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01x04 - The Medicine Man Mystery

Posted: 03/09/24 21:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time'll come when
everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

[upbeat music]

[soft music]

[dog barking]

[horse neighing]

- Gosh, we better tell
Uncle Sandy about this.

[horse neighs]

[intense music]

[horse neighing]

[dog barking]

[dog barking]

Right down there.

I could never have seen it happen

if I didn't have my telescope.

- [Sandy] Here, let me have a look.

- [Ricky] See anything?

- [Sandy] Just the medicine
peddler campin' out,

like you said.

Doctor Terwilleger, The
Secret Tonic of Montezuma.

- Well, he must be the one that did it.

- Ricky, are you sure about what you saw?

- Well, I'm as sure as
anything, Uncle Sandy.

A man with a gray mustache and glasses

carried a little boy to that big box.

Did you see the box?

- Yeah.

- And then he put the
little boy in the box

and slammed the lid down
and left the boy in the box.

- Let's ride down there
and see what's goin' on.

[dog barking]

- Now, you watch this.

Here's how it's done.

All right folks, come
on in a little closer.

Gather around me, for I bring you

one of the wonders of ancient medicine.

The Secret Tonic of Montezuma.

Guaranteed to prolong
life and restore you.

One bottle will make
you feel like a new man.

Two bottles will make
you feel like new twins.

And it's so pleasant to the taste,

it's delicious on flapjacks.


- I think I can pick it up
without too much struggle.

- Why, sure you can, Jake.

All you've got to do is just act like

you'd take it yourself,

which is somethin' I ain't never done.

[dog barking]


Watch me turn them into customers.

- I better get back to
filling those bottles.

I can hear you from there.

- All right.

[soft music]

[dog barking]

Howdy folks, howdy and welcome.

- Howdy.

Say, my nephew here says he saw somebody

lock a boy in a box.

Didn't sound likely to
me, but I thought I'd ask.

- Oh now, how could you
seen a thing like that, boy?

- Well, I saw it with my telescope.

And there's the box, Uncle Sandy.

- Well, I guess maybe
you got me dead to right.

That was Wilbur you saw.

Funny thing about Wilbur.

He likes being in that box.

- [Wilbur] I do not, but he
keeps putting me in here.

- Uncle Sandy.

- Look mister, open that box, and pronto.

- Now now, just a little joke, friends.

Just a little joke now.

Wait just a minute.

[soft music]

Folks, meet Wilbur, my good
friend and trusted partner.

Howdy, folks.

Let me apologize for Doc's sense of humor.

Pretty crude, I calls it.

- Uncle Sandy, it talks,
but it isn't real.

- Not real?

Take that back, boy, or I'll,

I'll give you a punch in the nose.

- Doc's a ventriloquist, Ricky.

- Ventriloquist?

- [Sandy] Yeah, that means
he can throw his voice.

- Oh, I see.

Make Wilbur talk some more, Doc.

- Not until you apologize
for sayin' I'm not real.

You, you wimpy young antagonist.

[horse neighs]

- Oh, I sure am sorry, Wilbur.

I think you're real real.

[dog barking]

- Don't you try to bite me, dog,

or you'll get a mouthful of splinters.

[dog growling]

- It's all right, Rebel.

Wilbur's our friend.

- You see, Wilbur and I
have been together so long

that I can't get over feeling
like he's real myself.

- I think I understand, Doc.

[horse galloping]

- Looks like rooster day, Doc.

- It's Sheriff Dawson.

[ominous music]

- Howdy Ricky, Sandy.

Your name Terwilleger?

- Yes, sir.

And I assure you, he's
paid all his license fees.

- I ain't interested in
medicine shelf tricks.

You run this outfit alone?

- Well, yes, along with Wilbur here.

And a helper I hired a couple of days ago.

His name is Jake Webster.

- [Dawson] Is he around now?

- Yeah, right back here.

Oh, Jake.

[intense music]

[horse neighs]

[g*ns banging]

- Stay here, Ricky, and help the doc.

[g*n bangs]

[b*llet echoing]

Well, you did your best, Pony.

But you couldn't catch that horse of mine

if we had eight legs.

- Well then the United
States marshal tipped me off

that he was seen with Doc back in Red Gap.

- [Doc] Well, that's where I
hired him a couple of days ago.

But who in the world would ever think

that he was a jewel thief?

- One of the slickest.

- Yeah, and he's not a
bad horse thief, either.

- With the jewels he's
got right this minute,

he could buy every horse in the territory.

$50,000, they say.

- Gosh, how can he carry that much?

- [Sandy] Well, jewels come high, Ricky,

but they weigh light.

- Well, I guess I'll get to town,

make out my report.

