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01x06 - Making Money Is Never Bad!

Posted: 03/11/24 20:29
by bunniefuu
Okay, let's go!

Come on! Go, go, go!

- Help me, bro. Over here!
- Move it! Pick up the pace!

- Let's go!
- They'll be here any second.

- Hurry up!
- Help me!


Oh, shit! Ravy!

Move your f*cking ass, bro!
Come on!

Every document. Everything you see!

Let's go! Pack that shit up!

Get out of the way!

They're coming any f*cking second, bro.

Grab anything that could be evidence!


Police! Police! Police!

- They've already cleared out.
- Copy that.

Let's head back to base.

Next stop, Kista.

- Hey.
- Yo.

How are you?

Ravy's not answering my calls.
I pretty sure he's already onto us.

- I think you're reading too much...
- No. Hey, listen, Leya.

You don't understand.
He'll come, and he'll k*ll us.

Just come.

We have to k*ll Ravy.

- What the f*ck? No, no. Listen, Salim.
- We have to.

- Listen.
- Leya, I'm not joking.

- It'll make things worse.
- We have to k*ll him.

- What do you mean?
- What happens if you can't k*ll him?

I'm not gonna let that happen.

- Nala. Osman. Are you gonna k*ll them?
- I'll figure it out.

Come on, Salim.

It's for the best.
It's the best thing for me and for you.

For us.

And for Sami.

I can't stick around.

- We should get him on the phone.
- Hi.


Leya, Tomas asked you to migrate users
over from Macking to TargetCoach.

We already talked,
and I told him I'm gonna do it.

I just need a little more time, so...

We don't have any more time.

Why not?

Because some Dubai investors

are threatening to pull out
and stop us from going public.

- Ah.
- Tomas?

- Hey, Leya. How's it going?
- Hi.

So, hey, is there an issue
or something with the IPO?

No. We just have to make sure we tidy up
the numbers with our companies in Dubai.

We trimmed ours and are boosting yours.

Yes! I love to hear this.
I love you guys. Right now, anyway.

- We'll go over the details later.
- Okay.

I have Berlin on the line.
I need to know exactly what you told them.

Just making a super quick call.

Vlad, I need to see you now.

Yes. Okay.

Hassan, I'm just stepping out for...


How's it going?

Any second now.


Leya, this is not looking good.

Look. Towards the end of each quarter,

there's a lot of money flowing
into Macking from a few accounts in Dubai.

A few weeks later,
the same amounts flow again and again

back to the same accounts.

- Okay, so, uh...
- Do you get it?

No. Wait. What are you...

They're round tripping the money.

It's just the same money
going around and around all over again.

The same revenue counted over and over.


- f*cking stupid!
- f*cking shit!

- So...
- f*cking...

f*cking... f*ck you, sons of b*tches!


This is not what I signed on for. I mean...

Vlad, calm the f*ck down. I'll fix it.
This is new information for me too.

f*cking Tomas. I f*cking knew it!

I always knew it! It was something
with this f*cking Tomas f*cking Storm!

- Yo, yo, yo!
- Where's my drink, bro?

Come on, bro.
Get your own damn drink, okay?

- Get my own, huh?
- Hey.

- What's up?
- How's it going?

What's goin' on?

- Listen. Where's Ravy?
- Laying low.

- Holed up underground.
- Have you talked to him yet?

- Course not.
- Don't worry, bro.

We're meeting with a few of Dani's boys.

- We're cookin' now, for real.
- They're comin' to work for us.

- Okay.
- We need you. Hop in.

No, no, no.
You guys go now. I gotta bounce.

- What are you talking about?
- I have to go. Do your thing.

The last couple of days,
he's been acting weird.

I have to think before you go
and read it back, but I don't...

f*ck you, Tomas!

Yeah, you heard what I said. f*ck you!

Do you think I was dumb?

Just some ghetto bitch
who wasn't gonna find out the truth?

What? What's this about, Leya?

How you've been bullshitting
the f*cking numbers with Macking.

- What is this?
- You're a fake.

- You a f*cking fraud...
- Enough with all that, okay?

What the hell?
A fraud? Stop with all that shit.

I'm the guy that got you a client
who put up 50 million crowns...

That's f*cking not my 50 million.

That number's just window dressing
until it's transferred to another company.

Nobody cares about that.
After the IPO, none of it matters.

