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02x06 - Them and Us

Posted: 03/12/24 19:15
by bunniefuu
Magnus, get your act together!
I can't do it for you.

- Don't use that tone with him.
- You're his mum, not me!

- You better come home.
- Why?

I think Laura
has had an anxiety attack.

I didn't know you were that upset.

Everything just
frightened me all of a sudden.

The climate minister is here.

I want to inform you that the Green Party
is withdrawing from government.

A comment to Nyborg's
minority government?

It's wrong and arrogant of the PM
not to call an election.

This is the Prime Minister's Office,
not a nursery.

You don't work here anymore.

Hej, Sanne.

Why do you want me back?

I need to be reminded
of my early days here.

- Hi.
- Why are you setting the table?

The guests arrive in a moment.

Did you forget?

What about wine?

I'll get the wine!

Hej, Stine.

It's me. I'll be there in 15 minutes.

"Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you." Matthew 5:44



- Can I have a look at the knife?
- You know you mustn't play with it.

- Why not?
- It's my grandfather's hunting knife.

It's not a toy.

My grandfather always said:

"Never remove the knife from its sheat

unless you are drawing blood."

Alright, then.
Let's get you a bite to eat.

Dad's friends will be here soon.

We're playing cards.

- I am not hungry.
- Nonsense!

I'll make spaghetti.



Stig Rasmussen, the estate agent.
We spoke on the phone.

Kasper Juul.

Alright then. We managed to sell it.

I rang your mum to let her know.

She is a bit...

- She is in a nursing home.
- Sure, I...

I did drop off the paperwork with her
at the nursing home.

I understand you grew up here.

Must be difficult to sell it.


- I just want to sleep.
- Are you sure?

You can play poker with us.

Would you like that?

Look at me!

You are not a child anymore.

You can join in the fun.

I can teach you how to play.

Dad's friends would also
like to teach you.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.
Your mum asked me to give you this.

She was very insistent.
I am not sure what it is.

We need to sort out
the household effects and furniture.

- It must have sentimental value for you.
- No.

My mum has what she needs
at the nursing home.

- Could I ask you to empty the house?
- Sure.

Call me when you are done.
The key is right there.


I just don't understand

why Mr. Hesselboe is of the opinion

that we have a democratic problem
because the Moderates

and Labour continue their coalition

now that the Greens have resigned.

Everybody here knows that the
government doesn't need a majority

as long as it is not opposed by
a majority. Mr. Hesselboe knows that

having led a minority government
for seven years.

The next order of business
is a motion

submitted by Svend Åge Saltum.

Come on, Svend Ǻge.

The Freedom Party proposes
a motion

asking Parliament to do something
about the rise in juvenile crime.

Specifically, by lowering the age
of criminal responsibility from 14 years

to 12 years.

According to the latest statistics

a whole generation of parents
has given up on raising their children.

They arrive here from the
furthest corners of the earth

and let their offspring roam the streets
armed with knives and g*ns

throughout Denmark.
If a 12 year old is armed

he has become an adult
and is no longer a child

and should not be treated like a child.

How typical!
The new coalition is under pressure

and Svend Åge trots out his tired clichés
about the age of criminality.

Sadly, the new Minister of Justice
and the Labour hardliners lap it up.

Thorsen can't handle it by himself.

I'll ask Thorsen and Brodersen
to come and see me.

Svend Åge?

How in hell can you
face yourself as a politician?

When all you ever do is spread hatred

and petit bourgeois...
Stop staring at me so stupidly!

You are a political parasite.
And that is all you are!

- Birgitte wants a word.
- Not now, Sanne.

You'd better go in, Kasper.

Anything wrong?

I am fine.

Today, Kasper decided to express his
uncensored views on Svend Åge Saltum...

to Svend Åge Saltum

Fascinating to see that
you are an angry young man,

but it's not really appropriate
for the PM's press officer

to let rip at a leader from another party.

I apologize.

Sanne, please order a small tin
of assorted biscuits from La Glace

and enclose a card that says:
"Dear Svend Åge,

I apologies profoundly for my behaviour
in the corridor today.

