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03x07 - Chapter 23: Hope

Posted: 03/13/24 09:24
by bunniefuu
How's my hair today? It looks strange.

You look gorgeous as usual, squirrel.

And me? How do I look?

Your shoes, Pablo. They're filthy.

- Yes. Sorry.
- Give them a brush.

Yes, I don't know how I didn't notice.

Is all this grooming to impress the king?

Yes. You should do the same.

You won't get many chances
to see the king.

Marga, you changed your hair.
It looks strange.

No, I didn't do anything.

Here, I'll help you with those shoes.

I'll be right back.

Why comment on her hair?
You know she's nervous about the king.


- Doesn't Marga want to do the exam?
- Yes, of course she does, Julio.

I don't want her to get her hopes up
and then suffer.

You're still not ready?
Go on, put on your shoes.

[Pablo] Oh, yes!

[Marga] We'll be late.
I'll say bye to Lidia.

[Lidia] Human nature urges us
to cling to life.

- Lidia, we're going.
- [Lidia] All right.

But at the last moment,
the mirage has shattered

and there's no choice but to accept
that the end has come.

[whispers] Ask her about the old lady.

Marga, is Doña Lola here?

No, she's gone. Why?

Do you need something?

You're alone and we're leaving now.

No, everything's fine. Don't worry.

[Marga] See you later.

Wish me luck with the king.

Good luck.

[theme song playing]


Where do you think you're going?

Miriam, this madness has to stop.

My mother k*lled my husband
and she wants to k*ll Lidia.

Doña Carmen only wants
to take care of you two.

Eva has to be with her parents.

I must get her away from my mother
or she'll become a wretch...

just like me.


- No, no, no, no!
- [door locks]

No, please! Please!

Please! Please!


Miss, are you all right?

[Lidia] How much did Carmen pay you?

I have money, too.

Nobody needs to know.

You'll never make this look
like a su1c1de.

I'd never do that.

[Fidel] Life's given you some hard knocks,

and in this letter,
you explain it very well.

Stand up.

[Lidia] Just tell me one thing.

Have you seen my daughter?

I don't want to die
not knowing if she's all right.

[Fidel] That child has everything
she needs.

Carmen's daughter is looking after her.
I doubt she'll miss you.

Elisa is alive?

Don't move.

Where is Elisa Cifuentes? Where is she?

Tell me or I'll sh**t.

Where is she?

[Elisa] Lidia, thank God!

You stole my daughter.

Where is she?

I don't have her. Miriam does.

She took her when she found out
I was bringing her back to you.

- If I knew where she was, I'd tell you.
- Shut up! I don't care.

Your mother knows where she is.

Where's Carmen?

She's at the telephone company.
The king's visit is today.

You're coming with me.

I'm going to unmask her
in front of the king.

Doña Carmen de Cifuentes.

Valeria Cassini. Delighted.

I really did want to meet you

though I imagine you can't say
the same about me.

Sebastián deceived everyone,
but we can reach an agreement.

- Sit down, please.
- Thank you.

If you'll give us the contract,
we can settle this quickly.

We have a complicated day
with the king's visit.

We don't want to make the country's
most important person wait.

[Valeria] No, of course not.

You haven't signed.

No, no. I had second thoughts.

I won't give you 70% of the company
for such a paltry sum. No.

This is a letter my husband wrote
to me the day he d*ed.

It says he feared for his life.

It doesn't quite say why,
and I'm not here about that

but he gave me useful information
in case his fears were realized.

Didn't he tell you
his shares are worthless?

His Majesty won't allow
a foreigner to keep the company.

Yes, he spoke to me
about that law on foreigners.

And he told me you'd use it
to pressure me.

Pressure you? We're doing you a favor.

You need only make a decision:
ten million pesetas or nothing.

Ooh. [laughs nervously]
I'm wondering what would happen

if I claimed what belongs to me
in front of the king

who, it just so happens,
is visiting the company today.

Wouldn't I be pushing him
into intervening in the company?

Then it wouldn't be mine, sure,
but it wouldn't be yours, either.

Think it over. I have nothing to lose.

But you, on the other hand...

If I may...

Don't you think this conforms
a little more to reality?

I was sure we'd reach an agreement.

Good. Well, thank you.

