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01x06 - Wicks

Posted: 02/16/13 23:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Banshee...

You were the most notorious thief in the country.

Now you want play a cop?

I've got the badge.

Drop the g*n!


Special Agent Xavier.

What's the FBI's interest in Kai Proctor?

Now we've got him for m*rder.

Why are you here, Kat?

I don't know.

You arrest these guys, they'll stick around.

I'm not planning on arresting them.

I want him.

I can't do that.

If you could, you would be free.

Your word?

My word.

1x06 - Wicks

[ door creaks open ]

Get outta here! Come on!

[ Lucas grunting ]

Get up! Come on, up.

Rabbit's voice: You should have told me.

You and Anastasia...

I could have come to terms with it.

But you turned her against me.

I think he knows.

He doesn't know.

Rabbit's voice: I treated you like family, and you turned my daughter against me?


You did that yourself.

You won't tell me where she is?

I don't know where she is.

You gave up your freedom for her. And now you will die for her.



You will not die.

You will suffer.

You will know fear... and pain and despair... every single day you are in here.

This much I promise you.

[ chuckles ]

You're not begging.

You have always been so proud... so much like me.

I will never be like you.

We'll see.

[ bones cr*ck ]

[ screaming ]

[ screaming ]


[ panting ]

I know just how deep to go without k*lling you.

[ groaning, screaming ]

Every single day.

[ grunts ]

Now you can go to sleep.


[ humming sound ]

[ theme music playing ]

[ bus hisses ]

15-minute rest stop, folks.

We'll be in Pittsburgh before noon.

Hey, ladies.

I'm a sinner. Will you pray for me?

Guess a blow job would be pushing it, huh?

Huh, f*cking b*tches.

I gotta go.

All right, I'll see you later.

I don't f*ckin' believe it.

[ engine starts ]

[ chuckles ] No f*ckin' way.

My father wants a word with him.

Alex tells me you're still mad at me.

Yes, I am.

I cleared the way for the hotel with the zoning board.

I got all the permits fast-tracked.

I made sure the environmental impact report wasn't an issue.

Burton, get the man a chair.

It was a m*rder charge.

It's a political vendetta. It won't amount to anything.

I apologize if I offended you, friend.

Apology accepted. How've you been feeling?

[ laughs ]

Cut the bullshit, paleface.

We all know the spirit horse is coming for me.

I already heard its hoofbeats.

And... you have concerns.

Your word is the only bond I need.

But your son... with all due respect, Benjamin, he doesn't share our past.

My son will fulfill my promises.

Then I'll treat Alex with the same respect I've treated you.

I'll consider your promise his to keep.

But if he breaks it, it won't be a good day for the tribe.

I will talk with Alex.

Now, the landowners at the site...

I understand there's one that doesn't want to sell out.

Yeah, it's the Reverend.

He's a decent man, stubborn.

He'll sell.

He just doesn't know it yet.

[ Benjamin laughs ]

Hello, Deborah.

What do you want?

Is your husband home?

Arthur's around back.

Thank you.

[ whistling tune ]

Kai: Morning, Reverend Ramsey.

Thought I would've heard back from you by now.

I want you to taste something.

The pipes in my house, they draw the water from the aquifer, but I prefer to drink it straight from here.

Same well my great-grandfather drank from.

Same bucket, even.

When my son was born, the entire congregation of First Methodist came out here.

We baptized him with the water from that very well.

I understand your attachment, Mr. Ramsey.

I even admire it.

But you're not a 19th century homesteader.

You have a Prius, a Facebook page, and a 401k.

We'll double the payout.

We'll secure you equal acreage within the district.

You can dig a new well.

I'd be worried that any land you secure for me would involve forcing someone else out.

Now listen to me, Reverend. You're gonna leave.

You can do it with grace and some cash in your pocket, or you can do it broke.

But it's gonna happen.

I'm gonna have to pray on it.

If God was looking out for you, I wouldn't be at your door now, would I?


[ vibrating ]

[ groans ]

[ vibrating continues ]


Brock: Hey, I've been trying to get you on the radio.

Where the hell are you?

Serving the people.

Well, look, I got a guy here in the cage for shoplifting.

He's got a... got a long sheet.

