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03x10 - When You Count to Ten

Posted: 03/13/24 08:39
by bunniefuu
It just goes to show
how much OTM is selling.

It's the price of fame.

With fans come haters.

I still have hundreds
of fans cheering me on.

I need to push on for their sake.

I'm off to the restroom.

She's taking this surprisingly well.

She's a tough one.

She held hands with that creep
for five minutes while he roasted her.

There's no way she's okay.

Debt collectors will come knocking.

In the end, you have nowhere to run.


Heads is Retsuko. Tails is...



Retsuko, Inui, Retsuko, Inui,
Retsuko, Inui, Retsuko...


Hey, leave the flower be.

What, are you still stuck?

Sorry I can't be as coolheaded as you
and make decisions like a robot.

But you've got to pick.

I know.

Care to hear an opinion
from a coolheaded person like me?

What do you think?

You want to be happy, right?


Then pick Inui.

I knew it.

The heart-shaped emblem sewn
onto that man's shoulder

is from February 2018.

It was a limited edition, live show item
that sold out immediately.

I made that kind of thing?


Please try to appreciate
your own products a little more.

Mr. Hyodo only sees fans as bags of money.

So this emblem pervert is most likely
an avid fan from their early days.

Quite a few old fans disagree
with the death voice approach.

It stands to reason that some would come
to resent the accounting manager.

The emblem man and the fake site manager
are the same person?

Have you looked into it?

No, it's just a hunch.

A worst-case scenario. Think about it.

What if that emblem pervert
knows where you live?

It will be fine. Don't worry.

We'll protect you.

What time will you leave work tomorrow?

I punch out at six so, if all goes well,
I should be home around seven.

Got it. I'll pick you up from work.

It's fine, really!
I wouldn't want to trouble you.

Don't worry, Mr. Hyodo seems
to work near your office anyway.

Hey, that's unnecessary!

You do? That's a surprise.

Where do you work, Mr. Hyodo?

One word about his job
and he clams right up.

Mr. Hyodo?


Wait a second.

What the heck?

Manaka? Hey, what's wrong?

Where are you right now? At work?

Yeah, I'm about to head home now.

Okay, don't leave your office.
Just wait inside.

Why? I already have
Mr. Hyodo coming to pick me up.

I know that, but still!

Things have changed. Look online.

He's already pinpointed your office.

I don't think this is just a prank.

It's a warning.

A warning? For what?

I don't know, but...

Are you okay?
There's no one suspicious near you?

I'm being careful. It's fine.

Besides, it's all office buildings here
and there's people everywhere.

There aren't any suspicious people arou...

Retsuko? What happened? Retsuko!

What the hell are you up to?

I said, what are you up to?

None of your business. Let go of me!

-Get out of my way! Let me go!
-Don't just watch. Help me.


Retsuko? Retsuko!

You get ahead of yourself, bitch.

You imbecile!

Someone call the police.




Don't move her.

She may have hit her head when she fell.

But she's bleeding!

Calm down. It's probably your own blood.

I'm calling the ambulance right now.

Hello, is this emergency services?

Please come quick.

The ambulance will arrive shortly.

Thank you.

It was an emergency and you took action.

I could interpret that some way
that makes me feel better,

but I feel that's not all there was to it.

Sorry, now's not the time for this.


It's okay.

This is the result
of you thinking on it so carefully.

I wasn't thinking.

I mean, I did...

And if I really thought about it,

I think I would have chosen you.

I'm sorry.


-Just quit already.
-What an eyesore.

She's got it all wrong.

...hurts to watch.

Wish she'd disappear.





Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Where's your "thank you"?


You sustain yourself
by sucking up our money.

Where's your "thank you"?



There's nowhere to run.

There is no place I belong.

This kind of world...

I can't take it.




You're such a good girl, Retsuko.

Retsuko is a very hard-working
and responsible girl.

You're very diligent and cooperative,

but I've noticed
a tendency for passiveness.

Are you enjoying life?

You're a good, serious girl.

A painfully diligent airhead
who does things exactly as instructed.

It's okay, the company
will go on without you.


Her parents' house?

Yes, she's been holing up back home.

She may end up leaving the apartment too.

Her attacker was caught,
but her address and office were exposed.

She believes there isn't
a single place where she's safe.

She's on temporary leave for now, but
it's not good for her to stay like this.

She'll probably resign or be let go.

It really is a shame.


No way! You chose Retsuko?


You turned Inui down?


Haida, are you stupid?

Oh yeah, this one here's an idiot.

Gah! And after everything I told you!

So, you're the indecisive type.


we also want Retsuko to come back.

But it's not possible.
There's nothing we can do right now.

Retsuko needs time to heal
from this emotional trauma.

I don't think Retsuko is that weak.

Enough with the stupid remarks!

What do you even know about her?

Retsuko needs someplace safe
where she doesn't have to worry.