I hope it all goes well with the king.
I have nothing to take up with him now.

As of now, the company is yours.

[Carlos] If I may,
I'll see you to the elevator.

Of course. A pleasure.

Excuse me.

[telephone ringing]

[Miriam over telephone]
Madam, I don't have good news.

Elisa found out
that you ordered her husband k*lled.

She resisted
and almost got the baby away from us.

I've got Eva now.

Remember what I said you had to do
if things turned sour?

Yes, we're already here.
Doña Carmen, I'll wait for you.

No, you go with the baby.
I have to put a stop to this disaster.

If the king finds out, it's over.

Call the royal secretariat

and tell them the visit has to be delayed
by a couple of days

It was all too rushed

and I'm afraid things
aren't as finalized as they should be.

The secretariat just told my assistant
that the king is on his way.

Why change everything so suddenly?

I told you.

I'm afraid
it's not up to the king's standard.

Carlos, however things turn out today

you know I love you very much.

[Pablo] Whatever it is,
I don't have time now.

- [Julio] It's about Marga.
- What's wrong?

She's organizing the king's visit

and Doña Carmen asked her
to get some cream puffs.

It seems His Majesty has a sweet tooth.

But in all this fuss, she hasn't had time.

I wouldn't mind going, but...

the boss of the storeroom
is a bit of a tyrant.

[sniffs] He won't let me go outside.

Tell Marga not to worry. I'll handle it.

Don Ernesto.

I'd like to speak to you.

It's about the new accounting jobs.

Your wife?

Your wife wants to work here?


But Don Ernesto, listen to me.

I really think she's perfectly qualified.

I know it's surprising,
but she's studied so hard

at home, with my books.
I think she's ready.

I think that from now on
you're going to be famous.

Do you think I was wrong
to say that I'm Athena?

Carlota, your speech was wonderful.

I'm so proud of how brave you are.

I'm sorry for showing up here.

Who are you?

Dolores Torres,
the wife of Heliodoro Calzada.

- Unless you leave right now...
- [Dolores] I won't be long

I came to apologize for what I did.

My husband forced me,
and I can't say no to him.

Not all women have your strength.

But I want you to know that the Lord
is making us pay for what we did.

He is paying for it.
As are my children and I.

Your children?

Heliodoro is in a coma in the hospital.

The doctors think he's going to die.

We have five children.
The youngest is only eight.

What happened to him?

[Dolores] A b*ating.
The police believe it was payback.

My husband was in so many quarrels
that divine intervention was expected.

I doubt that the hand of God
was involved in all this.

Whatever it is, I insist.
I hope you can forgive me.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Please tell me you had nothing
to do with this.

[Carlota] I told Lucía
to give him a scare.

I really didn't think
it would go this far.

Carlota, if this man dies,
you'll never forgive yourself.

Let's see if we understand each other.

I realize it's not the season
for cream puffs

but they're for
a very, very important person.

I'm sorry, but there's no one
who can make them here.

If you go to Dulcinea Pastries...

Thanks a lot. Thanks.

It's getting late. We have to go.

Yes, the king's visiting today.

- [Guzmán] Not a chance. It's on us.
- [Cuevas] Thanks a lot.

- Catalina.
- Of course.

Nothing's better than buying for friends.
Will you come with me?

Of course. If I may...

I thought about our agreement.
I know what I want you to do.

I need some dirt on the cop
so he's taken off the case.

He's very wary of his privacy.

[Guzmán] I know you're sleeping with him.

So I doubt you'll have any trouble
finding something juicy.

- You don't need to accompany me.
- I wanted to.

I know we don't have to go
to the White Lady tonight

but I thought we could meet up anyway,
go somewhere else.

Then you can stay at my place.

Cristóbal, we shouldn't do this.

If you mean
that we have to be discreet, don't worry.

It's better if everyone thinks
we're a married couple

No, it's not that. It's everything.

This isn't working.

So it's best if...

I keep passing myself off
as your wife in front of Guzmán

and between you and me,
there's nothing else.

I'm sorry.

What are you doing?

There you are.

Did you know that Heliodoro is in a coma?

His wife came to tell me,
and she's distraught.

No, I didn't know.

- And it seems you don't care.
- [Lucía] Why would I?

That man deserved a good b*ating.