A really long sheet.

Well, I'm sure you can handle it.

Leonard Vanderwick... does that mean anything to you?

Nope. Why?

Well, the guy says he knows you and he won't talk to anyone else.

What do you mean knows me?

I don't know. He just... get down!

He won't tell me anything else.

I was gonna take him over to the court for processing, but he insisted that he use his right to one phone call to contact you.

Leonard Vanderwick?

Yep. What do you want me to do?

You want me to get him processed?

Yeah, no. I'll be right over.

I gotta go.

Sounds that way.

Is it okay if I just stay here and maybe nap?

It's quiet.

The Moody boys becoming a problem for you?

What, are we going steady now?

I can handle Cole's idiot brothers.

This is Deputy Lotus in Banshee.

I'm just wondering how soon we'll get the... yeah.

The file number... it's 00170455.

Do I know you?

I don't know, "Sheriff".

Do you?

[ laughing ]

[ buzzer sounds ]

[ footsteps approach ]

How you doing there, champ?

You're not up to solid foods yet, hmm?

Come on, let me get you to sit up.

[ groaning ]

Leave it.

All right, all right.

I just didn't want it to go to waste.

Here you go.

Here. Looks like you're having some trouble there, brother.

Just hold that right there. I'm Wicks.

You want some water?

Whoa, easy, easy.

Easy there.

[ coughing ]

You won't wanna heal too fast.

The Albino, man... this and solitary, the only two places he can't get to you.

The Albino.

[ stabs ]

[ screaming ]

Wicks: Yeah.

He already put the word out... you're his property.

I don't know what you did, man, but your chances of survival just took a nosedive.

What do I do?

I suggest you get really good at sucking cock.

I'm serious.

The Albino's a crazy m*therf*cker, but he's also full-on q*eer.

You're young, good-looking.

You show him some love, maybe you don't end up in a wheelchair.

It's not gonna happen.

You need to accept that it will happen, man.

Every single day you are in here.

You got no place to hide.

But how it happens, you might be able to put a spin on that.

You give it to him before he takes it and curry some f*ckin' favor.

That's your best sh*t.

Listen, are you gonna eat that sandwich?


Thank you.

You're welcome, Sheriff.

So, uh, how long you been out?

[ clears throat ]

A little while.


Been out about two years.

Did some work for my sister's husband down in Florida.

It's nice there. You could work outdoors all year round.

But her husband, he didn't like me being around the kids.

He thought I was poisoning their minds or some sh*t.

He said he was letting me go on account of the economy, but the fucker just wanted me gone.


Hey, enough about me, man.

How the f*ck did you pull off this little miracle here?

It's complicated.

No sh*t, it's complicated.

And temporary.

What are you gonna have?

Don't know yet.

You're setting up a job.


Now, listen, man. You know you can trust me.

And right now, I'm what you'd call highly available.

No, Wicks, it's not like that.

Come on, man. You owe me!

Keep your f*cking voice down.

Listen, man, I'm not gonna f*ck this up for you.

But I'm tapped out.

You have no idea. I'm not living right.

I know what I look like.

I've been sleeping on the f*ckin' streets, man.

I just need a break.

Or I'm gonna be back in the cage in a month.

At least I get fed there.

Look, order whatever you want. I'll be back.

I see you made a new friend.

Yeah, I'm a friendly guy.

Wicks: Give me an apple pie.

Waitress: Coming right up.

He's wall-to-wall prison tats. I think you're the last guy who'd want to be seen keeping that kind of company.

Mrs. Hopewell, I didn't know you cared.

Be smart.

What, are you worried about me?

I'm worried about me.

No. No, that's not it.

You're worried about me.

Just be smart.

[ clicks ]

[ sirens wailing ]

Oww! [ laughing ]

[ sirens turn off ]


Here you go.

A clean bed. You can take a hot shower.

Yeah, all right.


I'll come by tomorrow with some clean clothes for you.

Then what?

Uh... we'll talk.

All right.

Hey. Thank you.


None of them will come near you.

But you will?

Well, now... see, me, I make myself indispensable.

I'm a purveyor of certain goods, mostly pharmaceutical.

And the Albino, he likes his narcotics.

Where is he?

