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00x05 - Madeline's Rescue

Posted: 03/10/24 19:49
by bunniefuu
In an old house in paris

That was covered
with vines...

Lived 12 little girls

In two straight lines.

They left the house
at half past 9:00

In two straight lines.


In rain...

Or shine.



The smallest one
was madeline.

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know me ♪

♪ I'll teach you
other stuff ♪

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know her ♪

♪ She'll teach you
other stuff ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And though
I'm very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside,
I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny-tiny,
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never
stopped her ♪

♪ From being pretty neat ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not
some little twig ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside,
I'm big ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not afraid
at all ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm bravest of all ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ We hope you
have it straight ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ And inside, she's ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ Great ♪

And nobody knew
quite so well

How to frighten
miss clavel,

Like on the day
she slipped and fell.


[Girls shouting
all at once]

Oh, please,
oh, please help!


[Arf arf arf]


[Gasping and coughing]

Poor madeline
would now be dead

But for a dog
that kept its head

And dragged her safe
from a watery grave.

Bon, madeline.
You must rest now.

Come, madeline, ma petite.
We will go home now.

Dr. Cohn says
you need your rest.

Where is the dog
who saved my life?

I must thank her.

Here, wonderful dog.
Come here.


I am sure

That dog belongs
to someone.

Oh! Ha ha!

See, miss clavel,
she likes you,

And she has no collar.

This dog is a hero.

She must come home
with us!

She's so sweet!
Oh, yes!

We cannot just abandon her.

We will keep her,

But only until
we find her owner.




Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Back at home,

The dog chewed a bone
that was savory,

And the little girls
gave her a ribbon for bravery.

From now on, I hope
you will listen to me.

And here is a cup
of chamomile tea.

Come, little doggy.
I will show you
your new home.

♪ This old house
is where we live ♪

♪ This old house
is where we play ♪

♪ This old house
is where we laugh ♪

♪ And this old house
is where you'll stay ♪

[Arf arf arf]

♪ This old room
is where we eat ♪

♪ This is where
we break our bread ♪

♪ This is where
we brush our teeth ♪

♪ And here is where
we go to bed ♪

♪ This is where
we pillow fight ♪

♪ When miss clavel
turns out the light ♪

♪ And here's the home
of monsieur mouse ♪

♪ He scurries in and out
at night ♪

♪ This old yard
has ladybugs ♪

♪ This old yard
has trees to climb ♪

♪ This old yard
has secret paths ♪

♪ And here is where
we tell the time ♪

[Bell chimes]

♪ This old house
is where we live ♪

♪ This old house
is where we play ♪

♪ This old house
is where we laugh ♪

Ha ha ha!

♪ And this old house
is where you'll stay ♪


Now, madeline,
you know the rules.

Lord cucuface says
do not put your feet
on the furniture.

[Ruff ruff]

She wants to know,
who is lord cucuface?

Oh, she does, does she?
Bon, ma petite chien.

Lord cucuface
is the president

Of the board
of trustees.

And he makes
the rules around here.

[Ruff ruff ruff]

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Then the girls sat down
and broke their bread...

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,

We love each other!


And brushed their teeth...

And went to bed.

Good night,
little girls.

I hope
you sleep well.

Good night, good night,
dear miss clavel.

Miss clavel
turned out the light.

After she left,
there was a fight

About where the dog
should sleep that night.

The doggy will sleep
with me tonight.


Oh, no.
With me!

No, no!
With me!


mes amies,

But since this doggy
saved my life,

I think she
should sleep with me.

Says who?

Ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Where is the doggy?

Where did she go?

Where is the doggy?




I guess she has
made the decision
for us.

[Dog whimpers]

The girls were most willing
to care for their pet.

They brushed her,
they pampered, they cuddled,

And yet...

She has no name.

What shall we
name her?

I do not know.

I am in charge
of her delicious food.


Oui, oui,

And I will bring her
fresh water.

[Arf arf]

You name her,

Very well.

What do you want
to be called,
ma petite chien?


Look! It begins
with a "g."

Could it be giselle?


Let me guess.

Is it...


[Ruff ruff]

The new pupil was ever
so helpful and clever.

All right, girls.

How much is 9 minus 6?


[Arf arf arf]

What a clever new pupil.

Now, what is
the capital of spain?


No, no, little girls.

Wait! Regardez!

She is spelling "madrid."

Madrid is
the capital of spain.

Not only a hero,

But so well-educated,

And polite, too.


She could sing
and almost talk.

♪ Do re mi fa so
la ti do ♪

♪ Ar ar ar ar ar
ar ar arooo ♪

And she enjoyed
the daily walk.

When the first of may
came near,

There was nervousness
each year.

For on that day
there arrived a collection

Of trustees
for the annual inspection.





The inspection
was most thorough,

Much to everybody's sorrow.

[Genevieve whimpers]

Hmmph! Whatever
can that be?

