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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 03/13/24 08:12
by bunniefuu
TV Channel Russia

Written by Arif Aliev
Art director Vladimir Menshov

Directed by Alexandr Baranov,
Ramil Sabitov
Camera - Maxim Shinkorenko

Production Designers
Sergey Vorobjev, Sergey Onipenko

Music by Nikolai Rostov

Make-up Artists
Marina Dedova, Ilona Levitskaya

Leading Editor
Nadezhda Tarnovskaya

Leading Producer
Alexei Kublitsky

Producers - Alexandr Akopov
Ekaterina Efanova,
Natalia Shneiderova

Empress Elizaveta I - Yulia Aug

Grand Duke Pyotr Fyodorovich,
Emperor Peter III - Alexandr Yatsenko

Count Bestuzhev - Vladimir Menshov
Count Lestocq - Konstantin Lavronenko
Count Razumovsky

Prince Saltykov - Rinal Mukhametov
Captain Orlov - Sergey Strelnikov

Princess Johanna - Isabel Schosnig
Count Shuvalov - Nikolai Kozak
General Apraksin -Vitaly Kravchenko

Jemma - Elena Shamova
Pimen - Ivan Dobronravov
Matrena - Svetlana Korchagina

Prince Ponyatovsky - Aleksei Vorobyev
Brekdorf - Maxim Kerin
Betskoy - Kirill Rubtsov

Frederick II - Hartmut Krug
Mardefelt - Vitus Eisenach
Chetardie - Patrick Roullier Rollin

Nanny of Tsar Ivan VI -
Valentina Talyzina

With Marina Alexandrova
as Ekaterina II

- With Her Majesty.

- Report me to Her Majesty.
- Your Highness, I'm sorry, but...

Bring me my baby!

Her Imperial Majesty
would not receive you.

Your Majesty!..

In whisper.

Speak in whisper, my dear.

Pavel has been nursed right now.
He is going asleep.


You called him Pavel?

But I wanted to name him
after my father.

Your father is German, my dear,
and you are Russian.

I like the name Pavel.

When he'll be crying,
I'll be calling him Pavlushka.

Pavlushka is hungry.
Nurse him.

He has sucked a bosomful
of milk. Let us give him some water.

Nurse him. Let him grow
a bogatyr.

I can nurse him! I...

You should not mis-shape
your breasts, my dear.


I'm begging of you...

I entreat you, please oh please...

I have prepared a gift for you.

Take it and go away.

Pavel Petrovich would be
the heir of Peter the Great,

he is his great grandson,
a future Russian Emperor.

To whom does he belong then?

Fear not. I will not punish you

or banish you to the monastery.

You may stay in the palace.

Live here, my dear, and
give birth to more children.

You are nice at it.

The lover, you will find him
by yourself.

And to see the heir to the throne -
one should deserve this.


I'm begging of you...


go to your rooms.

Your Highness,

Your Highness, let's go.

Let's go. Careful.

Why did you come,

in such a state? You know -
I detest blood.

Pyotr Fyodorovich,

after your wedding you promised
we shall remain friends.

You said you wanted to.

I don't remember I heard so
many words at a time from you.

Your son has been born.

My son? Or maybe my

Pyotr Fyodorovich,
please stop it.

It doesn't matter anyway. My aunt
now has what she wanted.

Do you know what will happen
to me now?

Of course you don't know it.

But I do. From now on
I will live quietly,

very, very quietly,

until Auntie becomes oblivious
of her hapless, pitiful nephew.

By whom did you have the baby?

Your words, they fill me with pain.

We both hate her.

I couldn't even imagine someone
would take away our child!

I hate her.

I will help you to become
the emperor,

and you will return me my son.

You crazy bitch!

I can't believe I am the only
sane person in the palace.

I won't do anything - I will be
just waiting, and it will come to me.

Auntie will die one day,
and I will become the emperor.

I will ordain all those who
humiliated me to be persecuted.

- All of them.

I came to bid you farewell.

I am being sent abroad.


you can't do that!

I am a soldier, Ekaterina

I won't let you go!

I am a soldier, Ekaterina

I am a soldier.

Berlin, capital of Prussia.
Palace of Frederick II.
August 1756

Pray don't be seated.
I will be short.

This day will come down
into history for eternity.

The great Prussia is
to unite all Germans.

All other nations will fall
on their knees before her.

I order to occupy Saxony,

and be ready to strike Austria
right into her belly.

I give you two days for this.

In Saxony there are hot springs

good for corporeal and
spiritual health.

In two days, I want to make it sure

I have finished. Thank you.

Frederick's army has att*cked

it has entered Saxony and
is now approaching Dresden.

Judging by the first dispatches,

the Saxonians
are not offering resistance.

Gentlemen, I want to hear out
your opinion.