Can you give her that?

You can't, can you?

That's why...


Let's find you a new love.

What? Now, of all times?

My app is finally ready!

Haida, give me your phone.

The closer you get, the farther she is.

Retsuko may as well be
a mirage in the desert to Haida.

You've got no chance as is.

Feel free to get your hopes up.
This app is not like the others.

the person your soul resonates with!

Okay then, Haida,
your destined lover is...


Haida is


destined lover?


What do you want? Who are you?

A match.

Oh my.



What's all this about?

Did Gori and Washimi say something to you?

They said, "It's up to you."

What's up to him?

Getting Retsuko to come back.

But why karaoke?


is a place where you can let out
everything you've kept bottled up.

Come back.

I'm sorry. I can't.

You can.

I'm still scared.

But the cops have already got him.

It's not just that guy.

It's so many different things.

-You're strong, so it will be--
-I'm not strong!

You just want to think I am.

You're right.

Stop pushing what you want on me.

Isn't that just another form of abuse?

You don't know me
and yet you act as if you do,

forcing your feelings on me.

Honestly, it's putting me in a tough spot.


What use are they
if you can't force them onto others?

Are you telling me
to keep them to myself my whole life?

Squash your feelings - what the hell
Playing the doormat is so neat

You too scared to meet the gaze
of strangers you meet on the street?

Walking on eggshells, that's your plan?

All on account of some messed-up man

Who gave you a scare
And yeah, we all care

But now you're a shut-in
And letting him win

Sounds chicken to me

Sounds chicken to me

Sounds chicken to me

Sounds chicken to me

So what the hell do you wanna do?

Figure that out

And crawl outta your cave already

I don't know what I want.

Some people just don't know.

What about you, Haida?

What do you want?


I want...

to be your safe harbor.

It's impossible to restore
your faith in the world.

So for now, just put your faith in me.

Safe harbor? Faith?

Did you discover your feelings
after seeing those results?

Your feelings have nothing to do with me.

It feels like someone
suddenly barged into my house.

How I choose to live
is none of your business.

Leave me alone!

It doesn't matter what path I choose.
We all end up in the same place anyway.



Crisis averted

Haida's here to save the day
Trust in you, huh?

It doesn't work that way

You think that crap is helpful
But you couldn't be more...


Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!


Leave me, leave me, leave me
Leave me alone

I didn't ask for any of this

It's me against the whole damn world
And they punched first

Then let's punch back!

A patched-together portrait of a good girl

Take this peeling collage
And burn it all down

You can bark all you want
But you know it’ll never reach anyone

In a dark underground
Cut off from all light

Covering up the wound
That’s been gouged at

Everyone must go on a lonely path
Of being different

Go where that voice reaches someone

Even if the light
Is just a little blinding

I’ll show you a word that is different
From all that you know

OTM is the best!

Retsy is the best!

Let me be that one speck of a miracle

Who knew that her first festival
would also be her last performance?

Why would she quit the idol life

and choose to return to the company?

Who knows?

Maybe something as simple
as water quenches her thirst.


I'll give this straight back
to you, Mr. Hyodo.

Paid off perfectly by your last event.
Now that's a strong finish.

-Are you quitting for real, manager?
-We're gonna miss you!

In the end,
she wasn't cut out to be an idol.

You won't make it if you don't have
a couple of screws loose.

Without you, we might need
part-time jobs for a while.

But we'll climb our way up again.

Just you watch, Retsuko.

I will. Good luck, Manaka.

I watched the stream.

Did Retsy really play that guitar?

Let's say it's a trade secret.

Hey, Tadano, I've been wanting
to ask you this for a while now.

Did you tamper with the app?

What do you mean?

I mean that thing with Retsuko and Haida.

I don't know a thing about it.

It's impossible
to predict the future, in any case.

What's important is believing
in the path you choose and pressing on.

Don't you think?

Just count to ten,
and I'll be a diligent little girl.

Just count to ten,
and I'll be a diligent office worker.

Just count to ten,
and I'll be everyone's idol.

Just count to ten,

and I'll be a mysterious idol producer.

Just count to ten,

and we can be anything we want.

Just count to ten, and I...


Say, Retsuko.


Have you eaten yet?


But I'm about to.

As I’m heading out of class
And I look up to the sky

I hear so many voices just echoing by

I run through the schoolyard
And I’m feeling something new

The scent of a flower
That’s about to bloom

A secret flower garden
On my uniform

My tail is softly swaying slowly
but surely feelings have formed

My little heart just skips a beat
Each time I look at you

Colorful as a gummy
And sweet as chocolate cake

My dreams are candy-coated
I’m not sure what I should do...

Can you mix it together
And make my wishes come true?

Fuwari Fuwari
Fuwari Fuwari

I really want you to know
I really want you to know

I just wish that you knew…
I just wish that you knew…

What I wanted to say