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01x07 - Canyon of Wanted Men

Posted: 03/09/24 21:04
by bunniefuu
♪Champion The Wonder horse ♪

♪ Champion The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of Lighting
flashing cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whistlin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about him
every where you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion ♪

♪ The Wonder horse ♪

[dramatic music]

- I wonder what Lorna
Brighton is like now.

- We'll find out as soon
as we meet the stagecoach.

- She was pretty good for
a girl, when she was a kid.

- Well, she's still a kid

and probably as nice as she ever was.

'Course five years in a
Philadelphia school are bound

to have changed her some.

- Yeah.

You'll have to stay home today, Rebel.

No room for you.

We're gonna have passengers
and baggage and stuff.

Go on, now.

[gentle music]

[intense dramatic music]

- [Slaughter] There they are,
right where we want them.

If we spook 'em from here,

they'll have to stampede
on Brighton's land.

- [Thug] Yeah, some homecoming
he'll have with his fences

all down and pasture all chewed up.

[g*ns firing]

[intense dramatic music]

That stallion!

It looks like he's heading them
back into their own valley!

- [Slaughter] Let him try.

With this noise scaring
'em, he hasn't got a chance.

[g*ns firing]

[horse whinnying]

[hooves thundering]

Why, that blasted stallion!

He's turning 'em after all!

[intense dramatic music]

[g*ns firing]

- Wonder what all the
sh**ting's about, Uncle Sandy.

- I don't know.

Maybe we ought to find out.

[g*ns firing]



[ominous music]

[g*ns firing]

Hey, what are you doing up there?

What's all the sh**ting about?

Hold the team.

- [Ricky] All right.

- Those wild horses,
they busted loose again.

It's a good thing we were up
there where we could see them.

- Yeah, they were spreading
all over the Brighton place

when we stopped them.

- Well, North, now maybe
you'll sign a petition

and let us round up them
pests before they go over

and ruin your field.

- How is it that you two are the only ones

who ever see the horses
up to any mischief?

- You can go up there and
see for yourself, can't you?

- Yeah, I could, but how do
I know what they were doing

before I got here?

All I know is what I hear from you two.

- Sure, swinging on him
then almost drilling him?

That's all we need to lose the 10,000

we expect to get for them horses.

- With him out of the way,
you'd get your petition signed.

Ain't he the one that's
been messing up your deal?

- Yeah, with all the land North owns,

I need his signature.

I've never yet got anything
signed from a dead man.

Come on, let's pick up our g*ns.

- Well, we made it.

Thank you, driver!

- Wally, how are you?

It's good to see you.

- Well, Sandy, mighty
nice of you to pick me up

and after five weeks in Philadelphia,

I can sure appreciate home again.

Oh, Lorna, you remember Mr. North?

- How very nice seeing
you again, Mr. North.

- You remember Ricky, don't you, Lorna?

- I'm afraid I was only
a child when I left here.

- Howdy!

- How do you do, Ricky?

- I mean, how do you do?

- Well, I'm sure grateful
Lorna's grandmother

sent her back East and put
her in school but you know,

she's become such a little lady now,

she sort of scares me.

- Well, a few weeks back on the
ranch will cure her of that.

- Get down, Rebel.

- Wally, while you've been
gone, some trouble has blown up.

- Oh, what kind of trouble?

- Why don't you stop at the ranch

for lunch and I'll tell you.

- Anything you say.

- [Lorna] Oh!

- [Ricky] What's the matter?

- Now you're holding up the parade, Lorna.

- [Lorna] But, Daddy,
that seat's all dirty and

I'm wearing my new dress
from Strawbridge's and--

- [Sandy] She's right, Ricky.

It's covered with dust.

[dramatic music]

That's fine, Ricky.

- Okay, Uncle Sandy.

- Oh!

- [Wally] So, what's
this about wild horses?

- Well, right after you left,

a couple of hard-case gents
showed up with a petition,

asking the Federal agents
to give them permission

to round up the whole herd

and they got some of
the ranchers to sign it.