Good for you, but I won't let TargetCoach
ever come near all this bullshit.

- Never. Is that f*cking clear?
- What's the problem?

The problem?

- The problem is that it's criminal...
- Criminal?

What's criminal
is putting that drug money in the company!

Ravy has made it clear
that he owns 50 percent of TargetCoach.


He seems like a charming fellow.

Do you want Macking
to pull out of TargetCoach?

Do you want the whole world to know
you're funded by drug money?

Leya Wahby.

Upwards and onwards.

Isn't that right?

What's going on?

I can get you two mills down payment,

but I need to find the rat
to get the rest.

Have you heard anything?

How the f*ck should I know?

- You don't know?
- This is your mess. Your problem.

I don't want any more contact
till the rat is dead.

Fix this.

I told you we shouldn't meet anymore.

Yeah, but...

- Can you take this?
- Careful. Put that thing back in the bag.

I was just gonna toss it in the lake,

but I thought Nala and Osman
might want it back.

Okay, give me it.

Give me the whole thing.

And I, uh... I wanted to thank you.

For what?

For a bunch of things.
For, you know, saving my life, and...

for saying what you did.

This life's not for me.

You're out, bro?

Yeah. f*ck all this.


Stay safe, man. And about you and Leya,
no one will know. Don't worry.




What's up?

You're right.

We have to get rid of Ravy.


I don't know where he is.
He still isn't picking up my calls.

He's just ghosted me.

I know how we can lure him out.

He wants his money. I, uh...

I can say that I want to hand it over.


Are you sure?


Hey, Leya.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- C... Come in. Come in.
- Thanks.

- Sorry, I know I should have called first.
- No. Don't be silly.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Hey, sweetheart. Hey.

It's good to see you. What...

- Good to see you.
- How did you find me?

I got the address when I called your mama.

I know I should have called...

No. Hey, hey. That's all right.
Here. Come in. Come in.

Is this all newly renovated here?


The whole apartment's new, so...

Sami, look who's here to visit.

- Wow!
- Grandma!

My little guy, come here. Hey!

My sweet little baby.
You remind me so much of your poor dad.

Ravy is missing.

You know how Ravy is.
Don't worry. He's fine.

No, Leya.

He's caught up with dr*gs.
Do you understand?

His older brother followed the same road.

I don't want to lose him too. I can't!

They're k*lling each other all the time.

No matter where he is,
he always answers my calls.

How can I sleep
when I don't know where he is?

He'll come back to you.

- The day they come to tell me...
- You're going to see Ravy.

He's not going to die or disappear.

- Are you sure?
- Have faith.

This is the same as with Yannick.

I waited and waited.
He never came back to me.

I can't lose another son.


Come in quick. Come in.

Go in quick. Come on.


Look at you.

- What's up?
- You'll have your money tomorrow.

Perfect. Good. That makes things easier.

Two million crowns,
and after that, you and I will be square.

You leave me and my company alone.

Leya, hold on now. We're family.

I would never do anything to hurt you.

Hold on.

Want it to be cash, or do you want it in...
How do you want it?

Yeah, cash. I want it in cash.

- Okay.
- I've gotta run.

- Sami, we'll hang out later, huh?
- Hm-mm.

- Okay?
- Hm-mm.

I'll send someone over to pick it up.

- Sure.
- All right. Peace out.

- Ravy?
- Yeah?

Leya, what the f*ck? Huh?

- I can't do it.
- What?

- We both agreed.
- I can't go through with this.

You want me to do all these things.
I can't do it. Please, Salim!

- He's Sami's uncle!
- Okay. Look. Look.

Leya, what don't you understand?

It's me, or it's you, or it's him.


It'll all work out.

Leya, it's not gonna work out.

How the f*ck is this gonna work out?

- Bye, Slim.
- Bye, Sami.

You're f*cking kidding me?
What the hell?



I'll help you with your little scheme.

But it's going to cost you.

If this IPO goes through,
you'll go from filthy rich

to crazy rich.

What do I get?

All I've got's TargetCoach.

I want a little f*ck-you money.

Hm-mm. So does everybody.

Ten million crowns, cash, under the table.

And you'll settle for that?

It's all I need.

- Yo.
- Yo, what's up?

In there, boys.

- Yo.
- Yo, yo.

So, you're Nasser, huh?

- Heard a lot about you.
- Is that so?

Dani was your supplier, right?

