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02x04 - Battle Ready

Posted: 03/12/24 19:14
by bunniefuu
I've met a woman. Cecilie.

Me and Cecilie cooked up
a Mexican dinner. She's really nice.

- Mikkel is our trainee photographer.
- You're in for a thrill.

Are you sure
you want to move in with me?

I'm your leader!

Höxenhaven's ambitions outweigh
his loyalty to the party.

Bjørn Marrot just resigned
as leader of the Labour Party.

Troels Höxenhaven has been
elected leader.

"If an injury is to be done to a man,
it should be so severe -

- that his vengeance need not
be feared." - Machiavelli

- Congratulations, Troels.
- Thank you.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

The new leader Troels Höxenhaven
has been welcomed with adulation -

- by the party.

His succession to the post
as foreign minister -

- has also been well-received.
Labour is benefitting from the change.

Labour's opinion poll ratings
are the highest in five years.

Worst case scenario,
he'll demand more ministries.

- He's going to use the polls.
- Nothing's changed.

It's their choice to change leader.
Don't make a big deal out of it.

- He's on his way. Do I look tired?
- No. Having trouble sleeping lately?

Congratulate him
and be relaxed and casual.

I'll be busy at my desk.

I have no wish to rock the boat -

- as long as we can run the show
as partners.

Sure. Providing one of the partners
is the boss.

- Of course.
- Well, congratulations once again.

I think you'll be
an asset to the party.

TV1 wants to interview you about
the Danish ship that was h*jacked.

Shouldn't I handle that?

I'm foreign minister,
and surely this is my department.

Well, it's our department too.

Sure, but ...
Okay, if you really want to.

No, maybe it's a good idea.
Go ahead, Troels.

- Höx leads by one goal.
- Yes.

Episode 14 - Battle Ready

You're in for a treat.

I had to read the entire pile,
but then it got to me. Touching.

- You read it all?
- There's even a Donald Duck comic.

- Thanks, Kim. Have a nice day.
- You too. Good morning.

Legislative subcommittee at 11:15,
lunch with the interior minister at 12.

And the minister of traffic at 2:15.
The relevant papers are in the files.

- Thanks, Jytte.
- Good morning.

Jytte is efficient.

The Foreign Ministry wants
to take over the Brazil state visit.

Fine. I'm pretty busy
in March and April anyway.

Bjørn Marrot was a weak leader.
Höxenhaven is not.

Niels Erik, do I detect a wish
for a little territory marking?

Good morning.

At 5 Danish cargo boat the 'Fionia'
was h*jacked in the Gulf of Aden -

- the 120th hijacking this year.

The nine Danish seamen
have been taken hostage.

When are they releasing the names?
Okay, let's talk to their families.

Perfect. Okay.
I'll call you back.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I had a great night.
- Me too.

I think it was pretty incredible.

But what with Lotte and all that
I'm also a little confused.

Sure. I'm confused too.

We were drunk, and it was stupid,
but we know we're not going there -

- so let's just leave it at that.

- Still, we rocked.
- Yes.

But it's the highway to hell,
and we don't want to go there again.

I didn't think it was
the highway to hell. You did.

I think we had a good thing going.

You never told me
why we had to split up.

What? You know why.

- You have too many secrets.
- Must we bare all about ourselves?

- You lied to me!
- Not about the important stuff.

You alone decided
what was important.

I refuse to have
this conversation with you again.

- I don't want this. Go away.
- No. What don't you want?

- Go away.
- Tell me!

If anyone's a liar here,
it's you!

Kasper ...

This doesn't change a thing.

Troels Höxenhaven is the talk
of the town. What happened?

Well, Labour under Höxenhaven
is dusting itself off.

- He's made quite an impact.
- It's "The Höxenhaven effect. "

- Kasper hasn't come in yet?
- No. He's on his way.

His no-nonsense handling of the
hijacking adds to his credibility.

- Sorry I'm late.
- Did you see this?

Yup. The Höxenhaven Effect. We need
to strengthen your leadership profile.

We could use the hijacking.

- The h*jacked ship in Somalia?
- It's an emotionally charged case.

It's made all the headlines
and easy for people to understand.

You have to own it
and tell Höx to f*ck off.

- Grumpy this morning, are we?
- Yes.

Are you ready to take action?

I propose an international
conference about piracy.

A solution demands a joint political,
humanitarian and military effort.

