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03x04 - Be the Change You Want in the World

Posted: 03/12/24 17:24
by bunniefuu
[indistinct overlapping chatter]

[unzips bag]

[in Arabic] I have a present for you.

It's so beautiful.

[chuckles softly] I made it myself.

It's your star sign.

I don't want to leave.

I don't want you to leave either.

I want you to stay with me.

[both] Forever.

[chuckles softly]

[woman] Kira! Hurry!

Kira, hurry!

[loud indistinct yelling]

[dog barking]

[woman] Hurry!

-We have to go with that one.
-[overlapping yelling]

[engine starts]

[woman] Hurry!


[indistinct muttering]

[horn honking]

[tailgate closes]

[Daniel in English]
What the hell are we gonna do?

-What should we do?
-[father] I'm thinking.

OK, but we have to figure something out.

-[father] Calm down, Daniel.
-[Daniel] Let's storm them then!

-[father] I'm trying to think!
-Now, that's enough!

This won't bring Luna back to you.


These children, where-- where are they?

-The high-rises.
-OK, how many of them?

No idea!

But what do they want?

[Jean] Simone… look!

They want food!

They are hungry. I found this.


It's Luna's.

[Kira] Alright.

We'll fix this.

How many are they?

[boy grunts]

Come, my friend.


This has to be cleaned.

Well… what do you want?

The same thing as you.

We want to survive.

[theme music playing]

[thunder rumbling]


[breathing heavily]

[machine beeping]

-[Patrick] Yo!

[chuckles] What's up, dude? You're alive.


How are you feeling?


I feel great.


Do you… need to sit down again?

[exhales deeply]



-[startled] Oh, for f*ck…

[Martin exhales deeply]

You gotta try this.

So, you don't regret it?

[Martin] No.

-Why would I?
-No reason.

Where is everyone?

Sten is dead.

He's dead because
he only thought of himself.

We couldn't trust him.

You k*lled him.


[man] And what about us?

[Rasmus] That's up to you.

You're free to leave if you want…

but the rest of us will carry on.

You're here to create the new human…

and he stands before you.

You can all become like me.

You can all survive.

We'll start with the sick,

then you can coordinate with Fie
and see how--

We're working for you now?

-But you're a child.

What do you know about science?

-You didn't create this.

But does it matter?

What are you anyway?

What gives you the right
to tell us what to do?

If it weren't for Rasmus,
none of you would be here.

[man] Who are you?

Why should we listen to two teenagers
who think they know how the world works?

-Because we know more than all of you.
-You're a lab rat!

You don't know--

[man gurgling]


[Rasmus] Fie.

-Let her go.

You have to calm down.


For what?

For coming along.

What else would I do?

I don't know. Be on your way to Apollon?

Apollon has to wait.

I just can't figure you out.

One day, you're ready to k*ll everyone,

and the next, you care if some…

some child you don't know dies or not.

Do you think
you're the only person with morals?

That you're the only one
who can tell right from wrong?

I'm not an animal, Simone…

even though I k*lled your father.

Yes, I know.

But I don't hate you, Kira.

[Kira] No.

You hate no one.

And that's what
I'll never understand about you.

[Rasmus] Am I a monster?

[Sarah] Yes.

But that's their problem.

Fie saw it.

You just want them to like you.

Why don't they?

They'll come to understand.

You just have to… give them time.

And if they don't understand,
they probably don't belong here.

I don't want to be alone.

[Sarah sighs]

But I'm right here,

right with you.

[Martin] I'm off now.

[scientist] We need to run some more tests
to make sure things are alright.

I feel fine.

I feel… perfect.

[scientist] Uh…

-See ya.
-You have to stay here.

[door trills]

[indistinct chatter]

[door trills]


-I've never seen him like that before.
-He must have had some kind of reason.

Yeah, he was opposed.

The Rasmus I know doesn't k*ll people
just for opposing him.

Yeah, try telling that
to the dead scientist.

Did you talk to Martin?

-[Patrick sighs]
-[Fie] Patrick, why not?

I couldn't.

I mean, are we even the good guys anymore?

I think that depends on whom you ask.

Well, does everyone
really have to be like him now?

[sighs] I don't know.

But we should know, right?

Whatever happens now
will change everything.


If this is Simone, then…

-[Patrick] Yeah, who else could it be?

[sighs] I don't know,
but if it is we have to--

[beeping continues]


[beeping continues]

Give me that.

[beeping continues]

[Patrick] Martin, I meant to…

It must be up there.
Look out for the virus.

[metal clanging]

[Jean gasps]

[whispers] Come.

[metal scraping]

[metal clangs]

-[echoing thud]
-[Jean gasps] OK, we need to leave.

[Simone breathing heavily]

[whispers] Quick, quick. Go, go.

