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04x01 - La igualdad

Posted: 03/12/24 16:35
by bunniefuu
[pop music playing]


[Lidia] Wishes make the world go round.

They help us enjoy life
and its little moments,

but also fight for what we care about
and not give up until we get it.

In 1931, women were closer to getting
what they had always wished for.


It was time to leave fear aside
and show our real selves.

Here's to the first female mayor
of Madrid!

- If everything turns out as expected.
- You'll finish him off on the radio.

[Carlota] I think I know how to do it.
I'm announcing a new proposal.

I'm going to support
Luis Jiménez de Asúa and Victoria Kent

in their attempt
to decriminalize h*m*.

- Huh?
- [crowd cheering]

- And now let's toast.
- To Carlota.

- To Carlota.
- [Lidia] To Carlota.

Carlota had decided to become
one of the first people to promote change,

and she really wished
to make things easier for women

so they could achieve
the freedom they deserved.

But wishing something is not enough.
You have to make sacrifices

and be strong enough to accept
the consequences of what you desire.

Excuse me, miss.
Mr. Díaz wants to speak to you.

I can't right now.
I'm partying with my friends.

He said it's a matter of vital importance.

[Lidia] Because sometimes the price
to pay for your wishes is so high,

they can turn against you.

It's important to hold your ground
and to be loyal to your principles.

That's what Carlota did.

- A little bit...
- [Ángeles] Lidia?

[Lidia] She was never afraid of fighting
for freedom, no matter the consequences.

[sighs] I'm so worried about Carlota.

She left an hour ago
and she's not back yet.

Where is Carlota?

She went to meet Gregorio.

He's blackmailing her
with some photos of her with Óscar.

Operator, put me through
to Ciudad de Madrid hotel.

Good morning. Could you put me through
to Gregorio Díaz's room, please?

[man] Some guests heard voices,
and we tried to open the door, but...

[knocking on door]

- Is this...
- [officer] Blood.

[Lidia] Even if those consequences
were fatal.

[theme song playing]



[Lidia] This is Auntie Carlota.

Do you remember Auntie Carlota?
She looks so pretty.

How do you say it? Car...


Car... Carlota.

- How do you say it?
- [Eva coos]

She just turned two.
Her pronunciation will improve.

She pronounces it perfectly.

[indistinct chatter]

[Ángeles] Hey! You are fast! Once more!


Hey, you got me!

- Once more.
- Hello, girls.

- [Ángeles] Hello! You look so great!
- How are you?

[Ángeles] Hey, where's Eva?

She's with Carlos, watching the puppets.

How can this girl look so pretty
with that flower?

See? Grandma and I weren't lying.

Mother, why don't you take Sofía
with Carlos and Eva?

Of course. Let's go, Sofía.


Have you talked to the future mayor?

[Ángeles] I haven't, but Marga has.


She talked to her after the morning shift.

[Lidia] And how is she?

- Marga!
- Here.

[Lidia] How is Carlota?

[stammering] Well, Carlota... She...

She's fine. Well, kind of nervous.

I told her she should have
a chamomile tea, but she won't listen.

- I can't believe it.
- It's unbelievable.

Hey, Ángeles.

Isn't that Cuevas?

- Did you know he had become a father?
- [Ángeles] I...

I'm going to get some banners.


I knew I'd find you here.

I'm going to vote for Carlota, too.

Do you want me to thank you?

I don't. I'm the one who must thank you.

Guzmán is going to spend
more than ten years in jail,

and I am a captain now.


You don't patrol the underworld anymore?


Now more than ever.
Gangsters grow like weeds.

Yesterday it was Guzmán,
today it is Mirlo.


He's new in town.

He's taken Guzmán's businesses,
but he's much smarter.

Or more slippery.

More dangerous?

Be careful.

- Here are your doughnuts.
- Thank you very much.

- How much is it?
- [man] Five cents.

[coins clattering]

[man] Allow me.


