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01x01 - Out of the Smokeless Fire

Posted: 03/11/24 10:47
by bunniefuu

We are scanning the ground floor, over.

There's no one here in Sector Five.

Over and out.

34GMD for command, we found the sign.


[over radio]

Copy 34GMD.

Move ahead.


SANCTUARY Any movement, soldier? Over.

[Indistinct radio chatter]


[heavy breathing]

Sir I can see someone up ahead.

[over radio]

Who is it, Captain? Difficult to identify.

[shadowy figure]

They are all dead.

Everyone is dead.


Put your hands up.

Put your hands up! Everyone is dead.

[over radio]

Is that our target, Captain? Over.

- I don't know, sir.

- [over radio]

We want him alive.

You hear me, Captain? Alive.

Sir! He's hiding something in his shawl.

- It could be a b*mb, sir!
- Hold! Everyone is dead.


Stop where you are right now.

They are all all dead.

Stop where you are! They are all dead.

All dead.


Hold! Where's Ali Saeed? Ali Saeed? There back there.

Target sighted.

It's him.

It's Ali Saeed.

[over radio]

Copy that.

Proceed with caution.

Moving in.

[soldiers yelling]


I want to ask you something.

[soldiers shouting in panic]

There's something I need to know.

But you'll have to come closer.

[soldiers calling for back


Tell me Where is [soldiers shouting orders]

[Soldiers shouting orders]


I wish you had seen it with your own eyes, Nida.

They came into our neighborhood and threw us out of our homes.


Under the moral re
-conditioning campaign that started on the first of May, all citizens are hereby ordered to surrender harmful and prohibited items to us.

Strict action will be taken against those found not co
-operating with us.

[people pleading, crying]


Whatever they could find, they took it all away.

Our ancestral things, our books.

The reason they gave us was that this was anti

They said our books are corrupting their beliefs.

Tell me, what are these people going to achieve by burning children's books? First they shut down the universities, and now the schools.

This is seditious literature.

What you're doing is a crime.

It is treason.

Crime? They raid our homes in the middle of the night.

And they take innocent people away in the name of re

[siren wails]

And I'm committing a crime? You really think so? [woman]

We haven't done anything wrong! [soldier]

Stop it.

Come on, get in that van.


Where are you taking him? [man 2]

Why are you punishing us like this?
- [boy]

- [woman]

Stop! Let my husband go.

He's innocent.

Stop! Please.

No! Don't do this to us.


Papa! Papa! [woman]

Stop! Please! The people who are taken away are not innocent people.

The force only takes away those who are in need of re


Nida, you are so naive that you don't you don't see what exactly is going on in our country.

And you seem to have gone crazy.

The government just wants what's good for us.

Somehow our community has always been misguided.


But you just don't seem to want to understand that.

And what about all the things that I taught you? Gave you a good education.

I gave you everything.

Gave you morals a good upbringing.

Was that all wrong? I made a mistake.

Should've gone back to the academy alone.

- Look
- Yeah, don't worry, I'll handle it.


My my books.

Calm down, Abbu.

The problem is not just the books, Nida.

In my bag there are lecture notes for my students as well.

You mean to say, you've been teaching stuff that's not part of the syllabus again? There's a limit to this stupidity, Abbu.


Show me your ID.

Shahnawaz Rahim.


Come on, step out.

- Why?
- We need to search your car.

- But why?
- Abbu.

[Nida's father]

This is
- this is religious profiling.

- Abbu! If there is anything that you are hiding from us, it'll be good for you to tell us about it right now.

It's my right, my constitutional right, to go anywhere I want in this country.


What are you hiding in the car? Weapons? Contraband? Or have you got beef in the car? Huh? Hold on.

This is my father and he's dropping me back to the academy, okay? Ma'am, you
- You are from the Protection Squad?
- Advanced Interrogation.

Now let him go.

Come on, Abbu.

Let's go.

Sorry, ma'am.

Sorry, sir.

Hey, move aside.

Let let them go.

Come on, hurry up.


The enemy has not yet been completely defeated.

External powers.


There are some people amongst us who are influenced by these things who are spreading terrorism.

To eliminate such traitors, the government has put in place some extremely tough policies.

An example of these policies is this academy.

By the recent t*rror1st att*cks on our country we have come to realize one thing: That the traitors are not outside but they are amongst us those who get brainwashed.

Anyone could be a t*rror1st.

Our neighbor our friend.

[Nida's father]

Now you've seen everything with your own eyes.

You saw it, didn't you, Nida? Just look at the audacity of these people.

No! They will have to pay a price for this.

They will have to pay a price.

We will make them.

We will.

