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01x10 - Madeline's Winter Vacation

Posted: 03/10/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
♪ If you believe you must be big
in order to be tough ♪

♪ Then you should get to know me
I'll teach you other stuff! ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
I may be very small ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm madeline!
But inside, I'm tall ♪

♪ She may be teeny tiny
diminutive, petite ♪

♪ But that has never stopped her
from being pretty neat ♪

♪ Dum dee dum dee dum,
dum dee dum dee dum ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ Madeline! ♪

♪ She's madeline!
She's madeline!♪

♪ We hope you have it straight ♪

♪ I'm madeline! I'm
madeline! ♪

♪ And inside I'm ♪

♪ Great! ♪

In an old house in paris

That was covered
with vines...

Lived 12 little girls
in 2 straight lines.

little girls. Hurry.

They left the house
at half past 9:00...

In 2 straight lines.

Wait for me!

I am coming, too.

We would never
forget you, pepito,

Our favorite neighbor.

Miss clavel counted everyone
in line and said...

We are missing madeline.


When it came to being
right on time,

No one could beat madeline.

Genevieve says
we had better hurry.


On the first day
of their winter vacation,

The girls and pepito dashed
to the train station.


The taxi driver got them there
without a moment left to spare.

How fortunate we are
that my aunt hilda

Has invited us
to visit her
in the alps.

Oui, and she lives
in a chalet.

Is a chalet
like a castle?

No, mes petites,
a chalet is...

Well, you shall see
for yourselves.


[Ruff ruff ruff]

Giddy with anticipation,
each traveler's imagination

a wondrous destination.





The mountains will be
white with snow.

Tons and tons of it.

But too much

Can be
muy peligroso.

Very dangerous!

How can
the beautiful snow
be dangerous?

Snow monsters!


Pepito told of a creature
that could be captured
by no man--

The ghostly giant...
The abominable snowman.

It sent a chill
down every spine.

It even frightened

Pepito, stop this talk.
Monsters are not real.

Oui. No more
of this scary stuff.

Now, little ones,
please try to get
some rest.

You have a big day
ahead of you.

[Brakes squeal]


At last. Regardez.
We are here.

There's hardly
any snow!

Where's the snow?

[In unison]
we want snow!

At least pepito's
abominable snowman

Did not come
to meet us.

Not yet!

Does the abdominal
snowman wear bells?

Ah, here is
my nephew hans.

Guten tag,

Good day,
aunt clara.

Bonjour, hans.
My, how you have grown.

My grandmother
is so anxious
to see you.

Will there be
more snow?

Ha ha ha!
You will have
to ask grandmother.


In a bumpy old carriage,
they admired the view.

The mountains
were snowcapped,

And the sky,
oh, so blue.

Look, a little goat
up on that mountain!


Hans, is something
stuck in your throat?

No, pepito.
Hans is yodeling.



I think this goat
likes your yodeling, hans.




Hans' yodel was so loud

That he attracted
quite a crowd.

Not much later
in the day,

The group arrived
at the chalet.

Dear aunt hilda.

Willkommen, clara.
Welcome, children.

Come in.

Madeline: that was
a good story, aunt hilda.

Tell us another.

Sã­. Tell us one about
the abominable snowman.

Now, now,

Have you ever seen
the abdominal snowman?

I? Why...

Of course.

Aunt hilda!

One winter, I was out
at the woodshed

When I heard
a strange sound.


I turned around and found
a snow-covered giant

Staring straight at me.


Did you scream?

Ja, I screamed...

Because he was
standing on my toe.

Then what did

He ran away, and
ever since that day,

I know by that toe
when it's going to snow.

Oh, aunt hilda,

Your imagination is
as good as pepito's.

Then aunt hilda's toe
felt suddenly warm.

I think we are in
for a monstrous storm.


storm warning--

Blizzard moving in tonight.

Repeat, snowstorm alert.

Snow will accumulate
up to 2 feet
in mountain areas.

Snow!â â â â â â â snow!

Let us hope
there is not too much.

Later, the children
ate gingerbread...

And brushed their teeth...

And went to bed...

But they thought they heard
some monsters peep,

And not even one
could fall asleep.

In the middle
of the night,

Miss clavel turned on
the light and said...

Something is not right.

Miss clavel
ran fast and faster,

Hurrying toward
the new disaster.

Miss clavel, save us.

What is it, mes petites?

The monster!

What monster?

The abominable

He is outside
our window.


[Crunching footsteps]

There he is!

Aah!â â â â â â â â â â â â aah!

Quelle horreur!

[Tapping on window]

It is the abdominal

The abominable snowman.

I am not so sure,

No, madeline.

Do not go near him!



C'est ca.
I thought it was you.

Meet the abominable pepito.


[Arf arf]

that was not funny.

Now, you should
be able to sleep.

You will have lots
of snow to play in

[In unison]
good night, miss clavel.

Bonne nuit,
monsieur snowman.


That's how monsters
say, "good night,

The new-fallen layer
of precipitation

Exceeded every expectation.


where are you?


Ha ha ha ha!