He don't come out in the yard. You seen his eyes?

Stays out of the sun like a f*ckin' vampire.

How do I get to see him?

You don't.

What are you, some kind of masochist?

He'll find you soon enough.

Come on.

You see blondie over there with the football?


That's Billy B.

That's the Albino's main squeeze.

If you want in, that's your access.

But I'm telling you... I wouldn't do that.

You know how to throw a ball.

Yeah, I won two state championships.

Oh, it's you. Almost healed up, huh?

What the f*ck you want?

I'm sorry, man.

I told him he didn't have an appointment. He insisted.

I can always make time for an old friend.

You see? Prison can be very liberating.

Billy B here, he was as straight as they come on the outside.

Son of a minister, star quarterback, f*cked the prom queen... all of that.

Then one day, he went and got drunk and ran over some old lady and her grandson and ended up in here.

And now he's in love.

Well, the heart wants what the heart wants, right?

They did a good job with you, huh?

I mean, f*ck, you were a mess... what was it... a month ago?

About that.

So you found me before I could find you.

I appreciate that. It shows gumption.

I wanna make a deal.

What kind of deal?

The kind that keeps me healthy.

[ laughs ] I really can't do that.

See, my deal with Mr. Rabbit makes that a conflict of interest.

You understand.

Rabbit doesn't need to know.

[ sighs ]

And now you're insulting me.

But I know a way you can make up for that.

Gotta be honest, uh... I just don't feel that close to you yet.

It's gonna happen.

I could make it happen right now, but I'm not gonna.

Because when you do it, you're gonna do it willingly, gratefully.

And while you're greedily sucking me off, like a babe suckling on its mother's tit, that's when you'll understand that I own your ass.

Get him out of here.

And the next time we meet's gonna be something special.

Mr. Rabbit has requested a small piece of you, something to prove to him that I'm holding up my end.
Lucas: So how long are you in for?


That's a long time to be anyone's bitch.

You know, whatever you're thinking, you can just forget it.

You belong to him now.

We can take him down.


f*ck you.

You're his bitch now, just like me.

[ screaming ]

Stay down! Stay down!

Oh, f*ck.

[ screaming ]

[ grunts ]

Guard: Fighting in the yard buys you 30 days in the hole.

The shiv gets you another 90.

Keep it up... you'll be an old man by the time you see a real bed again.

[ door clangs ]

Wicks: Yeah, lookin' sharp!

[ laughing ] Whoo!

I feel like a new man.

f*ck, yes.

Mr. Vanderwick is walking tall, m*therf*cker.

[ laughs ]

You look great.

I know.

He says he'll take you to Pittsburgh.

Then you can make your own way from there.

Here. That's 2,500 bucks.

Thanks, man.

All right.

And, uh, thanks for my new wardrobe.

Yeah. All right.

All right.

Been great, man.


Hey, Wicks.

Don't come back.

[ door closes, truck departs ]

Morning, Reverend.

No, no, no, no. Look, you can just turn right around.

I'm not signing. I've spoken to my lawyer.

He said what you're doing is considered extortion.

I assure you that was not the case.

What's this?

This? This is extortion.

This is... this is not my wife.

Kai: Oh? Oh, no, it's her. It's her, all right.

I should know. See?

I never forget a great piece of ass.

Arthur: Where did you get these?

Oh, I didn't get them. I took them.

Yeah, I took that one, too.

You f*cked my wife?!

Of course not. She wasn't your wife then.

She danced in my clubs for years before she found you... and God.

Or was it God, then you? I don't know.

Either way, I found her first.


Shut up.

Let me... listen to me...

I said shut up!

But my offer still stands. I'll double the payout.

As far as I'm concerned, you've earned it.

At least one of you did.

I'm so sorry.

Just sign the papers.

We'll relocate you and these pictures disappear.

Now, if you don't sign, tomorrow morning they'll be in the in-boxes of every member of your church along with the link to the video.


Oh, come on, Ramsey. There's always a video.

Shut up.

Boy: Dude, you know you like her.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Dude, she kisses her dog.

She does not.

Like, tongue kisses.

[ both laughing ]

[ wheezing ]


[ wheezing continues ]


[ coughing ]


Mrs. Hopewell!