We brought food!

Enough for everyone!

We're not here to cause trouble!

We just want Luna!

[Daniel] Run! Run!

-[Simone] Take cover!
-[Daniel] We need to go!

[Jean] Simone!

Hey, Jean! Jean! Daniel!

-Let's go that way.
-[Jean] Wait.

[Simone grunting]


[all yelling]

f*ck! It's a dead end!
What are we gonna do?

-[Kira] It's the virus.
-It's everywhere.

[arrows whizzing]

-[Jean] Come on!
-What are we gonna do?

[Simone grunts]

[faint hissing]

-[g*n cocks]
-[Simone] Now we just--

-Come! Come! Come!
-[Simone] OK.

-Come on!
-[Daniel] Now what?

-[Simone] There's some stairs!
-[Jean] Simone!

[tracker beeping]

-[Rasmus sighs]
-[Martin] It's her.

You don't know that.

-She's alive.
-[Rasmus] I have to find her.

[beeping continues]

So, you're leaving?

Well, she's my sister.

-And all this?
-All of what?

Apollon. The sick.

-Sarah, you don't understand.

-I have to find her.
-[Martin] No.

Rasmus, she won't listen to what you say.

[beeping continues]

I'll do it.


-You'll make her come back to us.
-She wants to destroy us.

Maybe you will do the same.

Now, I'm like you.

[beeping continues]

[Daniel] Are you with me?

-[distant rumble]
-[Jean] What was that?

[Simone] Hey. There's a door.

-[Jean] Simone!
-[Simone] Come on, come on!


[Kira] Alright… we'll secure the floor.

[Simone] Jean, Kira,

we gotta go higher.

[Daniel gasps]

[Kira whispers] It's a trap.

Stay back.

[mechanism clanks]

[Daniel] Huh.

[Kira] We'll go higher.

-Can't we get through?
-[Kira] No, it's blocked.

[Simone] There must be another way.


[whispers] Hey!

[Simone panting]

[Kira] Here's the way up.

[faint wind howling]

[Jean, voice quivering] Uh… no way.





[Simone] Jean…

I can't, Simone.

I can't go out there.

Come on.




I'll find her.



[wind howling]

[pulsing music playing]

[Kira panting]


[Daniel panting]

[Simone grunts] [breathing heavily]

-[wind howling]
-[music continues]

-[Simone gasps]
-[Daniel] Simone! Hold on!

[Simone breathing heavily]

[Daniel] You can do it!

Come on!

[exhales deeply]


-Are you OK?
-Why didn't you tell me she was alive?

I was going to,
but I just didn't make it in time.


What do I do now? Hmm?

I don't know.

I'll find her.

[Patrick] Yeah.

I'll find her and I will…

I'll bring her back here.


[Rasmus panting]

You don't need her.

You don't need her.

[Rasmus sighs]

[Sarah] I get that she left you.

People have always left me.

Don't you wish they were still here?


Now, it's just you and me…


Me and you.

What's that?

[Rasmus] What?

[Sarah] It looks like a wound.

No, it's not a wound.

I think it's a birthmark.

So, now you're getting birthmarks
all of a sudden?

Sure, I might be.

Is that a problem?

-[chuckles] No, no.
-Then, we're good.

I'm gonna shower.

[agitated breathing]

[wind howling]

-[faint grunting]
-I think I found something.

It's a ladder.


[man] Welcome.

Where is Luna?

Luna, she… [clicks tongue]

She was really tired.

She's sleeping.

-Where is Luna?
-[leader] Whoa.



That one.

[indistinct chatter]

-[Rasmus] We'll choose five.
-[Sarah] Who are we looking for?

Someone worthy,

someone who deserves a second chance
and knows what it means.

Who were they before the rain?
What dreams and ambitions did they have?

What about him?

[Rasmus] Who is he?

[Sarah] Christian Hansen, 19 years old.
Terminal, stage four.

You know who I am?

[breath trembling] Yeah.

You afraid of me?


But you're afraid to die?

[softly] Yeah.

[chuckles softly]

Christian, this is Olivia.

Not long ago,
Olivia was dying from cancer.

She didn't know how long she had left.

But now, she has her whole life
ahead of her.

We'll give the virus to all of you.

You will all be well again… including you.

[they chuckle softly]

[Simone] Where's Luna?

I want to see her.


-Are you OK?
-I'm fine.

They're OK, but she needs help.

[leader] Tss-tss.


So, it was you who sh*t her.

I didn't know whom I was f*ring at.

No… and look at what you've done.

She needs help.

She needs antibiotics.

I don't need
to discuss her needs with you.

The last thing she needs
is to live in this filthy place.


There's food in the bag.

We're taking Luna home.

[breath quivering]

-[children grunt]
-Thanks. It's a great start.

