
I put in his box, man.

I wonder if he's
looked in it yet, you know?

Far out. Oh, wow.

You can hear the ocean.

Like, it was a fair trade.

These shells
are totally gnarly.

And I know how much
Tweeg digs gold, man.

I only hope he's happy, man,

when he discovers that I
pulled the old switcheroo.


According to my calculations,

Tweeg must have landed
in the middle of that crowd.

In the middle of the cake
is more like it.

Everyone's covered in icing.

What a waste.
I knew we should have
got here earlier.

Let's go find the crystal.

And then, as I was flying
through the clouds,

I said to myself, "Tweeg,"
I said, "this calls for
a cool head."

Weren't you frightened?

Not a bit.

An evil genius
like myself has no trouble

dealing with a little thing
like a mere runaway crystal.

Why, I've already forgotten
what it looked like.

Uh, did it look
anything like your hat?

My hat?
What are you talking about.

I'm not wearing a ha-ha...


What's wrong, boss?

Eek! Get this thing
away from me.

It almost k*lled me.

Oh, it's no use,

There are too many people,

and they're all
covered in icing.

I'm afraid we'll never
find that crystal.

What were you saying,

As I was saying,

how nice it was of Tweeg

to discover the power
of this magnificent crystal.

Hey, be careful.

Suppose it takes off
with you.

Oh, not possible,

The orange juice evaporated.

Until it comes in contact
with more citric acid,

handling it
will be quite safe.

I'll just put it in my belt
to keep it even safer.

looks like the wedding's
about to begin.

Yeah, there's still time
to escape, L.B.

Why would I want to?

Look at Buffy.

I never saw a Bounder
so boundlessly beautiful.


You mustn't cry.

You ain't losin' a son.

You're gaining
a daughter.

It's not that.

It's this awful music.
It's giving me a migraine.

Hi, everyone.
Nice of you to come.

Now we are gathered
here today

to bind these Bounders
in the bond of matrimony.

You know, an occasion like
this often brings to mind--

Forget it, motor mouth.

Can we just get on
with the ceremony?

Er, um, uh, yes,
why, of course.

Go right ahead.

Go ahead, snookums.

Thanks, Buffy.

I just wanna say...
[clears throat]

Buffy, Buffy, soft and fluffy,

Grundo thinks
that I'm a tuffy,

but in my heart
I want youse more

than any Bounder
did before.

My life with you
I wanna spend

'cause I loves ya
and that's the end.


That's the stupidest
thing I ever heard.

Er, uh, I meant
the "Cupidest."

Now if you will kindly
exchange rings...

[all cheer]

Thank you.
Thank you.

I'm so happy.

He's the best Bounder
I ever saw.

Yeah, you're right.
Now let's tear open
these gifts.

[both grunting]

Hey, that's very attractive.

Yuck. How tacky.

Eh, but thanks anyway, Mom.

A suntan machine.

Now I won't get pale
on rainy days.


Hey, it's from
the King and Queen.

Hey, thanks.
That's very nice.

But you could have sprung for
something a little classier.

Who's next?

Oh... his present.

This better be good, Twist.


You shouldn't have.

Nonsense, L.B.

Nothing's too good
for you and your
bounding bride Buffy.

Hey, you sure
shelled out this time.

Why not? You deserve
a big box of sea shells.

But instead you got us gold.

That's right. I got you gold.






-[all cheer]
-Good luck!

L.B., you're not
getting away with this.

Gimme back my gold,
you ingrate!

Oh, after all
I've done for you.

-Yeah, Buff?

Does he have
to come along
on our honeymoon?

Ah, why not?
He paid for it.

[L.B. laughs]

[theme music playing]