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01x17 - Sweet Dreams Are Made of Cheese

Posted: 03/10/24 09:23
by bunniefuu
- [whistles] - Come on!

It's picture time!

[upbeat music]

all: ♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ Really Loud house ♪

[all scream]

- Please don't hurt us! - We gotta protect ourselves!

- Well, do you have one that matches my dress?

- How is this supposed to help us?

- Clearly, you don't understand the physics

behind being crushed.

- You're so lucky you can't see this, Lucy.

[all screaming]

- You're probably wondering how all this happened.

The truth is,

the day started just like any other day.

Happy Saturday, people.

- Good morning. - I'm sorry, pumpkin,

but you can't ride the scooter. You're just not big enough to.

It's not a TV, honey.

- Gotta keep that fridge closed.


You're not eating another thing

until you finish this broccoli.

- Broccoli's gross.

- And cold. - Well, it was warm

when I served it to you last night.

- But we don't wanna waste all this delicious cereal

when there's so many hungry people in the world.

- Well, Lisa and Mr. Nibbles can eat it.

[both groan] - Nibbles loves his cereal.

- Mr. Nibbles won't be receiving any tasty rewards

until he successfully completes this week's mouse maze.

- If he does complete it,

it would be a-maze-ing. [laughs]


Because the mouse goes through the maze?

- I love you, sweetheart. - That joke would've been funny

if Mr. Coconuts was here.

Has anyone seen him?

He's been lost for three days.

- Are anybody else's legs cold?

- I'm big.

- You are not big. You are tiny

and persistent and adorable,

and I hope you never grow up.

- Hello? Has anyone seen Mr. Coconuts?

I have a show coming up, and I kind of need him to be funny.

- Yeah, well, he's not in here, I can tell you that.

- Luna--oh, I thought you were going to the studio

to record your toothpaste jingle today.

- I'm thinking about canceling.

When I wrote "You Put the Cap Back On,"

it was about teenage angst,

not Snap On Toothpaste.

- Aw, I love that jingle!

♪ Don't put the cap back on, back on ♪

♪ Cap's gonna snap back on ♪

- I am so proud of you.

- Great song. - Thanks.

- We've raised all you kids

to stand up for what you believe in.

You don't have to do anything you don't wanna do.

- Hmm. - Eat it.

Eat it now. - Ah, superfood.


Gotta brocco-load for the big game.

[overlapping chatter]

- Wow.

How are we the only ones in the family

with nothing to do today?

- I don't know, but we got hours till bedtime

and no plans.

- How long until bedtime?

- Um, hours and minutes.

[horror music]

- Clyde,

I think we've bored ourselves to death.

♪ ♪

- Where is the entrance to the underworld?

♪ ♪

The basement?

- Welcome, fellow mortician club members.

Darkness and snacks await.

This meeting will commence by acknowledging those members

who are sadly not with us.

Gertrude and Morpheus are at their callback

for "Guys and Dolls." Congrats to them both,

and Persephone is at Kumon.

- Is today show-and-tell?

- Dante, for the last time,

it's not called show-and-tell.

It's called share-and-scare.

- This week, I have a phoenix feather.

It possesses the power of levitation--

light as a feather,

stiff as a board,

light as a feather,

stiff-- - Lori tried this at every one

of her sleepovers. It never works.

- [groans] Let's bounce.

- Levitate.

- Clyde, wait!

♪ ♪

- I guess we could stay a little longer.

♪ ♪

- Okay, Boris,

you're up.

- I'm going to tell you a story about my grandfather.

He immigrated to this country

with this wheel of cheese.

♪ ♪

Magic does have a scent,

and also a story.

both: Oof.

- I take you back to the village of Drakovia.

"A heartbroken, widowed cheese maker

"named Heinrich Von Fondue

"poured all his sadness and woe

"into one final

wheel of cheese."

It's too emotional.

I can't read it.

[dramatic music]

- It's okay, Boris.

I got this.