We'll happily eat your food,
as you can see,

but that's not what we want,

not anymore.

We want what you have.

We want the liquid that kills the virus.

And until then…

Luna is our guest.

Come, my friend. Time to eat.

-It's OK.

[leader] The liquid. Think about it.

[whirring] [faint beeping]

[agitated breathing]

[breathing deeply]

[Sarah] What are you doing?

-I'm looking.
-Looking at what?

-Are you spying on him?

It's like with you.

Not as strong, but…

but I can still see him.

I thought you could only do that with me.

You're jealous?


[Rasmus breathes deeply]

I'll be right there.

-Are you brushing me off?
-No, no.



Mr. Know-it-all.

What do they know?

[Simone] Only what they saw.

They tricked us into using the liquid
so they could see what it does.

They know what it does?

[Simone] Yeah.

They just wanna be able to grow things,

to live like you.

Most of them are children,
not older than Luna.

They've lived in this--
this dump since the rain.

The flower can't handle it.
They're too many.

-But, you wanna help others, right?
-That's not the point.

-Do you want to sacrifice your sister?
-Of course I don't.

-[Simone] Tell me, how would--
-[Daniel] We need--

-Listen, we have to come up with--
-OK, stop it! Calm down!

There must be another way
to get Luna back.

But, they just wanna survive.
They have nothing!

Please, Simone. We can't help everyone
we meet all the time. It's impossible!

-They're desperate!
-But we are also desperate!

You can't always get what you want.

-[birds chirping]
-[children's voices overlapping]

[children talking indistinctly]

[sighs] [clears throat]

[sighs] Memo.

-[chuckles] Kira!
-[Kira giggles]

Can-- Can I come in?

Sure. Come in. Come in.

It must have been a hundred years…

since we saw each other.

[Kira] Ten.

-Ten and a half.
-How did you know I was in Sweden?

I don't know. Maybe I'm a stalker.

[chuckles softly]

Uh… here.

They're from me and my mom.


Is that…?

Have you kept that ever since…?

[chuckles softly]

[door opening]

[Memo] Uh… Kira, this is Natasha.

-Kira, who…
-Right! Of course, of course! Hi!

How-- How nice!

I've-- I've heard so much about you.

Memo has told all about you
and how you were…

best friends when you were little.

-[Memo chuckles] Yeah.
-[Natasha giggles]

-Yeah. Yeah, precisely.
-[Natasha] Yeah.

But, um, can I… [chuckles]
Can I offer you something?

I think we have some coffee,
or tea, maybe.

-That sounds good.
-[Natasha] I'll fix us something.

I'll go put these in water.

Uh, yeah. That's a-- a good idea.

[Simone] Kira…


the least we can do is try.

[sighs] It's not up to me.

I believe them.


Let's make a deal with them.

You'll get enough of the liquid to get by.

You'll get a new vial every other week.

Daniel will bring it.

One vial?

It's enough to keep the virus at bay.

And how many vials have you got?

Enough to get by.

This way, you can live without worrying.

Why are you agreeing to this?

Because we trust you.

But, why?

We have to.

We have a deal?

Yes, we have a deal.

Good… Then, give us Luna.

But first, you're having a cola.

-[leader] Mm?

-[leader] Cola.


Now that we're friends
and we've made some kind of peace,

it's time for us to share the, uh,
only little treat we have.


-You mean real cola?
-Yes, real cola. Coca-Cola.

[chuckles] OK.

How much longer?

[scientist] Almost there.

Two are neutralized
and three are almost there.

OK… Where's Fie?

-Well, we can do this without her.
-She has to be here.

[scientist] I'll send for her.

[Patrick] I don't like it.

Nothing will happen.
Martin loves her. He'll be careful.

But, she's gonna go crazy
when she finds out he has the virus.

Then what will he do?

-We have to find a way to warn her.

If we find a way to get out of this place
and contact her somehow--

[door opens]

-What do you want?
-[guard 1] She's going to the lab.

-[Patrick] Well, then ask politely.
-[guard 2] We don't ask.

-Hey! Relax!
-Oh, you don't ask?

Stop, stop, stop!

It's OK. I'm coming.

-It's OK.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The hell's wrong with you, man?
Where are your manners?

There's a warehouse nearby full of cola.

I think it's for when the world
actually ends.

It feels like
it already has ended. [laughs]

That's why you should hang around kids.

They always believe
everything gets better.

It's nice.

Have you always been with them?

I've always… lived…

How should I say?

Close to the streets. You know?

I had no family,

only my g*ng.

They d*ed,

I survived.

And then,
I bumped into this g*ng of children.

They had lost their parents
and needed an adult.

Something I never thought I'd become.

So, you took care of them?

Don't take me for a good person.

Listen, I don't know
who the good people are any longer.