[Lidia] Thank you.

Are you here for the rally,
or are you just crazy about doughnuts?

- Both, actually.
- We have something in common, then.

- Lidia Aguilar.
- Sergio Andrade. Nice to meet you.

[Carlos] I won't have to make
the introductions, then?

Carlos. I didn't know
whether you would come.

[Carlos] Yes, Carlota is the godmother
of our daughter.

So you're Eva's mother.

[Lidia] Mmm-hmm.

Carlos showers you with praise
every time we meet.

Now I can see he was right.

Sergio is a keen enthusiast
of communications and technology.

It's the future. By the way,
I've heard you're organizing

this year's
European Communications Fair.

Yes. We want to present
our advances in technology.

Cathode-ray tubes are the harbinger
of a new communication system.

In due course,
it will put the radio out to pasture.

For the good of my station,
I hope it doesn't get out of hand.

Did your boss accept
the debate on the radio?

- He'll be there.
- Excellent.

Well, the rally is about to start.

- Lidia, nice to meet you. Carlos.
- Nice to meet you.

What's that debate thing?

I suggested a radio debate
between Carlota and Gregorio

to be broadcast to the whole of Madrid.

So his boss is Carlota's rival?

I also find it hard to believe.

He is one of the few decent people
in that party.

If his ideas are like Gregorio's,
I'm not that sure.

- Shall we?
- Yes.

I bought a bunch of doughnuts.

[Gregorio] Ladies and gentlemen,
dear fellow citizens...

Today, both men and women can choose...

Good luck, comrade.
You have the support of the party.

Thank you, Víctor.

Today, both men and women
can choose who will govern us.

All of us. "All of us can choose
who will govern us."

You must come across as friendly.
That's who you are.

That's what distinguishes you
from Gregorio.

I can't believe
that six months into the campaign,

- I still get so nervous.
- You're going to be great.

they can't be fulfilled.

They are also promising equality
between men and women.

And that, my dear fellow citizens,
is an atrocity.

Gregorio Díaz, the mayor this city needs.
Thank you very much.


They are clapping a lot, aren't they?

That's just whispering compared
to the standing ovation awaiting you.

You will be the next mayor of Madrid.

Thank you very much
for your words, Mr. Díaz.

Now is the turn
of Ms. Carlota Rodríguez de Senillosa.

As you can see, they all support me.

For the time being.
Wise people change their minds.

- [announcer] Let's welcome her.
- [crowd clapping]

How is she?

She'll be fine.

Today, I want to start by thanking you...

you and you.

I am a telephone operator, a cable girl,

a worker who fought
and continues to fight for her rights.

And today, thanks to the Republic,
this effort has borne fruit.

[crowd cheering]

People are amazed.
They're applauding so much.

[Carlota] Do you know why?

Because today, all of us men and women
can choose who will govern us.

Because today,
women have access to equal education

and are not second-class citizens anymore.

Because today,
women can access the labor market.

They can leave their homes and work
without feeling guilty,

as we've passed a divorce law

which allows men and women
to fall in and out of love freely.

But there are still
many more rights to conquer.

If we change the capital city,
everything else can be changed, too.

But we have to carry on fighting.

You see, it's the only way
to conquer our most sacred treasure.

Our freedom.

[crowd cheering]

She was brilliant.

I can't believe it.
Carlota could be the mayor of Madrid.


I told you they would change their minds.

There is nothing
a beautiful smile can't get, right?

I'm going to support
Luis Jiménez de Asúa and Victoria Kent

in their attempt
to decriminalize h*m*.

- Huh?
- [cheering]

- And now let's toast.
- To Carlota.

- To Carlota.
- [Lidia] To Carlota.

[Ángeles] Marga. What's wrong?
Are you okay?

Are you upset because Don Ernesto didn't
let you into the accounting department?

What's wrong?

- I'm getting a divorce.
- [Lidia] What?