- That's a new one.


- Well, it looks like the
horses have been getting

off government land, breaking fences

and grazing on private pasture.

- That would be reason enough.

Why do you say "looks like"?

- Well, you know how
they never did it before,

how Champ has always kept
them in their own canyon.

- Yeah, but there's always a first time

and wild horses are not
the cattleman's friend

when they start eating on his feed.

- Well, I have an idea these
two might be behind it,

but I can't get any proof.

- What do you want me to do about it?

- They'll come to you with the petition.

Don't sign it, will you?

- Well, not unless I'm sure.

But, Sandy, you're not being influenced

by Ricky's feelings about Champ, are you?

- You know better than that.

- And I'll say it again,
Champ can beat any horse,

any distance, and with
a 100-yards head-start.

- Prove it, I dare you.

- I would, if I had somebody
to race him against.

- You would?

Well, then, what about racing me?

- Hm, race a girl?

- It so happens, Mr. North,
that this girl rides well enough

to have won two blue ribbons

at the Chestnut Hill Horse
Show in Philadelphia.

- Well, we're not in Philadelphia.

- Let's not get off the subject.

Are you gonna race me?

- How can you race?

You got on that fancy dress.

- I have a riding habit in my
suitcase on your buckboard,

and if you give me a good
horse, and I mean a good one,

I'd like to see what Mr.
Champion can really do.

- All right.

I'll get Uncle Sandy's quarter horse,

and he won five blue ribbons.

Rebel, go fetch Champion.

Go on, boy.

[dog barking]

- Heavens, I never thought.

I ride side-saddle.

- You can't get out of it that way.

- I'm not trying to get out of it.

- Because we've got a side-saddle.

It belonged to my grandma.

- In that case, you've
as good as lost the race.

- That's what you think.

I'll give you 100-yards head-start.

Remember where it is?

- Dead Man's Point?

Oh, yes, it's over there.

- That's it.

I'll go get Uncle Sandy's horse.

[bright music]

[laughing] I just can't get
over those dude clothes!

- You're being very rude.

Well, help me up, if you know how.

And where's the great Champion?

[dog barking]

- Here he comes!

[horse whinnying]

Hi, Champ.

We're gonna show somebody
what a real horse is.

- Well, are we gonna race or not?

- I'll say we are.

We've got to get out by
Dead Man's Point first.

- Hey, what's going on out here?

- [Ricky] I'm just showing Lorna

that Champ can beat any horse, any time.

- Well, in that case, I've got an idea.

Wally, why don't you take the
buckboard over to your place.

Lorna and Ricky can ride over there

when they finish the race.

I'll meet them later
and bring the rig back.

- That's a deal and you
can stay for supper.

- Ricky, I want to talk to you.

Ricky, I hope you're not
intending to win this race.

- Boy, and how I'm intending!

Even with the head-start I'm giving her.

- Son, you might just well
learn this now as later.

She's a guest and a lady

and gentlemen don't win from ladies.

- Aw, Uncle Sandy!

- Look, Ricky, do as I say and
when you're through playing,

meet me over at Mr. Brighton's.

- Yes, Sir.

Come on, Champ.

[bright music]

[dog barking]

- There's Dead Man's Point, over there!

- I can see it.

- Whenever you're ready,
just give me a signal.

Take as much start as you want.

- Thank you, but I won't need it.

- [sighs] We know darn
well she won't need it.

Rebel, now this is a race.

And you stay here until I call you.

[upbeat music]
[hooves thundering]

Gosh, Champion.

It wasn't my idea to let her win.

But Uncle Sandy told me
we couldn't beat her.

She's supposed to be a lady
and ladies are supposed to win,

but we could have beaten the
pants, I mean, skirt off her.

- I heard that!

I think you're horrid and impossible!

Patronizing me?

Letting me win?

- Lorna, wait, I!

Oh, now honest, you do
something you're supposed to do

and girls, well, they act like girls.

Come on, Champ.

