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01x07 - The Secret Behind the Window

Posted: 03/11/24 19:55
by bunniefuu

Yes, I'll check.

Hold on, I can't hear you I can on Monday if that works for you.

All right.


Take them off, Siriani.

You know who I am, right? We're no longer in Villefranche, Mr.


You're a nobody here.

Siriani! You don't need to escort us, Major.

Have you lost your mind? He's not involved in Marion going missing.

Have you been listening to me just to keep me off guard? Your woodsman lead is malarkey.

It won't lead anywhere.

There are break
-ins, blood stains
- We're about to get the DNA
- Here are the results.

He's not on file.

It could've been anyone who did it.

I'm sure it was him.

Wake up! Something in the woods scares you, if you want to stop it, go see a shrink.

Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

Now, if you don't mind, I've got a suspect to deal with.

Laurène, It's me.

I saw you drive by.

I hope everything's OK and Hold on.

I'll call you back.

- 7427, 7428
- Grégory? Are you OK? I'm playing hide
-seek with daddy.

You scared me.

What number were you at? 7428.

Can I go look for him? Yes, go ahead.

Daddy? Wait.

Wait for me, Grégory! Daddy? Daddy? Grégory? Wait for me! Grégory? Grégory? Found him! Found him! Found him! Antoine? Can you hear me? Are you OK? So firefighters do go running every morning.

The rumors about gendarmes also check out.

- Hey.

- Yeah? Hello.



Oh no, Laurène's on call today.


OK, I'm coming.

Ah, OK.

- OK, I'm on my way.

- The Bailly farm.

Same here.

Give me a sec, I'll come with you.


Got to drop by the station.

I'll see you at the farm.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY Where's my lawyer? Why don't we get on with it? I thought we could have a little talk first.

We're neighbors, but we hardly know each other.

This is a huge mistake you're making.

What can you do? You're going to bust my kneecaps or double my tourism tax? In the meantime, I'd like to delve into what happened on December 4.

I told that story 8 months ago.

So where were you when your daughter went missing? At precisely 4:44 PM, when she made her last phone call, to Cora Weiss.

I did tell you.

I was at the sawmill.

It's in there somewhere.

Well, I did read that, but I also read that you were in your office.

No witnesses.

Good thing I found one: someone who saw you at the Mornes pond at 4:30.

Mornes pond.

Another one of Villefranche's charming landmarks.

Either it's a mistake, or he's lying.

Who is it? He's out of harm's way, so I can tell you now: Lercier.

Lercier? You got a dead man to talk? Fortunately, he testified before he got k*lled.

Well, "fortunately" And well, where did I put them? Here they are: I have your GPS tracking records, which confirm your presence at the Mornes pond at 4:30.

And then, nothing.

As if you turned it off.


Steiner, you've been lying to everyone for the past 8 months.

What really went on that day? Come on, let's go!
- Hi.

- Hi.

Will Bailly make it? He's stable, but he's in a coma.

He got struck on the head.

His house was searched, but it's always a mess, so it's hard to tell what's missing.

Did someone manage to reach Laurène? No.

But she was following a police van out of town.

I also saw Siriani's car.

This feels off, like an old man who shat himself watching TV.

Come on.

What are you doing? What are you doing?
- It's a game.

- Let him go, he's the victim's son.


It's OK, I'm good.

How do we know he's not involved? I've known him for years, he's never been violent.

He's just different.


Where's my dad? Poor kid.

There's no one left to take care of him.

Daddy? Yeah, I'll try to explain it to him.

Then we'll bring him to the gendarmerie.

What's with these coded messages? D9/53.


It has to mean something.

Could be a game of Battleship.

Stop, stop taking pictures.

Hello everyone! Hi! My daddy's in the hospital because someone crushed his head.

Yeah, this is Grégory Bailly.

We're expecting news from his dad.

We don't have much to work with.

- Thanks.

- What the hell is up with the mayor? What do you mean? The baker told me the district attorney had him arrested.

- You're sh1tting me.

- Wait, there's more.

He was leaving someone's house.

Laurène's, you know what I mean? What a shitshow.

I'm so pissed! No mushroom picking for me now! f*ck this! f*ck! Stop! No, put this g*n down!
- Hello?
- Stop.


It was the hospital.

So? It's his father Can you explain this? Siriani's holding Bertrand in custody.

What's with this raid? I'll show him what I'm made of.

It's about Marion.

What did he do? He didn't do sh*t, cut the crap.

Yes, sir.

I'll take care of it.

You already checked everything.

Just doing our job, ma'am.