- Yours sincerely, Kasper Juul".
- Is that really necessary?

And you give it to him in person.

But we're meeting with the
Minister of Justice and Thorsen...

Not anymore. I'll handle that.

I don't need a special advisor
to complicate the talks


Listen, Holger.
There is nothing new in that motion.

The Freedom Party wants to lower
the age of criminal responsibility.

It's Saltum's pet project.

He is trying to undermine
the new government.

The problem is that Saltum is right.

Society's sense of justice
is offended every single time

young criminals escape punishment.

But the Labour Party doesn't want to
lower the age of criminal responsibility.

No, definitely not.

But many of us think it's a step
in the right direction.

At 14 years, it is already a year lower
than that in the other Nordic countries.

In the UK it's ten years.

The latest figures show

show that there has been no growth
in juvenile crime in the past ten years.

But the number of as*ault cases
has risen by 200%.

Listen to me. They want to divide us.

Don't let them boss us around three weeks
after we form a new government.

So for tactical reasons,
we need to defeat this motion.

And have an internal debate
on the issue at a later date.

Smells like you're shelving it.

We'll discuss it at the appropriate time.

Come in.

I am waiting for you to say something.

Which I expect will sound like an excuse.



- Yes?
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Do you remember me?


- From Skagen?
- No, from the last Labour Party party.

- We were really drunk...
- Sure.

I am in the party press office now.
Could we have a chat at some point?

- Of course.
- We'd like to coordinate a few things.

I love coordinating, so...

Drop by.


What are you doing here?

I thought you were back
as a regular presenter?

I am just temping for someone who
is on maternity leave for six months.

I am a presenter when needed
and otherwise just a roving reporter.

Maybe I'll see you
at a press conference now and then?


Rumour has it that you
hurled abuse at Svend Åge Saltum.

I told him what I thought of him.


I am sick of addressing
everyone here as "mr" and "mrs"

and what do I know,

even though we despise them.

I just apologized to Svend Age

and it was a bit of a disaster.

It's really great that...

...we could meet up and talk about Laura.

It was a...

The field trip was quite an eyeopener.

I do think she is feeling better already.


There's been no recurrences and
it's important that she is back at school.

No recurrences and not other major issues.

I still believe we should...

I think it would do her good
to talk to a psychologist.


It's not for me to decide,
but I think you should consider medicine.

What kind?


Just for a while.

To prevent any recurrences.

I presume you disagree.

Cecilie is a doctor. She...

But not a psychiatrist.
You are a pediatrician.

That is correct.

But not only psychiatrists prescribe
these kinds of dr*gs.

No, all GP's hand them out to our children
and have done so for the past 10-15 years.

So we won't consider that, right?

Please don't get me wrong...

Are we considering this, Philip?

What I am saying is...

Cecilie might be able to look
at this situation more objectively.

Objectively, I don't think you
should give children anti-depressants.

Objectively. And that's how objective
I can be about my own child.

Talk to me. We have an appointment
with the psychiatrist tomorrow.


I'll take Laura,
and then we'll get his view as well.

Sure, then we'll have that as well.


- Sorry, Cecilie. I didn't mean to...
- It's okay.

Birgitte, Svend Åge has been
assaulted by a 13-year-old

second generation immigrant.

- How serious is it?
- Very. He is 13-years-old.

It is grist to his mill.

- I mean Svend Åge.
- He appears to have got a concussion

and he may have broken his arm.
That can be fixed. f*ck Sven Åge.

He'll exploit this politically
for the next two weeks.

A party leader has just been assaulted!

Svend Åge Saltum was out for
a walk with his wife in Nørrebro.

Several youths followed them

and a 13-year-old allegedly
pushed Saltum down some steps.

The 64-year-old party leader
has multiple injuries.

Standby, Katrine.

Katrine Fønsmark
is outside the hospital.

What can you tell us?

Go ahead, Katrine.

I am outside the hospital where
we have just been informed that Saltum

may return to his room any time now.