- Carlota, you wanted it.
- No, I didn't want that.

I just wanted you to give him
a scare, to punish him,

but this got out of control.

Besides, Sara's right.

v*olence puts us
on the same level as men.

We'll keep fighting,
but we'll do it my way. Is that clear?

That was the famous Carlota.

Pretty ungrateful,
after what we did for her.

Well, the main thing is that
we were right to keep her out of it.

How many comrades
have managed to sneak in?

Everyone. They snuck in as customers

and are in the bathrooms
waiting for the signal.

You brought the uniforms.

[Lucía] This way, you'll go unnoticed.

And the weapons?

I got them inside
without anyone noticing.

My comrades will pick them up here
when the time comes

but look what we bought
with your friend's money as well.

If we have to,
we'll blow this company sky-high.

today we're going to make history.

Today, we're going to be heard.

It's time that the king heard his people.

It's all set.
The photographer has the camera ready

and the staff are in the hall.

- [Carlos] Thank you, Marga.
- You're welcome.

Are you all right, Mother?

Yes, of course.

[Ángeles] Cristóbal!

I don't know what else to say.

This isn't working,
and that's all there is to say.

- The king's about to arrive and...
- I don't care about the king.

I want to know why you're saying
this doesn't mean anything.

What do you mean? Us?

I know there's something
you're not telling me.

What are you hiding, Ángeles?

Do you want me to tell you the truth?

Very well.

How could I love a man

who uses the worst part of my past
to blackmail me?

Cristóbal, I'm at your mercy.

You can put me in jail if you want.

No, that won't happen.

It won't happen because I love you.

Let's go.

The shift's over for today!


Your Majesty...

A pleasure to see you again, Doña Carmen.

Don Carlos.


[indistinct chatter]

Where's Lucía?

She should be here
with the rest of the staff.

[Carmen] We're all so excited
by your presence, Your Majesty.

- Thank you.
- [Carlos] It's a great honor.

I deeply regret the loss
of your daughter, Doña Carmen.

And your loss, Don Carlos.

[Carlos] We all lost a lot in that fire.

We're sorry to interrupt the visit.

Hello, Mother. Your Majesty...


What kind of joke is this?
Your daughter's alive, Doña Carmen.

This woman's been lying to us.
She abducted my daughter.

Where is she?

- [Curro] Everyone on the floor!
- [crowd screaming]

Nobody move!

[man] Comrades, take your positions.

We don't want anyone getting hurt

so you'd better put down your g*ns.

What is this nonsense? Stop this at once.

These people don't work for the company.

I do, but not for much longer.

Put down your g*ns.

They won't do it.
They have to protect the king.

It won't do them any good.

[Curro] The g*ns!

I won't say it again.


[Curro] That was just a warning.

Next time, we sh**t to k*ll.

Gentlemen, do as he says.

Put down your g*ns.

Lock them inside the Violets' room.

[Curro] We've blocked all the entrances

and disabled the switchboards

so that no one can communicate
with the outside.

Are you going to tell us your intentions?

[Curro] What we want

is for His Majesty
to sign a renunciation of the crown.

And no one's getting out until he does.

This is senseless.

I'm not abdicating,
however much you demand it.

And what if I tell you

that everyone's lives are at stake?

In the storerooms of this building
are over 100 tanks of kerosene

and over 50 kilos of expl*sives!

Maybe the people here
don't know about expl*sives

but we have enough
to blow this building sky-high.

When will you begin
to consider our proposal, Your Majesty?

- I will not.
- [indistinct chatter]


Lucía, get this in order.

[Lucía] Everybody, do as I say.

Organize yourselves into groups.

Let's go!

On the floor!

And not a peep from any of you!

Lucía, what are you doing?

What does the king's abdication
have to do with the rights of women?


What's your friend doing?
Is she with them?

Carlota's not with them.

- The end does not justify the means.
- Sometimes it does.

But you need guts.

When I was a child,
my father would abuse me.

When he did, I would hear my mother
sobbing in the next room.

She never did anything
for fear of a b*ating.

She didn't have guts. I do.

Don't pity me, Carlota.

Join us.

Now is the time.

We have the chance to change things.

I know that deep down,
you think the way I do.

Are you with us or against us?

Carlota, please don't do it. Don't do it.