You know that cocksucker's
dead and buried?

You boys will be working for us
from now on.

We'll give you a sweet deal.

The best product in town. Sound good?

Works out for everybody. It's a win-win.

Works for us.

You'll make money. We'll make money.

- You got it?
- Got it, bro.

How many runners you got?

Uh, five or six. I can vouch for 'em all.

- All right.
- Perfect. That's good.

There's just one thing.

We've already sold your guys' product
one time before.

Hold on. What did you say?

What product? What do you mean?

- Where'd you get this from?
- Some of Dani's guys. For real.

I have no clue
where they found it before that.

But they gave us a whole bag of it.

- A bag?
- Yeah.

Yo, look. This is that Swede's bag.

Yeah, hello?

What are you doing, Salim?

Nothing. What's up?

Meet me where we talked about the future.

Did something happen?

Just come, bro.

All right. I'll come now.

What? You're working on your tan?

Even the sun turned its back on us.
We're f*cked, for sure, bro.

- Not yet.
- How are you?

I'm good. You?

You got your piece with you?


Let me see it.

Give it to me.

It's pretty good, right?

Yeah, it's good, bro.

I know who ratted us out to Dani.

Tell me.

He's here now.

You're gonna f*ckin' pay for this, kid.

Yo, move!

Yo, back up.

Recognize this bag here?

So, how come it ended up with Dani's guys?


- Did you rat us out to Dani? Tell me now.
- No. That...

I didn't do it.

The bag walked here by itself?

Uh, I've... I don't...

I invited you in
and let you eat out of my hand,

and this is your thanks?

- No. I didn't...
- Shut the f*ck up. You're a little rat.

You know what snitches get, bro?


Feeling good?

- Excuse me. Thanks.
- Yeah.

In just a few hours,
Macking Investment will go public.


Everybody standing here
is going to be making a fortune.

Do you hear that?


Yeah! You're gonna make
an insane amount of money.

That's right. But there's nothing insane
about making money.

It's what we were born to do.

Am I right?

- Feel like flying?
- No!

Ravy, let me take him out to the woods.

- You f*cking rat!
- Ravy, listen. Chill out.

- Get him on his knees.
- Chill out.

- Down on your knees.
- Hey, Osman!

"I am really good at making money!"
Say it!

"Lots of money!"

"I'm the best at making money!"

Then show me!

If you're not burnt out
at the end of the year,

you're a f*cking slacker!

Let's do this! Cheers!

Let's party, eat, drink! Here's to us!

To us!

- Get on your knees!
- f*cking come on!

- Get down on your knees!
- Just end him, fam.



It was Leya.

I saw her with Dani on the loading dock.

- What?
- k*ll him, man.

- How the f*ck does he know Leya?
- Wait a f*cking minute.

- Pump your brakes.
- How do you know Leya?


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

I'm glad you helped Tomas out
with his little...


Happy I could lend a hand.

- To him.
- To him.


You'd better take that.
Could be important.

- Sorry, Li. It's just my son's daycare.
- I'll be over here.

- Leya.
- What is it?

Nala's on her way to pick you up.

Pickup? I don't want a pickup now.
What's going on?

Sami. Say hi to Mama.

Hey, Mom.

We're baking.

- That's wonderful, sweetheart.
- Nala's picking you up now.

Ravy, you assh*le.

If you lay a finger on my son...


Here. Can you...

f*cking Euro Disney bitch.

Let's go.

- Let's go!
- I'm begging you, let me go.

I look like God to you?
Save your prayers and get out!

Out! Out! Go!

Go! Keep walkin'!

Nala, please listen.
Let me go, all right? I'm begging you.

Keep walking, hey!

f*cking go, or I'll shove this g*n
up your p*ssy, bitch!

f*ck. You, sit down here.

Is it true?


Did you rat us out to Dani?

Answer the f*cking question!

You stupid f*cking bitch!


I... I didn't say a word.

It's not what Tim said.

Tim? Who the f*ck is Tim?

- Are you lying to me? Huh?
- No, I swear.

No, she was there.
Dani's girlfriend said it was a girl.

It's not true. Why the f*ck
are you f*cking lying to them?


- Why the f*ck are you lying?
- Hey!

He's f*cking lying!
You trust him more than me? He's lying!

Why would you believe him?
What about me? I'm your f*cking family.

- I swear.
- It's not true! He's lying!