- Better get yourself a faster horse, too.

- He may not be as fast as your horse,

but he's gonna save you from walkin' home,

carryin' double.

And thanks for patchin' me up, Doc.

- Doc?

He's nothin' but an old quack. [chuckles]

- He's a pretty darn
good sawbones, Wilbur.

- Say, Doc.

Could I come back tomorrow maybe?

- How 'bout it, Wilbur?

Long as he remembers I'm real.

- I sure will, Wilbur.

- All right, see you tomorrow.

[soft music]

[speaking in foreign language]

- What did he say, Doc?

- Oh, I don't know, some foreign language.

How's that again, Wilbur?

I said, so long but
not goodbye, in French.


Why, oh why do I have to put up with

an uneducated bumpkin like you?

- So long, Doc.
- See you tomorrow.

- Goodbye.

Jeez, huh?

A nice bunch of people.

I'm glad you didn't try to sell them

any of that stuff you make.

Just a minute, now.

Watch it, Wilbur.

Watch it, will ya?

And that Ricky. [laughs]

We sure had him fooled at first.

[intense music]

- Don't look like much,

but maybe we'd better
see what he's got on 'em.

You'd good sense not goin'
for that g*n, stranger.

Look him over.

- Now, you boys are wastin' your time.

We belong to the same lodge.

- [Gunman] Lodge?

What are you talkin' about?

- This horse.

It's stolen.

I stole him to get away from the sheriff

who happens to want me for robbery.

- [Gunman] All right, I'll listen.

But don't try no tricks.

What kind of robbery?

- Jewels.

Bright, shiny jewels.

- [Gunman] Now that's what
I call a real lodge brother.

Hand 'em over.

- No, now you're not very smart.

If I had them with me, I'd use my g*n.

Look boys, I need help.

I'm ready to talk a deal.

Do you want to listen?

I'll cut you into a $50,000 pot.

- Yeah?

Get down and spread your cart.

[intense music]

[soft music]

- [sighs] Gosh, it's a beautiful
night, isn't it, Wilbur?


Just look at all those stars up there.

Looks like you could reach right up there

and touch 'em with your hand.


What's the matter, you gettin' sleepy?

About an hour past your bedtime.


[ominous music]

[Doc humming]

- Well.

This ought to be real easy.

Put on your masks.


- Darn you, Wilbur.

Makin' a darn fool out of an old man.

Who, me?

Here I sit with a hunk of
wood and strings on my lap,

pretendin' you're my own kid.

Don't feel too bad about it, Doc.

You're the only daddy I ever had.

You ain't got no other kids.

That's right.

Oh, you're an old idiot,
Doctor Terwilleger.

[ominous music]

Here, wait a minute.

- [Jake] He's still alive.

Better tie him up so he
don't go yellin' for help.

- [Gunman] What you doin' with that doll?

- [Jake] Doll?

[chuckles] Meet our new partner, Wilbur.

He's gonna share the 50,000 with us.

Let's go.

[intense music]

- Help!

Help, somebody.



Oh, shucks, what's the use?

[horse whinnies]

That's right, go ahead and
give me the horse laugh.

I got it comin'.

[horse whinnies]
[dog barking]

- What's wrong, Champ?

Something's happened to Doc.

[horse neighs]

[dog barking]

- Well, whoever those ranahans were,

didn't take my wallet.

I made sure of that last night.

Not that there's much in it.

- But, but Doc, they must
have wanted something.

- Yeah, it beats me.

Say, wait a minute.

The trunk's open.

He's gone.

They kidnapped Wilbur.

Wilbur's gone.

- But Doc, maybe you
didn't put him to bed.

With all the excitement and everything--

- No, no, no.

I remember, I had just closed the lid down

when they slugged me.

But why?

Why would anybody want to do
a terrible thing like that?

- That's right, Doc.


Who'd want Wilbur, except you?

- Jake.

It could've been Jake.

He was always foolin' around with Wilbur.

He could even make him
talk a little bit, too.

- But what would Jake do with Wilbur?

- I don't know, maybe go
into business for himself.

I'm gonna saddle my horse.

Go in the wagon and get my hat and coat.

[dog barking]

[intense music]

- Doc, if Jake's got all those jewels,

he wouldn't go in the medicine business.

- Well, I don't know the answer, son,

but I aim to hunt down Jake and get it.

- But Doc, even if you did
find Jake and the others,

you couldn't handle 'em alone.

- Yeah, I know.

But I just got to get Wilbur back.

- Champ and I'll go back to the ranch

and get Uncle Sandy.

- Well, all right, only I
ain't goin' to wait long.

- You won't have to, Doc.

[dog barking]

[intense music]

- You gonna haul that hunk of junk

all the way to Mexico?

