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01x05 - Madeline and the Soccer Star

Posted: 03/10/24 19:55
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris
that was covered with vines...

[Girls chatting]

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

The smallest one was madeline.

They left the house
at half past 9:00

Off to play soccer
in two straight lines...

While miss clavel
tended the vines.

Play well,
mes cheries.

I am sorry
I cannot go
with you.

I must take care
of my vegetable

Au revoir,
miss clavel!

Au revoir!

Good luck with
your cabbages
and onions.


Look at that!



¡hola, madeline!

Their soccer team
was called les tigres.

It was one of the best
in the all-school league.

They practiced each day
from morning till dark.

Pepito's father,
their coach,

Led the team to the park.



[Hand organ playing]

Come, pepito.

Let us plan
our strategy.

I hear we are
playing les rois,

The kings,

In the championship.

Do not worry.

We tigers
have beaten them twice.

But they have
beaten us twice.

Do not worry, pepito.

Three will be
our magic number.

Yay! Yippee!

[Girls laughing]


All of les tigres
could kick and throw far,

But the smallest team player
was their biggest star.

Bon, madeline!

Les tigres played soccer
with speed and with might,

But something was missing,
something not right.

If they only had
a secret w*apon,

Like the perfect pass
I had in my youth

Or maybe a great kick.

They practiced
and practiced

Till they got
each play right.

They were still in the park
by the hours of twilight.

[Girls chatting]


See you tomorrow!

At the old house,
miss clavel had no cheer,

'Cause her garden was
quite a disaster this year.

Miss clavel,
are you all right?

Oui, ma cherie.
But look, my garden!

What could they say about
the vegetables she'd grown?

The cabbages were rotten,
which made the girls moan.


Ooh! Oh!

It is all right,
miss clavel.

We do not like
vegetables anyway.

That is right.

We do not
like vegetables.

But it is not true.

You usually
love them.

Besides, they
are good for you.

Then suddenly, miss clavel
felt very much better.

She remembered the arrival
of an important letter.

I almost forgot.

I have something
for you.



Who is it from?

We want to see!

It is from
my cousin andre.

He lives on a farm.

"Our farmhouse is very old,
so papa is fixing it."

Andre asks if he
can stay with us

While they're
working on his house.

Vraiment? He
wants to come
next week?

We'd better
get ready!

What is your cousin
like madeline?

I last saw him

When we were both 3.

He was very
handsome then.

That evening, they
talked about cousin andre.

Everyone had a little
something to say.

He must be
very strong...

And tall...

With a fancy

And fine
country clothes.

Oui. Silk scarves
and a diamond stickpin.

And I bet
he will be
a big help

With my garden.

In two straight lines,
they broke their bread...

we love our bread,
we love our butter,

But most of all,
we love each other.

And brushed their teeth

And went to bed,

And by that time,

They were convinced that
madeline's cousin was a prince.


Do you think
he has good teeth?

Mais oui.

And I am sure he's
a fabulous dancer.

And he will ask every
one of us to dance.

Later that night,
the girls fell asleep

With visions of andre
instead of white sheep.

Then came the dawn
of that exciting day,

When who would arrive
but the gallant andre?

The girls went out
at half past 8:00

And then began
to wait and wait...

And wait.

Where is he?

He should have
been here long ago.

Be patient,
mes enfants.

Shh. I think
I hear something.

They ran down the street
and followed that sound,

But andre wasn't there.
He just couldn't be found.

There was just an old nag
who'd seen better days

Hitched to a wagon
all loaded with hay,

And atop the old wagon,

Not a prince with a crown,

Just a scared-looking boy
from a small country town.

Why did he have
to be so late?

Is this mademoiselle
madeline's house?



Here, madeline.
These are for you.

Andre unpacked
a clean shirt and some socks,

A very old jacket,
and his two favorite rocks,

And madeline laughed...

Ha ha ha!

As andre told stories
about his papa,

But upstairs in the bedroom,
the girls were more picky.

They frankly thought
andre was rather...

Well, icky.

He is so small.

Maybe he has
an older brother.

Ha ha! One
without baggy pants!

I heard that!

Who cares
about his pants?

He is my cousin,
and that is that!

Madeline said...

He may be small
and very shy,

But there's more
to that boy than
meets the eye.


You will see.

Madeline, at dinner,
he didn't talk.

He was a bumpkin.

A dumbkin!

a dum-diddle-umpkin!


But before the moon
came up that night,

The girls were no longer
in a fight.

Je regrette, madeline.

We are
really sorry.

Oh, andre.

My friends will
accept you someday.

I will see to it.

One by one,
the autumn days flew,

And with andre's care,
the garden grew.

It would seem when
all was said and told,

Andre's thumb
was not green, but gold.

♪ Grow as those carrots ♪

♪ Grow as those peas ♪

♪ Grow as that broccoli ♪

♪ We like it with cheese ♪

♪ Make it ripe
before the cold ♪

♪ The gardener's thumb
is not green, but gold ♪

♪ Gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Gold, gold,
glittery gold ♪

♪ The gardener's thumb
is not green, but gold ♪

♪ Sow, spade, and shovel ♪

♪ Rake, hoe, and dig ♪

♪ The beets
are gigantic ♪

♪ The pumpkins are big ♪

♪ Pick them now
before they mold ♪

♪ The gardener's thumb
is not green, but gold ♪

♪ Gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Gold, gold,
glittery gold ♪

♪ The gardener's thumb is
not green, not green, but gold ♪

♪ Gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Gold, gold,
glittery gold ♪

♪ The gardener's thumb
is not green, but gold ♪

Madeline, hurry up!