Let me keep my daughter's stuff! We'll take the sealed evidence and leave.

Léa I'm sorry Bertrand's in custod Do you really believe that story about the mayor? I don't know, Camille.

I guess it had to hit the fan.

What the hell are we doing here? You'll see.

This is the notebook we found at Bailly's.

D8, D8, D8, 18.

So? Well, then
- sh*t!
- What now? This stuff comes from Bailly's place! What? The feeders on that tree! What's this? Hey! What's this guy doing here? Hey, you over there! Wait! Wait.

I got him! Camille! I got him.

He looks wasted.

You want to go? No, you do it, it's your investigation.


Sir What's your name?
- Meynard.

- Meynard.

Luc Meynard.

Luc Meynard.


What's your occupation? I drive trucks.

- You're a trucker.

- Yeah.

Are you using the feeders as piggy banks? A month ago, I received a letter with a picture and I had to leave 500 euros in there, and then another 500 the following week
- Scummy blackmailer.

- OK, 500 euros, or else what? This happens.

- What?
- Down there.

My wallet in my shirt! Very funny.

There's a photograph.

When my wife left me, I started drinking.

If my boss gets word of it, I'll be fired.

The guy who made these feeders was assassinated.

Apparently, he was the blackmailer.

- Where were you this morning?
- Home, alone.

Unlike your chief, from what I've heard.

- The mayor and her
- Oh no! No, no, no.

Can't talk like that about her.

Because you're already in deep sh*t, don't make it worse.

I'm the victim here! And who is that guy anyway? Who's the blackmailer? END OF THE LINE Roman? Roman, right? Let's go for a little ride? We need to talk.

No, I don't think so.

Who are you? I think you're gonna come.

Can't hide in the woods forever.

You're on my turf, you little shithead.

Come on, hop in.


Roman! Sorry, I'm late.

- How are you, Gaspard?
- Good.

You? Is there a problem? No, no problem! See you later!
- Yeah, right.

- Bye! That's all I know for now.

Bertrand is still in Siriani's office.

I really trust you guys to keep quiet.

That's a bit late.

The entire town knows about everything.


What do we have on Bailly? We found 16 feeders filled with cash.

He blackmailed a lot of people.

We even caught a trucker, but we had to let him go.

Lack of evidence.

But all the people who paid up are suspects.

Did he need money?
- Who, Bailly?
- Yeah.

But he couldn't have spent it.

His autopsy revealed a pancreatic cancer he was about to kick the bucket anyway.

He left a will.

Hermann's getting hold of it.

He did all this for his son.

If he blackmailed that many people, there's got to be pictures somewhere.

- Let's go back to the farm.

- OK.

- Let's take Grégory with us.

- OK.

Leila? Leila.

- Can we talk?
- Yeah.

I have some blood tests to show you.


What do you think? Atropine Scopolamine This sounds like a cocktail of weird sh*t.

I'll need my chemistry book.

What's it for? For Bertrand.

Aren't things complicated enough? What if he did it? Did it cross your mind? It did.

But it's the only way to clear him.

When I came back from my office, Léa had called the gendarmes.

I've already told you this a dozen times.

OK, then let's try my version now.

I believe you had an argument with your daughter on that day.

You said It's in the file: "It was towards 1 PM, long before she left.

" I don't think she went very far.

I checked your past.

Between 93 and 99, a dozen complaints were lodged against you: public drunkenness, threats, as*ault and battery Your father always covered for you, but he did get you interned in 96 for a fit of rage.

Just after Major Weiss's ordeal.

She's not involved.

Don't involve her in this, this is irrelevant.

Maybe it's irrelevant, but you did have a hard time keeping things under control, right? Sure, but that was 20 years ago.

Is it because others do the dirty work for you now? I'm sure this rage is still there, somewhere.

You hate it when people defy you.

And that's precisely what Marion was doing.

Ah! Quarrels, falling grades, teens wanting to run away I've found out in your file that you had to pick her up at the gendarmerie on two occasions.

Then, on December 4, once again, she rode away on her motorbike.

This brings us to the Mornes pond.

I wonder what we'll find I never went there for f*ck's sake! Well, I believe something happened there, something irreparable, but not premeditated.

You caught up with her, and things went south.

It can happen.

I get it, she must've been a handful.

You were raising her the way your father raised you.

It makes sense.

Is it that difficult to shut up, obey, submit? When I want to hurt you, you won't see it coming! Is that what you were after? You feel better now, huh? This type of behavior won't help your case.

Let's start over from the beginning.