Pablo continues to punish me
for what happened with his brother,

and I can't go on apologizing forever.

- But you love him so much.
- [Marga] I know.

I fought so hard
to save our marriage, but...

it was no use.

We have agreed to meet
tomorrow morning at the courthouse.

Well, if you feel
that's the only solution,

- that's it.
- Yeah.

Now I just need
to pluck up the courage to go there.

[Lidia] I'll go with you.

We won't leave you alone in this.

- Thanks, girls.
- [Lidia] No worries.

Don't tell Carlota.
I don't want to ruin her moment of glory.

[swing music playing]

You know I couldn't have done this
without your support, don't you?

If I finally win,
it'll be a victory for the two of us.

And for everything we're defending.

I'm aware of all the sacrifices
you have made

so that I could stand
as a mayoral candidate.

Putting off our wedding...

hiding, Óscar...

All I care about is being with you.

I promise I will make up for it.

- I don't know when or how, but...
- Shut up, Ms. Candidate.

[Miguel] Excuse me.

- Ms. Almost-Mayor...
- [Carlota chuckles]

Excuse me, miss.
Mr. Díaz wants to speak to you.

I can't right now.
I'm partying with my friends.

He said it's a matter of vital importance.


I didn't expect to see you here.

We have a pending conversation.

I don't know what you mean.


[Carlota] What's this?
Have you taken pictures inside my home?

You entered my home!

You're a louse, a pervert.

You've invaded my privacy.

[Gregorio] Seeing the content
of the pictures,

I can assure you that detail
will go unnoticed

by the authorities and the press.

I'm free to do whatever I want
in my private life.

Even if you become mayor?

These pictures have a price.

Shall we talk business,

or will you continue
hurling insults at me?


What do you want?

As you may know,
the polls suggest you will win.


But if you don't want those pictures
to be public,

you'll step down as a mayoral candidate
during our debate on the radio.

Son of a bitch.

You don't deserve to become mayor.

But don't worry, I'll make sure
people know how disgraceful you are.


Don't do anything you could regret,
as I could destroy your political career.

And your life,

and the life of that man,
woman or whatever.

The choice is yours.

If you don't want those pictures
to be public...

Good evening.

[car door closes]

[Carlos] You've been very quiet
since we left the White Lady.

Is anything wrong?

[Lidia] No.

I was thinking about Carlota's speech,

and what she said
about everything women have achieved.


I want to work again, Carlos.

I need it. I really do.

I was thinking I could organize
the European Communications Fair.

Maybe you think it's hasty, but...

I think...

you'd take a load off my mind.
Would you like to start tomorrow?


- Yes.
- Just one thing.

- Yes.
- Your manager demands British punctuality.

At 9:00 a.m. Not a minute earlier...

- or later.
- I'll be there at 9:00 a.m. sharp.

I'm going to change my clothes.

But will you go tonight, too?

Lidia, why don't you stay
so that we can continue celebrating?

You know nurses don't come at night.

Do you know that?

Do you want me to go with you?

No. Go to sleep. I prefer to go on my own.

When wishes don't come true,
they turn into frustration.

A feeling that traps you and forces you
to live a life you don't want.

I had been chasing my biggest desire
for a year,

but I was afraid
there wouldn't be a happy ending.

However, wishes feed on hope,

and I kept hold of it,
no matter the consequences.

Francisco was in a deep sleep
since he saved my daughter,

and I just wanted him to wake up.

Flora, don't forget to bolt the door

and put the padlock
on the garden railings, okay?

[Óscar] Bolts, padlocks...

When did you start being so cautious?

There have been some burglaries
in the area. Better safe than sorry.

How's your headache?


Carlota, if you don't feel well,
we can cancel tomorrow's debate.

- I can call Carlos right now...
- No.

There's no need.

Are you okay?


That man represents
the most reactionary ideas,

the things I despise the most.

We deserve a change
that is in tune with the new times,

and you represent that change.