Get the camera in there.
Don't get left behind.

Get your question in now! Come on!

Svend Åge Saltum,
what are the doctors saying?

I have a serious fracture of the left arm,

I have sprained my left foot

and I have had a real bonk on the head.

The say people from Jutland
are not streetwise,

but I can assure you that this one knows
exactly what the street looks like.

What do the doctors say?

♪ People from Jutland
Are strong and tough ♪

♪ Brave both then and now ♪

♪ What goes up must go down ♪

Listen here. Call him reactionary,
right-wing and what else,

but it's bloody good television.



Morning, Birgitte.

Morning, Svend Åge.

My mum told me yesterday
she might vote for Svend Åge.

Not because she agrees with him,
but because she feels sorry for him.

Can I withdraw her mum's right to vote?

Sanne's mum agrees with
a significant number of Danes right now.

We have to go on the offensive
and throw down the gauntlet.

You look like a teacher taking a soft line

with the scoundrel who pushed
an old man down the stairs.

What are you going to do?

What you pay me for.
Influencing the press.

You've kept a low profile after
having to form a new government.

We are in a weaker position, but don't
let the public think you're paralyzed.

The legal department just called.

The Freedom Party has called
an urgent inquiry debate with you.

- When?
- The day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow?

The president thinks we should
take the agitated mood seriously.

Do what you find necessary,
but use your professional judgment.

- Moderate Youth, Rasmus speaking.
- Kasper Juul from the PM's Office.

Hi, Kasper, what's up?

I've got an idea for an ad
that should come from you.


- It must ready the day after tomorrow.
- Okay.

Let me call you back.

Katrine, that interview with Svend Åge,
do you call that good journalism?

You are basically applauding him
as he leaves.

You used to be so brilliant.

And sharp. What happened?

I should've taken a critical lunge
at an old as*ault victim?

Yes, because Svend Åge never misses
an opportunity to play the martyr

and you guys let him
get away with it every time!

Is your editor scared shitless of being
called politically biased?

- 30 seconds, Katrine.
- Saltum is on live in a moment.

- Thanks. Welcome, Svend Åge.
- Thank you.

How's the arm?

It must be the most photographed
cast in the kingdom of Denmark.

- People from Jutland are tough as nails!
- Five seconds.

Five seconds.

Three, two, one. Action.

The central figure, discharged
last night, is with us tonight.

Welcome, Svend Åge Saltum.

- Ready.
- First of all, how are you?

I get by on painkillers.

Ready on 2.

These past years
I've been subjected to everything

from verbal abuse
to having eggs thrown at me.

But that didn't shut me up.

3 on the question.

Objectively speaking, don't you and
your party profit from the martyr role?

You've lost me now.

She's not sticking to the script.

People sympathize with you whenever
you're the target of angry outbursts.

What a nasty question.

Do you think I want to be beaten
to a pulp so I can use that politically?

- No.
- To be assaulted and mocked...

- Ready, 1.
- She hasn't changed one bit.

I wouldn't wish this on my enemies.

Finish off.

- I understand.
- I'm in a cast!

How dare you? In a program paid for
by the license fee?

- Finish off, Katrine.
- Where the hell did you learn this?

- God damn it!
- Ready 1.

That's all for today.

Thank you for coming, Svend Åge Saltum,
and get well soon.

- I know.
- You ask the questions we want answers to,

but it doesn't work because it's lousy TV!

I can paper my walls
with complaints tomorrow!

What happens now is that we have
to discuss if TV1 is biased, leftist...

I'm sick of it. Okay?


You said it.

I'm going to call him up,
so you can tell him you're sorry.

- Look, I'll e-mail him.
- Svend Åge, Torben Friis speaking.

I've got a very remorseful anchor here.

She'd like to talk to you.

Hello, Svend Åge.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Listen, I very much regret

that I...


...asked you that question.

I was way out of line...


...and I'm very sorry.

Hi, sweetie.


Hi, sweetie.

- How was your day?
- It was okay.

