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01x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 03/12/24 16:38
by bunniefuu
October 1761. Russian troops take Berlin.

Once again, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna falls ill.

Prussia now finds hope in
King Frederick’s long time admirer:

heir to the Russian throne, Pyotr Fyodorovich.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy
on God's servant Elizaveta.

Raise her from her bed of illness.
Lord, have mercy on her.

Call the
Prince of Holstein.

What, my dear?

Karl Augustus.

Do you remember me, Karl Augustus?

Do you remember us dancing a minuet?

I liked it so much.

But then when
you were to put on the ring,

you fell backwards.

You lay there with your eyes open,
a smile left on your lips.

What were you smiling for,
Karl Augustus?

For that? Now I got it.

Everything is all right.

Everything is all right, my dear.

Alyosha, Alyosha,

My will...

I made it.
I made my will.

I made
my will.

The Emperor will be...

Aleksey Grigoryevich.

Read my will.

She's delirious.

Yes of course, Your Highness.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna

has departed to God.

She's dead!

Come to me!

From now on, nobody will prevent us
from being happy!

God rest the soul of the deceased

God's servant Elizaveta and forgive all her sins
both voluntary and involuntary.

This is not my job. I can only...
I can only draw a bird or a dog.

That's my brother George, God rest
his soul, who was an artist.

He could portray to the life. He scolded me.

And to You do we send up
glory, with Your Eternal Father,

and Your All-Holy Good and Life-creating Spirit
both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Do you think that the w*r is lost?

Your Majesty, at the theater
of w*r the situation is tough.

Berlin is taken by the Russian troops.

You're telling me!

From St. Petersburg they report
that Empress Elisabeth is dead.

Does Pyotr succeed to the throne?

Yes. Tsarevich Pyotr is the heir
apparent by the law.

By the law!

Don't forget that we deal with Russia.

Prepare a secret message to our brother,

Russian Emperor Pyotr.

There is no will to be found.

Where else is there to search?

How is that, Aleksey Grigoryevich?
I can't believe it.

How could you not know where
the Empress's will is?

You’ve been by her side all the time.

I didn't know all her secrets.

Well then, let's wait until we hear more.

In the absence of the will,

His Imperial Highness the Grand Prince
Pyotr Fyodorovich is to be proclaimed
as Emperor.

He is the heir by birth, by blood,
and in the direct male line.

When should he be proclaimed
as Emperor?

As soon as possible.

I'll instruct heralds and messengers
and prepare the ceremony.

I can easily imagine what will unfold in
St. Petersburg after the death of the Empress.

Well, the most interesting things, I presume.

Your former friend and
your former mistress will be enthroned.

I don't find it funny, my angel.
- But I do.

Open the gate!

Her Majesty wishes to visit Peterhof.

Her Majesty is prohibited
from leaving the palace.


I'm not authorized to say.

Turn around!

I want to see my son, Count.

I'm sorry, but he's in Peterhof.

Why can't I go to him?

Sorry, but you have to stay in the palace.

Tonight, there'll be the proclamation
and public prayer. Pavel must also sit on the throne.

I want to bring him here.

Your son's presence is not required.

His Imperial Majesty doesn't want to
see you either for an obvious reason.

I want to have my crown on when I enter.

Your Majesty, you'll only
be proclaimed as Emperor today;

the coronation ceremony will take place later.

Coronation is a great ceremony.
It's a sacrament.

Can I wear my crown when
I sit on the throne, eh?

It's time,
Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, now you enter the hall
and walk along the carpet.

You look straight ahead.

I can't see the good of it!
I simply want my crown.

The crown will be put on your head
after the coronation, Your Majesty.

How can an Emperor ascend the throne without his crown?
None of your Byzantine tricks!

The crown is already yours.

Alexander Ivanovich, prepare an edict
abolishing the Secret Chancery.

Are you scared, Count?
Come. I appoint you my chief adviser.

But how can we do without secret services?

We'll do nothing
secret from now on.

We need public investigation and open court proceedings.

