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01x24 - Brand of the Lawless

Posted: 03/09/24 21:23
by bunniefuu

sorrow whizzing from a bow

like a mighty cannon ball he seems to

fly you'll hear about him everywhere you


the time will come when everyone will

know the name of the

champion one knows






all right lance yeah he ain't taking

anybody to no federal prison he's got

the key on him


well that's right


hello i'll expect us to try for the

border so we'll fool him and head for

the west we can knock off that bank at

wagon mound i got a better idea lance

it's near and not so risky yeah what's

that long time ago you told me about

your sister

changed her name to winners didn't she

if your ideas got anything to do with

belle forget it she turned against me

and my brothers when we got in trouble

with the law and she ain't gonna change

yeah but there's something new

she's marrying money a jasper called

tremholt who struck it rich in oil


the stage is coming into the ranch





let's find out

hey ricky sanders howdy hello

say what's the matter with youtube

mr hull

what's tram i didn't recognize you

without your chin piece and that fancy

outfit fooled me yeah well i don't blame

you see in the city they told me that

now that i got rich off of the oil off

my ranch that i oughta look like a man

of means well you do tram you're coming

back to stay i hope so

i'm going to get married

well congratulations sure mr hall well

don't look at me i ain't the one that's

marrying him


this is her

miss bill winters well howdy ma'am and

welcome hello

trans told me all about you of course

and you too ricky yeah and about how if

it hadn't been for you two i might never

have found that oil on my ranch i might

even been in jail

well that's all over now why don't you

and miss winters come in the house sure

come on in well you see i've kind of

bribed the driver to come here out of

his way and i don't want to keep him

waiting we can drive you into town if

you want to go later sure we'll get your

baggage unloaded no i'll take care of



i've been so anxious to meet all of you

since trim told me about what you did

for him anybody would have done it

hey i'm a boy thanks showing off with

all that money

uh listen lady

it could be that you just jealous


without your money you don't amount to


find out the money is what she's

marrying you for but that's not true

don't let it bother you

if you wasn't a female i'd


and after me and bill and marin

we're going to buy a small ranch in

these parts and settle down

yep tram when is the wedding going to be

and where well sandy you and ricky my

best friends and i kind of hope that you

wouldn't mind having it take place here

and would you be our best man i'd be

saliva good how soon can you fix it well

that all depends on the person i'll have

to see him later well that sure is the

load off my chest you'll find me at the

hotel and belle is going to put up at

the winter jones uncle sandy why can't

they stay here we got plenty of room for

sure well thank you very much mr north

that's very kind of you but you will

stay as best man i am says

what that must be ken

you know about him well i certainly do

tram hasn't been exactly silent about

you and your animals do you like horses

oh it's more than that i've ridden them

and loved them all my life

i like this better than any other

present i ever got

his champ

mr holt carved it for me

oh my he must be a beautiful animal

come on outside and see for yourself and

sweaters all right


you think you and rick and bill are

going to get along good from what i've

seen of miss winters tram anybody get

along with her sandy i'm sure glad to

hear you say that she's a real fine girl

wow bye chance

well i am very pleased to meet you champ

quiet rebel his chance turned to get


oh ricky you're so fortunate to have

animals like chant and

rebel as friends

and they are friends aren't they

just like people


the camp liking you so much


nothing i mean i can't tell you right

now i'm gonna fix a surprise for you you

don't have to do that i want to misspell

i'll tell you what you take a little

walk and look around i've got some

things to do

all right if you insist


you're gonna help me get your wedding

present for miss winners come on champ


all i want to live for now is to make

belle happy

i've got a feeling she never has been

what makes you think so

you never have said anything

but i can tell well you can both make up

for it now

i guess i better head for town and see

if i can't make a deal with the person

oh say sandy

while you're over there would you stop

in at wells fargo and see if my special

present for bill has arrived sure

be glad to it's a diamond necklace

sent all the way to chicago for it sam i

think belle's a pretty lucky gal



you find my darling sister no but i

don't know where she is sandy north's

place not too far that's good make it

easier to invite her up here i also

found out that we better get across the

border pronto every law officer for 100

miles around is looking for you and

account of that marshall


it looks like i'll have to separate bell

from a good chunk of money

give me some paper


there she is

let's go down and get her come on champ


hey stop


come on


i can't imagine what ricky's surprise is

going to be well i can't either but it's

got four legs but it ain't an elephant

don't let her peek mr hulk

here we come

come on


now you can open your eyes

oh ricky she's beautiful


can i really have her as if she were my

very own well she is yours isn't she



champ say yes

good boy

want to go for a ride now

well yes but

first i want to say thank you ricky

oh it's fun doing things for people like

well like you


hi everything all right with the mayor

wonderful how about that parliament well

he can't make it tomorrow so i set it up

to 3 30 friday

i don't like to be kept waiting but

can't be helped the parsons burying the

us marshall from rock band tomorrow he

got k*lled when lions ward escaped

and murdering ward coolest blood K*llers

in the west

well it's only a matter of time until

lance is in jail for good like his

brothers you want to go for right now