If that's all the thanks
we get for being gentlemen,

let her get home herself.

[dramatic music]

Looks like Uncle Sandy might be wrong!

It must have been your herd
that broke through here.

That's funny.

Some of those horses were shod,

and wild horses don't wear shoes.

[horse nickering]


[suspenseful music]

Mr. Brighton ought to know about this!

Let's catch up with Lorna.

Rebel, here, Rebel!

[dog barking]

[dramatic music]

- Whoa.

Get up.


- [Slaughter] Well.

Howdy, Mr. Brighton.

- Who are you?

- My name's Slaughter.

I want to talk to you
about those wild horses.

- Are you the fellows with the petition?

- Why, yes.

- Well, let's have it.

I don't have to be argued into signing it.

- Sure glad you see it
our way, Mr. Brighton.

- I'm seeing it my way.

My fence is down, my pasture
cut up and grazed to the roots.

- That's what's going on all over

and everybody knows it but Mr. North.

He seems to be stone blind.

- You leave this with me.

He's coming here for supper.

I'll make him see the light.

I'll get his name signed right under mine.

- What I've seen of Mr. North,

that's liable to be quite a chore.

- When I tell him what's happened to me,

he'll sign or I'll know the reason why!

- Well, looks like our troubles are over.

With North's name on
that petition, we're set.

- We haven't got North's name yet.

- After what Brighton said--

- I heard what he said.

But, North's nobody's fool.

He's suspicious and he's sore.

[suspenseful music]

- I don't see Lorna around anywhere,

and this is the only way
back to the Brighton ranch.

Champ, I got a feeling she's
gone and got herself lost.

[dog barking]

Maybe we'd better split up.

Rebel, you go that way and look for Lorna!

[dog barking]

[gentle music]
[hooves thudding]

- Hey, Sandy, I'm over here!

- [Sandy] Aren't the kids back yet?

- Don't worry about them.

They'll be all right, but I
want to talk to you about this.

- Fast workers, those two.

They got to you already.

How come they left that thing with you?

- I asked them to.

I said I'd get you to sign it.

- Wally, are you serious?

If I was convinced that was right,

I'd have signed it weeks ago.

- Well, maybe if you'd seen what I saw,

my fences, my grazing,
you'd change your mind.

- I would, if I was sure no
one had drive then horses there

just to make it look bad for them.

- If you were sure?

The fact that I'm sure

and other neighbors are means nothing?

- Wally, don't go blaming me

because your grass has been ruined.

- I'm only blaming those mangy horses

you keep sticking up for while
my cattle are gonna starve

on account of them.

- Look, Wally, we've been
friends a long time--

- You're sure not acting
like a friend now,

stalling and saying you
won't sign this petition.

- Will that mean I'm a friend?

- You said it, I didn't,

but that's about what it stacks up to me.

- All right, Wally, I'll
tell you what I'll do.

If by tomorrow night, I can't prove to you

and everyone else in this valley

those horses were driven there,

I'll sign that petition,
but not until then.

- [Wally] Stubborn as a mule, aren't ya?

- Yeah, if you want to call it that.

But, right now, I'm
worried about the kids.

I'll leave the buckboard
here and go look for 'em.

You ought to do the same thing.

[suspenseful music]

- Never saw no girl in
clothes like that before.

- Those are Eastern clothes.

Must be the Brighton girl.

- Looks like she's lost.

- Yeah, and if she got good and lost,

it would be a cinch to
get North's signature.

- She's not his daughter.

She's Brighton's.

- Yeah, but they're pals, ain't they?

Look, we take the girl
down to the old mine shack,

then we go to North and her father.

If North won't sign, then
we'll crack the whip.

Come on!


[suspenseful music]

Howdy, Miss.

You lost?

- Yes, but I wouldn't be if

it hadn't been for that Ricky North.

Do you know him?

- Sure, we do.

We're friends of his
uncle's and your dad's, too.

You look kind of tired

and we're pretty far from the two ranches.

We've got a place where you
could rest while we go for help.

