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02x10 - Wonderful Life

Posted: 03/12/24 18:33
by bunniefuu
Ah, Haida! What are you doing now?

I wasn't doing anything.

Did you see the article?
I did.

Something about them getting married soon?
That was just a rumor, OK?
Calm down, OK?
Don't get depressed! Depressed?
Like that time when you got drunk and wandered into the street, drenched, in the rain.

It's already happened.

Idiot! RAGE RAGE Marriage is meaningless anyway.

How could it be meaningless?
Everyone does it.

To me, it's meaningless.

I've never wanted kids.

Hmm I see.

But I was being serious when I said that I wanted to be with you.

Let's stick together.

I'm glad that you finally made up.

Made up?
This is just a truce.

-She's in the wrong.

-She's in the wrong.

More importantly, we need to discuss that article.

Are you dating Mr.

Tadano, the CEO?
A lot of things have happened.

Are you seriously getting married?
Are you?
Are you?
Are you?

It seems that Tadano doesn't want to get married.

But he said he wants to be with me forever.

And you're OK with such a flimsy promise?
That's great.

Marriage isn't everything.

What the hell?




-What the hell?
Tadano He's not tied down by old customs.

He doesn't do things for the sake of appearance.

I think that's cool of him.

I'd be happy if I got to be with a cool guy like him I think.

At any rate, stop thinking and get some sleep.

Don't stay up late on the internet.

Right! See you at the office.

Good night.

Is Retsuko here?

Don't follow me.

But it's important that I talk to her! You just want to know how you can date a celebrity, don't you?
How did you know?
It's written all over your face.

ACCOUNTING This will be Retsuko's third unexcused absence.

I wonder what's happened to her.

Who knows?
Can't you contact her?

After raising her social status, she ought to come in acting all smug.

People like you make it hard for her to come in.

What do you mean by that?
What are you doing?
Can't you see?
I'm going to punch Tadano! Weren't you a fan of his?
I misjudged him.

Do you think he'd ever seriously date a girl like Retsuko?
He's probably bored of swimsuit models and took her as his plaything! When he gets bored, he'll throw her out like chewing gum! The ugly jealousy of a commoner! You can't do anything anyway.

I may be a commoner, but I'll show you that I'm not all talk! Which floor?
Oh, first floor.

You're Mr.

Tadano, right?
Uh, what's your name?
Oh, it's Haida.

"For Haida.

-Here you go.

-Thank you.

Oh, this is far enough.


You're from Accounting, right?
Can I assume that you're worried about Retsuko?
Welcome back.

I'm home.

Who's this guy?
We met him once at Christmas.

He's Hyde, from Accounting.

It's "Haida!" It seems that Retsuko is at Tadano's place.

Who said that?
Tadano himself.

He answered when I asked him.

He's a really good guy.

You mean Retsuko's doing this willingly?
So he says.

I was wondering about that I don't think that Retsuko would go absent of her own free will.

My, you know her well.

-diligence is her biggest trait.

-True, true, true.

-True, true, true.

Are you worried about being AWOL from work?
Well, just a bit.

Don't force yourself.

If you go back now, they will all talk behind your back.

You're right.

How about quitting?
You don't even really like your current job, right?
That's true, but I have responsibilities.

"Responsibility" is often just a form of delusion.

In this country, it's often misused as a way to give up what you want to do.

The company will go on without you.

That's true.

-O will take over a large part of your job in the near future anyway.

It's just a matter of time.

Just do what you really want to do! For example, start a business or do a job where you can express yourself.

Then we can be together forever.

Our future will be even better.

You're right.

I can't wait.

The full
-scale operation of ENI
-O will start from next year.

I don't see this project as a mere business.

I see it as a new social experiment and an era of coexisting with AI.

I want you all to witness the true meaning of it.

Tadano is amazing.

Hey, ENI

Just what is it that I want to do?
That's not a question that I can answer.

It figures.

Maybe I don't have anything I want to do.

Unlike Tadano, I'm just good at doing what I'm asked to do.

I have to grow out of this "good girl" persona.

ACCOUNTING It's really her! Retsuko came in! How should we talk to her?
Shouldn't we just act normal?
Avoid talking about that article.

Sounds good.

You sit next to her.

Now, go! No, no.

As the real adult here Good morning, Retsuko.

Are you getting married?
That would be a leap in status! That idiot! Anai! Get a clue! Anai! Come with me for a sec.

TEA ROOM I'm truly sorry for all the trouble I've caused.

Speaking of which, I'm very grateful to you, but This What is this?
Are you getting married?
I'm not getting married.

Marriage doesn't mean much anyway.

There's no need to fuss over a formality.

Then why are you resigning?
That's well You're just repeating what Tadano told you.

Am I wrong?
Idiots don't become smarter by getting married.

You can't expect marriage to turn your life around either.

Still, the average person's life is long and boring.

You need an anchor to keep on living.

I made marriage and family my anchor to convince myself that this boring life is worth living.

It was my decision.

Tadano doesn't need to convince himself.

He's different from us.

Don't be fooled.

You are you.

You're not Tadano.

If you don't know what it is that you want from life, you'll never grow up! What I want from life What I need LETTER OF RESIGNATION The future I'm aiming for It's OK.

You don't have to escort me this far.

Now, now, you're an important person to our company.

What's all this about?
Let's reintroduce ourselves.

We are Retsuko's closest friends.

Sir, are you OK?
Hey! What are you doing?
Hyde, well done! It's "Haida!" So, who can drive?

-I don't have a license.

-Mine has been suspended.

I can't drive this super long car! DRIVER'S LICENSE I'll drive.

Tadano, can you turn off the auto
-driving mode?
Sorry for dragging you into this weird situation.

I just don't think that I can do this myself.

Don't think anything of it.

- 2ND FLOOR Welcome.

Party of two?
You didn't need to bring me here.

If you've got something to say, I'll always listen to you.

I have to do it here.

I'm not quitting.

There's nothing else I want to do.

That can't be true.

There must be something.

Think about it.


But there is one dream that I have.

What is it?
I want to get married to you.

I want a happy family with you.

I don't think I could manage a household.

Yeah, I know.

Marriage isn't essential to our relationship.

Marriage doesn't guarantee eternal love either.

Social status?
That's an empty expression.

It's not part of the future that I'm laying out.

Think about it.

Is marriage really that important?
It's important to me.

-It's fine, as long as we're together!
-It's not.

-Don't you trust me?

-I do.

Then why?
I want to marry you, Tadano.

Marriage is an illusion! I want that illusion.

Matrimony! Time for the truth about Retsuko! Wanna be a blushy bride! Someday! That's a dream of mine I can't throw away Stole my boyfriend's limo And I brought him here because I have to say What I need if I'm gonna stay Marriage and family I can't put them aside Marriage and family I can't put them aside Marriage and family are both things I want to rock And if you don't then I am done And I just hope you understand I'm afraid that the future you're seeing isn't a future where I can be myself.

I will always support you from here on.

Good night.

I'm back, ENI

Is Kobayashi awake?
Geez! You just moved, and now I have to help you move again?
The moment I set up here, I realized I wasn't able to pay the rent! What a riot! It's no laughing matter! You're far too unprepared.

-Cheers! Starting from scratch again, huh?
I dreamt too big, I guess.

But you know, the dreaming part was really fun! You're so positive.

In the end, did you break up with your boyfriend?
Yeah, things happened.

But you know it was really fun!