I'm an enlightened monarch.

I've had enough of your spying on me in my bedroom.

I hail publicity and freedom.

What about the Treasury?
- The situation is not hopeless, Your Majesty.

Prepare a report on the establishment
of the State Bank.

Your Majesty, We already have
a state-owned bank established by your aunt.

Really? I have missed it somehow.

The main thing is to stop uncontrolled spending.

And to stop the w*r!
Chancellor Vorontsov,

take measures for the return of the occupied lands
back to Prussia, and Konigsberg in the first place.

But Your Highness!

After we sign an eternal peace treaty,
I'll declare w*r on Denmark!

Get the Baltic Fleet ready!

I will personally command the battle!

I'll bombard Copenhagen till there is no house intact!

Today, on January 1, a new era has begun!

Russia embarks upon the path of reform and development!

Let's work, gentlemen, no time to lose!

That will be all, you may go.

Have you brought sketches?
Well, show me.

Why is there no crown on my head?

Why high temples?
Why not a full head of hair?

Aside from that it's good.

I look like a Roman emperor

You have a Roman nose, Your Majesty.

Like Julius Caesar, yes.

The proclaimed Emperor, Pyotr Fyodorovich, quickly
disavows Russia’s alliance with Austria and France.

He ceases all military operations against Prussia.

And, without conditions, he returns land
conquered by Russia to King Frederick of Prussia.

To many Russians, his actions amount to treason.

Your Highness, His Imperial Majesty
is asking you to a family dinner tonight.

Why don't you address me as "Your Majesty"?
I am the wife of the Emperor.

Please, don't be late.

Tighten up!

Pull harder!

Your Majesty.


Are we waiting for someone?
-We are.

What does it mean?

It means that I've made you angry.

At dinner, I can tolerate your dogs...
And me, too.

That's enough.

Thank you for your tolerating me
for so many years.

Let's say the blessing.

Jesus Christ, our God,

bless the food and drink of Thy servants,
and forgive the sins of my wife

as I forgive her, for I don't care who she sleeps with
and who she has children by.

Now, she isn't my wife before Thee,
oh Lord, nor before anyone else.

I would beg you to cut the comedy,
Pyotr Fyodorovich.

Comedy is the word I like.
Comedy. I am going to amuse you greatly tonight.

May I ask, are you going to hit me or
throw something heavy at me?

I’d like to but I have nothing at hand.

Why have you asked my
maid of honor to the dinner?

Elizaveta Romanovna and I love each
other and want to be together every minute.

Elizaveta Romanovna bestows
upon me her love and affection.

Maybe, you also want to
call some of your friends.

Maybe, him?

Why not? Hey, come here!

Come here, don't be shy.

Ekaterina Alekseyevna likes guardsmen.

There is an alternative.
We can stop dining together.

That is just as well! I agree.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

But to my great regret,

you'll have to dine elsewhere.

You won't live in the palace any longer.

I proposed to Elizaveta Romanovna
and she agreed to become my wife.

Do you want a divorce?

I'll file a petition for divorce and remarriage.

Do you want to know the reason?

Breathe deeply. Adultery!

Still, there's a reason that you
can't marry a second time.

Well, go on, go on.

Your inability to perform husbandly duties.

I love His Majesty. And he loves me.

He performs
all that is necessary.

And even more
than that.

Why do you lie?

Elizaveta Romanovna,
this woman ought to be punished.

I wish to punish her.
I'll have you cloistered.

Don't scare me with the holy abode.

Any convent is a place of quiet and work of penance.

Elizaveta Romanovna,
thank you for your care.

Your Majesty.


But why?

To remarry.

Three times no.

I want to take Princess Vorontsova as my wife.
- You never shall.

The Vorontsovs are descended from Rurik.

My current wife Ekaterina Alekseyevna
is a second cousin twice removed to us.

I'll never allow the violation
of religious rules while I'm alive.

I'll ruin the Church!
I'll take away your lands and serfs.

You don't scare me, Your Majesty.

