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00x06 - Madeline in London

Posted: 03/10/24 19:54
by bunniefuu
In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

They left the house
at half past 9:00.

The smallest one
was madeline.

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know me ♪

♪ I'll teach you
other stuff ♪

♪ If you believe
you must be big ♪

♪ In order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should
get to know her ♪

♪ She'll teach you
other stuff ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And though
I'm very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside,
I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny-tiny,
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never
stopped her ♪

♪ From being pretty neat ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not
some little twig ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ And inside,
I'm big ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm not afraid
at all ♪

♪ I'm madeline,
I'm madeline ♪

♪ I'm bravest of all ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ We hope you
have it straight ♪

♪ She's madeline,
she's madeline ♪

♪ And inside, she's-- ♪

♪ Dum de dum de dum ♪

♪ Great ♪

Oh, madeline!

In another old house
that stood next door

Lived pepito, the son
of the spanish ambassador.

Bonjour, pepito.

Hola, madeline.

Pepito, you look so sad.

What is the matter?

Pepito, my son,

Do not
look so sad.

You will like
living in london.

London? You are
moving to london?

Si, madeline. Today.

And I must leave
pablito the cat here.

I must leave
my whole menagerie here.

My mother has developed
an allergy.



An ambassador may not have to
pay the rent,

But he has to move
to wherever he's sent.

Iadios, madeline!

Gracias for keeping

Au revoir,


Au revoir,

We'll miss you!

The little girls all cried.

Boohoo! We'd like to go
to london, too.

In london, pepito
just picked at his dinner.

Soon he grew thin,
and then he grew thinner.

And when he began to look like
a stick, his mama said...

My, this boy looks sick.

I think pepito
is lonely for madeline
and his parisian friends.

His papa called paris.

Hello? Miss clavel?

My little pepito
is not at all well.

He misses you, and he is
lonesome for madeline

And the little girls
next door.

They miss him, too.

Please come and visit.

There is plenty of room.

And pepito's birthday
is coming up soon.

Merci beaucoup, senor.

What a lovely invitation!

Quick, darlings,
pack your bags.

And then we will go down
to the airport

And catch the next plane.

Ique bien,
mi pepito!

Your appetite
has returned!

That is because madeline
is coming to visit!

♪ Fill the house
with lovely flowers ♪

♪ Fly our flags
from all the towers ♪

For pepito's birthday,

Bake the most wonderful
birthday cake!

♪ Place 12 beds
in 2 straight lines ♪

♪ This last one
will be madeline's ♪

♪ My friends
are coming to london ♪

♪ My friends
are coming to london ♪

♪ To london ♪

♪ To london ♪

♪ Now everything is fine ♪

♪ Pack your things,
no time to waste ♪

♪ Off to the airport,
haste, haste, haste ♪

♪ We'll take our toothbrush
and our hats ♪

♪ And leave some milk
for pepito's cat ♪

♪ Au revoir, old house,
farewell, green vines ♪

♪ Good-bye, dear beds
in two straight lines ♪

♪ We are going to london ♪

♪ Now everything is fine ♪

Au revoir,
mrs. Murphy.

While we
are away,

Please get someone
to trim the hedges

And cut the grass.



♪ We are going to london ♪

♪ We are going to london ♪

♪ To london ♪

♪ To london ♪

♪ Now everything is fine ♪

♪ They are coming to london ♪

♪ They are coming to london ♪

♪ We are going to london ♪

♪ Now everything is fine ♪

Good heavens!

Pepito's birthday!

We have brought
no present.

What shall we
get him?

Why everybody knows,
of course!

He always said
he craved a horse.

A horse? Mon dieu!

I do not think
we can afford a horse.

In their little purses
and in miss clavel's bag,

There wasn't enough money
to buy the cheapest nag.

Well, we will just buy
something else.

Oh, no! A horse!
He would like a horse!

You are right, mes petites.

In london,
we may be able to get

At least a retired horse
as a pet.

We will look.

So they went to the stables,
where they found a horse

That was gentle,
strong, and sound.

Let us get this one!


No. This one.


But, madeline,
he is too old.

Too ugly!

Too slow!

He is perfect! You will see!

Some poor old horses
are made into glue,

But not this one.

Soon he was good as new.


They reached the embassy
at midday.

Pepito saw them
and ran out to say...

Madeline! Madeline!

Ique alegria!

You have come just in time
for my birthday!

Welcome to london!

Pepito! Pepito!

We have a birthday surprise
for you!

What is it?
What is it?

You have to guess.

Is it a toy truck?

Oh, no!
Much bigger.

And it has four legs.

And you can
ride on it.

A bicycle?

No, no, bobo!

It has four legs.

Tell me!

Tell me!


Surprise! Surprise!

Happy birthday, pepito!
Happy birthday!

We have brought
this lovely horse

Just for you.

A horse! A horse!

Just for me!

Gracias to you all!

Pepito named him piccadilly,
and he spoke to the horse,

Which to some
might sound silly.

Ah, piccadilly,

Your coat looks
so clean and shiny.

I think
it is time we went

For a birthday ride.

Come on, madeline!

Just then...

A trumpet blew.



Mon dieu!

Madeline! Pepito!

Piccadilly jumped up
and off he flew over the wall

To take his place at the head
of the queen's guards,

Which he had always led.



Oh, dear! They've gone!

That horse has run
away with them!

Come, children.

We must find them
in london town.

