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02x02 - The New Hire Named Anai

Posted: 03/12/24 18:25
by bunniefuu
Turn it down! That's not happening.

Why not?
Because I already accepted.

Aunt Yoshie was happy, and he's all for it.

Turn it down! Retsuko, go take a bath.

Well, then In the meantime, I'll make some dinner.

Don't change the subject! Then answer me.

Are there any hunks like him in your life?


-Then what's your problem?
Arranged marriages have low divorce rates, you know?
Mom, were you set up with Dad?
No, I had a normal marriage.

-I figured.

-That would have been old

Any girl would prefer a fated encounter to having a man assigned to you, right?
The romance between a loving couple with an uncertain future

-Just like ours
-Our parents were against it.

But we overcame every
- Hypocrisy! RAGE Retsuko, your sighs are the color purple.

Yeah, I'm a bit tired.

Don't forget, we've got someone new joining us today.

Ah! I remember now.

Someone new?
Is it a guy?

-Yes, I think so.

-A guy.

What's he like?
Is he hot?
Have you seen his face?
Have you?
He's a fresh graduate.

Ew, a younger guy! This is our changing room! I wonder what he's like.

Who knows?
I just hope he isn't a pain in the ass.

ACCOUNTING I've been assigned to Accounting.

My name is Anai! I still have much to learn.

I'm looking forward to receiving everyone's guidance! Welcome to Accounting, where smiles abound! Anai, now you're part of the family.

Ah, there's nothing like a youngster to brighten up the office! The same newbie treatment that we received five years ago It sure brings back bad memories.

This is your desk! If there's something you don't know, ask the short I mean, ask Retsuko about it.

Yes, sir! Train him well.

Oh, yes.

Well, then.

Let's do our best today! I'm Retsuko.

Nice to meet you, Anai.

It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am! "It's a pleasure!" All stiff
-like He's a born underling, I bet.

But he seems nice.

That's a relief.

You mean it's a relief that blabbermouth moved away from you?
Oh, you mean Kabae?
I wouldn't say that.

Well, maybe I would.

It feels like all is right with the world! I've just got to get through Sunday's meeting and everything will be back to normal! However, I'm really not sold on this But he is kind of handsome.

Oh, so he carried on playing rugby during his college years.

He just never stopped growing.

But that's the kind of strength you want in a man.

Isn't that right?
Doesn't he look slightly different than he did in his photo?
I thought he looked a bit more Was it airbrushed?
I wouldn't put it past Mom! It's almost time.

Ah, that's right.

Then we'll excuse ourselves.

You're leaving?
Of course we are.

Make this work.

How about we slip outside?
Come on, I'm not this handsome! Your mom's a funny one.

She always does whatever it takes to get her own way.

Are you disappointed with my real face?
No, I'm not.

I've never been into the "Prince Charming" type anyway.

Wasn't that an insult, in a roundabout way?
No, that's not what I meant! So, what are your thoughts on marriage?
I'll get around to it someday, I think.

But to actually face it It's just scary?
You get it! Of course.

I feel the same way.

Does it feel like you'll lose who you are?

I think marriage means taking on each other's whole life.

It's a huge decision and it comes with a responsibility that's just as big.

And for that, you've got to make sacrifices.

Simply put, it's scary to "grow up" at this age.

Retsuko, are you getting married?
No way.

My mom just forced me to go to an arranged marriage meeting.

I thought you wanted to get married and quit your job.

I previously wanted to quit the company.

I wasn't really looking to get married.

You say that now, but you'll get hitched all of a sudden, beaming with joy, and join their side! I've seen countless women do that! Right, Washimi?
It's true.

So then, what's he like?
Was he cool?
Well, to be honest I knew it! Real lookers are scarce.

And guys your parents introduce you to are always
- But he has a kind smile.

I think he's a wonderful person.

Oh, yeah?
Washimi, let's plan our trip.

Are you mad?
How about the Tateyama bus tour?
-eat seafood! The Kitaibaraki bus tour stops at a hot spring, near a waterfall.

So we're done talking about me EXTERNAL NUMBER You've reached Chararyman Corp! Thank you for calling.

Yes, right.

I'll connect you with the person in charge! Just like that.

It makes sense, right?
EXTERNAL NUMBER Anai, try to answer that.

OK, I understand! Hello! This is Anai! My apologies! Yes, you've reached Chararyman Corp.

Yes We'll call you back.

This isn't your home.

Answer on behalf of the company.

I'll be careful next time! EXTERNAL NUMBER
-Answer before the third ring!
-Yes, ma'am! EXTERNAL NUMBER Hello! This is Anai! No! I'm, uh, new here I still have much to learn! I greatly appreciate your guidance and advice! Wow, he's so nervous! It looks like you're a bit nervous.

But if you're an adult, you ought to be able to answer phone calls.

Let me answer the calls today.

Oh, it's OK.

That's my line.


May I ask who is speaking?
Ah, Retsuko! Mom?
ARCHIVE ROOM Don't call my work phone for personal stuff! I had to! I couldn't reach your cell.

What is it?
Shirota, your prospective partner, wants to go out with you, with a view to marriage!
-Isn't that nice?
You'll accept, right?

-Wait! Wait a minute! I'm on the clock.

Let me think it over.


I'll call you tonight.


It's scary to "grow up" at this age.

Does he think I'm "the one"?
For every light out there, there's probably a family getting married, buying a house, having kids All those lights Passengers near the door, please move to the middle.

I wonder if it's from Mom.


June 11, 2:23 p.


" "You made the following statement, directed at me" "If you're an adult, you ought to be able to answer phone calls.

" I consider this an attack on my character, made with the intent to insult.

Is there any explanation for this?
I will await your answer in writing.

My answer in writing?
The same day, 2:24 p.


Your statement was: "Let me answer the calls today.

" This constitutes an abandonment of your duty and unjust theft of my learning opportunities, done
- Wait, what?
You also received a call from your mother, clearly for personal reasons, perhaps in violation of the disciplinary code.

You enforce rules on others, while ignoring the rules yourself.

This is a clear double standard and part of the power imbalance that plagues workplaces Hey, what do you think about Anai?
Don't tell anyone, but To be honest, he's a bit Isn't he such a nice guy?
He's a pretty decent guy.

He looks like he's real stuffy, but he's got a sense of humor.

Why do you ask?
No reason.

I was just curious.

Is it just me?
Did I take the wrong approach with him?
Good morning, boss! Sorry for the trouble I caused yesterday! I'm looking forward to receiving more guidance today! Good morning.

Hey, I received these strange messages last night.

I'll be going now! Anai?
I will await your answer in writing.

RAGE I'm scared.