miss bill

oh no dear not right now maybe tomorrow

don't you feel good sweetheart

i'm all right it's just we had such a

long ride on that stage and i'm very

tired well you better rest today you can

ride tomorrow sure i'll settle up the

mirror first thing and then i'll get

champ and we'll go for a real ride

thanks ricky now don't you worry about



you come by the wells fargo yeah the

nexus isn't here yet maybe tomorrow well

it better come before the wedding if it

don't make him pay me back my fifteen

thousand dollars fifteen thousand that's

what it cost

nothing too good for belle


i want to see you at old line shack by

thunder rock

take north fork a long wash

it wouldn't be healthy to tell anybody

else lance


she got up early and didn't want to bust

into your sleep she take the mayor yeah

i'll help her side left

i want her to ride with her

rebel and i'll get chat and see if we

can find her that's a good idea


and you never was a good sister to me or

ed and jack

i'm giving you a chance to make up for

it lance i did everything i could to

keep you boys from getting into trouble


when we did get in trouble you should

have stood by it i didn't you know it

till i realized you didn't want my help

well i do now's this

i need money and you're marrying a rich


i'll never ask tram for a penny to help

you never

how did he like it if he found out that

your name ain't winters that's your

sister to the ward brothers

rather than have that i'll tell him

myself you're kind of reckless ain't you

something could happen to trim

you wouldn't what wouldn't i

well what i said still goes but i won't

ask trem for the money

i've got a little bit myself

i don't care whose it is as long as it's

enough and quick well i can't get it

till tomorrow

if you try any tricks but don't you try

any don't forget i was raised with

outlaws i've learned a few lessons



yes quiet rebel good job


quiet rebels




what's the matter

i can't tell you ricky it's something

personal well maybe i could help you

yes you can if you'll please not say

anything to mr hold or your uncle about

this for sure but i know it seems

strange that i should be crying when i

should be so happy about the wedding and

all but

but you just have to trust me

everything's gonna work out all right

okay miss bill i won't say a word

but remember i'll help all i can

thanks ricky now let's go home


good for a thousand dollars at any wells

fargo office miss winners you want all

of it yes if you please

all right that's right here


you must be fixing to get trem a pretty

good surprise for your wedding day not

that he needs anything that money can

buy you know trem yes known him for

years he used to be pretty honorable

but nice to fella never lived that's

exactly why i'm marrying him and i'd

like you to come to the wedding this

afternoon well it'll be my pleasure

thousand dollars

oh a package came today on the noon

stage from chicago for tram do you want

to take it i guess it might as well all



i got it right here yeah here we are

now if you'll sign these two forms for

me will be all set

i imagine this is coming to you anyway

guess i'd better hurry along

yeah so you'll be late for your wedding


it's her

here lance

and if you try to go straight i'll do

everything i can to help you

measly thousand dollars well it's all

i've got

it ain't all trem holtz got you'll never

touch a penny of his money

you ain't going nowhere not even to your

own wedding if you don't listen to


i'm getting weirder and worder

well being a stranger around here trim

she may have just lost her way but

tomorrow find it but why did you ride

alone not even taking ricky

and yesterday she wrote off by herself


howdy bridegroom howdy sandy oh charlie

your girlfriend invited me to the


when did you see belle well i gave her

that package that came for you from


you mean she rode into town

sure it was her wasn't it


something's awful wrong she must have

got in some kind of trouble

uncle sandy i've got to talk to you

about what it's something important very

important all right

excuses mr holt it's something personal


martyrs trains to me she hasn't showed

up yet and apartments do you in a minute

sure funny she was all right when i saw


she could hardly stop crying but she

maybe promised not to tell

but now i think we ought to look around

where i met her

ricky saddle my horse

come on rubble


ricky and i are going to have a look

around we won't be


she was long around here uncle sandy

we better separate and circle around


this i'm just blamed mean enough to

spoil your wedding even if i don't get

anything out of it

you stay here


tucson go out and shut up that broomtail

quiet uh what's the matter with him


you got the wrong name boy it's ward

same as mine i'm her brother

are you lance ward

lance you're not going to do anything to

this boy oh why should i

might like to keep him around for

company for you though

make yourself at home ricky

i don't care about myself anymore but if

you'll let the boy go uh i'll do what

you said how

well there's a package under my saddle

it's a wedding present

must be very valuable

let's have a look you will let ricky go

sure along with you as soon as me and

the boys get across the border

watch him tucson


you tell tram that i meant every word i

ever said to him


aren't you going back miss sweaters

miss ward ricky


get out of here

get out of here


get out of here


stay rubble


out the back way


all right outside



well it looks like we got our hands kind

of full but i'd sure like to know what

happened you just caught yourself and

lance ward that's what


and i'm not going back with you ricky

can explain

she is going back and go sandy she's got



i'm very sorry mr holt i hope everything

comes out all right well i reckon much

to come out i've lost my bride now it

looks like i've lost sandy and ricky too


dale sweetheart


are you ready to go mrs holt anytime you

are mr holt

you know there's just one thing i never

will understand

what's that why this wife of mine was

worried about being one of the wards

it was her i wanted to marry not her




goodbye all



thank right