- Why don't you just find Ricky?

- In all these hills?

He could be any place.

No, you come with us.

It will be the best place.

[suspenseful music]

[hooves thudding]

- That's North's kid, all right.

- Yeah, and the way he's going,

he'll run smack into the shack
before we can get to North.

- You got any ideas?

- Got to get him away
from where he's heading.

I know.

We'll throw a couple of sh*ts

and then take off like there's trouble.

He'll probably come like a
fox after a rabbit to find out

and we'll draw him away from the shack.

[g*ns firing]

[dramatic music]

- That looks like the pair

that jumped Uncle Sandy this morning.

Come on, Champ.

We'd better get after them.

[g*ns firing]

[dog barking]

[horse whinnying]

Champ, it looks like Rebel's found

something he wants us to see.

[dog barking]

[suspenseful music]

- Wonder what happened to the kid.

I saw him turn and start following us.

- Well, he sure ain't trailing us now.

You think he spotted the shack
somehow and rode up there?

- I don't know, but if he did,

all I can say is we'd
better get there first.

Come on, hiyah!

[suspenseful music]

- Ricky!

- Lorna, how did you get way up here?

- I got lost and two men found
me and brought me up here.

- Two men?

I bet I know who they are.

We'd better get out of here, fast.

- But they took my horse!

- Oh, gee, and you could
never walk that far.

- Walk, well?

[hooves thudding]

[dramatic music]

We'd better get out of here.

- It's too late to run.

Just don't act scared.

- Howdy, son.

Did you get yourself lost, too?

- You leave us alone.

- Why, that's a way to talk
when we're aiming to help you.

- If you're trying to help us,

what did you do with my horse?

- He got away.

We came back here looking for him.

Why don't you two go inside
while we go for help?

- We won't!

- We're not going to hurt you.

On the level.

You two stay here and we'll ride down

and get your Uncle Sandy.

- You'll get Uncle Sandy?

- Why, sure!

- Well, just as long
as you get Uncle Sandy.

[suspenseful music]

- You just make yourselves comfortable.

We'll be back in no time.

- We'll wait a while,

but if you're not back soon, we'll walk.

- Now don't you worry.

We won't be long.

- You certainly got us
into a fine dilemma,

if you know what I mean.

If we only had a g*n or something

we could defend ourselves with,

if they don't do what they say.

- Yeah.

All I've got is this.

- That's a fine help.

- Well, if they got tough,
I might sock 'em with it.

- You take care but keep out of sight.

That boy might get ideas.

I'll ride down and if
North ain't signed up yet,

he will when I'm through.

[dramatic music]

Look out!

[horse whinnying]

[dramatic music]
[dog barking]

[horse whinnying]

- Doggone that horse!

[dog barking]

- [Ansco] Here comes the kid's uncle!

- Cover him through the window.

Hey, North!

Did Brighton get you
to sign that petition?

- No, and he never will.

- Well, we've got the kids up here

and if we don't need to hurt them,

it's a lot less dangerous

to sign a piece of
paper than use your g*n.

- Rebel!

Come here, come here.

Come here, come here.

Don't let anybody get out of that house.

- He going around the house.

Cover the back.

[Sandy whistling]

[hooves thudding]

[horse whinnying]

- He's up to something.

He's out of sight.

[dramatic music]

- Watch!

[rock thudding]


[rock thudding]

[suspenseful music]

- [Wally] And you found this on my land?

- Yes, right by the broken fence,

and it fits Faro's horse, too.

- So, that's the proof.

- That's right.

It proves they were driving
the wild herd on my land.

Well, thanks for finding the kids

and thanks for straightening me out.

- Oh, you'd have seen it yourself.

- Maybe, but it taught me one thing.

I'll never lose my temper again.

- Will you sign a statement
to that, Father dear,

instead of a petition?

[all laughing]

♪ Champion The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak of lightning
flashing cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come when
everyone will know the name of ♪

♪ Champion The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion The Wonder Horse ♪