You helped us.

That was good of you.

[Simone inhales deeply]

I'm sorry.

Hey, hey, easy. Don't be afraid.

It won't k*ll you.

You're just gonna sleep.



[doctor] Their immune system
is neutralized. Now's the time.

What shall I do?

I just want you here.



[breath quivering]

-[Fie] Rasmus?



[Fie] Hey…

Are you OK?

You're bleeding.


I'm fine.

[faint banging]

[banging continues]

[Simone, softly] Kira? Kira.


-[banging continues]

[locked door handle clacking]





-Jean, where are the others?
-[Jean] I don't know.

I was waiting… for you and then…

-Then I saw them running.
-The flower.

-Where are they? We have to find them!

[Simone] Come! Jean! Kira!

-There's something wrong with him.
-[Sarah] You're just worried.

Sarah, this is serious.

Yeah, well, I know that.

[Fie groans]

I'm just afraid
that he's pushing himself too hard.

-Then, you have to tell him to stop.
-[sighs] Well, I can't.

-Then, who can?
-[Rasmus] Himself.

There's nothing wrong…
I know my own limits.

Well, you obviously don't!
Fie says you almost fainted.

-Why would you say that?
-It's because I'm worried about you.

Don't worry about me.

Did they make it?

[sighs] Yeah, they're in recovery now
and the others are stable.

So, everything's fine.

I still think
we should have a doctor examine you.

Just to make sure everything's OK.
We don't know the virus well enough--

There's nothing wrong!

I said, don't worry about me.

Just take care of the sick.


I am fine.

[door opens]

[elevator trills]


[error signal]

[keypad beeping]

[elevator trills]

[door closing]

Where are you going?

I'm just going back to my room.


Unless we have something to…?

No, no.


I just think you ought to be next.

Yeah, just for your own safety.

But, Rasmus, what about the baby?

-The baby will be like us.
-But we have no idea if that's true.

-Can't this wait until after--
-No, it can't.

I want to trust you.

-Of course you can trust me.
-And that's fine.

When you're like me, I'll know.


-[elevator trills]
-[door opening]

[indistinct chatter]

[door trills]

What's up?

-Did they hurt you?
-I'm OK.

You can tell me.

[sobbing] I'm afraid they'll k*ll my baby.

What do you mean?

[sobbing] I'm afraid of Rasmus.



[whispers] We have to get away from here.

[Kira] Hurry!

[Simone] Kira!

[father groaning]

Dad! Mom!

[father groaning]

-[Simone panting]
-[father groans]

-[Daniel] Are you OK?
-They're going for the flower!

We'll-- we'll find them.

Stay here!



Come on!

[Jean] It's so quiet.

[water trickling]

["Fumbling Prayer" by RY X playing]

[Jean panting]

♪ To hide all the hands
That tied me down ♪

[Jean] Simone…

he's dead.

♪ Hide this will ♪

♪ Tied to sin ♪

♪ To guard herself ♪

♪ Hide this will ♪

[Simone breathing heavily]

♪ Hide this will ♪

♪ Feel cold ♪

[Simone's breath trembling]

♪ Speak out ♪

♪ Feel cold ♪

-♪ Speak out ♪
-[faint groaning]

[leader breathing heavily]

I-- I just wanted to give them a little…



…ho-- hope.

-[softly] Yeah.


[music continues]


[softly] No.

[sobbing] No.

♪ Speak out ♪

♪ Feel cold ♪

♪ Speak out ♪



Are you OK?

[child panting]



Are you OK?


There. [softly] There, there, there.




I wanted to get her back.

The flower's dead.

And so are all the kids.

I was only trying to help.

But, you didn't help.

In fact, you ruined everything.

[Kira, in Arabic] I don't want to leave.

I don't want you to leave either.

I want you to stay with me.

[both] Forever.



[clears throat]

[in English] What is that?

[Kira] It's just an old memory.

[Simone] I don't know a lot about you.

There's not a lot to say.

You can't help everyone…

but you have to choose.

And no matter what you choose,
someone will have to pay the price.

No, I can't. I…

You can't just… choose.

You're like a child, Simone.

You think all can be well again,
but we're not children, we're adults.

-[amulet clangs]
-[Kira sighs]

[dramatic music playing]




You saved her.

I should have stayed away from you.

Then, I'd never have met you.

What now?

I have this.

-[Daniel] For your brother?

[Simone] I have to stop the virus,
but I don't know if it's enough.

[Daniel] It is…


[both chuckle softly]

[dramatic music continues]

[music fades out]

[Daniel] Maybe we'll meet again.

Yeah, that's pretty unlikely.

One can hope. [chuckles]


[both chuckle softly]

[sinister music playing]

[breath quivering] Simone.

[sound fades out]

[theme music playing]