Do you really think that?

It has been a very long campaign.

In a few days, you'll be mayor,
and all this will be over.

Shall we go to bed?

I'll be there in a minute.

I just want to call the party office.

I didn't drop by today,

and I want to make sure
everything is in order.


Do you like the changes?

[Lidia] It's beautiful.

You've built this in less than a year.
It's so great, Carlos.


Are you ready to be a businesswoman again?


I instructed Magdalena to help you
with everything you might need.

Thank you.

I have a meeting with the engineers,
but I'll come to see you later.

You're not wishing me good luck
on my first day?

You don't need it.


[Magdalena] Good morning, Ms. Aguilar.

Don Carlos has asked me
to schedule your commitments.

Magdalena, if we are going to work
shoulder to shoulder, call me Lidia.

And cancel today's plans.
I have something else in mind.

And make coffee for six.

[Magdalena] Okay, Lidia.

[Lidia] Some of you already know me.

For the ones that don't,
I'm Lidia Aguilar.

From now on, I will be your boss.

I'll be in charge of organizing
the communications fair.

- Welcome.
- [Lidia] Thank you, Miguel.

The first thing I will ask you to do
is to write a report

on the latest developments
in your respective departments.

We are all very busy gentlemen.

I know, but it is important
to make a good impression at the fair.

If everything goes well, it will be good
for our international projection,

- for entering the South American market.
- If that report was necessary,

Don Carlos himself
would have asked us to write it.

[Miguel] Are you deaf?

Mrs. Aguilar is now in charge
of organizing the fair.

You're reluctant to receive orders
from me. Am I wrong?

I suppose it's a matter
of getting used to it.

You're Don Carlos' partner, of course.

[Lidia] Are you questioning my worth?

Let me remind you
this is not the first project

I have led for this company.

That's true.

For a woman, you didn't do that badly
with the booths business.

[all chuckle]

[Lidia] Look.

Times change,
and this company changes accordingly.

So I'm afraid the company will have to do
without your services from now on.

I've worked in this company
from the very beginning,

and you're nobody to fire me.

Magdalena, call the personnel department

and tell them
to prepare Don Ernesto's settlement.

It seems he doesn't feel comfortable
working here.

Does anyone else have a problem
with me being the boss?

You fired Don Ernesto on your first day.

Can you tell me
what happened in that meeting?

He questioned my worth
in front of all the department managers,

for being a woman
and for being your partner.

Lidia, Don Ernesto has worked
in this company all his life.

That's the problem.

He's an old-fashioned man,

a misogynist who can't stand
receiving orders from a woman.

Okay, but you can't make a decision
like that without consulting me.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

But if I want to make them respect me,
I can't let people talk to me like that.

I won't do anything again
without talking to you first.

But it can't be that difficult
to find a replacement.

No. I know someone
who could be suitable for that position.

Antonio Castro. I see him occasionally
at the racecourse.

He's brilliant with numbers
and is more open-minded.

Maybe Don Ernesto didn't fit in well.

Maybe we need someone
who's more in tune with the times.

Does that mean from now on

women will be allowed
to work as accountants?

- Because Ernesto wouldn't let them...
- Lidia, he's a very modern man.

If they've passed the exam,

I don't think
he'll have a problem with that.


- See you later.
- Where are you going?

I'm going with Marga to the courthouse.

Her problems with Pablo
haven't quite been sorted,

and they are going to separate.

Oh, I see.

Tell Marga I'm really sorry.

See you later.

I see you've been married
for two and a half years.

The divorce law was passed a month ago,
and you're already petitioning for it.

Can I ask about the reason?

- [Pablo] Infidelity.
- [Marga] A misunderstanding.

Was there infidelity or not?

Look, Your Honor, what happened is
that my husband has a twin brother.

- An identical twin brother.
- [scoffs]

- With dim light...
- Please.

What kind of wife
can't tell her husband apart?