Hi, how are you? No thanks.

Antoine Bailly was assassinated.

It was weird to see your name on his will.

Are you now the kid's legal guardian? No, I was just helping out.

Antoine was sick but he'd saved up to hire help so Grégory could stay in the house if anything happened to him.

- Do you know where the money comes from?
- No, why? Because he blackmailed a lot of people.

That's what got him k*lled.

You're sure you don't know anything? Come on! I swear I don't know anything, Hermann.

The money will be seized.

What about Grégory then? Find him a special needs home.

No, you can't do that! You can't.

I knew you'd come back.

Yeah, right.

I saved you from a b*ating.

You think he knows about Arduinna? As long as he can't find us What's the matter? Are you scared? Are you thinking about the other night? Where are we going? You'll see Make yourself comfortable.

I'll light a fire.

- So?
- I didn't find any pictures.

What about you? Didn't find anything either, nothing that looked like a lab.

Did you ask Grégory? No, I thought he was with you.

- Grégory!
- Grégory! Grégory? Come and see my collection.

What are you doing? Teddy Bear! Well.

You keep lying to me.

I don't care.

I've got plenty of time.

Are you done? Usually, you like to end with an ironic twist, a punchline, that kind of thing.

I'll wear a red nose for your trial.

There you go.

You never let things go, huh? At least we have that in common.


We have nothing in common.

You're an infection that is rotting the world to its core.

You disgust me.

That's a bit of a negative outlook.

I heard that was your flaw.

- We're not here to talk about me.

- Yes, we are.

I'm really interested.

I did some research on you.

You had problems in your old job, I heard.

Luckily, your higher
-ups covered for you, or you could've lost more than your job, right?
- You don't know what you're talking about.

- True.

Your exile to our town makes sense.

You could be my golden ticket out of there.

Oh yeah? I'm gambling on what the divers will find in the pond.

I'm Maître Janson, I represent the Steiners.

I'd like to talk to my client.

We may have something.

We'll have to get a crane.

Did you take all these pics? Yes.

I can go to bed late.

My daddy said it's OK.

He didn't tell you what he did with them.

Damn, check this out! France Milon and Alexis! Imagine if we'd had these pics earlier? We got all kinds of evidence here.

Enough pics to blackmail the whole town.

I'm sure the k*ller's in one of these pics.

Don't you know spying on people is wrong? That's how I watch life.

But these are private moments.

They can share some of that with me.

It'll be so time
-consuming to sort this out.

You don't say Imagine if people hear about these pictures? It's a time b*mb.

It's no b*mb, just a bunch of pics.

Yeah, well And the pics don't show everything They don't show what the forest says.

What do you mean? It speaks.

And it's been speaking more since that girl went missing.

Marion? Yes.

I liked her.

She was nice.

How did you order your pictures? By night or by day.

What about December 4? Where's December 4? What's going on down there? What's that smoke?
- We've got to leave! Laurène!
- What? We're trapped! Find a way out, I'll catch up.

I want to get out of here.

Laurène! Grégory! Laurène, we gotta go! Come on, Laurène!
- Come here.

- Hold on.

You're really into this, huh? That's what brought me to Villefranche.

I've moved around a lot Mostly in French Guiana.

And your parents? They still live there with my sisters.

So why did you come here? Because I was needed here.

I don't protect the forest, Cora.

I'm part of something bigger.

I'm a part of the forest that protects itself.

Oh yeah, right! So that's how you became a weirdo who lives in the woods? So why is it I never see you anywhere? Do you never go out? Look, my mother's the sheriff.

It can get a bit tough sometimes.

So what is this place? The emergency secret base? No.

I come here when I want to be alone.

Maybe you want me to leave? No.

We're lucky we didn't get roasted in there.

Good thing Paul was nearby.


- I'm shocked.

- What? Take a look at what I found.


Here's Paul.

He also had a motive to k*ll Bailly.

It's just one pic among many.

I need to know for sure.

I'll take care of it.


As you wish.

Come on, Grégory.

You don't need this.

We can't stay here, OK? I need to rebuild my house.

I know that.

Come on, we'll find something for you.

Don't you worry.

Don't worry.

So what do we do now? You really want to do that tonight? Why didn't you tell me about it? We're off to a great start.

I'm not talking about this.

When people blackmail you, you keep to yourself, that's the idea.

I didn't know what to do I thought it would stop eventually.

Do you realize you're a suspect now? Did someone see you run this morning? Wait, what is this? An interrogation? Are you joking? You're saying I'm an arsonist too? And all that dough?
- You were alone with him in the truck
- Stop! No, you stop! You're not owning up to it.