Therefore, it's your responsibility to look out for illegal activities anything that looks suspicious, and report it to your seniors.

That's what you are here for.

Even if the person in question is a family member.

From now on, your friend your family, is only your country.

Long live [cadets]

our Motherland.

[soldier over radio]

[chatter continues]


We've entered the target's house, over.


[Nida's father]

I I demand to know the reason for which you have arrested me.

You have to give me an answer.

It's my right, it's my fundamental right.

No, you don't have any rights.

What? Look I have not committed any crime.

I'm sure there's been some kind of misunderstanding.

There's definitely some confusion.

Alright, just call my daughter.

She's a member of the NPS.

Why don't you call her? Phone her.

The moment she's here, everything will get sorted out.

Come on.

Call her.

You're being unfair to me.

How can I clear this misunderstanding, this confusion? Sir, they will let him go soon, right? Yeah.

It does take a little time though, to make an intellectual understand.

To turn him into an ideal citizen.

Yes, sir.

Why don't you people understand what I'm saying! I'm telling you, just call my daughter.

She'll come here and sort out everything.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Nida? Please listen to them and do as they say.

- No, no, no, Nida! Just listen to me.

- Abbu, you have to listen to them so that you can come home quickly, Abbu.

You are making a mistake, Nida.

What you are doing is wrong.


Take him away.

Wait, Nidu Nidu.

[Nida's father]

You people have stolen my daughter from me.

Nidu! [man]

Miss Nida Rahim, your father is doing very well in his re
-conditioning process.

During on
-going investigations, new information has come to light which is of utmost importance to national security.

And that's the reason why you are being taken out of your current training with immediate effect.

One more thing, this assignment is on the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Sunil Dacunha, and is extremely confidential.

Colonel Dacunha for command, over.


Sir, Nida Rahim is joining duty from today.


And the package? Over.

It will arrive tonight.

Over and out.

Chawla, get a welcome team ready for Rahim.

- [Chawla]

Yes, ma'am.

- No, no, no.

No welcoming team.

Process her as a new recruit.

Add her to the roster.

And familiarize her with the place first.

She can help us with the interrogation.

- [Chawla]

Yes, sir.

- What? Colonel, all the information that we have on this new recruit, Nida Rahim and about her religion wouldn't it be better to stop playing these games and extract as much information from her as soon as we can? But on what grounds do we question her loyalty? All her past records are clear.

But sir, she is connected with what's going on.

But how? How can we know for sure? We'll do it my way.

[thunder rumbles]


I'm a patriot.

And it is my duty to defend my country.

My mission is to crack down on the enemies of my country.

No matter what? No matter what.

Meghdoot 31 welcomes you here.


Thank you, ma'am.

Now come on, I'll show you around the place.

Your religion won't be a problem, will it? No.

Why, ma'am? There happen to be a lot of Muslims in the groups that we are fighting against at the moment.

These people think they're Muslim, ma'am.

But Islam forbids the m*rder of innocent men, women, and children.

These prisoners here are nothing but murderers and t*rrorists.

The Colonel says that the music keeps the work stress under control.

So that's why music from black and white movies plays on loop day and night.

All the windows in the cantonment are blacked out.

So that any civilians on the outside shouldn't be able to look inside.

And the prisoners on the inside won't be able to tell what time it is.

But along with that, it also affects our body clock in a big way.

So the sooner you adjust, the better it'll be for you.


This is our prison entrance.

The only way to get in and out of the prison.

Not very high
-tech, pretty simple.

But sometimes simple is the best.

This facility was built soon after the First Emergency.

To be used as a bunker in a nuclear attack.

It's a totally self
-sustaining underground city.

But this place has never been used before.

There's no mention of this place in government records, too.

No information at all.

Therefore, for our mission, this is the perfect place.


Currently there are five prisoners and eleven soldiers.

Oh sorry twelve.

Why are there so few prisoners? No permission to keep anyone in custody for more than three weeks.

It's a government rule.

Hey, speechless boy.

Wanna eat some meat? Speak up! You broke him too soon.

Yeah kind of.

Why isn't he kept in a cell like the rest of the prisoners?
- Because he's still on the active list.

- Because he hasn't opened his mouth yet.


This bastard's name is Ahmed.

Looks pretty harmless, but the son of a bitch's hiding something.


Ma'am? It's cold.

Can you give me a blanket? Come on.

[prisoner humming]

Our main interrogation chamber.

Every prisoner is given a free tour of this room.

You know, induction.

Interrogating officer Mathur.

Uh Babloo.

Rahim it's now time to meet the Colonel.


At ease.

Have a seat.

Thank you, sir.