- You must have played dumb. Admit it.
- [Marga] Again, I've told you I didn't.

Right. Isn't it true you kissed me
during the kidnapping,

- thinking I was him?
- What kidnapping?

Wait a second, Your Honor. Let her answer.

- What do you have to say to that?
- Pablo, I've told you a thousand times.

I was confused.

Is that so bad?

Your Honor, don't you think
it's normal to hesitate a bit sometimes?

Well, he doesn't hesitate.

- He's perfect, you know?
- Yes, I'm perfect.

I'm so perfect,
I end up being boring. Right?

In contrast,
my brother is very funny, isn't he?

- He's so funny, right? So funny.
- Okay, enough.

Have you tried to sort things out?

[Marga] I have,

but it was useless.

We haven't lived together for a while,
and when we meet, we end up arguing.

Divorce is the only option.

In that case,
if both parties are in agreement...

- Well...
- We are in agreement.



This is yours, too.

How are you?

[crying] My heart's been torn out.

Come on. Let's get some fresh air.
Let's go.

I don't think
I'll be able to get over this, Lidia.

I feel that even if there is no hope,
even if there is no going back...

I still love him and...

And that will never change.

Sometimes love doesn't make sense, Marga.

[Lidia] I know what I'm talking about.

Pablo is moving to Zaragoza.

He asked for a transfer.

Maybe I should leave, too.

Go back to my village

and be left on the shelf,
like every old maid there.

Marga, what are you talking about?

You're not the person who left
that village anymore. You can't go back.



And it would k*ll my grandmother

if I told her I'm one of the first
divorced women in Spain.

You may not be too excited about this...

but what about becoming the first
female accountant of the company?

What are you talking about?

I fired Don Ernesto.

- Why?
- It's a long story.

What matters is that man won't be
an obstacle for any woman in this company.

Why don't you apply
for the vacant position again?


I'm sure his replacement
will do the same thing.

It's up to you.

Either go back to your village
with your grandmother...

or fight to make your dreams come true.

- Ángeles. Why are you here? Are you okay?
- [Ángeles] Yes.

- Lidia, the papers you asked for.
- Okay. Thank you, Magdalena.

- Are you really okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.

I've just come from the courthouse.
I was there with Marga.

And how is Marga?

She's so sad, actually.
She's having a rough time.

I told her to come to Carlota's debate.
Do you want to join us?

Mmm-hmm. How was your first day?
Have you missed Eva?

Would I be a bad mother
if I said, "Not much"?


Yes, I missed her a lot.

But I needed to come back.

I needed to feel
that I can do other things.

I know exactly what you mean.

Lately, I've been thinking
of our daughters

and the future awaiting them.

I think we should do something.

Like what?

Many of the young girls here
hardly have any education,

and if the company created a school
to give these girls an education,

they could perform better
and aspire to new positions.

You are so right.

Lidia, I'd like to be in charge
of the project.

I mean, creating a school.

What do you think?

I think it's a great idea.

Is it?

I have to discuss it with Carlos.

- Thank you!
- [both chuckling]

- [Lidia] Let's find Marga.
- Yes. It's getting late. Let's go.

[host on radio] Good afternoon,
dear listeners.

Broadcasting from Radio Central,
in whose studios

we are waiting for the arrival
of Madrid's mayoral candidates.

The Republican Democratic Party

- and the Conservative National Party...
- [Sara] Here you go. Thanks.

Remember, Gregorio will take

every opportunity
to drive you up the wall.

You must try to stay unperturbed.

- Are you listening to me?
- [Carlota] Yes, of course.

Carlota, are you sure you're all right?

[Carlota] Sara, don't worry.
I know what I have to do.

- [Carlos] Sara, Carlota.
- Good afternoon.

- How are you feeling?
- A bit nervous.

- [Carlota] Has Gregorio arrived yet?
- [Gregorio] Yes. We just got here.