It's high time for the Russian church
to live in poverty and hunger.

We have grown fat from indolence.
Indifferent we are towards people.

Well, just you wait, Your Eminence!

How long Tsars have been
making threatening gestures at us!

But the Russian church is stronger than ever before.

My Maker, too,
isn't calling me to meet Him.

Many wanted my death so as
to please the devil and their evil souls.

So did the Empress Elizaveta
Petrovna, but she failed to.

God rest her soul.

I am 33 years old, I will easily outlive you.

But I won't wait till you die.

I am a sovereign king, I am the Emperor,
only God and the Heavens are above me!

The wedding of His Imperial Majesty Pyotr Fyodorovich Romanov

and Princess Elizaveta Romanovna Vorontsova

is appointed for the
feast day of Saints Peter and Paul.

Congratulations and wedding gifts will be accepted
every day from nine to six o'clock.

Wedding guests should
be dressed according to the event.

The Princess wishes to wear a dress made
from white Duchesse satin trimmed with golden lace;

whereupon it is forbidden
to wear dresses of similar design and fabric.

In order to avoid hustle and confusion,
guests will be admitted by invitation only

in carriages of no more than six
wheels and drawn by no more than six horses each.

Enough with all this ceremony. Now
we come to our reforms. Who's next?

Here is a silver ruble and a
fifty-kopeck piece with your monogram.

Copper pieces
of 10, 4. and 2 kopecks.


These are gold pieces of 10 and 5 rubles, chervonets
all the gold pieces bearing your profile.

Mikhail Illarionovich!

Alexander Ivanovich, I know what you want to ask me.

I'm only fulfilling His Majesty's wishes.

The Feast of Peter and Paul
falls on the last day of the Fast.

No wedding is possible.

Or should we stop fasting as well?

I didn't dare to change the wording of it.

The Russian
Orthodox people will revolt,

and no priest will get him married.

Tell me, is there something that I don't know?

Pyotr Fyodorovich didn't disclose details,

but he wants to be married according to the Lutheran rite.

And you are so calm?

To convert Russia to Lutheranism?

With all due deference to Your Majesty,
there are strict rules regarding such things.

Through a budget request for the State Bank,
you can apply for a production sample

but even the Emperor has no right to take out coins at will.

Amazing! Hey, give the coins back, gentlemen!

What's your rank?

Court Counselor, Sire!
- I promote you to State Counselor.

The coins are of the excellent quality.

Banknotes will be printed there too.

Who's next?

The ambassador of the King of Prussia.

I am pleased to welcome the Envoy
of the Great Prussia!

How is my brother,
Emperor Frederick?

Thank you, he is quite well.

Tonight, I am giving a ceremonial dinner in
honor of the eternal alliance of the two great powers!

King Frederick congratulates the new Russian Emperor
on his accession to the throne.

Your Majesty!

The Turkish Sultan sends you a letter.
- I see.

The matter concerns Russia only.

Stop it. Turkey is an ally of Prussia,
and the presence of the Chancellor would be useful.

Sultan Mahmud is asking us not to take Slavic refugees.

Do you mean
you are still taking them?

Yes, the former Empress was granting land
for immigrants from the Balkans for some reason.

I can understand the
displeasure of Sultan Mahmud.

Russia has been robbing him of his subjects
year after year, giving nothing in return.

We are to defend Russia's interests,
not the feelings of the Sultan!

What have you to do with Russia's interests?

Why on earth is the Chancellor of Prussia
giving advice to the Russian Emperor?

Well, why "giving advice"?

Brekdorf! Please,
apologize to our friend!

Come on! I'm waiting!

Me too!

What will be our reply to the Sultan?

Write him that we are going
to send the refugees back.

- Your Majesty!
- It's up to me to decide, Brekdorf. Be off!


Well, shall we go on?

The new Emperor, Pyotr Fyodorovich, continues to accommodate
Prussia by sending troops to protect King Frederick.

To many returning solders, this action is taken as
an insult to those who fought and died in the w*r.