- Don't call me a hunk of junk, you lump.

- Didn't know you could work him.

- I get by all right.

And Wilbur's sure enough goin' with us.

No better place to hide those stones.

Besides, if we get in the spot,

he's a perfect alibi.

- Alibi?

- Sure, anybody stops us,
asks too many questions,

we tell 'em we're workin'
'em in a carnival.

Give me that poncho.

[intense music]

[dog barking]

[horse neighs]

[horse neighs]

[horse neighs]

Cut that out.

- Best way south is through Buzzard Pass.

- Well, you know this area, I don't.

Lead the way.

[dog barking]

- What's the idea, Champ?

Ssh, let's see who it is first.

It's Jake and those men.

Headed for Buzzard Pass, it looks like.

I've got to follow them.

[dog barking]

Rebel, it's up to you.

Now, you go find Uncle Sandy and.

No, you could find Uncle Sandy,

but you couldn't tell 'em where to come.

[dramatic music]

[g*n clicking]

- Wait 'til I get my hands on that Jake.

[horse galloping]


- Howdy, Doc.

- Howdy.

- You seen anythin' of Ricky?

- Sure, didn't he find you?

- Find me?

He was comin' up here to play with Wilbur.

That's the last I heard of 'em.

- Then the outlaws must have
got 'em along with Wilbur.

- Outlaws, what are you talkin' about?

- Come on, we've got to find 'em.

I'll tell you all about
it while we're lookin'.

[intense music]

[dog barking]

[telescope clicking]

- One thing this isn't good for.

It can't see through rocks.

We'll just have to trust the luck.

[horse neighs]

Come on, Champ.

[intense music]

- Hold it, Bledsoe.

Feels like this horse has lamed himself.

Hot and swellin'.

He won't go no further.

- So what are we gonna do?

- I don't know, but I sure ain't walkin'

all the way to Mexico.

[horse neighing]

[horse galloping]

Here comes a horse for me right now.

Now, we won't need g*ns.

It's only a kid.

You boys block the trail, I'll jump him.

Go on.

[intense music]

[horse neighs]

- Let me go!


Let me go!

[horse neighs]

Let me go!


[horse neighing]

Let me go!

- Calm down, I just want your horse.

- Run, Champ!


Run, Champ, run.

[horse neighs]

[horse neighing]

You let me go.

- I will, as soon as I
get to ride that stallion.

- He wouldn't let you.

- Oh come on, boy.

You've been ridin' him,

you've been ridin' him bareback.

You can sure make 'em behave for me.

- No!

[horse grunts]

- You told him to run,
you can call him back.

- I won't.

- Bledsoe, I'm givin' this mule-headed kid

two minutes to change his mind.

If he doesn't, you put
a b*llet right between

that stallion's eyes.

- You, you wouldn't k*ll 'em.

What good would a dead horse do you?

- Kid, I'm just naturally mean.

If I can't have what I want,

I make sure nobody else
can have it, either.

[ominous music]

- I'll try.

Champ, come down here.

[horse neighs]

- You got a b*at on 'em, Bledsoe?

- Hit him anytime you say, Jake.

- Good.

- Champ, it's for your own good.

[horse neighing]

[horse neighs]

- It's Champ, over in the rocks somewhere.

- Come on down here, please.

- That's better.

Get the saddle off that pinto.

- Champ.

You'd better do what they tell you.

- Kid, now you're makin' sense.

[horse neighs]

[intense music]

[horse neighing]



[horse neighing]

[g*n bangs]

[horse neighing]

- You all right, Wilbur?

[man grunting]




[dog growls]

[dog barks]

[dog growling]


[horse neighing]

[dog growling]

Here, you get off of 'em.

Get off.

[dog growling]

- Good work, Doc.

- Rebel, you're all right now, Rebel.

[dog barking]

- Wilbur got kinda busted up,

but, what's this?

Look, he did have the
diamonds inside of him.

- Okay, get up.

You too.

Both you jappers, line up over there.

Here, what's this?

- I sent 'em with a message for you.

- Well, it's a little late, Rebel,

but I'm glad you finally got here.

[soft music]

There ought to be a pretty good reward

for findin' those jewels, Doc.

- Shucks, he was just lucky.

It was me that had 'em.

And Ricky deserves the reward.

If he hadn't found us, well,
I shudder to think of it.

- The only reward I want is,

I wish I could throw my voice.

And then Rebel and Champ could talk to me.

- What do you mean?

I can talk right now.

And I can talk just as good as any dog.


- Well, goodbye, folks.

- Bye, Doc.
- Bye, Doc.

- See you again.

- Goodbye, Wilbur.

[upbeat music]

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time'll come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion the Wonder Horse ♪