Is your foreign minister
going to handle this?

No. The PM always handles
the heavy part of our foreign policy.

So Bjørn Marrot's resignation won't
change that. Thank you.

You said you were on your way.
Who is he?

What have we here?

Well, if it isn't two men
getting to know each other.

Hey, hey, hey!
Don't we know that guy?

- Troels Höxenhaven.
- Right you are! He must be gay then.

- Christ! Where did you get them?
- Anonymous letter.

Somebody doesn't like the guy.
Or they think we deserve a scoop.

Palle and William take over
the pirate story. Katrine writes this -

- and you edit it, Hanne.
Deal? Great, girls. Get to work.

- Have you got a minute?
- We want to discuss the angle.

The angle is that our new
foreign minister gets a blowjob.

We can't accuse him of being gay.

It's not about being gay.
He's been living a double life.

Höxenhaven has been married
for 17 years.

If a man lies at home,
how can the rest of us trust him?

So we're branding him
a potential fraud?

His morals are flawed.

- How so?
- He bugged the Solidarity Party.

Just tell me this: would you have
slammed him this hard -

- if he'd just balled his secretary
like you did?

I never balled my secretary.
Or did I?

Great input, girls,
but get cracking.

Let William and Palle write it
and give us the piracy story.

- I mean it.
- So do I.

I pay you handsomely
to be this paper's famous poster girl.

Katrine Fønsmark is going to expose
the foreign minister.

We're going
to cause one hell of a stir.

You have them during Christmas, and
I have them the rest of the holidays.

- I want some days off with them too.
- I just want them four days in a row.

Cecilie's parents have a house up
north, and we'd like to go visit them.

Up north? Promise me
you're not going to the sticks.

I promise.

- I'm picking you up early tomorrow.
- Okay. Bye.

Birgitte ...
Don't you want to meet her soon?

She's part of my life now.
And the kids' lives.

Still, we don't have to plan it, do we?
I'll meet her when I meet her.

- Sure.
- Bye.

The government now
comments on the hijacking.

Today, the PM proposed
an international conference -

- and Foreign Minister Höxenhaven
met with the seamen's families.

What was it like
to meet the families?

I was shocked to hear
about the seamen's situation.

I talked to Jonas and Emilie, who
were very concerned about their dad.

- Are you going to intervene?
- How can I not?

Cool dude.
Nice of him to help them.

Hey, gorgeous,
What are you doing here?

It's been a while, that's all.

I know, and I feel really bad about it.

But this hijacking in Somalia ...

You get up at 6:30
and come home at 2 in the morning.

Our last dinner together
was ten days ago.

- Lotte, I ...
- You don't want this.

Or you can't, or you don't have time,
or whatever ... But tell me, Kasper.

I'm seeing someone else.

And her name is Birgitte Nyborg.

Lotte, this is the biggest challenge
I've ever faced.

If I don't give it my all,
I'm not cut out for this job.

You want to be a good boyfriend,
but you spend all your energy here -

- and time just flies by.

And then what do you do?

Lotte ... Lotte.

There now ...

Tell the foreign minister I want
to talk to him before the meeting.

Laura, get the door. He'll just have
to come before the other ministers.

He can do that, can't he?

What? Anders?
Call you back.

Cecilie can come in.

- Hello?
- Hi, Dad.

Hi, sweetie.

- Hi. Birgitte.
- Cecilie.

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

- Magnus, grab your bag.
- I'm thirsty.

- I'll get you a glass of water.
- The sink's clogged, so ...

Okay ...

Phillip says you're a pediatrician.
That must be rewarding.

- It is.
- Where do you work?

- Pediatrics, Copenhagen Hospital.
- Okay.

- Not nearly as exciting as your job.
- Well ...

- Anyway ...
- Why don't we all meet next week?

- Great idea.
- Okay. Let's get going.

- It was good to meet you.
- You too.

- Sorry, group meeting.
- I made a statement.

We want to solve the hijacking
on an international level.

That's our position. Don't you promise
the seamen's families anything else.

Why not?
Piracy is a foreign policy issue.

You hold the government responsible
for the fate of Danish ships this way.

But the shipping companies are.

You want Foreign Ministry officials
to negotiate with pirates? No way.

- Refer the press to me.
- Are you muzzling me?

Yes, Troels.
I'm in charge here.

- Yes?
- The ministers are here.

Show them in.

He wants to do a theme
on concealed h*m*.