How did it go at the psychiatrist's?

- Fine.
- Great.

- He seemed competent.
- Did you like talking to him?


- You'll be seeing him again. Okay?
- Sure.

- How does that feel?
- Yes, fine.

He gave us these.

- I'm going to my room.
- Bye, sweetie.

Anti depressants?

He's a psychiatrist. One of the best.

But you're Laura's dad, right?

Is this you trying
to be loyal to Cecilie?

This is about Laura,
so keep your jealousy out of this.

- How dare you!
- You have to accept...

- Not everyone sees it your way.
- I thought we saw it the same way.

We don't condone loading kids
with happy pills, for Christ's sake!

I don't know who you are.
I don't know who I'm talking to.

She is not popping one of these,
until I've talked to the psychiatrist.

- Not even one.
- Fine!

The as*ault on Saltum
has caused a public uproar.

Organizations are taking to the streets
today to support freedom of speech.

The far left has called a counter-rally
calling for Nørrebrot to be Saltum-free...

- This is great.
- Hi.

Hi! Just put in on her desk.

I've been to see your legal staff.
Have you got a minute now?

I'm pretty busy right now, I am afraid.

Let's meet later or tomorrow perhaps?

- Have I got your number?
- I'll text it to you.

- I have yours.
- You do?

What's up?

The PM has been summoned
to an inquiry debate. What about?

Why is this debate so important?

An inquiry debate is a test
of the government's majority..

It's one of the opposition's strongest
weapons, because it ends with a vote.

They hope to secure a majority in favor
of their policy so they can legislate.

So they can force the government
to pursue a policy they're against?

- Exactly. The majority decides.
- What can the government do?

Their only option is to come up
with an alternative bill.

I'm afraid we can't accept
this wording.

We're facing a frontal attack
by the opposition

who wants to force us to pursue
a policy against our wishes.

Against your wishes.

We must reach an agreement.

"The government doesn't
find it unilaterally suitable

to lower the age of criminal
responsibility from 14 to 12 years."

But Labour doesn't agree
with you Moderates on that.

That's why we write "unilaterally".

We agree that lowering the age
doesn't solve all problems, don't we?

The wording is too negative.

Try: "The government understands
the intention of lowering the age."

I won't be accredited with that view.

We must be able to find
a softer choice of words.


How about: "The government...

finds it hard..."


We need to draft a bill
saying as little as possible

while still gaining us the majority.
How do we phrase it?


How about:

"The government acknowledges
that incidents like this

can offend the public sense of justice

and commits itself to implementing
crime-fighting initiatives."

That doesn't say anything.

It's just idle talk.

It says we don't like juvenile crime
and will do something about it.

It does.


- Yes?
- Okay?


See you tomorrow at the debate.

- Ulrik?
- Can I call and get confirmation?

Ulrik, come here, please.

I want to make it clear that Hanne
is not getting hers old job back.

'Her' old job.

As a political editor.

She is joining us as a reporter.

Hey, reveal my salary,
while you're at it.

Pia, we have two guests tonight.

Yes, Saltum and Lindenkrone.

Here's hoping for a better interview
this time.

Isn't this interview borderline trite?

That all depends on the outcome.
I'm aiming for a good debate.

It won't be a debate,
but an argument...

Let me finish, Ulrik.

I have a wild angle for you.
Saltum's arm isn't broken at all.

It's all a PR stunt.

- How do you know?
- You're saying he lied about it?

- That's the word on the street.
- Great story.

No, no, no, listen, people.
I have heard that story before.

It's a hoax planted by Kasper Juul.

The PM's office is desperate.

- Still, let's follow it up.
- I know we're under pressure.

- I'm not under pressure.
- Let's make an effort, people.

Don't buy the spin doctor's bull.

Welcome back.

- Thank you, darling.
- Thank you for that little lecture.

TV1 is not in anyone's pocket,
though many people would like to think so.

Okay, crucial to the live debate
tonight is:


balance and...

Well... balance.

That's all I have to say about that.

Have you got a second?