Ms. Rodríguez de Senillosa.

Well, since we are all here, Carlos,

could you explain to us
the mechanics of the debate?


Well, David Azcárate
will be the moderator.

- You already know him.
- Good afternoon.

He'll ask questions about several issues,
and you'll take turns to answer.

Both of you will have one minute
to answer each question, okay?

We have arranged that space
so you feel comfortable,

but before starting,

do any of you prefer
to be the first one to answer?

- No. Well, ladies first.
- [Carlota] No.

I don't want any advantage.

I suggest we flip a coin, then.

Heads, Gregorio starts.
Tails, Carlota starts.

Thus, decriminalizing female infidelity
would lead to prostitution.

We don't want the angels of our homes
to be thrown into perdition, do we?

Women's moral virtue must be preserved,
not just for their own good,

but also for the sake of our children.

Because a society
that doesn't protect the moral virtue

of its daughters and mothers,
of women, in general terms,

is a degenerate society, a lost society.


Ultimately, it's a question of patriotism.

[David] Very good. Thank you, Mr. Díaz.
I think your view is quite clear.

Now we must move
to another important topic.

Ms. Rodríguez de Senillosa,

you've advocated
the abolition of the death penalty.

Could you explain to our listeners

why you think this measure
would be beneficial?

I'm sorry, I...

I have to announce something
to our listeners.

I have decided to step down
as a mayoral candidate for Madrid.

[David] Excuse me.

Did you just say you are stepping down
as a mayoral candidate?


[David] Well, ladies and gentlemen,
you just heard it.

The PDR candidate,
who, according to all the polls,

is the favorite
to win the mayoral election,

has just announced she is stepping down.

- What's going on?
- I don't know.

I find this very surprising, Doña Carlota.
And I suppose our listeners do, too.

From here in our Radio Central studios...

- What happened?
- [Lidia] Did you know something?

No, I didn't.

- Why has she done this?
- I don't know, Ángeles.

[Carlota] Yes, of course.

[David] Could you tell us the reason?

I think our listeners,
and especially all the voters,

deserve an explanation.

[Carlota] Well, it's for personal reasons.

But even if I step down, my party
will have candidates at the election.

This is not the end of the PDR.

[David] Ladies and gentlemen,
the program is over.

Undoubtedly, the stepping down
of the PDR candidate

has overshadowed the debate. Now...

Didn't she tell you anything?

We're on air. Please.

[David] Ms. Rodríguez de Senillosa,
I wish you good luck from now on.

- Don Gregorio.
- [Gregorio] Mr. Azcárate.

- Thank you very much.
- [David] Thank you.


Congratulations, Carlota.

- A timely retreat is a victory.
- Shut up and honor your part of the deal.

Give me the pictures.

Obviously, I don't have them here.

I'll see you tomorrow
at the Ciudad de Madrid hotel.

- Why don't we go right now?
- [Gregorio] No.

I'm so sorry, miss, but...

I prefer to throw a good party
to celebrate this debate.

I'll leave you alone.

Carlota, what happened?

- Carlota.
- What happened?

Why have you stepped down?

Carlota, you've been preparing for this
for months.

I know. And I know
I should have told you earlier,

but I just couldn't do it.

I just realized that if I became mayor,

things would never be the same
between Óscar and me.

We'd lose control
over our lives and our privacy.

- But it would be for a good cause.
- At what cost?

We would never be able to go out
without being chased by journalists,

and our enemies
would always be lying in wait.

- I wouldn't mind the sacrifice.
- Well, I would.

The way we are living
is also a way of fighting.

Óscar, we have been hiding all our lives,
and now that we are finally free...

we have to do
what we should have done a year ago.

Get married.

Yes. Let's do it tomorrow.

- What?
- Are you free?

[Sara and Marga chuckle]

But Carlota...

Yes. And I know Judge Mauricio
would conduct the ceremony,

and we can do it in our garden.