So how did you like the guided tour with our finest interrogating officer? Was it nice? Sir, to be face to face and report to you directly as a commanding officer is such an honor.

Go on, you can ask.

Sir? Look, it's my job to study human behavior, Officer.

So don't worry.

Sir, I still have five whole weeks of my training left to go, so this sudden posting why, sir? In the Advanced Interrogation course you are the highest scorer.

And also consistently, the top performer of your class.

But going beyond your duty, what you've done the huge sacrifice that you have made by informing us about your father and helping us arrest him for all civilians and officers, it's a brave example.

Thank you, sir.

Ali Saeed Al Yacoub? [Nida]

The leader of the United People's Front? Hmm.

He'll be here today.

That monster.

All these prisoners rotting here he's their last unit member.

Ali Saeed.


This is the result of our interrogation techniques and years of hard work.

All kinds of t*rrorists student protesters opposition party leaders, religious fanatics.

Dangerous anti

I want to see one more confession in there.

Ali Saeed's.

You have been posted here to get a confession out of him.

- Yes, sir.

- And remember to feel pity for him or compassion or even to feel guilty, are signs of weakness.

We are not just doing our duty, we are protecting our country.

I understand, sir.

That's good.

It was very nice meeting you.


Report for duty, Rahim.

Right now.

It's really very foolish to trust this woman.

She is a suspect and you know that, sir.

I've already decided.

She should be thrown behind bars with the rest of them.

This is my final decision And now it's an order for you.

Just go do it.

You started pretty early today, sir? I just want to talk to her once, that's all.

Please, just once.

Prerna, why are you doing this to me? Listen, it's raining really hard and I've got through with great difficulty.

I just want to hear her voice once.

Just for one minute.

Hello? Hello? [reporter]

In the last few years, Ali Saeed Al Yacoub has emerged as the most dangerous and the most powerful voice against our beloved government.

The most horrific b*mb blasts that have taken place in our country in the Hey, just be careful.


Don't you think after all that after all that we did to Ahmed, if he really knew anything, he would've confessed right then and there? We had agreed that we wouldn't talk about this ever again.

But I want to talk about it.

What if his being here is a mistake, then? And what if he's an innocent man? No prisoner here is innocent.

Their whole g*dd*mn breed is guilty.

All of them are f*cking monsters.

That bastard Ahmed he's making a fool out of all of us.

He's not a f*cking mute, understand? He's hiding something, for sure.

Don't let them mess with your head, alright? We are only doing our duty, that's it.


Prisoner Ali Saeed is about to reach Meghdoot 31 Command, over.

He's about 2 kilometers away.


- [alarm wails]

- [Dacunha]


A new prisoner is about to arrive.

I need the welcome team at the main gate within 10 minutes.

Chaudhary Gupta and Rahim.

You three are going to be on first rotation, clear? [alarm continues to wail]

Chaudhary, if you lose control one more time, you'll be court martialed straight away, do you understand?
- I did nothing wrong.

- Mmm.

- Lamba?
- Yes, ma'am? Is everything alright with the Colonel? Ma'am? Isn't he drinking too much these days? I don't think this is the right time, Ma'am.



I was just checking, that's all.

It wouldn't be good, would it? If anyone were to start having doubts about his judgement.

Is there anybody who has doubts about his judgement? Back in line, Captain.

Our work here is not easy.

Breaks even the best of us.

That's something our new recruit is about to find out.

This is a trial by fire for you, isn't it, Rahim? This is your big opportunity to prove your loyalty.

Dismissed! How can you question the Colonel's judgement in front of the whole unit? I'm not the only person here, Lamba, who's asking these kinds of questions about him.

Are you keeping an eye on him? We sure as hell are, and very diligently.

It shouldn't be like he screws up, and we have to pay the price for it.

Ali Saeed.


Ali Saeed.


Ali Saeed is coming.

They'll never be able to capture him alive.

Parthiva? Do you really think they have caught him? There's not a single soldier on duty down here.

Has that ever happened? It's him, I know.

Ali Saeed cannot be caught.

It's not possible for anybody to trap someone like him.

It's possible.

But only if he himself wanted this, and he then planned his own capture.

Look, all I know is that .


it was that miserable son of a bitch who was the last person to meet him.

Show some mercy, Rajan.

That kid in there is going through hell right now, the kind that you can't even imagine.

[dogs snarling]


There's heavy flooding on the roads.

I don't know how I'll get back.

- Soldier, be careful.

- Sorry, sir.

Come on.

Give me the pen.

Sir, he doesn't talk much, but when he starts talking, sir
- Open up.

- Yes, sir.

[dogs whimper [dogs stop barking]