Come out,
and let me see.

Dear me!
It's a dog!

Isn't there a rule
that says

Dogs are not
allowed in school?

Miss clavel,
get rid of it,

Said the president
of the board of trustees.

Yes, but the children
love her so!

Please do not
make her go.

We tried to find
her owner,

But it turned out
she was a stray.

I daresay.

Said lord cucuface.

I mean, it's
a perfect disgrace

For young ladies
to embrace

This creature
of uncertain race.


Off with you!

Go on. Run!


Go away
and don't come back!

take this mangy beast

For a long drive
in the countryside.




[Girls crying]

Ah, little girls,

It's no use
moping about.

Let us get dressed
and go right out.

The sooner we're ready,
the sooner we leave,

The sooner we'll find
miss genevieve.

I will never stop looking
until I've found her!

They went looking high...

Have you seen our dog?

And low...

Have you
seen our dog?

And every place
a dog might go.

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ She has four legs,
and she is brown ♪

♪ She might be
in this part of town ♪

♪ Oh, have you seen
our dog? ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ She rarely barks,
she doesn't howl ♪

♪ She never whines ♪

♪ She doesn't howl ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Oh, have you seen
our dog? ♪

♪ She eats and drinks
and reads and swims ♪

♪ She sings songs
like jazz and hymns ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

Have you seen our dog?

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ She has black eyes
and has no fleas ♪

♪ If you find her,
tell us, please ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

In every place,
they called her name...


But no one answered
to the same.

They even visited
the pound,

But genevieve
could not be found.

[Dogs whimpering]

Hours after
they had started,

They left to go back home,

Oh, miss clavel,

I am too tired
to walk home.

Me, too. Me, too.

I will call a taxi.

Taxi. Taxi!

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ She has four legs,
and she is brown ♪

♪ She might be
in this part of town ♪

♪ Whatever will become of ♪

♪ Our dog? ♪

We will never, ever
find another dog

Like genevieve.


[Dog howls]

They went home
and broke their bread...

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all...

We love genevieve!


And brushed their teeth...

And went to bed.

Poor little madeline
could not sleep.

All that she could do
was weep.

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Have you seen our dog? ♪

♪ Oh, genevieve,
where can you be? ♪

♪ Genevieve,
come back to me ♪

♪ Come back ♪

♪ To me ♪

In the middle of the night,

Miss clavel turned on
the light and said...

Something is not right.

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ And so ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

♪ At night
it should be calm ♪

♪ At night
it should be still ♪

♪ But I heard
something stir ♪

♪ And it's given me
a chill ♪


♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ Something is quite wrong ♪

♪ Something is not right ♪

♪ And so ♪

♪ I sing this song ♪

Who is there?

There in the light
of the open door was genevieve.

She was lost no more.


[Arf arf arf]

[Barking excitedly]

[Arf arf
arf arf arf]

[Arf arf arf arf]


Oh, genevieve!

[All talking at once]

The girls cooked genevieve
a wonderful meal,

The smell of which made
their favorite dog squeal.


Extra biscuits
and extra beef.

Only the best
for dear genevieve.


She was petted,
she was fed,

And everybody went
back to bed.

Good night,
little girls.

I hope you sleep well.

Miss clavel
turned out the light,

And again,
there was a fight.


And each
little girl cried...

is mine tonight!

For the second time
that night,

Miss clavel turned on
her light and said...

Something is not right.

And afraid of a disaster,

She ran fast
and even faster.

[Girls laughing
and shouting]


If there's one more fight
about genevieve,

I'm sorry, but
she'll have to leave.

That was the end
of the riot.

Suddenly, all was quiet.

Bon, genevieve.

You will sleep here.


For the third time
that night,

Miss clavel
turned on the light.

Genevieve? Genevieve,
where are you?

Miss clavel!

Miss clavel, hurry!
Hurry, come with me.

And to their surprise,

They found that suddenly
there was enough hound...


To go around.


Several weeks later,
at the front door,

Who should appear

But their
least favorite landlord.


[Sniff sniff]

I can smell
that hairy beast
from miles away!

You have disobeyed
my direct orders!

[Sniff sniff]

[Sniff sniff sniff]

I have a feeling

There is a furry
creature in there.





somewhere near.


Just what I suspected--

But 12 times worse!

Shoo! Get lost,
all of you!




I read somewhere

That these are
supposed to be
man's best friend.

it would be good

For someone
of my, uh...position

To have
such a friend.


Oui! Oui, lord cucuface!


I will take him home,
miss clavel.

Uh... N'est-ce pas?

It is up to


What did she say?

Genevieve says you may
take the puppy home

If you treat him
with kindness

And if she and the other
puppies may live here.

Why, yes.
I will! They can!

Of course!

He picked up the pup
and headed for the door.


Yes! Absolument!

And that's all there is.
There isn't any more.