Something small
with our closest friends, right?

And once Óscar's papers are ready,
we'll move to Paris.

So you can live freely.

Do you have other plans?

- [chuckles]
- [Carlota] Yes?

[stammering] Yes!

Yes, Carlota, of course.

What do you say?


[both chuckle]

[Lidia] Achieving what you want
makes you extremely happy.

Knowing you are finally
just one step away from being yourself,

showing who you really are
and how you really feel.

I'm going to miss you so much, baby.

Come on. Pick a seat.

[Lidia] Knowing that,
no matter the distance,

the people you love
will be safe and sound.

Moving on and starting a new life
full of uncertainty.

But the way to your dreams
is sometimes too long,

and happiness seems so far.

You just have to wait patiently
and not let discouragement destroy you.

[doorbell rings]

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Where's Ms. Carlota?
- In the guest room.

- I'll wait for you in the living room.
- Yes.

Thank you.

- Lidia, what are you doing here so early?
- I'd like to have a word with you.

Why aren't you ready?

What's going on?

Carlota, you sacrifice
your political career...

and suddenly announce this wedding.

I know you. I know something is going on.


Do you know what's going on?

That power corrupts everything.

And that in politics,
everything is rotten.

- What's going on?
- [sighs]

- Promise you won't say anything to Óscar.
- I won't.

Gregorio has some pictures
of me and Óscar.

So if I didn't step down as a candidate,
he was going to publish them.

Son of a bitch.

- Did you give in to his blackmail?
- Lidia, I...

I've realized that what matters...

is my happiness with Óscar,
me marrying him.

And getting as far away
from this as possible.

But I need those pictures.

- So I'm meeting him now to get them.
- What?

Where are you meeting him?

At the Ciudad de Madrid hotel.

I'm leaving now.

Carlota, you're getting married
in an hour.

- I'll have enough time, don't worry.
- I'm going with you.

- Lidia, you don't have to.
- I don't want you to go on your own.


I went to your house,
and the servant told me you were here.

I need to talk to you and Carlos.

What's wrong?

My mother, Lidia.

She's going to be released from jail.

I'll be back in less than an hour, okay?

Where's my brother?

But how come
she is going to be released from jail?

Carlos, it was naive of us to think

that your mother would just stand by
and do nothing after being sentenced.

She's a very dangerous woman.

She'll never get close to us again.
I promise.

[Ángeles] No, thank you.

- You look so fancy.
- Thank you.

One doesn't know
what to wear for these modern weddings.

Did you give your mother the money?


And she thinks I earned it
by working overtime.

The best thing
is that Sofía stays in the village.

There is no need
to take unnecessary risks.

Yes, I guess so.

By the way, the school project
is already underway.

It will be the perfect cover
to recruit our informants.

With Lidia working for the company again,
I didn't think you'd dare do it.

The school is beneficial for everyone.
For the company, for those young girls...

And for Mirlo.

I believe in that project.

This way.

[Lidia] Our wishes made us targets.

And now we had to pay the price
for being so demanding.


An excessive price
that would change our lives forever.

But if you really wish for something,
the consequences and risks don't matter.

[sighs] I'm so worried about Carlota.

She left an hour ago
and she's not back yet.

Where is Carlota?

She went to meet Gregorio.

He's blackmailing her
with some photos of her with Óscar.

That's why
she stepped down as a candidate.

My God.

Operator, put me through
to Ciudad de Madrid hotel.

Good morning. Could you put me through
to Gregorio Díaz's room, please?

[Lidia] And we were willing
to fight for it until our last breath.

[man] Some guests heard voices,

and we tried to open the door,
but it is locked from the inside.

- [knocking on door]
- [man] It's here.

[Sergio] What are they doing?

- Is this...
- [officer] Blood.









[Lidia] Even if that meant
having to destroy our enemies.


Miss, what have you done?

You are under arrest
for the m*rder of Mr. Gregorio Díaz.