- What was crucial?
- Balance.

Holm isn't back for good, is she?


There's a Dr. Iversen here.

Hans Christian, I'll call you back.

It's Laura's psychiatrist. Show him in.

- Hello. Birgitte.
- Poul.

- Please sit down.
- Thank you.

My daughter came home with these
the other day.

- Much to your dismay, I gather.
- Correct.

I don't condone giving children

You have to realize she doesn't
always tell you how she feels.

During your time in office, she's been...

a good girl, an A student.

Laura feels her mother trusts in her

and she wants to be worthy
of that trust.

This has been so hard on her
that she's developed anxiety.

It just seems so drastic...

You take antibiotics for pneumonia
and antidepressants for anxiety.

Laura needs this
for the talk therapy to work.

It's the best thing
you can do for your daughter.

Svend Åge Saltum, you just want
to put more immigrants in jail.

No, I want to jail troublemakers...

Camera 1 on him.

Still, it's good to hear you admitting
most troublemakers are immigrants.

That is not what I am saying.
Studies contradict that.

What studies?

- Katrine, let Lindenkrone answer.
- Let's try to keep a civil tone here.

Please don't interrupt each other.

Anne Sofie Lindenkrone...

Isn't it true you live in Jutland and
have an apartment in Østerbro?

- Svend Åge.
- May I speak now?

Yes, go ahead.

- Thank you. Yes.
- What were you doing in Nørrebro?

You go for a walk in an area
where you know you aren't welcome.

One might suspect you
of seeking out conflict.

Are you saying there are areas
where we politicians...

No. But you are at risk.

So the as*ault was my own fault?

Because I hold political views

it's my own fault I am assaulted.

Does that apply to all citizens?

Has she lost control of them?

Is that what you mean?
You mean that Saltum is a jerk.

- So go ahead and beat him up.
- Let him rant. It's cool.

- It's fine.
- You are probably the type...

I took a lot of flak the last time,
so even this is better.

People say my arm isn't broken.

- Am I in charge here, or are you?
- You are.

Let me just dispel that rumor.

This is an X-ray
I would like to show the viewers

dispelling that ludicrous rumor.

That settles it then. Thanks.

What kind of stupid rumor is that?

I bet Svend Åge started it himself
so he could pull this stunt.

Ready for tomorrow?

- Sure.
- They'll be gunning for you.

Point the biggest g*n at me then.

Why haven't you done anything
about juvenile crime, little Miss PC?

But I have. The government
focuses on social initiatives.

Why do you reward violent kids?
Shouldn't they feel the consequences?

How do you sleep at night, Madam PM

when you constantly ignore public
opinion, you softhearted liberal cow?

All studies show

that social initiatives work better
than punishment, you fascist redneck.

The past 25 years have seen a boom
in literature on child psychiatry.

Never has a generation craved
a firm hand as much as this one.

Your kind-hearted government has
neither the talent nor the courage...

Judges, prosecutors,
prisons and the police

are opposed to your proposal.

You ignore the recurrence rate.

The recurrence rate?

Is the PM demonstrating
her academic superiority?

She sits in her ivory tower
with her elitist friends thinking

everyone loves the multicultural world.
Well, get this.

We don't.

We're at w*r here.

We don't love them,

and they don't love us either.

So take off the kid gloves for once,
little goody two-shoes

or I'm f*cking gonna chew you up!

We must take into consideration
the scientific studies in this field,

Mr. Svend Åge Saltum.

We can't base our legislation
on a primitive thirst for revenge.

- Kasper Juul.
- Rasmus, Moderate Youth.

Hi, Rasmus.

I've e-mailed you a draft.

Okay... yes.

- The girl is good. I like her expression.
- Okay.

I want a harder background.
I want it to hurt. And I want it to say:

"The future according
to the Freedom Party."


Good evening, Lisa.

I'm still at the office,
so drop by, if you want to.

Let's try them for a while, okay?

I've read up on them,
and they say there are no side effects.

- I can do it.
- Sure.

I'm going to bed.

