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00x03 - Madeline and the Bad Hat

Posted: 03/10/24 19:46
by bunniefuu
In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.


They left the house
at half past 9:00

In two straight lines.


In rain...

Or shine.

The smallest one
was madeline.

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know me ♪

♪ I'll teach you
other stuff ♪

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know her ♪

♪ She'll teach you
other stuff ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And though
I'm very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside,
I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny-tiny,
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never
stopped her ♪

♪ From being pretty neat ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not
some little twig ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside,
I'm big ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not afraid
at all ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm bravest of all ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ We hope you
have it straight ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ And inside, she's-- ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ Great ♪

Oh, madeline!

Come, mes petites!

[Beep beep]

One day,
the spanish ambassador

Moved into the house
next door,

Bringing old statues,
paintings, a piano, and more.

Mira, mama.


They hurried to watch
this procession of things.

How exciting to see
what a moving van brings.

When miss clavel said...

Look, my darlings.
What bliss! What joy!

Oh!â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â oh!

His excellency
has a boy.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Come, come.
Let us go now.




Hooray! A boy!

Have you met him,


Oh, we will
have so much fun.

Oui. A new friend.

What fun!
Right, madeline?


Wrong?â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â wrong?

Oui, wrong.

You see,
it is very clear to me

That this little boy is a...

A bad...

A bad hat!

A bad hat?

Mon dieu!

C'est terrible!

Oui. Regardez!

♪ You could call him mean ♪

♪ You could
call him naughty ♪

♪ You could call him cruel ♪

♪ You could
call him haughty ♪

♪ But he is something
worse than that ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that,
a bad, bad hat ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that! ♪

♪ This little boy's a brat ♪

♪ This little boy's
quite elfish ♪

♪ This little boy's a rat ♪

♪ This little boy's
quite selfish ♪

♪ But he is even worse
than that ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat! ♪

♪ Imagine that,
a bad, bad hat ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that! ♪

♪ He is not kind to plants ♪

♪ He is not kind to doggies ♪

♪ He is not kind to ants ♪

♪ He is not kind to froggies ♪


♪ He is unkind,
and even worse than that ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat,
imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat! ♪




In the spring,
when birdies sing...

Something suddenly
went zing!


Causing pain
and shocked surprise

During morning exercise.

Ha ha ha!

On hot summer nights,
he ghosted.

I am coming to get you!

Aah!â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â aah!

Ha ha ha!

In the autumn wind,
he boasted

That he flew
the highest kite.

From time to time,
he seemed polite.

Buenos dias,
senorita clavel.

Buenos dias, pepito.

He was sure
and quick on ice,

And miss clavel said...

Aren't you nice?


One day he climbed
upon the wall and cried...

Come! I invite you all!

Come over some time,
and I'll let you see...

My toys and my menagerie!


[Tweet tweet]

♪ My frogs and birds,
bugs and bats ♪

♪ Squirrels, hedgehogs,
and two cats ♪

♪ These are the animals
I keep ♪

♪ At times
I even let them sleep ♪

[Whip cracks]

♪ I trap them
inside my big nets ♪

♪ Then they become
my brand-new pets ♪

♪ The hunting
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ Is exceptionally good ♪

♪ I keep them locked up
in my room ♪

♪ They like the dark,
they like the gloom ♪

♪ And every day
at half past 3:00 ♪

♪ They get some crumbs
and sips of tea ♪


♪ And once a month,
they get a bath ♪

♪ In dirty water
for a laugh ♪

Ha ha ha!

♪ And when
they want to go outside ♪

♪ They always get
a thrilling ride ♪



Oh!â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â oh!

♪ My frogs and birds,
bugs and bats ♪

♪ Squirrels, hedgehogs,
and two cats ♪

♪ Bunnies, mice, a quail,
a pooch, oh ♪

♪ You name the beast ♪

♪ I want him mucho! ♪

Then madeline said...

Enough, pepito!

Please believe us!

Your menagerie
does not intrigue us!

Bad hat!

What a bad boy!

It does not
interest you?

What a pity.

Get lost.

He changed clothes
and said...

I bet this invitation
they'll accept.

Ole! Ole!

Madeline answered...

A torero is not at all
our idea of a hero.

The poor lad left.
He was lonesome and blue.

He shut himself in.
What else could he do?

But in a short while
the little elf

Was back again
and his old self.

Said miss clavel...

It seems to me
what pepito needs

Is an outlet
for his energy.

A chest of tools
might be attractive

For a little boy
who is very active.

Oh, miss clavel,

I do not think
it is a good idea

To give pepito
a tool chest.

That is right!
He might make
something horrible!

Now, girls,

Pepito is just
a lonely little boy

Trying to think
of things to do.

He will probably build
something wonderful.

[Hammering and sawing]
I knew it.
Listen to him play--

Hammering, sawing,
and working away.

Oh, but that boy
was really mean.

He built himself
a guillotine.

He was unmoved
by the last look

The frightened chickens
gave the cook.