He wants my feminine angle on it.
Everyone will think I'm out to get Höx.

He's your boss. You're a well-paid
employee enjoying special privileges.

I don't feel sorry for you.

Okay, look. I think this was taken
at the government seminar.

And look at these
camera file numbers.

546, 563, 582, 599.

The lowest number is 46, the highest
is 99. Why didn't we get the others?

These were the four pictures
selected by the photographers.

No. Laugesen selected them.

They thought these four pictures
were crap, technically.

But it's Hoffmann's job
to edit and select photos.

If you have Michael's password,
I could check up on it.

Have you gone mad?
I don't have his password.

You're heading for trouble, my girl.

But you're right. I have a meeting
with Laugesen in Graphics at 3:30.

We'll be gone half an hour.
He never turns off his computer.

It locks after two minutes,
so you need to move fast.

I pay you to wnite the paper,
not to read it.

Labour's change of leadership
doesn't affect government policy.

Labour's change of leadership
doesn't affect government policy.

Negotiations with the Somali pirates
have reached a deadlock.

- Would you like to comment on that?
- Absolutely not.

- I leave that to the shipping company.
- The government agrees with that?

Of course. Thank you.

- Why do we have to meet here?
- I found something.

Who's this? The trainee photographer
you brought to the seminar?


The pictures were taken there.
I think Laugesen set it up.

- Maybe it's a coincidence.
- Knowing Laugesen, you think so?


Laugesen set our foreign minister up -

- to expose him as gay.

Think I should confront him?

Michael will claim Höx just
happened to bed the trainee.

He's not a trainee.
None of the photographers know him.

- He's the key. Find him.
- Laugesen won't give me his number.

He's got a face.
We'll find him.

Nasty business!

- What are you doing here?
- I forgot something.


Hi. I'm sorry. Magnus was sure
you weren't home.

I brought my work home,
so I didn't have to stay at the office.

He wanted me to see his room.

He was sure he wouldn't survive
three days without his PSP.

Actually, we agreed Magnus
couldn't play on weekdays.

It interferes with his homework.

- Okay. I didn't know.
- We need to be on the same page.

It won't do for me to say one thing
and you and Phillip another.

I just didn't know that Magnus ...

Well, it's not your responsibility.
I didn't know that Phillip ...

Maybe you and Phillip
should talk about these things -

- if you're in charge of the kids
now and then.

I'm doing my best.

We all are.

Kasper Juul, ASAP.

The PM always works late,
so I came to get a comment.

- She left. A comment?
- On the piracy affair.

The government's position was made
clear at the conference. Remember?

The Foreign Minister
is willing to elaborate.

- We're interviewing him live tonight.
- I sincerely doubt that.

Oh? I guess it must have been
a lookalike I saw in Make-up.

- I guess so. Have a nice evening.
- You too.

We're on in 20 seconds.

Many negotiation companies
are paid-

- according to how low they can
negotiate the ransom. It's appalling.

Explain that to a boy
who's dad is captured in the hold -

- with a g*n to his head.

If it were up to me,
I'd involve the authorities.

But the PM refuses to intervene.

I'm speaking as the leader
of the Labour Party -

- because I was approached
by the Seamen's Union.

I've had it!

The PM can't have a foreign minister
who disobeys a direct order.

This is the second time
Höxenhaven brazenly disobeys me.

He leads the largest party. You could
break up the government over this.

- I should have fired him back then.
- It was best not to.

I should have, but you talked me
out of it. You and Sejrø!

My husband has met another woman.

The kids love her.
She's really nice and means well.

- Is that a problem?
- Yes! She's a pediatrician.

She cooks Mexican food. They have
a great time. It's a huge problem.

I'm not ... big on personal advice
and stuff like that ...

Nobody's personal life is more
f*cked up than mine, but if I may ...

Give me a really lousy piece
of advice? Go ahead.

I have one thing to say to you.

It's not like you
to give up without a fight.

I sympathize with your involvement
in the situation in Somalia.

But the government's credibility
is on the line -

- when the PM and
the foreign minister differ in public.

Let me finish. Our, yours and mine,
professional relationship will suffer -

- if you don't back me
and my position up.

I had no intention of opposing you
or our position. Never.

I spoke as the leader of Labour.

Stop it. You're the foreign minister
and always speak in that capacity.

I hope you see it may be difficult
for you to keep that position -

- if you insist on disobeying me.