Why the f*ck are you lying?

Hey, cuz, just whack 'em both,
then we can go home, bro.


Selling out your own family?
This is f*cking life and death.

- Calm down. I never said a word.
- Your own family, you f*cking whore!

Ravy, sh**t them both.
They're both f*cking worthless dogs.

- Salim! Don't!
- Ravy, please! I'm begging you!

- What about Sami?
- A rat in your f*cking fam, man!

I didn't say anything.

It was me.

I was the one who ratted to Dani.

Salim, shut up.

I wanted to get out, bro.

Salim, man. Are you all right?

What is this? What the...

Are you dumb?

He's f*cking lost his mind, dude.

- He's gone insane, bro.
- Salim, you're lying, right?

Bro, he's a cocksucker,

and she's a whore.

Why would you get mixed up with them?

Leya and I have been seeing each other.

I wanted to tell you, bro...

- Shut up!
- I didn't have the guts.

Don't you talk about
my family like that. You understand?

Salim, man.

I wanted to get out of all this.

You wouldn't let me leave.
What else could I do?

Why the f*ck didn't you leave ages ago?

I wanted out, but you wouldn't let me go,
what else could I do?

Look at what you've done to us!

Folks are f*cking dead, man!
Stack loads and shit!

I wanted to be done,
but you wouldn't let me go.

I had no choice.

Don't give me that bullshit.

It's true.
You forced me into this mess.

Did I force you to put your f*cking cock
in this bitch's c**t, huh?

We're in love, bro.

Salim, come on.
We'll go home and stop all this, okay?

We can both talk about what you want.

You want money?

I just want to be done with this.

Salim, please. No. Come on. No way!

No way! Don't do this.
You can't say bullshit like that to me.

You're my brother. We can disagree,

we can fight, we can argue,
but in the end, we're still brothers.

We're f*cking meant for each other.
What are you sayin' to me?

- Ravy...
- You're lying.

You sit at home
and get high every night. You're lying.

It was me who knew exactly

when the delivery
was gonna come in that day.

I'm sorry.

Is it true?

Go! Get out of here. Go! Go!

Keep your f*cking mouth shut.

Don't breathe a word about this shit...

Here you go. Here.

You k*lled him, understand? Okay?

- What?
- Listen. Hey, you k*lled him.

- W... What? Why?
- Because I say so.

You're 15, right?

You'll get one year in juvie at most.
You understand?

- You've got a family, don't you?
- Yeah, um...

- Family, right?
- I live with my dad.

- You live with your dad. Got a girl?
- Uh-huh.

- Do you care about them? Do you love them?
- Yes.

Okay, bro. Listen to me. Say it, okay?

Go. Say it to me. What did you do? Say it.
Don't f*ck with me. Tell me what you did.

- Uh, I shot him.
- That's right. You shot him dead.

Yes! Well done, Leya.

Here. There's your f*ck-you money.

Hello, my little friend!

We f*cking did it!
Li, we're going to Dubai!

Get a grip, girl.

I'll go get it, Tim.

- Hi. Hey.
- Hi there. Hi.

Hi, Tim.

You're gonna come with us to the station.

- Feel okay?
- Yeah.

- Any other cell phone with you?
- Yes.

Go ahead and give that to my partner.

You'll get it back later.
I'm gonna sit in the back with you.


Why's she here?

Come and sit down.

You don't owe me any money now, okay?

That's great, right?

How's that?

I paid off the five million crowns
you owed Marko.

And that means from now on,

you'll owe me.

That's f*cking insane!

I own your ass.

Till you pay it all back.

You own my ass?

Listen. You own my ass?

This means that she's untouchable.

I mean, she's a professional.
Didn't you know?

She's an expert at wheeling and dealing.

I mean, shit, you've got nothing.
You've got no skills.

Anybody could do the shit you do.
You get it?

Don't worry, Ravy.

We're family, you know?

- Let me take care of you.
- Take care of me?

Like you took care of Salim, huh?

Right? You?

You can go now.

I'll be in touch
when your first payment's due.

Mom, what are you doing?

What's this?



But do you know whose money it is?



Honey, this is all your money.

And you know what?
You can get whatever you want with it.

What do you think?

Can I go play with Slim?


He isn't... Uh, you can't do that.
But you know what?

You and I can play.

You can do hide and seek with me.
How about that?

Now go hide.








and eight...

and nine...