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01x13 - The Stone Heart

Posted: 03/09/24 21:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

[horse whinnying]

♪ Like a streak of lightnin'
flashin' across the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll hear about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time will come
when everyone will know ♪

♪ The name of Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

[dramatic orchestral music]

[pensive music]

- Kenyon, get back.

[expl*si*n booming]
[dramatic music]

[siren wailing]

All right Kenyon, get into these quick.

- Carter, Raine, what's the idea?

- You're free Paul, that's what.

Now get outta those prison clothes.

- No!

Look, my time's almost up.

I didn't ask you guys to spring me.

I'm going back.

- You try that and I'll--
- Its all right.

It's up to you.

Think what'll happen to your sister.

- What do you mean my sister?

- Like I said, it's up to you.

[contemplative music]

[hooves clattering]

[suspenseful music]

- What're we gonna do?

- We're goin' in and get
those engraving plates.

Just like we started out to do.

Now nobody's gonna get hurt

if she watches her step
and you watch yours.

- It's OK, she's asleep.

[pensive music]


Put the tray back like it was.

- I'll take it.

[hooves clattering]

[frogs croaking]

[suspenseful music]

[g*nf*re booming]

- What happened?

- I woke up just in time to see him

burnin' those bills he made
before he went to jail.

- Is he done for?

- Not yet, he won't last long.

- We're better off rid of him.

As long as we've got the plates

we can print up plenty
more counterfeit money.

- Yeah, wait a minute.

They're gone!

- They're not on him.

- He must've ditched 'em someplace.

- Well he couldn't have
gotten far with them.

- Listen, a rider.

[hooves clattering]

- We gotta get outta here.
- Come on.

[dramatic music]

[horse whinnying]

[hooves clattering]

- Come on Rebel.

I'm sorry I'm late Uncle Sandy.

- It's all right, I just got in myself.

- What's the matter?

- You I've told you about
Paul and Letty Kenyon?

Well Paul broke jail yesterday.

- Well if he did that he's
really in trouble now.

- Yeah and there's no real reason

why he shoulda been in the first place.

The boy just got in
with the wrong company.

- Paper says he'd a been
out in a little while.

Now why'd he do that?

- There's no telling.

One thing I am sure of though,

this is gonna hit Letty pretty
hard and she's a fine girl.

Think I'll ride down there in the morning

and see how she is.

- "The jailbreak was
apparently the work of two men

"who used dynamite to
free Kenyon from his cell.

"Deputies found the trail of three horses

"but were unable to follow it

"once the fugitives got
into rocky hill country."

Rocky hill country.

That's sounds as if it
might be around here.

- Fear it might.

So maybe you better be careful

when you're out on Champ
for the next few days.

Let's go rustle up some grub.

[gentle music]

[hooves clattering]

[horse whinnying]

- What's up Champ?

[horse whinnying]

We better find out Rebel.

[Rebel barking]

[ominous music]

Somebody's been camping here, that's all.

What's that?


Somebody's been burning money.

Wonder why they'd do that.

Better show Uncle Sandy.

[Rebel barking]

Stay here Champ.
[Rebel barking]

Gosh, it's a dead man.

Nope, no he isn't dead, but almost.

[dramatic music]

Here Mister.

- Thank you son.

- Gosh, you're sure wounded bad.

I'll get help right away.

- No, you can't tell
anyone you've seen me.

- I can't?

- Look son, if you don't
help me get away from here

those men who shot me'll
come back and k*ll me.

- Gosh, but I oughta get someone.

- No, not yet.

Look, is there anyplace
I could hide around here?

- Well, there's an old
mine shack, not far.

Nobody lives there but you'd
have to get there on my pony.

- I'll do it somehow.

- I guess you just about
saved a man's life Champ.

[horse whinnying]

Stay here, I'll need ya.

[suspenseful music]

- Whoever came last
night musta taken Kenyon,

or what's left of him.

We've covered every place else.

Those plates have gotta
be around here somewhere.

- Hey look at that.

- It looks like Kenyon
headed out this way.

- Well he couldn't get away by himself,

he must've had help.

- He did have.

Look at these tracks.

- Pretty small.

You think they're a woman's?

- More like a kid.

Look, here's dog tracks.

- Kenyon's still alive

we've got a chance to get those plates.

- And if he's still alive he'll
try to contact his sister.

That means we've gotta contact her first.