Sure. I see your point.

I have no desire to be
foreign minister forever.

Labour has never been bigger.

36% of the voters would vote for us,
if we had an election now.

Your popularity is waning.
As we speak.

We both know
it was thanks to Laugesen's stupidity -

- that the Moderates got to lead
this government.

We will inevitably -

- regain our historical position
as the leader of the Danish society.

What are you trying to say, Troels?

I want to be PM.

We couldn't meet at the paper?

No, we're investigating
our own editor-in-chief.

I have great news. I found someone
who'd seen your trainee before.

This is from a gay escort web site.

- His stage name is Daniel.
- Jesus Christ!

- Got any plans today?
- A press briefing at the PM's Office.

- It ends at 2 p.m.
- I asked him to meet us here at 3.

He's ours for two hours.

- Where are the others?
- Nobody else is coming.

I thought this was a press briefing.

Yes, but I only summoned you,
because this is only about you.

Our mode of communication has
to change. We can't see each other.

I won't come by anymore,
and if I contact you -

- it will be
through official mails only.

If I need to contact your paper -

- I'll ask for Rørdal or Hanne Holm.

Are you punishing me
because we slept together?

- Am I punishing you?
- You sure as hell are.

It will make my work difficult,
if you deny me access to you.

You'll live.

I want to save my relationship.

Anything wrong?


- Hello.
- Hi. Did you book me?

- Yes.
- But I only do guys, so ...

We just want to talk,
and we'll pay you, naturally.

- Come in. Come on.
- Okay.

- I'm not doing this.
- Then you'll hit the papers tomorrow.

Sit down,
Mikkel or Daniel or whatever.

- Just tell us who hired you.
- Then we'll let you off the hook.

- The deal was I wouldn't be exposed.
- We never made any deals.

- Just answer a few simple questions.
- Who sent you to the seminar?

- Hi. Thanks for coming.
- Sure.

We're always busy exchanging
the kids and all that, so ...

- It's fine.
- Okay. Cheers.

Well ...

- She seems like a great girl, Cecilie.
- Yeah ...

But, Phillip, do you realize ...?
Have you ...?

Do you realize what you're leaving?

- Birgitte ...
- Please let me finish.

As I see it ...

I think we're going through
a very difficult time.

We can't be together right now.
We can't handle this situation.

But all that will change. Hey,
you and I will grow old together.

I can't ...

I don't understand ...
What kind of reality are you living in?

Huh? We've been apart
for over a year now. Haven't we?

We split up, Birgitte.
We're divorced.

Look ... I'd better go.


I'm sending over some notes
on the Somalia case.


- How did your meeting with Höx go?
- Fine.

I guess you didn't fire him then.

Good night, Kasper.

Good evening. I have some files
for you from the Office.

More work? Well, that's f*cking great.
What is it?

I don't know. Some mail.
Jytte said it could wait.

- I doubt that.
- Where do you want me to put it?

I don't know. Where do you think?

If you have to bring it back ...
How long will you be on duty?

I'm at your service,
as long as you need me.

Great, Kim.
You sure are dedicated.

Yes, excuse me ...

- Want some?
- No thanks.

- A cup of water maybe.
- Help yourself.

- Yeah ...
- Did you try to fix it?

Yes. It can't be fixed.

- Can I try?
- Sure.

- I bet the sink trap needs emptying.
- The sink trap so needs emptying.

Here it is.
You can get a self-cleaning one.

- Kim, you're a great driver.
- Thanks.

- You're a good PM.
- Thanks.

Come and have a look ...

And then ...

All the bits and pieces that go down
the drain are collected in the trap.

- Oh!
- You tighten this.

It should be pretty easy to do.

- No, we'd better ... Right?
- Yeah ... sure.

Thanks for helping me out.

You have several options. Write it
as per Laugesen's instructions.

- Hell, I can't, Hanne.
- Must you be a goody two-shoes?

Or we can come clean with Laugesen
and try to make him drop the story.

- Think he will?
- No. Or ...

We give the story to our competitors
and file a complaint against our boss.

That would be cowardly. Anyway,
our little rent boy won't come forward.

All we know is that we may not
have a job come tomorrow night.

Cheers for that certainty.

Hey, I can't walk straight.

You should've thought twice before
you started drinking with an alcoholic.

Good morning.

- Good morning, Birgitte.
- Good morning, Kasper.