Only please, try to be short.

- Supreme Commander.
- Your Majesty, we should not engage.

Alexei Grigorievich.

The hostilities began in Austria,
France, Sweden,

Spain, Denmark, Saxony.

It is a world w*r. Russia
can't remain uninvolved.

Vice Chancellor.

In case of a w*r we'll have
to introduce new taxes

and raise the old ones, which,
as we know, are already too high.

But bearing in mind
poor collectability, nepotism...

every clerk waiting for a bribe
and having no God's fear...

No, Russia is not ready
for a w*r.

Prince... Be seated.

To listen to you,

nor Russia is ready for peace.

Alexander Ivanych.

The empty treasury may
give rise to riots.

Nothing can be more horrible
than the starving populace.

And here is another panicker.

You all sound, gentlemen,

as if someone else, not you,
are running the state affairs.

Who, what secret enemy prevents
you from gathering taxes?

Maybe King Frederick prevents
you from gathering taxes?

Alexei Petrovich...

Count Bestuzhev, speak up.

Saxonians won't engage.
When Frederick takes Dresden,

he will amass his army by
the 200 thousand selfsame Germans.

Being at peace with England,
he will hire and arm on her money

another 100-200 thousand.

Germans are ready
to unite their forces.

Thus, after subjugating Europe,
he will move on against Russia.

Reasonable words, thank you.

- No.


We should first finish
the council.

Prepare a letter to Austria
and France.

Shall I address it to Louis XV
or to Madame Pompadour?

To Madame Pompadour.

Louis number fifteen
is a non-entity.

Of course it should be
Madame Pompadour.

And in Austria, contact
the Empress Maria Theresa.

Let it be a conspiracy of three
women against one sodomite.

Very well, gentlemen,
I must go.

Today is a happy occasion.

The nameday of Pavel Petrovich,
the heir to the throne.

Maybe they arrived
to the South Gates?

- Not when they come from Peterhof.
- Go and check out.

Good afternoon.

What do you think -
will he like it?

- No. Kids have fancy for horsies.

Believe me, he will love our
tender Matilda.

I can't wait to see him.

I can't wait to see him.

I can't wait to see him.

Vanechka, Vanechka!

Let's learn a little verse
for Pavel Petrovich?

Black, black kitten arched its back

And jumped into chimney black.

And Antipka is here, too.


Happy you are, Matrena,

to have a child and a loving husband.

I would gladly change my life
for yours.

I have not seen my Pavel
for two years.

- He serves to Elizaveta Petrovna.

It's a pity. I liked him.

Ekaterina Alexeevna, my husband
and I are the people

most devoted to you.

We shall never forget
that you saved our lives.

The Vorontsovs have arrived.

Your Highness...

Are you all right?

Oh, I will regret it bitterly.

- I am already regretting.
- You will present a gift

- to Pavel Petrovich and will leave.

- I have taken care of this.
- And she will be there, too.

I will dismiss you,
and no alimenation.

I will banish you
to the countryside.

Why going there

Her Imperial Majesty
ordered you to.

And there is no way
you can disobey.

I don't want to see that child
or to hear about him.

Everyone thinks he is not mine.
Why all this comedy?

In case of a conspiracy it won't
occur to anyone

that a bastard should
dare to ascend the throne.

You are the only legitimate heir.

What conspiracy?

Your Highness, during the last
fifty years, Russia

has seen two dozen conspiracies
and coups.

Don't forget in what time we live.

And what kind of gift
are we carrying?

Open it up.

- I will if you make a guess.

I will banish you to the fortress!
Open it up!

Very well...

Tin soldiers. It was not
so hard to guess.

Since it is a gift from you.

What a poor craftwork.

At least they cost cheap.
Allow me to remind you

that the Empress looks through
all your checks.

Why put myself
to such a disgrace?

Throw it away immediately.
I'm not going to pretend.

My greetings to you,
oh charming Frederica.

Ekaterina Alexeevna, Baron.
It was a slip of your tongue.

Good afternoon. And may
God help you, too.

Here is a present for your son.

Where is he, by the way?

He hasn't arrived yet.

Thank you, Baron,

but Pavel is too young
to handle a w*apon.

I'm afraid I won't come
to his next nameday.

Most probably, by then Russia
will be at w*r with Prussia,

I mean - with your great
uncle Frederick.

Her Majesty is making
a very big mistake.

I am not prone to discuss
or even question

the policy of Her Imperial Majesty.

I told you this many a time, Baron.

Perchance you won't refuse
to accept a letter from your mother?

It is forbidden, Baron.

I must admit it is not easy
for me. I am a nobody here.

I have not seen my son
for two years.

But Pavel Petrovich is
the heir to the Russian throne,

so you should have no doubts
as to which side I am taking.

I am on my child's side.