"As legend has it,

"the cheese was made from the milk

"of the mad cow

"that m*rder*d Von Fondue's beloved wife.

"The cow was cleared of all charges.

"But the cheese would live on in infamy.

"For that autumn,

"every villager who ate the cheese

would become magically imbued with super"...

- Super what?

- I don't know.

♪ ♪

- There's a page missing.

[both groan] - Oh, yeah.

I forgot to mention that.

- All right.

That's lunch.

[suspicious music]

♪ ♪

- "Every villager who ate the cheese

"became magically imbued

with super"...

it's gotta be powers.

- From cheese?

- Magic cheese.

Look at this picture. They're all wearing capes.

I'm telling you, Clyde.

If we eat this cheese,

we're gonna get superpowers.

- [sighs] I'm in.

- Yes.

[cheese squelches]

- [sniffs] I'm out.

- Come on, Clyde.

This is our origin story.

We have to overcome something.

Superman's entire home planet blew up,

and all we have to do

is eat a piece of stinky cheese.


It is pretty nasty.

- Why couldn't that guy have been a widowed cake maker?

- Clyde! I've got an idea.

[bell dings]

Clyde's other superpower is baking,

and no one can resist

his famous pumpkin spice cheesecake--

one stick of butter,

a cup of sugar,

another stick of butter,

one egg, cream cheese,

two more sticks of butter,

a can of pumpkin,

a touch of spice,

and last, but not least,

magical cheese.

[angelic music]


- Hey,

my recipe says, "Let stand for minutes,"

and no one messes with my recipe.

Stay in your lane, Loud.

- When I get my superpowers,

I'm not letting you boss me around like this.

- I found the missing page.

- [chuckles]

- "For that autumn,

"every villager who ate the cheese

"became magically imbued with super"...

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


- [shouts] What?

- That can't be right!

- Uh, uh, uh, no, no, no.

[overlapping chatter]

- Hey, it's Clyde's pumpkin spice cheesecake!

- [gasps] - I'm getting some first!

- Ooh, cheesecake. - Dude...

- I'll get the plates. [overlapping chatter]

- Yummy! - Whoo!

[overlapping chatter]

- Let me see that.

I'm sorry. It's supposed to say


- Why would the cheese

give them superpowers?

- Look, they're all wearing capes.

- Those aren't capes.

Those are bedsheets.

The cheese made them sleepy.

- Oh...

- "And after a single bite of cheese,

the villagers fell into a slumber for a hundred years."

- [chuckles] It's a good thing

we didn't eat that. - Give me another slice.

- Save some for me.

- Seconds! - Oh, save some for Mom!

[thunder booms]

- To be continued!

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [snoring]

♪ ♪

- Oh, boy.

♪ ♪

- [snoring]

♪ ♪

- Oh, boy.

♪ ♪

both: Oh, boy.

- Everyone's asleep!

- This is bad.

I'm gonna be the boy who put his family to sleep

for a hundred years.

I'm never gonna see them again.

What are we gonna do?

- Just calm down.

One thing we can't do is panic.

[air horn blares]

[shouts] What are you doing?

- I'm freaking out!

- Okay, we have to calm down.

[air horn blares]

[shouts] Why did you do that?

- I don't know!

Do you have any better ideas than waking them up?

- Uh... - We do.

[thunder booms]

That wasn't for effect.

That was weather-related.

If you hope to pull them from their slumber,

we'll have to enter their unconscious.

- You mean we have to go into their dreams?

- No--

their nightmares.

[thunder booms]

That was for effect.

You'll have till sundown to complete your journey.

- And if we don't get 'em out by sundown,

they'll be trapped in their dreams for a hundred years?

- And so will you.

[air horn blares]

- What is this demon box?

Are there trapped souls in here?

May I borrow it?

all: [vocalizing eerie a cappella music]

♪ ♪

[vocalizing upbeat pop a cappella music]

♪ ♪

- What is happening?

- It's how we warm up.