- Please come and pick me up.
- I have a meeting in 15 minutes.

- I'll send Kim over, okay?
- Not a good idea.

- Why not?
- I landed in bed with him last night.

- I'll be right over.
- Great.

- But why the driver?
- Seemed like a good idea last night.

I know those nights all too well.
I'll handle it.

Höx wants to be PM.

- Now? That's a declaration of w*r.
- Yes.

Should we try to talk to Labour
about it or call an election?

- What do you want?
- To crush him.

Then do it. Labour is in power
for the first time in eight years.

It would be foolish of them
to break up the government now.

You think Höx's threat
about pulling out is a bluff?

- What are we going to do?
- Heighten the Moderates' profile.

As soon as we have the polls with us,
we call an election. Drive me to work?

If you promise
to keep your hands off.

No way!
What did he do afterwards?

I have to go. I've got
two angry blondes in my office.

Not a chance. Bye.

- This looks serious.
- We know Höxenhaven was framed.

You set it up.
You used a rent boy as bait.

I won't even mention how appalling
I find your journalistic methods.

I presume we're going
to drop the story.

Well, kudos for
your investigative journalism, girls.

- So you admit it?
- Sure.

But it's not the first time the Express
resorts to methods like that.

This is a matter of national security.

A minister like that is
an obvious target for blackmail.

What if t*rrorists got wind
of his secret and took advantage of it?

- It's our duty to reveal such things.
- That's an absurd argument.

It's not our duty to smear a minister
to keep him from being blackmailed.

You can't blackmail a man
for being gay. Get real!

Maybe so, Katrine, but that story
isn't going to write itself.

- Turn your f*cking computer on now.
- Katrine is not going to wnite it.

Then you wnite it, Hanne.
That's an order. Period! Get to work!

Get someone else to wnite your trash.

Katrine will find a new job.

But you've got some nerve to quit,
a washed-out old drunk like you!

Have fun on welfare!

I've called an urgent meeting
of the security commission.

- What about?
- The piracy case.

- 10:30.
- Who's there?

The minister of defense,
his secretary and a naval commander.

- And the foreign minister?
- Him too.

The cargo boat has been spotted
off the Somali coast of Eyl.

It's being guarded by a group
of young third-rate pirates -

- seemingly inexperienced.
They walk around drunk on deck.

Danish frigate the Willemoes happens
to be 150 nautical miles away -

- with a team of Royal Danish
Navy Frogmen on board.

What is the risk assessment,
should we choose a military solution?

It's our assessment that the frogmen
can board the ship at minimum risk.

- And the captured seamen?
- We assume they're all on board.

I've contacted
Denmark's coalition partners.

It's all very well that the foreign
minister is ready to go to w*r -

- but we make the final decision.

Every minute counts
for the captured seamen.

Is the PM afraid of taking
responsibility for the decision?

Yes, Troels, I'm afraid,
when lives are at stake.

Anyone with ambitions
of taking over my job should be.

I want the navy to confirm that
all the seamen are aboard the ship.

An attack would be a disaster,
if they've taken the hostages ashore.

- I'll get the confirmation.
- Let's reconvene at 8 p.m.

You wanted to talk to me?

Kim, you know when you've
screwed up at the Christmas party?

How a moment's weakness
may have regrettable implications?

- Sure. We all do.
- Exactly.

Even the PM. What happened last
night was the PM's Christmas party.

The PM needs to make
crucial decisions on a daily basis -

- so the PM's transport from A to B
can't become an awkward problem.

- I understand.
- Good.

You're no longer the PM's driver.

You'll be transferred
to another ministry immediately.

Of course.

- Please give her my best.
- Sure.

I appreciate your cooperation.

This is yours, I gather.
You still need to look presentable.

- Hi, Troels.
- Hi, Michael.

- I'm in a hurry.
- I'll make it brief.

Congratulations on making
foreign minister.

Still, I think you're aiming higher.

As did you,
when you were in politics.

But thanks to you I no longer am.

- Only a coward topples his own ...
- You came here to sling mud?

- Then go back to your tabloid.
- Sorry.

That's not why I came.
I'm sorry.

No, I'm here as a journalist
asking for a comment.

Take a look at these. We'd like
to focus on the personal angle.

This is a display of great love
between two people.

The Express is going to publish
these photos within the next 48 hours.

I'd be thrilled to hear -

- what it's been like to live
as a h*m* for 16 years -

- without your wife and kids
knowing a thing about it?