- Sleep tight, sweetie.
- Good night.

Good night.

Sleep tight, okay?

Let's sit for a while.

No. I think you should go home.


Who's Stine?

I don't know any Stine.

She seems to know you well.

She called an hour ago,

upset that you didn't return her calls

even though you liked f*cking her.

She considered herself your girlfriend.

Your girlfriend! Are you mad?

How the hell could you do that?

What kind of man are you anyway?

I thought we were...

going to have children.

I don't want children.

Why not?


You can never...

tell anyone what you and I do
when Mom isn't home.

No one.

It would upset Mom so.

She might leave us.

So you and I have to keep
our little secret to ourselves, okay?


If you promise Dad
not to tell Mom anything

if Dad can be sure
you'll be grown-up about this...

Do we have a deal?

I'm sorry.

Good morning.

Good morning. What's up?

Are you okay?

Have you been drinking?


Kasper, my office. Now!

This is a disaster.

Brodersen and his supporters are
furious about what they see

as the Moderate Party's
politically correct solo crusade.

We can forget about
the bill you drafted.

- Your ad just k*lled it.
- Talk some sense into Brodersen.

We don't have time for that, Kasper.
Are you behind this? Yes or no.


Are you drunk?


Get dressed.

What got into you? Your job is
to protect me against media att*cks

not to provoke them!

You're losing it, Kasper.

If I suffer defeat now,
how can I keep you on? Tell me!

It's time for the inquiry debate.

I give the floor
to Mr. Svend Åge Saltum.

The Freedom Party
proposes the following:

"The government must lower
the age of criminal responsibility

from 14 to 12 years."

Far be it from me to polemicize

on whether the PM is
to blame for my condition.

Thank you.

However, the government's
failed judicial policy is to blame

for rendering society unable
to punish my assailant.

- The PM's in for it.
- Mr. Saltum overlooks facts.

Serious research shows that
prisons just turn out new criminals.

Does Mr. Saltum really think

we should turn our children into
skilled criminals in their early teens?

Make them apprentices
to hardened criminals...

Back then we respected authority.

We weren't above
coming down hard on troublemakers.

Not out of malice,

but out of pure love.

Why won't the PM give young people
the firm hand they're longing for?

Doesn't Hassan who pushed me
deserve to know

what he did wrong?

Madam PM.

It seems Mr. Saltum is still stuck
in the schools of the 1950s

seeing as he refers to 12-year-olds
as young people. They are children.

I'm sure not many of us,
having been subjected

to Mr. Saltum's hostile outpouring
these past two hours

would find Mr. Saltum fit
to take care of a child.

- This is an outrage!
- Order!

I must ask the members to calm down.

And act dignified.

We will reconvene at 1 p.m.

Girls, we have to get the PM
in for an interview.

At 8:30. Katrine, you do it.

- Katrine is just a substitute, right?
- I make the decisions here.

Katrine, call Kasper Juul.

What happened?

Very unlike Svend Åge.

Svend Åge lost his young daughter
in a tragic drowning accident.

He tried to save her, but in vain.

Talk to him.

- I'll find him and apologize.
- Good.

Svend Åge, have you got a moment?

I wasn't aware of your personal tragedy.

My words were harsh.

It was never my intention.
I'm very sorry.

Activists have entered Parliament.
We need to clear the risk.

- Stay here for now.
- No!

I think you need a cup of coffee.

Sit down.

Here, Birgitte.

Thank you.

And do have a cookie. Help yourself.


So here you are, Birgitte.

Eating cookies
with the devil incarnate in his office.

Talking to us is okay.
Eating with us is a different matter.

That's taking it a bit too far
for a moral creature like yourself.

I'm not the only one
who derails the debate, am I?

By asking you critical questions?

You completely ignore my line

and the crux of the matter
or even the facts.

You keep provoking, until...

people yell at you in frustration

and then you play the martyr.

- Are you referring to my arm?
- Exactly.

What has your arm got
to do with the legislation?

- It's politics, dear Birgitte.
- No, Svend Åge.