♪ We'll look high and low
in london town ♪

♪ There's london bridge
not falling down ♪

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

♪ Westminster abbey
we'll search, and then ♪

♪ We'll inspect
our friend big ben ♪

[Ding dong ding dong]

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

♪ The huge hyde park
we will explore ♪

♪ Then we'll peek inside
a giant store ♪

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

♪ In soho
they cannot be found ♪

♪ We'll use this bus
to get around ♪

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

♪ Careful, girls,
watch your feet ♪

♪ Look right before
you cross the street ♪

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

♪ How nice of you
to visit me ♪

♪ Now won't you stay
and have some tea? ♪

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

♪ Oh, dear, they've gone,
where did they go? ♪

♪ We'll search this town
both high and low ♪

It is too bad that
madeline and pepito
missed all the fun.

But, of course, they had been
having a wonderful time,

For in the royal parade,
they headed the line.

The birds had seen
all this before,

But they were glad
of an encore.


It is madeline!

And pepito, too!

Then it became
really grand.

There was a mascot
and his band.

The people below
were stout and loyal,

And those on the balcony,
mostly royal.


I am the queen.

I am the king.

And you, piccadilly,
are the most royal
of horses.


Oh, madeline!

Here is your crown,
your majesty.

Why, thank you,
little girl.

What is your name?

your majesty.

Well, madeline,

You must be

For your honesty,

I award you
the medal of the crown.

your majesty!

The show was over.

It was getting dark
in the town and in the park.

Everyone went home
with tales to tell

About the little girl
who was given a medal.

They arrived home
just in time to eat

At a table full
of birthday treats.

We love our bread,

We love our butter,

And most of all,
we love pepito!

Happy birthday, pepito!
Happy birthday!

Thank you!



And there is
no better birthday present

Than to be with my friends!


You make me very sleepy...

And happy.

I think it is time for us
all to go to sleep.

Everyone had been well fed.
Everyone was in their bed.

Only one was forgotten.

And he'd been
on his feet all day long,

Without anything to eat.

In his cottage
that was thatched,

Wearing trousers
that were patched,

Was simon the gardener

Who loved flowers, especially
in the morning hours

When their faces,
fresh with dew,

Smiled at him.

How do you do?

Simon, who was never late,

Opened up the garden gate.


Then he dropped
his garden hose.

There wasn't a daisy
or a rose.

All my work
and all my care
for naught!

This is hard to bear!

Where is my celery?

Where are my tomatoes?

♪ Have you seen
my beans and peas? ♪

♪ Or the apples
on my trees? ♪

♪ My fruits and flowers
are all gone ♪

♪ Without them,
I can't carry on ♪

♪ Oh, me! Oh, my!
What can I do? ♪

♪ I'm very sad,
boohoo, boohoo ♪

♪ He had radishes and kale ♪

♪ But he's lost them,
now he's pale ♪

♪ His leafy plants,
they are all gone ♪

♪ Without them,
he can't carry on ♪

♪ Oh, me! Oh, my!
What can he do? ♪

♪ He's very sad,
boohoo, boohoo ♪

♪ Have you seen
my daffodils? ♪

♪ I had them on
the window sills ♪

♪ My lovely flowers
are all gone ♪

♪ Without them,
I can't carry on ♪

♪ Oh, me! Oh, my!
What can I do? ♪

♪ I'm very sad,
boohoo, boohoo ♪

♪ Have you seen
his bright green grass? ♪

♪ It disappeared
and, oh, so fast ♪

♪ His perfect lawn,
it is all gone ♪

♪ Without it,
he can't carry on ♪

♪ Oh, me! Oh, my!
What can he do? ♪

♪ He's very sad,
boohoo, boohoo ♪

We must get
to the bottom of this!


An important clue.

where is piccadilly?

He was right here.

And did you feed him
last night?

I think I was too excited
about my party.

¿por que? Why?

my dear pepito,

And just as I

We must the town
search for him.

Just like a volcano eruption,

They followed
the trail of destruction.

Just when they thought
their efforts were in vain,

They spotted
a familiar mane.

Look who
is lying there

With his feet
up in the air.

I feel his breath.
He is not dead yet.

Oh, vite, vite, pepito!
Get the vet!

Dr. Stone came quickly by.

She checked piccadilly's
heart and eyes.

Don't worry.
He is only asleep.

Help me get him
on his feet.

As a diet, there is
nothing worse

Than green apples
and roses
for an old horse.

Promise me that when
you take him away,

You will feed him only
grass and hay.

Just grass and hay
for piccadilly.

No green apples!



When they returned to
the embassy of spain,

Pepito's mother
was crying tears like rain.


Dear lady,
we beg your pardon.

It seems the horse has
eaten up your garden.

A little sunshine,
a little rain,

And it will be
beautiful again.

Pepito's mother said...

Quite so. Quite so.

Still, I am afraid,
the horse must go.


Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

My allergy is back.
What else can I do?

Then madeline cried...

I know what to do!

Pepito! Let us take care
of him for you!

Well, I suppose
that would be nice.

I always
wanted a horse.

And just in case
you're feeling down,

You may keep
my medal of the crown.

Happy birthday, mon ami!

Oh, thank you,

Igracias, madeline!

Soon it was time
to get on the plane.

The girls promised
they would come back again.

Fasten your seat belts.

In half an hour you will
see the eiffel tower.

The very best part
of any journey

By car, by bus, by plane...

Is when the trip is over,
and you are home again.

Bonjour, mrs. Murphy!

Look what we've
brought back
from london.

We will never have to
find someone

To cut the grass again.

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, madeline!

The girls had dinner,
and they were fortunately able

To be 13
at the supper table.

We love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all, we love
each other!


They brushed his teeth
after he was fed,

And covered him up
and put him to bed.

Good night, little girls.
Thank the lord you are well.

And now go to sleep...

Said miss clavel.

And she turned out the lights
and closed the door.

They were 12 upstairs
and below, 1 more.

And that's all there is.
There isn't any more.