It is a dance of ducklings
who come out of the puddle

shaking water off their
feathers and quacking.

What a talented child,
Your Majesty!

He will begin speaking
French in no time at all.

I am all for early education.

Otherwise there will be yet another
idiot as a heir to the throne.

But Pavel Petrovich
is a very intelligent boy.

It is an obvious fact.

And he is so lovely -
like an angel.

An angel, yes, as long as
he is not being capricious.

Where are you going,
Pavel Petrovich?

I don't want to study
and I won't.

Oh good gracious.
Take him away.

Just do something
to make him shut his mouth!

Why is he being capricious
all the time?

He is just a child,
Your Majesty.

He becomes more and more
like Pyotr Fyodorovich.

Wondrous are Thine ways,
oh Lord.

He is as silly and obstinate
as Pyotr

and getting on my nerves.

Well, as they say,
from what tree an apple fell...

Oh, really?

And I thought it was
some different apple-tree.

But now I look at him
and begin to doubt.

This is really unbearable.

I'm not even inclined
to punish him.

- Not at all, Your Majesty.

Not at all.

Stop lying.

I can see myself that I failed.

They won't bring Pavel,
Ekaterina Alexeevna.

What explanation did they give?


Where is he now?

- In Peterhof.
- I'm setting off to Peterhof.

Her Majesty forbade you
to leave St. Petersburg.

I can't wait any longer.

Ekaterina Alexeevna,
kindly explain to us

why the Prussian ambassador
Baron Mardefelt paid a visit to you?

What did you two talk about?

If you intend to use tortures -
take me to the fortress.

It is not up to me to decide.

But I will gladly fulfill any errand
for Her Majesty.

Alexei Petrovich, please
help me.

I must see him,
I long to see him.

- Let's go!
- Thank you so much!

You are one of the few
who are fond of me.

I'm doing this
notwithstanding personalities.

Not out of sympathy for you, though,
of course, you're a pleasant person,

but as I understand the interests
of the Fatherland.

I still wonder where am I?
Where is my son?

And where are the interests
of my Fatherland?

But you will explain it to me,
won't you?

I think it's high time.

Things are going well in Chernigov.

People are getting married
celebrating a good crop.

The early autumn is the best time
in my dear Ukraine.

Where are the guests?
Why am I here?

Pyotr Fyodorovich, join me
at the table.

My brother's sent some eatables
from Ukraine.

- My brother, the Hetman.
- Thank you, Alexei Grigorich.

I'm not hungry. Can I go back?

No, Her Majesty asked you
to stay with Pavel

and play with him so that
he gets used to you.

I am in no mood.

I don't want to play with kids
and don't know how to.

Pyotr Fyodorovich, the Empress's
request means in a certain way

her change of attitude towards you.

Let's have some wine?

- I don't drink bread wine.
- But I do.

To your health and wellbeing!

The day after tomorrow, there'll be
a reception in the throne room.

Your presence is necessary.

You and Pavel will be sitting
on the Empress's right hand,

with Pavel on your right hand.

I don't see what good
will come of this show.

I'm not used to discuss
Her Majesty's decisions.

And, frankly speaking,
I don't want to know more

than she is going to tell me.

And please be prudent.

Prudent? Prudentovsky, such should
be your name, Alexei Grigorich!

Pyotr Fyodorovich, take a seat!

We are in a similar situation.

I also don't belong to myself

and, frankly speaking, I don't feel
secure about my future.

But any pleasures are still
available to me.

And they invite me
to the Imperial Council.

We have entered the annals,

the tan of eternity on our faces.

No need to be afraid.
Tomorrow will be a new day.

And then... all is in God's hands.

It's the first time you talk to me

Time has come.

I ask you to mend relations
with Ekaterina Alexeevna.

Don't you talk to me about her!

It is stupid to succumb
to jealousy and resentment.

I will never forgive her.

It is my blame, too,
but I will never forgive her.

At least you should try
to be with your son.

Now go. The Empress
is expecting you.

- There'll be no feast.

Don't twist your head round,
look ahead.

Don't dangle your legs,
straighten your back.

Put your hands this way
and look straight.

An insufferable kid.
Like father, like son.

Can't sit on the throne
as if he has swallowed an awl.

Please, look ahead.
Straighten your back.

Stop dangling your legs.

I'm tired. Leave him alone.

Let him sit as he pleases.

- Hello, Pavel.

Look, Pavel, I have a present
for you.

The solemn moment has arrived.


This is a grenadier
of a dragoon regiment.

He has not only a fusil and a sword,
but a grenade, too.

You see
Let me explain.

This is a grenade, right?

Enemy is over there.

We hold the grenade, strike fire
and light the fuse.

It doesn't take fire.

Then we throw the grenade
at the enemy.


Hurrah! The enemy is defeated,
and we have won.