Ekaterina Alekseyevna, hold on a bit more!


It’s blazing like hell.
- Yes,

a thrilling sight.
I can't help watching it.

I remember that night 18 years ago.

There was a fire like this.

The next morning
I fell with a terrible disease.

It's a sign!

What sign?

I think I know what it portends.
We should stop it immediately!

It's a boy!

Open the door!

It's I, Russian Emperor Pyotr!

Your Majesty, Ekaterina
Alekseyevna is unwell.

She asked not to be
disturbed. She needs rest.

I've heard this for two months.

Is she still alive, or has she finally died?

Open up or
I'll break the door down!

Your Majesty?

I wish to see you tomorrow at noon sharp!

One of the Orlovs will meet you.

The wet-nurse is already there.

Wait! What about you?


Pyotr is divorcing Ekaterina. Did you know?

Nonsense. That can't be true.

I got a letter from Darya Gagarina.

I think it's a rumor.

Maybe it is, but you just listen.

Very well.

"Pyotr fell in love with that new maid of honor,
lame and bad-looking Liza Vorontsova.

The wedding day is appointed".

But what about Ekaterina

Well, he'll divorce Ekaterina.

And the heir, as usual, will be put away.

Ekaterina Alekseyevna.

Your Majesty.

I forgive you. You may go home,
and I hope your family will take you back.

You can marry some duke
- you're still young and attractive.

I can't give you money
for the voyage.

You surely have some savings tucked away.

Take your carriages, belongings - anything you need.

What about Pavel?

I am starting a new life.

Elizaveta Romanovna will bear me a heir

But as the Emperor, I am concerned
over the State and the Throne.

If I let Pavel go, the enemies of Russia,
with or without your aid,

may declare him the rightful Emperor.

Will his fate be the same as that of Ioann Antonovich?

Please, let me take Pavel with
me when I leave Russia.

- I promise to leave forever.


Alexander Ivanovich, arrest
her and send her to the convent.

Let her choose any of them,
and do it quickly.

She should be cloistered
before our marriage.

Your Majesty,
I'd like to clarify one point.

Will you convert us to Lutheranism?
- Yes.

As far as I know,
they have no monasteries or convents.

Then let one remain,
the one Ekaterina Alexeyevna chooses;

all others will be dissolved. Will we make it to Kronshtadt in time?

We'll be back
after dark.

Harness the horses. Sleep less,
work harder. Changes await Russia!

Your Imperial Majesty,

Mirovich has brought a dispatch from Schlisselburg

and now is awaiting instructions
about the secret prisoner.

I wanted to send gifts to Ioann Antonovich.
Prepare my edict for his release.

Any problems, Adam?

Your Imperial Majesty,
you need no edict to release him.

He is not a criminal. You can give
an order concerning him.

I saw him many years ago.
I gave him a tin soldier, a broken one.

He was so happy that I
couldn't hold back my tears.

I'd like to clarify one point, Your Majesty.

We all live on the eve of this important event - your wedding.

But people's feelings are,
let's say, mixed.

I mean your attitude towards Orthodoxy.

Your Imperial Majesty, don't release
the prisoner. There'll be a revolt!

You’ve said yourself he is not a criminal.

I would like to invite him to the wedding.

We could be friends.
Good deeds will glorify me.

I'll go down in history as
Peter the Good or Peter the Merciful.

Do you really not understand?

Very well, I won't release him.

I'll send gifts to him.

Returning home, Russian Guards begin
to openly accuse the Emperor of trading the lives

of soldiers for what he called his
“eternal friendship” with King Frederick.

It’s one of the best, Your Majesty.
Won't you be sorry?


And take the g*n!
He'll like it.

No, no!

Agitato, brillante!

Your Excellency!

Her Highness is nowhere to be found.
I've looked all around

I’ve looked all around.
We were in the garden and she sent me to set the table for tea.

I came back, and she wasn't there. I waited and waited…

Find her!

Your Highness, you are under arrest.