- Yeah, but we can't go ridin' around

without folks askin' questions.

- We'll be the ones that'll
be askin' questions.

We got badges in my saddlebag haven't we?

[pensive music]

- So now I'm Paul Kenyon, escaped convict

because Raine and Carter
forced me to break jail,

threatening my sister.

- But if you tell the sheriff.

- I'd like to Ricky, believe me,

but I can't yet.

I've got to protect Letty.

You see, if Raine and
Carter think I'm dead,

then Letty's safe.

But if you tell anybody,
even the law that I'm alive,

it might mean my sister's life.

- I'll go home and get some
medicine for ya and bandages.

And you oughta have somethin' to eat.

- Look Ricky, don't tell
anybody that you've seen me.

For my sister's sake.

- Well, seeing that you're ready
to give yourself up anyway.

- I will Ricky.

Look, don't even tell Letty.

You won't be sorry, I promise ya.

- All right.

Come on Rebel.

Thanks Champ.
[horse whinnying]

And I won't need ya anymore, go home.

[hooves clattering]
[bright music]

[contemplative music]

Come on Rebel.

[suspenseful music]
[hooves clattering]

- Hello, you must be Ricky.

- Sister.

- His sister?

- I mean--

- Ricky, what's the matter with you?

And why don't you shake
hands with Mrs. Kenyon?

- Well my hands are kinda dirty.

- Kind of dirty?

Well that's putting it mildly.

I suppose you've got it all, what's this?

- I found that in a
campfire up in the hills.

- You found money in a campfire?

- Yeah, it looked like
somebody was tryin' to burn it.

- Must have something to
do with Paul and those men.

- Yeah that'd be my guess.

And if the money is--
- Counterfeit?

- Yeah.

- What are you going to do about it Sandy?

- Well I have to ride in report
this to the sheriff Letty.

Then if this money is counterfeit

Ricky'll have to show
us where the campfire is

and we can start tracking from there.

- I know you have to do it Sandy,

but if only I could find Paul first,

I know I could get him to surrender.

- Letty, this can't wait.

- I know, go ahead, I'll stay here.

- You and Rebel stay here
with Mrs. Kenyon, Ricky.

- I'm kinda hungry.

I guess I'll fix myself
somethin' to eat in the kitchen.

You care for anything?

- No thank you Ricky.

[contemplative music]

Ricky what?

Bandages, and these medicines?

Ricky is someone hurt?

- It's just that--

- The burned money,

the way you were so surprised to see me.

Ricky you're holding something
back about Paul aren't you?

- I can't say anything, promised.

- But I'm his sister.

Is is Paul that's hurt?

[hooves clattering]
- Somebody's comin'.

And it can't be Uncle Sandy yet.

- It's two deputies.

I saw that big man once,

talking to Paul before he went to jail.

- Well maybe it's Raine and Carter.

- You know those names.

Then you did see Paul.

- If that's who they are,

we can't let 'em know you're here.

Come on!

[dramatic music]

Rebel, come here!


- Hello.
- Hello kid,

we're deputy marshals.

- We're lookin' for that
convict fella Paul Kenyon

that broke jail.

- [Ricky] Oh yeah, I read about him.

- We wanted to ask his
sister some questions.

Over at her place they said
she was at Sandy North's.

- Well Sandy's my uncle,
but he's not here.

- Oh, where is he?

- In town, but he'll be back soon.

- We musta got here ahead of him.

- Is your uncle bringing the
girl back with 'cause em?

- No, he's bringing' the sheriff.

- The sheriff, why the sheriff?

- It had something to do
with that escaped convict.

Maybe you oughta wait
and talk to the sheriff.

- [Raine] And we're workin' outta

the US Marshalls Office son
so we better be pushin' along.

- [Ricky] I'll tell the
sheriff you were here.

- Yeah, sure, why not?

[door clanging]

Those tracks at the camp.

A kid and a dog.

I'm goin' back in and see if that kid's

been holdin' out on us about Kenyon

- With the sheriff on his way?

No matter what the kid knows
it ain't worth takin' a chance.

Come on.

[suspenseful music]

[hooves clattering]

- They've gone, and I'm sure
it was Raine and Carter.

- Ricky you simply have
to tell me what you know.

Paul's hurt isn't he?
- Pretty bad.

- Then take me to him, you must.

- I promised I wouldn't even tell you

because it wouldn't be safe for you.