The air was crisp,
the sky was fair,

But hilda warned them
to beware...


For she sensed
trouble in the air.

Graceful and confident
on her skates...

Madeline carved
perfect figure 8s.


You are great!



Everyone thought
this was quite fine...

Ha ha ha ha!

Until genevieve skated...


Number 9.

The dog could glide
with such precision.

She could even skate
in long division.

Though she tried hard
as she was able...


Miss clavel
remained unstable.

Ahh! There,
I have it.

Their favorite teacher
did her best,


But in the end,
she had to rest.


Merci, little ones.

I think that
it is time for me

To go back home
and have some tea.

Au revoir.


Now, my friends,
what would you
like to do next?

[In unison]

♪ Give us snow ♪

♪ I dream about a blanket ♪

♪ A blanket
that's not warm ♪

♪ It's the blanket
we see on the ground ♪

♪ After a winter storm ♪

♪ Give us snow,
white, white snow ♪

♪ Give us snow ♪

♪ Snow-del-lay-dee,
oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Snow, white snow ♪

♪ I dream
of putting on my skis ♪

♪ And schussing
down the slope ♪

♪ So when I feel
the first snowflake ♪

♪ It lightens me with hope ♪

♪ Give us snow,
white, white snow ♪

♪ Give us snow ♪

♪ I dream of building
a snowman ♪

♪ To join me on my sled ♪

♪ Then we'll skate
around the frozen pond ♪

♪ Till it's time
to go to bed ♪

♪ Give us snow,
white, white snow ♪

♪ Give us snow ♪

♪ Snow-del-lay-dee,
oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Snow, white snow ♪

♪ Give us snow ♪



We are almost
at the top, genevieve.

[Ruff ruff]

hears something.



It is the abominable
snowman! I knew it!

No, pepito. I am afraid
it is something much worse.

Much worse?

What could it be?
Oh, no!

An avalanche!

Do not panic.
Get into the sled.

Hang on, my friends.

Do not worry,
We will make it...

I hope.

They zoomed downhill...

And zipped down dale

With a deadly avalanche
right on their tail.

O.k., Everyone,
lean left.


We made it!

...dix, onze, douze.
Tres bien.

My little ones are safe.

But the road
is blocked.

Hans will telephone
for help so we can
be found.

If the abominable snowman
doesn't find us first.

Oh, no!


Stop it, pepito!

Hilda was serving

When a flustered hans
came in and said...

The telephone lines,
they are all dead.

Oh, no! We shall
be stranded forever.

Do not worry, chloe.

A rescue team
is sure to find us.

But that was our last

Two days passed,
as they tried to stay cheerful.

Aunt hilda told stories
by the earful,

And the boys
were still quite fearful.

Madame hilda,
s'il vous plait,
tell us another story.

Well, there is one about--


What is that?

What is that noise?



They are here
to rescue us.


But the sound of propellers
soon diminished,

Until they were
completely finished.

The minutes crawled by.
The wait seemed long.

Then madeline said...

Let us try a song.



I do not feel
like singing.

Then how about yodeling?

Yodeling? Ja!

The pilots might
be able to hear it!






From their throats
came rousing notes

That no one
seemed to hear...

What are they?

But goats.


Keep your chins up,
mes petites.

The planes will return.

When all seemed
bleakest with despair,

noticed a shiny pair

Of ice skates
hanging on a chair.

C'est ca!
That is it!

This is how
to get attention...

Said madeline,
explaining her intention.


Tres bien, madeline.

It is a wonderful plan.

Tres bien.

In two straight lines
upon the ice,

They followed
madeline's advice.

Carefully and with finesse,

They carved three letters--

The international signal
of distress.

Hilda began
to point and cheer.

The planes are back.

They're coming here.

The aircraft made
their spirits soar.

Yay. They are here!

We are saved!


But then it was quiet.
They heard nothing more.

They will return.
You shall see.

Come. I shall make
some chamomile tea.


Now, we are certain
to be here forever.

No, chloe.
That is not so.

how do you know?

Why is it, madeline,
that you are never afraid?

I feel afraid,
just like you and you.

You do?

But I never
give up hope.

Then everybody turned around.

They heard a very
frightening sound.

[Teeth chattering]

[Crunching footsteps]

Crunching footsteps in the snow
were approaching very slow.

[Knock on door]

With a gust of wind,

The door opened wide,


And two large creatures
stepped inside.

The abominable snowmen!


The snowmen
stomped their heavy feet,

And off came snow
and ice and sleet.

These monsters
have no claws.

They are wearing boots.

And mittens.

And ski masks.

It is the rescue patrol.

Look. They have

And a snowplow.

Madeline's message on the ice
proved a lifesaving device.

The pilots saw the s.o.s.
And made the call

To send the ground patrol
to find them all.

Merci, madeline.

Danke schoen,

Madeline's hope
and her persistence

Had brought the group
this fine assistance.

Hilda said as she
swept the floor...

That's all there is.
There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go,
au revoir ♪

♪ But you may shout,
"encore!" ♪

♪ That's all there is,
there isn't any more ♪

[Ruff ruff]