Mrs. Hopewell! Max. Max.

[ monitor beeping ]

Come on, baby boy.

It's fine. Mommy's right here.

Mommy loves you.

Hey, how is he?

Where were you?

I called you over an hour ago.

I was in court.

They had to come and get me. I'm... I'm sorry.

What did the Doctor say?

They haven't said anything yet.

[ knocks ]

Gordon, Carrie. He's stable now.

Can we speak privately for a minute?

I'm not a child.

Right here's fine, Doctor.

We'd been hoping that the therapies we had Max on would keep his lungs going for a few more years until he reached puberty, at which point surgery would be a more viable option.

But his asthma is being complicated by that scarred lung and I don't think we can take that approach anymore.

[ cheering, clamoring ]

Give me that f*ckin' money!

[ coins clinking ]


[ cheering ]

You're the lucky man.

[ giggles ]


[ cheering ]

500, yo.

[ cheering ]

Yeah! That's what I'm talking about.


I need another f*ckin' drink!



Come on, baby.

Come on, lucky nine.


Yeah, sonn' bitch! Pay me!

[ cheering ]

Man: Bet is midnight. Bet is boxcars.

All right, hands off the layout, please.

The dice are out. Seven.


sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.

[ mutters ]

sh*t, sh*t.

Come on, baby.

You should really stop.

No, no, no. I got this.

You're gonna lose it all.

f*ck off!

Hey, man.

Yeah? f*ck you, too.

Where the f*ck are you going?

Come here.

You're being an assh*le.

Take your hands off the lady now.

Yeah, dickwad, take your hands off the lady.

All right, all right.

Thank you.

Everybody calm down. It's good, it's good.

[ woman screams ]

Get up, ass-wipe.

Hey, free money!

[ laughing ]

[ crowd shouting ]

[ crowd gasps ]

Who's the ass-wipe now, m*therf*cker?

Who's the ass-wipe now? Oh, sh*t.

Lucas: Not a f*ckin' word.

So this is the guy who tore up my casino?

It was all a misunderstanding, Chief.

Did you really just call me "Chief"?

Are you really that f*cking dumb?

I... I didn't mean anything by it.

Shut up and listen so there's no further misunderstandings.

If you ever walk through my doors again, we won't bother the Banshee Sheriff's Department with our troubles.

This is Kinaho land you're standing on, and we'd be well within our rights to handle it internally.

Nod if you understand.

He's all yours.


Here, babe.


Jesus Christ, Carrie.

I'm sorry.

No, no. Leave it, leave it.

Let me get it.

I got it... I got it, honey. I got it.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, it's okay.

Max will be okay. They'll figure this thing out.

They have it figured out. We just don't want to believe them.

You know, the asthma's one thing, but he's gonna need a new lung.

He had a bad att*ck. I know that, but...

You know, so long as we're here for the night, why don't we just... why don't we just get everything out on the table?

What are you talking about?

I don't know, but I know it's something.

Max is getting worse.

I'm not talking about Max.

Honey, I'm talking about us. I'm talking about you.

When I catch you sitting in the kitchen, staring out the window, and the look in your eye, it's like this look of total despair.

And the kids are picking up on it, too.

The ki... what do you mean, the kids?

Deva has asked me more than once why you seem so distant.

Did you tell her that seeing the man who... tried to r*pe me sh*t and k*lled on top of me might be a reason for me to feel a little bit thrown?

I did. I said exac...

You just...

Yeah, I said exactly that.

Okay, good.

Tell me about the Sheriff.

He got Deva out of that rave and I'm very grateful.

And that is it.

I need you to let me in, Carrie.

We can b*at this thing with Max.

I know we can, but we have to be operating at full strength.

And... and right now...

You're right. You're right.

Have I done something to upset you?

Because if I have, I don't know...

No, honey, no.

It's all me. I'm just having...

I've been having a hard time finding my balance right now.

What can I do for you?

Don't give up on me.


Ah. Thank you, brother.

That is some choice sirloin. You know your cuts.

Thank you.

Mm-mm, thank you.

You got yourself a sweet setup here.

Most cons I know can't get minimum wage.

Look at you... sole proprietor.