- Take it.
- Thank you. You are a good man.

It's a pity, Alexei, we are not
his parents.

We're not even a married couple.

I beg you let's get married!

You beg me?

You offer me happiness,

but nobody will allow us
to be happy.

No way.

Let's get married secretly.

Father Simon won't refuse.

Alexei, look...

They are so much alike.

Come on.

Go ahead, Ekaterina Alexeevna.

No need to accompany
an old man here.

Go to your son, go.



I am your Mom.

- I am very glad.
- Happy nameday to you!

- Your Mom is crying from happiness.

- Your Majesty!

Learned how to twist men
around your little finger.

Want me to put the old Bestuzhev
to death?

You gave your word.

Well, I did.

There was a reason to break my word.

You think you can bring me
to account?

Let me stay for a while.

Stay while you are here.

Thank you.

How do you like your son?

Quite a man.

A real autocrat,

a great Russian emperor.

By the way,

he still doesn't know
how to sit on the throne.

You will teach him
how to do this, won't you?

Let's go.

Pavel Petrovich...

Pyotr Fyodorovich,
keep the company.

I'll manage myself.

Allow me to help you.

You are so clever.

- I love you.
- Me, too.

- I love you, too.
- And him I love as well.

Your Majesty...

Alexei Petrovich, have you
lost your last old mind?

By conspiring against
your Empress?

What I did, I did it
as a Christian.

Count, in your place
I would not tempt fate.

And what do you think
I should do now?

To forgive you? To pretend
it was all my own idea?

You know that I don't like events
to happen by themselves.

Your Majesty, I simply read
the movement of your heart.

A heart the kindest of all.

If I was wrong - order
to execute me.

I wonder, gentlemen,

how Pavel will take
his real parents.

Kids have a short memory,
so, just in case,

I will see to it that he will
forget about them very quickly.

Mommy, please don't leave.

Don't be sad.

The future emperor
should be strong.

- No, I keep thinking about you

every blessed minute.

We shall be together,
trust me.

I will take you away.

I promise you.

Now go.

local church
September 1756

And the two shall be one flesh.

Wherefore they are no more
twain, but one flesh.

What God therefore hath joined
together, let not man put asunder.

Holy Father,

can we adopt Pavel now?

So as to become his legal

in the face of God and people?

It is a difficult question.

What is the purpose of adopting
him if his parents are alive?

I prepared a will.

I have been feeling unwell lately.

After my death, Alexei Grigorich
shall ascend the throne;

he shall become an emperor.

- And because we are childless...
- My dear lady...

But how? A thing impossible!

I can't believe what I'm hearing!

How can you - without even
discussing it with me...

- That is not the point -

it is absolutely impossible!

I insist on the adoption.

Pavel should become the heir
apparent to the future emperor.

But what about the present
heir Pyotr Fyodorovich?

I can't entrust Pyotr Fyodorovich
with Russia.

He is not worthy of
this noble burden.

He is infirm and not quite
right in his mind.

Also he is an adherent
of Frederick.

Today I'm going to declare
a w*r to Prussia.

Frederick is such a snob,
and so I will destroy him.

Oh, most Holy Life-Bearing
Trinity, Hallowed be Thy Name;

Oh, most Holy Theotokos,
keep us in the face of our foes...

It is impossible...

Calm down...

Calm down...

Good gracious,

why is it so that all my grooms

mourn during the wedding ritual?

You don't look happy,
Alexei Grigorich.

Your will, oh my sovereign lady,
is like a sentence to me.

Will the rank of field marshal

and the Order of St. Andrei
The Apostle

distract you from
your heavy thoughts?

I will die earlier than you.

Stop playing with words.

Look, what a marvelous morning!

I think never again I will feel
so serene as today.

I wish this morning
would go on forever.

And I can't ask for more.

In the name of Her Imperial Majesty -

Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich,

the son of the heir apparent
to the throne.

In the name of Her Imperial

the ambassador of the kingdom
of Prussia,

Baron Mardefelt.

By the Grace of God,
we, Elizaveta I,

the Empress and Autocrat
of all Russias -

Tsaritsa of Moscow, Kiev,

Vladimir, Novgorod,

Kazan, Astrakhan,

Siberia, Lady of Suzdal,

Grand Duchess of Pskov,
Princess of Estonia,

Livonia, Courland, Tver,


Bulgaria and other lands...

Deeming it as a well-grounded
intention and wish

to stop outrages and insinuations,

we hereby declare a w*r to Prussia.

Your Imperial Majesty,

as per the protocol, I am
to be handed this decree.

I cannot take it from
your hands, who are you?

The Grand Duke of Saxony and Poland

Stanislaw August Poniatowski.
I am here as a diplomat.

In case you missed the point -

Russia has just now declared
a w*r to your country.