- You didn't tell me, I guess it.

If he's safe where he is then
I would be too, wouldn't I?

Ricky, Paul needs help now,

more help than you can give him alone.

- I guess you're right.

Rebel, go get Champ.

[Rebel barking]

I'll get some supplies and
when Champ comes I'll ride him.

You can have my pony.

[suspenseful music]

[hooves clattering]

Mr. Kenyon, it's me, Ricky.

- Paul!
- Letty!

Ricky, you promised.

- It's not his fault, I made him tell me.

I'm glad you're here Letty, I, I...

- Ricky start a fire.

I'll need lots of hot water.

[dramatic music]
[hooves clattering]

- So after I hid the
plates I burned the money.

That's when Raine shot me.

- [Ricky] Now you could go down

and surrender to the sheriff couldn't you?

- Not until I get those plates.

I have to have those

or nobody'll believe that
I'm tryin' to go straight.

- Tell me where they are, I'll get them.

- No Letty, that's no job for a girl.

- But Champ and I could do it.

- Maybe.

If you didn't run into Raine or Carter--

- Well even if I did they
could never catch me on Champ.

- Well I don't know.
- It's our only chance.

But Ricky are you sure.

- Well I could do it, honest.

- Ricky, you remember that water hole

near the camp where you found me?

- I know where.

- Well right at the edge of the water

there's a heart shaped rock.

[dynamic music]

- All right, back where we started from.

- And the more I think of it

the surer I am that Kenyon
must've stashed those plates

somewhere around here.

[hooves clattering]

[dramatic music]

I got a hunch that kid's the answer.

[pensive music]

- A heart shaped rock.


- All right kid, give me those plates.

[Rebel barking and growling]

[Rebel yelping]

Let's get that kid!

[dramatic music]

- Keep runnin' Champ, make 'em follow you.

[hooves clattering]
[tense music]

- Straight ahead.

- Rebel?

Rebel where are ya?

[hooves clattering]

- The kid's tricked us.

We've been followin' the horse.

Let's double back, we can
pick up the kid's track.

[horse whinnying]

[hooves clattering]

- That's funny, Ricky's
pony's gone Sheriff.

They must be inside.

[pensive music]

Ricky, Letty?

[ominous music]

They're gone Sheriff, and
after I told 'em to wait.

- They might've gone
back to that campfire.

We better high-tail it up there!

[hooves clattering]

[dramatic music]

- Hold it a minute Sheriff.

Rebel, he's hurt.

He's got a cactus thorn in his paw.

Hold still now old fellow

we can get it outta
there in just a second.

There you are, you oughta
be as good as new now, OK?

[Rebel barking]

- What's the matter with him now?

- [Sandy] He wants us to follow him.

[ominous music]

- These are the plates
that sent me to prison.

- Would be a relief when
they're turned in a destroyed.

- Destroyed, now that'd be a shame.

Those plates are works of art.

- You never let go do you?

- You know somethin', you're hard to k*ll.

I thought sure I'd finished you off.

- They all right?

- Yeah, we got what we came for.

Let's get out of here.

[ominous music]

[horse whinnying]

- Get 'em Champ!

[horse whinnying]

- Drop that g*n!

[g*nf*re booming]

[Rebel growling]
[horse whinnying]

- Get this dog off of me!

- [Sheriff] Back Champ.

- Good going Uncle Sandy.

Sheriff, he has the plates in his shirt.

- Now that we have these plates

as evidence against these two,

and because you helped get them.

- You mean you're gonna give me a break?

- 'Course you'll have to serve
out the rest of your term

but I think I can persuade
them to forget the jailbreak.

- Oh Paul.

- It hadn't been for Ricky here well I--

- Oh, it was really Champ that did it.

[horse whinnying]

She found ya.

- Come on you two, on your horses.

[Rebel barking]

- What's the matter with Rebel?

- I think he's jealous.

[Rebel barking]

- Cut it out Rebel, we
all know you helped too.

- You bet he did.

It took teamwork to do it.

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Like a streak a lightnin'
flashin' cross the sky ♪

♪ Like the swiftest arrow
whizzin' from a bow ♪

♪ Like a mighty cannonball
he seems to fly ♪

♪ You'll here about
him everywhere you go ♪

♪ The time'll come when
everyone'll know the name of ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪

♪ Champion, The Wonder Horse ♪