- Yeah, Lincoln. Respect the process.

[sharp suspenseful tone]

These amulets will allow you to enter their dreams.

Keep them on at all cost,

or else you'll face dire consequences.

all: Pillow's fluff and sleeping snore,

send Lincoln Loud through nightmare's door.

- And Clyde.

all: And Clyde.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

both: He's coming to get us, Lincoln.

- Who?

- The green one.

- [cackles]

♪ ♪

- He's stalking us.

- You guys are afraid of broccoli?

- It's really not so bad with some ranch.

What are we gonna do?

- You already told me what to do.

- How did you get that?

- It's a dream. We can do whatever we want.

[dramatic music]

- A puppy?

- He said, "Whatever we want."

♪ ♪

- [snickering]

♪ ♪

- Cross the streams!

♪ ♪

Yes! [laughter]

[calm music]

♪ ♪

- You're right, Lincoln.

- It's really good.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Lisa! Where are we?

What's going on?

- I've always feared that one day,

I would be the subject of one of my own experiments.

♪ ♪

- Wait, if you're the subject,

then who's the scientist?

♪ ♪

- Mr. Nibbles.

- [squeaking]

- Lately, I've been extra hard on him.

- [roars]

- [screams]

[both whimper]

- Clyde!


Clyde, help!

My worst fear has come true!

I sold one jingle,

and now I'm not a rock star!

I'm a jingle writer.

- What? - I let them use one song

to sell toothpaste,

and now I'm stuck in this TV.

[TV static]

- ♪ This wonderful Magna-Wow LED! ♪

♪ It's Magna-Wow for you and me! ♪

Help! - Okay, don't worry.

I'm gonna get you out of this nightmare.

[suspenseful music]

Where's the remote? [TV static]

- I'll tell you what the real nightmare is--

dishpan hands.

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub, it's dishpan gloves ♪

♪ Rub-a-dub-dub for me! ♪

They're not even good jingles!

I'm such a sellout!

- Luna, do you know how hard it is for musicians

to make a living?

I mean, athletes sell everything from foot cream

to cryptocurrency.

So why can't rock stars do the same?

- You know what?

You're right, Clyde.

I'm always gonna be a rock star.

No one puts Luna Loud in a box.

Cover your ears and back up.

[white noise]

[guitar riff plays] [glass shatters]

- No!

Sometimes, we're so focused on results

that we lose our sense of empathy for our subjects.

- Well, don't tell me that.

Tell Mr. Nibbles!

- I'm so sorry, Mr. Nibbles!

I promise, in the future, to have more empathy.

♪ ♪

[angelic music]

Ooh, cheese puffs, my favorite.

Thanks, Lincoln. See you in the waking world.

Oh, and watch your step.

I did a poop around the corner.

[chip crunches]


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hi, Clyde.

- This is your nightmare?

- What's a nightmare?

- You know what? Don't worry about it.

You ate some cursed cheesecake,

and you fell asleep.

You have to wake up now.

- Hmm, okay. [giggles]

♪ ♪

I ate some more.

♪ ♪

Thanks, Clyde.

♪ ♪


[suspicious music]

- My worst nightmare is coming true.

- Yeah, yeah.

There's one second left. You gotta make the shot.

Blah, blah, blah,

you're gonna win, Lynn.

- I can't even run.

- That's because you have cinderblocks for feet.

♪ ♪


We both know in real life,

you always come through.

You'd make the shot when you're awake.

Make the shot when you're asleep.

- You're right. I'm Lynn Loud.

In your face, nightmares.

[dramatic music]

[crowd cheering] [scoreboard buzzes]

♪ ♪

- Hey, we're back together.

- This must be a hard one.

[audience cheering]

Luan's nightmare

is that she's the star of her own sitcom?

- Well, I'm off to work at the architecture office,

where I'm an architect.

[audience laughs and cheers] Isn't that right,

Mr. Coconuts?

- We still on for dinner at : tonight?