He ate them roasted, grilled,
and frito.

Oh! What a horror
was pepito.

One day,
when out to take the air,

Madeline said...

Oh, no! Look who's there!

Pepito carried
a bulging sack.

He was followed
by an increasing pack

Of all the dogs
in the neighborhood.

That boy is
simply misunderstood.

Look at him bringing
those doggies food.

He said...

Let us have a game of tag.

And let a cat
out of the bag.

There were no trees,
and so, instead,

The cat jumped
on pepito's head.

And now just listen
to the poor boy crying...

Pepito: au secours!

Which you must cry
if by any chance

You're ever in need of help
in france.

Miss clavel ran fast
and faster

To the scene
of the disaster.

She came in time
to save the bad hat,

And madeline
took care of the cat.

Good-bye, fido.
So long, rover.

Let's go home.
The fun is over.

Pauvre pepito.
Must you be so naughty?

Pepito was hurt,
too hurt to cry,

And so dr. Cohn
came quickly by.

There was sorrowing and pain
in the embassy of spain.

Imi hijito!

Ay, pepito.

He will be all right.

Gracias, dr. Cohn.

The ambassadress
wept tears of joy,

And she thanked miss clavel
for saving her boy.

It is nothing, madame.

Surely, it is what
you would have done,
n'est-ce pas?


My dear,
we will spend more time
with our dear pepito.

And now,
I am sure nothing...

Said the ambassador...

Would cheer up poor pepito more
than a visit from next door.

Only one visitor at a time.

Will you go in first,
miss madeline?

I love you, my dear boy,
mi pepito.

I will wait outside.

So madeline went in
on tiptoe and whispered...

Can you hear me,

Si, madeline.

It serves you right,
you horrid brat,

For what you did
to that poor cat.

I know, madeline,
and I am sorry.

♪ Have you learned
your lesson ♪

♪ You naughty,
naughty boy? ♪

♪ Have you learned
your lesson ♪

♪ You naughty,
naughty boy? ♪

Mon dieu!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Will you
pull another prank?


♪ Or scare another
little child? ♪


♪ Do you plan
to rob a bank? ♪


♪ Or capture animals
in the wild? ♪

No! No!

♪ Have you learned
your lesson ♪

♪ You naughty,
naughty boy? ♪

♪ Have you learned
your lesson ♪

♪ You naughty,
naughty boy? ♪

♪ Will you
hurt another bat? ♪


♪ Will you
tease another dog? ♪

No! No!

♪ Will you scare
another cat? ♪


♪ Or lock up
another hog? ♪

No! No!

♪ Have you learned
your lesson ♪

♪ You naughty,
naughty boy? ♪

Isi! Isi!

♪ I have
learned my lesson ♪

♪ Now I'm not
a naughty boy ♪

I'll never hurt
another cat!

Pepito said.

I swear to that!

I learned my lesson!

Please believe,
I'm turning over a new leaf!

That's fine.
That's fine.

I hope you do.

We will all keep
our eyes on you.

Now, au revoir.

And, lo and behold,
the former barbarian

Turned into a vegetarian.

Bravo, antonio!
The cabbage looks perfecto!

Ha ha ha!

And the starling
and turtle,

The bunny and bat,

Went back
to their native habitat.

Today, little girls,
let us go to the zoo!

Ah, oui!

The zoo!

Seeing them go,
pepito said...

Today I will show them
how much I have changed!


Pepito opened the cages,

Letting go of the kangaroo,
the fox, the goat,

And the elephant, too.

His love of animals
was such,

Even miss clavel said...

First too bad.
Now too good!

It is too much!

The little girls all cried.


But madeline said...

I know what to do!

And madeline told
pepito that

He was no longer a bad hat.

She said...

Now you are
our pride and joy.

You are the world's
most wonderful boy!

Gracias, madeline.

Does that mean I'm
no longer a bad hat?

Oui, oui, pepito!




♪ I used to be quite mean ♪

♪ I used to be
quite naughty ♪

♪ I used to be quite cruel ♪

♪ I used to be
quite haughty ♪

♪ But you were
something worse than that ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that,
a bad, bad hat ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that! ♪

♪ Once I was a brat ♪

♪ Once I was
quite elfish ♪

♪ Once I was a rat ♪

♪ Once I was
quite selfish ♪

♪ But you were
even worse than that ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that,
a bad, bad hat ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ Imagine that! ♪

♪ You were
unkind to plants ♪

♪ You were
unkind to doggies ♪

♪ You were
unkind to ants ♪

♪ You were
unkind to froggies ♪

♪ I was unkind,
and even worse than that ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ What could be worse? ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat,
imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine that ♪

♪ A bad, bad hat! ♪

Adios, bad hat!

The girls went home
and broke their bread...

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

And most of all,
we love each other.

And brushed their teeth...


And went to bed.

And as miss clavel
turned out the light,

She said...

I knew it would
all come out right.

Then she closed the door...
And that's all there is.

There isn't any more.