What is it about this town? It's like heaven for cons.

Hey, man! Where you been?

Well, I had to make sure your mess was cleaned up properly. Thanks.

Yeah, look, I'm real sorry about that, man.

That was my bad.

But in my defense, that hooker gave me some bad coke.

I told you not to come back.

Yeah, well, you know what? I believe the power dynamic here's all f*cked up.

Come again?

I mean, knowledge is power, right?

I have some knowledge about you that nobody else in this town has.

So, the way I see it, I'm not the one who should be taking orders.

We had a deal.


And we're renegotiating.

[ sighs ]



You got a great situation here.

I'm not looking to f*ck it up, but you better believe I want a piece.

Been on the road for two years.

And nothing... I mean nothing has panned out.

You give me some f*ckin' hush money, send me on my way.

We both know I'm gonna end up back inside.

And you know what? I'm not going back.

This is my only play, and I'm making it.

I'm not asking for a handout.

You're gonna give me a chance and I'm gonna earn my keep.

And that's how it's gonna be, Sheriff.

Man, this is some f*cking grade-A beef.

Well, well, well, look who's back.

Got a special delivery for you.

He's coming for you tomorrow in the yard.

Wicks: Watch the yard guards. When they disappear, it's time.

Lucas: Why are you helping me?

I consider it an investment. It's a long stretch in here.

Wicks: You only get one chance.

The sky is always bluer than I remember.

I've been waiting for you, my friend.

What you did to Billy B, that was uncalled for.

That was a hate crime, man.

Bring him.

Come on, tough guy.

Nice try, smart-ass.

Get on your f*cking knees.

Get on your f*cking knees, bitch!

Ask for it.


Ask for it.


Okay, so...

I do this... and we're good?

[ laughs ]

f*ck, no. I'll probably still k*ll you.

But if you show some serious skills, you may have a future.

[ grunts ]

I'd better come quick and hard, or you won't stand up again.

Now ask for it.


[ quietly ] Give it to me.



Give it to me.

[ slices ]

[ razor clatters ]

[ yelling ]


[ squishing ]

[ screams ]

[ crunches ]

[ grunting ]

[ choking ]

[ clinks, prisoners murmur ]

[ breathing heavily ]

Are we good?

Yeah, we're good.

Sugar: I knew guys like Wicks in prison, guys that never stop digging graves for themselves and then trading everything and everyone to keep from getting buried.

[ knocks ]

Eh, Hood, I never saw the paperwork on that Leonard Vanderwick guy. That get filed or...?

It wasn't worth the effort. I sent him packing.

Guys like that don't go down without taking everyone close down with him.

That's their game.

Brock: How did he know you anyway?

He didn't.

Not really.

Knew of me, I guess.

And you just... just let him go?


I didn't want to waste any more time on a vagrant who tried to steal some dinner.

So now you decide which laws are worth enforcing?

That's why they gave me the badge.

Yeah, but the rules are different out here.

Sugar: No. Same rules.

Same rules they had since the first man picked up the first stick and b*at the second man's ass with it.

You have an interesting way of looking at the world.

[ Sugar chuckles ]

Yeah, I've lived an interesting life.

[ keypad clicking ]

[ phone ringing ]

[ ringing continues ]

Man: Yes?

Carrie: Tell him it's me.

It's her.

Rabbit: Anastasia.

I'm ready... to bring him to you.


By the end of this week.


I'll let you know.

She will bring him.

[ engine starts ]

Sugar: And just when things finally seem to be nice and boring, you came along.

You're welcome.

I guess I'm just not cut out for... boring. [ chuckles ]

...wait for part after credits...

[ music playing ]

♪ He left his mark ♪
♪ Upon my skin ♪
♪ Said, "I lost my loose heart" ♪
♪ To the cold, cold wind" ♪
♪ Swallow me hunted down ♪
♪ I didn't know why I sent him out ♪
♪ Take my body home... ♪
♪ Take my body home. ♪

[ man over phone ] Hey, Dad, it's Jason.

I got your message.

I know we haven't talked in a long time, but I've got some real trouble here.

I called a few times and I haven't heard back from you.

I just wish I knew where the hell you were.

I really need to talk to you.

Anyway, please call me. Bye.