It's manipulation.

It's not politics. It's not constructive.

You throw your accusations around,
but it's all a load of bullshit.

And then it's up to us
decent people to clear... No...

I can't talk to you.

- I lose my dignity.
- It's your own fault we yell at you.

You won't listen to us.

We've been silent long enough.

- We aren't house-broken, are we?
- Oh, poor you. Listen to yourself!

You're playing the martyr again.

No, I'm not!

There is a Denmark you don't know

and which you wish didn't exist.

Little families with their plastic-
wrapped furniture and TV dinners.

Someone has to look out for them,
and you sure as hell aren't!

But you are, Svend Åge,
by sending kids to jail!

- Happy days are here again!
- Excuse me.

You're good to go.

Thank you.

I've spoken to Brodersen's supporters.
We may be able to sway two of them

but we still need three or four votes
to pass the bill.

Let's ask the speaker for a respite.

No, Kasper. I'm sure the speaker
has seen the ad too and hates it.

We've already lost.

I've apologized to Svend Åge...

- Why must we apologize?
- He's democratically elected!

His personal tragedy makes his
stance even more incomprehensible.


- After a loss like that...
- Hey!

Stop it!

I'm not afraid of losing my job.

I'm afraid of the Freedom Party's
ridiculous bill. I can't stand it.

All it does is rob our children
of their childhood.

It turns them into small adults.

It forces them into a world
that is dead serious.

It robs our children
of their childhood.

Are you through?

I'm going in.

Why does the PM disregard
the public sense of justice

in favor of the welfare of a small
group of juvenile delinquents?

No answer.

We've asked the PM
what future she sees for democracy

if she won't guarantee

the safety of the elected
representatives on the streets.

Again, no answer.

Let me just remind everyone
that this meeting is set to end at 3.

The PM's answer now
will be the last in this debate.

- Go ahead.
- Thank you.

Let me assure Mr. Svend Åge Saltum
and everyone else in here

that I hold the public sense of
justice and democracy in high regard.

Democracy is all about dialogue.

The dialogue these past few days
has been very irreconcilable.

I acknowledge my part in this
and apologize.

I very much want to end
this "them" and "us" rhetoric

which sets the tone every time we
disagree on these emotional issues.

On behalf of the government,

I propose a new bill.

"Parliament appoints
a committee of experts

and delegates from all parties
to look into

the pros and cons of lowering
the age of criminal responsibility.

The commission will report back
to the social and judicial committees.

Parliament acknowledges
that urgent action is called for

and does not rule out
potential penal code amendments

as long as they respect
the welfare of the children."


every member of Parliament agrees

we have a joint responsibility
to protect both law and order

and our children in particular.

Let's not take away their childhood.

We must not rob them of their childhood.

Thank you.

And so ends the debate.

And now for the vote
on the government bill.

Please vote now.



The government bill

voted on passes by one vote.

Mr. Svend Åge Saltum's bill
stands rejected.

My boss would like to have the PM
in for a live interview tonight.

You are not looking for me.
I don't work for the PM anymore.

What happened?

I got fired.

And Lotte left me.

So I f*cked that up too, Katrine.

You know me. I'm thorough.

I love you, Katrine.

I've never loved anyone but you.

You share your secrets with
those you love.

Have you never longed for a witness?
Someone who knows everything?


- Do we look for a new media advisor?
- No. Give him a day to self-reflect.

- Kasper Juul.
- This is Rasmussen, the realtor.

I just wanted to tell you we've emptied
your parents' house. There's nothing left.

Thank you.

What's this?



Today, sentence will be passed
on the father of 13-year-old Kenneth.

The father and three of his friends
stand accused of abusing the boy.

The sexual abuse began
when Kenneth was eight years old.

The abuse escalated to include
intercourse and other sexual abuse.

Despite several warnings from teachers,
the abuse was not revealed

until the 12-year-old
stabbed his father.

He wasn't charged, as he was below
the age of criminal responsibility

and is now in a juvenile
detention center.