You've got to be honest with me! What did you expect? I have a wife and kid, colleagues who saw me as a family man.

Did you think I was just going to say: "By the way guys, I'm a f*g!" My life is a mess, Teddy Bear.

You still don't have an alibi.

What do I do now? Try trusting me for a start What? You're arresting me? Huh? No? Then I'm going home.

I'm exhausted.

Siriani has extended his custody? He must have something serious on him.

He doesn't answer my calls, of course.

All I know is divers have been reported at the Mornes pond.

Something's going on.


Thanks, Hermann.


- What are you looking for?
- We found it.

Now we can start moving forward.

I can't hear you, Mr.


How did your daughter's bike end up in that pond? I caught up with her by car and got her to stop.

And I realized she was being serious.

She was going to leave for good.

So I panicked, it scared me, I took her bike, threw it into the pond.

Why didn't you say anything? With the elections the following week, and I was certain she'd come back, 100% sure I didn't know it was the last time Then it was too late to change my testimony.

So where do I find the body? Please, let me through.

I said let me through! What did you do to her? I need to talk to him! How could he lie to me all that time? And I had no idea We must've made a mistake somewhere.

He couldn't have done it.

Perhaps, but he's still hiding something from us.

It's not your fault, Major.

What was her bike doing there?
- How would I know?
- Laurène's lost her mind.

- Hi, Hermann.

- Hi!
- My report on yesterday's fire.

- What does it say? Diesel oil was used to spark it, but it had additives.

Which means? It's something that's mostly used for trucks to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

I hope it helps.

See you later.

Thanks! OK, maybe I did f*ck up a bit.

I'd say something comforting, but I'll probably screw it up, so Now we know who k*lled Bailly.


It has to be Meynard! Should we tell Laurène? No, we'll do it right now.

Does he live alone? He says his wife just left him.




Meynard? You need to follow us, sir.

I know.

You know that fire nearly k*lled us? Why did you do it? You were scared of getting fired? Huh? Is it your drinking problem? I don't give a sh*t about that job.

Why did you k*ll Bailly then? For fun? Come on, give me that spade.

Give it, now is not the time for gardening! These flowers look nice I never planted them.

One day, they just started growing here.

My wife's favorite flowers.

In the pic, you were in your garden.

What were you up to that night? I was trying to get her to stay.

I had no one else.

And, it just so happened that the kid with the camera was here that night.

These pictures, these damn flowers right under my window! I couldn't stand it.

I wanted it to stop I just wanted it to stop I just wanted it to stop I just wanted it to stop So, about Meynard he k*lled his wife and buried her in his yard a month ago You can't say a thing It's your father's wish.

Think of the consequences.

We won't be able to turn back.

It's time for you to stop running, sir.

Where do I find the body? Well.

After I threw the bike into the pond, I left Marion there, and I drove away.

Still doesn't prove anything.

- You could've k*lled her later on.

- Hold on.

- My client has nothing to add to this.

- I do.

- Bertrand.

- I do! So I got in my car, left Villefranche, and drove to a hotel.

- Which one?
- La Serpe.

Half an hour away.

I was there when my daughter made that call.

Did you meet someone there? Whom? I can't tell you that.

That's your job, but I didn't k*ll my daughter.

Laurène, nobody knows where you are.

I hope you're not at Sabine's drinking without me.

Unless you're at your secret pole
-dancing class I checked the blood test results.

I don't know who that guy is, but he's a weirdo.

He wasn't taking medicine, he was gorging on a plant.

Wild belladonna, or something that's closely related to it.

It's a poison and a psychoactive drug with "magical" properties, or so I've heard.

Perhaps your weirdo thinks he's a shaman or something.

Anyway, he knows the forest really well because it doesn't grow much around here.

You may have seen that plant near the swamp.

If you think that guy's linked to Marion, we need to find some belladonna.

Marion! Cora? Cora? Where are you? Cora! f*ck.

Dammit! What about Antoine's money? If we can't prove he got it through blackmail it'll go to Grégory.

- Really?
- Yup.

I'm so happy for Gregory.

Might as well put it to good use!
- Sabine, I need some help!
- OK! Now that your alibi checked out, you're clear.

But you never should've talked.

Thank you, Maître.

I hope you realize what you did.


What's going on, Bertrand? This is driving me insane! I'm so sorry.

I should've told you about the motorbike.

- But
- No.

You know I never could've hurt our daughter.

She'll come back, I know it.

Everything will be OK it's over