Oui! Attendez!

Andre, please come
to soccer practice
with us today.

Merci, no.

I have
too much to do.

All cabbages and no play
make one very dull.

No, madeline.

You see,
i--i cannot play.

All right.
If you are sure.

Au revoir, andre!

Au revoir!

In two straight lines,
the girls departed,

Leaving poor andre
quite broken-hearted.

Zut alors!

These onions
are very strong.


Madeline, where
are you going?

Pardon, pepito.

Sorry, monsieur

But I have
a feeling

That I must go back
to the old house
right now.

But, madeline,
we need to practice!

We must win
the big game!

It was madeline's
sudden intuition

That sent her home
on an important mission.

I am tired of being
a country clod.

Andre was small
and not very slick,

But that
small country boy...

Zut alors!

Really knew how to kick.



Andre, maybe you
should join our team.

With a kick like that,
we could beat les rois.

But, madeline,
I do not know how
to play soccer.

I only know
how to garden.


Madeline pleaded,

But andre would not try.

She could not convince him.
He was much too shy.

The peas and beans
prospered under andre's touch.

Until everyone agreed
it was a little too much.

Huh? What?

Vines and plants
were everywhere.

Even growing
in madeline's hair.

These plants
are like monsters.

And I am sick
of beets and broccoli
for breakfast.

Me, too!â â â â â â â me, too!
Ma, si.â â â â â â â â ma, si.


Yuck! And everything
smells of garlic!

That is because it is
growing in your shoe.


Do something!

It is all the fault
of that dumb-diddle-umpkin!

I will, chloe.
Do not worry.

Madeline's cousin
still would not play.

Carrying the equipment
was the job for andre.

Way to go!

Gracias, andre.

Merci, andre.

¡anda, chloe!



Bon, pepito!

The game against les rois
was the very next day.


Tres bien!

They would travel
to a festival nearby

At the great palace of mirrors
known as versailles.

The day of the game,
there was furor and fuss.

The ambassador
had even rented a bus.



♪ We know how to jump,
we know how to kick! ♪

♪ With us around, les rois
will look sick! ♪


Andre, look!

Le louvre!

C'est bon. Ah, oui.

Wow! Look at that!

Look, andre!
The glass palace--

Le grand palais.

Le tour eiffel.

Even I knew that.

See over there,

L'arc de triomphe!

The driver turned off
the champs-elysees,

And they waved
to a cabriolet.

After they had
bid paris good-bye,

They arrived at the palace,
the splendid versailles.


Look at that!


Tres bien.


Everyone showed
their harvest wares.

It was the best
of country fairs.

And madeline
won two teddy bears.

Soon it was time
for the game to begin

And hopefully time
for les tigres to win.

Block les rois!

Block les rois!

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Remember everything
I told you.

And now, good luck!

Merci! Oui! Merci!

It was like an awful dream

When les tigres met
their opposing team.

[All gulp]

They had a lot
of self-reliance,

But not enough
to beat these giants.

This is
not the same team
we played before.

They must have been
eating their vegetables.

Oui. sh**t,
madeline! sh**t!

It was hard for les tigres
to keep their place

Against these hulks
with skill and grace.



Got it!

Oh, no!

My ankle bone!

Oh! All my
other bones!

Madeline,we must
do something!

We are being

I have a plan.


Madeline, you
are joking, no?


[Pepito] he
is too little.

But I have seen him
kick a pumpkin.

A pumpkin?

Please? What do
we have to lose?

Well, I suppose.

You can do it, andre.

We need your help
to beat these brutes.

I do not
know how to play,
but I will try.

You know how.

You have watched us
many times.

Make the ball fly.

But andre's kick
was one huge plop.

The boy would
surely be a flop.

Boo!â â â â â â â â â â â â boo!


The crowd just booed,
and jeered, and hissed

Every time
poor andre missed.




Madeline, we must
do something.


I have another plan.

Is it better than
your last one?

Ha ha!

Think of this
as a pumpkin, andre.



Andre's kick
had such control

That the ball just sailed
right through the goal.

And soon the team
of almost losers

Had a chance
to beat the bruisers.

Andre kicked the ball.

It twirled and spun,

And that was it.

The game was won.

Merci, andre.


De rien!
De rien!

...said andre.

A ball that looks
just like a pumpkin

Was the perfect
thing for a dumb-

Ha ha!â â â â â â â â â â ha ha!


Vive les tigres!

Au revoir!

Adios. See you soon.


Andre was off
the very next day.

Everyone wished
that he could stay.

There was still
so much to say.

Papa needs my help.

Anyway, I want to start
a country soccer team.

Andre, adieu.

We shall
all miss you.

Au revoir!


You know,
I do not think andre
is that bad-looking.

No. He's even...

Kind of cute.

mes enfants.

Pleasant dreams.

I must go prepare
tomorrow's dessert--

Cabbage pudding.

cabbage pudding?

Oh, no! No more vegetables,

Then she turned out the lights
and closed the door,

And that's all there is.

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, aurevoir
but you may shout encore! ♪

♪ That's all there is
there isn't anymore ♪