As your old pal, I'm going to give you
a chance to let the family know.

Call me. The Express would love
to hear your side of the story.

The foreign minister's here.
He says it's an urgent personal matter.



Birgitte, I need to talk to you
about something very important.

Let me start, Troels. I'm sorry
about the hostile tone between us.

You leave me no other option, when
you keep up your collision course.

I'm afraid I'm here -

- to hand in my resignation.

I'm resigning as foreign minister.

What happened?

Michael Laugesen has got hold
of some pictures of me -

- and is going to publish them
in the Express.

I've been unfaithful to my wife.

Tomorrow I'm going to hold
a press release ... conference -

- announcing my resignation
as minister -

- and Labour leader.

You're giving all that up
because of infidelity?

I haven't been unfaithful -

- with a woman.

It was with ... with a young man.

But ...

Right now I'm just trying to ...

I don't know, Birgitte.

I really just want to disappear
right now. Completely.

Listen, Troels.

Many h*m* politicians
have great careers.

You can tum this to your advantage,
but you have to go public with it now.

Before the Express.
I'll back you up all the way.

You're an extremely skilled politician.

If you spin this offensively,
you'll come off as a pioneer.

That's very big of you, Birgitte.
Thank you.

Well, our meeting starts now.

Can I stay here for a while?


The foreign minister won't
be able to join us.

Has the navy gathered all the facts?

All the hostages are aboard.

- Closely guarded?
- No.

But I worry that
the PM isn't ready to run the risk.

You have no need to be concerned.

- Send in the frogmen.
- Okay.

Monitor the operation closely and
inform me of the result immediately.

I let him stay here
to collect himself.

- You were the last person to see him?
- Yes.

He took my pills. I keep an extra pack
here for when I sleep over.

I'm being interviewed by the police
in a minute.

- Yes?
- The police say it was su1c1de.

He found the pills in your bathroom.

He died at 2 a.m.
They're going to shut the case fast.

They're kindly offering to hush up
the fact that he took your pills.

That's a great offer. We don't want the
world to know the pills were yours.

I don't want to lie about it,
but if no one asks -

- I see no reason to say anything.

TV1 wants to know
when the conference starts.

Have them check the web site
in an hour.

- A reporter is waiting outside.
- Not now.

I respect your wishes,
but you're the only one I can go to.

- What's this?
- Info about Höxenhaven's su1c1de.

- Your story drove him to it.
- It was Laugesen's crusade.

He set the whole thing up.

All the relevant material is in there.
Don't let Laugesen get away with it.

I don't work for the Express anymore.

I promise to stay away from now on.


- Michael Laugesen is here.
- Good.

- Birgitte, long time.
- Michael, please sit down.

It's not every day you have the
minister for the press all to yourself.

I'm going to be brief.
We've come across information -

- proving your complicity
in the death of Höxenhaven.

- What are you talking about?
- You framed Höxenhaven.

You drove him to take his own life.
If this comes out, you're finished.

However, his family doesn't deserve
to see him all over the tabloids.

So I want
to make you a generous offer.

You will not run any stories about
the foreign minister being h*m*.

Put a lid on the case.
Treat Troels with respect.

Then I won't disclose what I know
about your complicity in his death.

And I advise you to think twice
about the merit of your stories -

- when you smear my government,
or I'll reveal your methods.

Sure, the Express will treat
Höxenhaven fairly now that he's dead.

I find all this tragic too.

But I can't take
your little threat seriously.

This story had merit.

A minister with secrets is
a sitting duck for blackmail.

- Your own private life is a threat.
- What are you talking about?

I'm aware that your love life
is on the rocks.

So, it's nice to be on intimate terms
with one's driver.

Kim, your former driver -

- he really liked his job,
until his boss seduced and fired him.

- I don't know what you're on about.
- Leave your knives in the drawer.

And I'll do the same.

Today is a sad day.

The costs that come with a life in
politics, the pressure and exposure -

- facing a politician, and a minister
more so, are heavy.

For Troels Höxenhaven
they turned out to be too heavy.

Troels will be greatly missed
by the government, Labour -

- and all of us who worked closely
with him in Parliament.

Troels Höxenhaven was an eminent
politician, minister of justice -

- party leader and foreign minister.

He played a major role
in resolving the hostage case -

- leading to the rescue
of the Danish seamen.