- Absolutely!

After all, we're together forever.

both: ♪ Together forever ♪

♪ No matter the weather ♪

♪ We're birds of a feather ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Forever ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Well, I'm leaving--

forever. [audience laughs]

- What? You can't leave, Mr. Coconuts.

We're supposed to be together forever.

It's right in our theme song.

What am I gonna do without you?

- Probably starve-- you're a terrible cook.

[audience laughs]

- Mr. Coconuts, wait!

[audience oohs]

- We're running out of time.

We have to wake her up.

- Wait, I wanna see how this ends.

- That's weird.

Absolutely! [chuckles nervously]

That was my catchphrase.

Oh, I can't do this without Mr. Coconuts.

- That's her fear!

She thinks she can't be funny

unless she has Coconuts.

- Well, she can't leave the scene

until she gets a big laugh.

That's sitcom .

- Then that's exactly what she's gonna do.

Time to go to work, Clyde.

Every sitcom needs a wacky neighbor.

- I'm just gonna have a quick sip of water

to calm my nerves.

- As your wacky neighbor,

you should know

I farted in that water.

[audience laughs]

- You don't wanna drink that fart water.

Let me get you something else.

[audience laughs]


[audience oohs]

[door clicks closed]

- It's like talking to a brick wall.

[audience laughs]

[audience cheering]

[cheery pop music]

♪ ♪

[thunder booms]

all: Setting sun and light's last gasp,

free Lincoln Loud from nightmare's grasp.

- And Clyde.

all: And Clyde...

- Okay, why'd you wake us up?

We didn't get everyone.

- It was getting too close to sundown.

Wait, where is your amulet?

- Oh! I must've lost it.

Is that bad?

- What don't you understand about "dire consequences"?

[house rattling]

Without the amulet,

the nightmares can become real.

♪ ♪

[all screaming]

- We have to find out whose dream this is.

- What is happening?

- Wait,

if you ate the cheesecake, how are you awake?

- I didn't get any cheesecake!

I never get any.

I was just taking a nap.

- I think I know whose dream this is!

[all screaming]

- Oh, my gosh!

Lily's huge!

[all screaming]

- Please don't hurt us!

- We gotta protect ourselves!

- I can move the house now!

- Well, do you have one that matches my dress?

- How is this supposed to help us?

- Clearly, you don't understand

the physics behind being crushed.

[suspenseful music]

[all scream]

- [deep voice] I'm big.

- [cries]

- We have to wake up Lily.

- I'm big.

- Huh?

- I'm big!

- Lily!

- Wait, if she's here,

then whose nightmare is this?

- You are not big. You are tiny and persistent

and adorable, and I hope you never grow up.

- I'm on the scooter!

[all screaming]

- I know whose nightmare this is.

- It was Dad! It was him!

- And I know how to fix it.


let's do this. - People so small.

- Oh, Lily's the baby.

She's the last one,

a--and once she's grown up,

it means you'll all be gone,

and then once she's grown up,

that means they're all grown up--

I remember you.

- We are gonna grow up, Dad,

and that's okay.

- Hey, buddy.

Hey, here, here, try that on.

I think it'll still fit.

- Dad, I'm too big-- - You're not too big!

Uh, sorry. Just put it on.

Oh, look at that, huh?

Just like a glove.

I just-- I love you guys so much.

I don't want you to leave.

I want it to last forever.

- I never leave you, Daddy.

[dramatic music]

- Oh...

- I thought you could use a little backup.

- Oh, Lily. Oh.

I love you, Lily.


- I love you too, Daddy.

Can I ride scooter now?

[anticipatory music]

♪ ♪

- There you go. Okay, buddy,

you got it.

Go, go.

[all cheer]

- I'm big!

- [chuckles]

Hey, wait a minute.

How'd you get into Dad's dream without an amulet?

- Easy--

I'm Lucy.

[dramatic music]

- Go, Lily!





[all cheering]

♪ ♪