If you do,
I'll never be able to forgive you.

Someone's joined the cause.

Oh, yes. The ungrateful bourgeois girl.

I don't trust her.

Lucía has opened my eyes.

When you've suffered so badly
because of a man,

the only way to change things
through action.

I'm with you.

Curro, I vouch for her.

[Curro sighs]

What about that signature?

He hasn't deigned to look me in the eye.

But maybe a few thumps
will make him look up.

[Carlota] Or use an intermediary.

Look. Right now he feels outraged
and won't give in.

If you don't want this to drag on,

you need to find someone of his ilk
to make him see reason.

Got anyone in mind?

[Curro] You, on your feet!

All right, blondie.

Our new friend tells us
you get on well with the king.

Is that true?

[clears throat] I asked you a question.

We want you to convince him
to sign the renunciation.

[scoffs] I'm sorry,
but I'm not lifting a finger.

Fine, but the sooner the king signs,
the sooner all this is over.

This way, we avoid bloodshed.

Carlos, you decide.

What do we do?

We have to get the Royal Guard
out of there.

There's a master key
in the foundation office.

Let's go.

[siren wailing]

[whistle blowing]

Hello, I'm Pablo Santos.
I sounded the alarm.

I'm Inspector Grondona.
I'm in charge of the operation.

Great. You have to help me.
My wife and brother are in there.

Sir, the phones here aren't working,

Very well. Get a transmitter
so we can contact the station.

What's wrong with the phones?

We think the feed supplying the city
was sabotaged by the hostage takers.

Listen, hold on...
You're going in, aren't you?

Aren't you? You have to go in.

Look, sir. Your family members
aren't the only people inside.

The king is, too, so we have to act
with maximum caution.

My men tell me all the entrances
are blocked from the inside.

These, right?

- Are they or not?
- Yes, I think so.

There isn't another one?

Not as far as I know.

So, Mr. Santos...

I won't lie to you. It doesn't look good.

[Elisa] Lidia, don't worry.

You'll see. Carlos is all right.

I'm sure he spoke to the king,
and that this will all be over soon.

You can't even stand my voice.

I know you hate me with all your might
and I understand.

A long time ago,
I hated you like that, and...

Don't you dare compare
what happened with Francisco

to what you did with my daughter.

You're right. There's no comparison.

But you should at least know
how it happened.

Lidia, I owe you an explanation.

When the fire broke out

I headed for the exit.

One of your friends had the girl,
and she fainted.

I almost caught Eva in mid-air.

And I should thank you for that?

Because I would've
if you'd given me my daughter back.

That was my intention. I swear.

But then...

my mother made me believe
that Carlos had d*ed

and then played with my feelings
as she always does.

A few months ago, I found out
that I can't have children.

I always wanted to be a mother.

You thought that taking my girl
was the best solution.

I admit that it was what I thought, yes.

And my mother made me believe
you'd never let us see Eva.

And that I'd be a better mother than you.

I now know that's not true.

A child should be with its mother.

I was wrong.

Forgive me, please.

How is she?

[Elisa] Very well.


She almost makes eye contact,
and sometimes she even laughs.

She has a strong personality.

When she's hungry, she cries like mad,

- and only calms down if...
- You sing to her.

At least, it worked with me.

I don't think she'll remember me.

She will.

You'll see.

You're her mother.
Nothing and nobody can change that.

Lidia, you'll get Eva back.

You have to keep hope alive.

[Lidia] Just then, a new hope
was born inside me.

If I'd gotten this far

this couldn't be the end.

[Almudena] Hold it.

Hands where I can see them.

Give me those keys.

The keys!

[Estibaliz] Get away from her.

Frisk him.

That's why he's so cocky. He's a cop.

- Let's go.
- With the others.

[woman] Go, go, go!

[Almudena] Come on!

And don't try to be a hero again.

On the floor.

- I said, on the floor.
- Relax. Relax.

[Almudena] The next person
who tries anything gets it.

[Julio] How are you?

- [Marga] This is a nightmare.
- [Julio] Right.

[Julio] A fine mess your little friend
has got us into.

[Marga] There must be an explanation.

I don't think Carlota
has anything to do with this, Pablo.


I'm not Pablo, I'm Julio.

Pablo's outside.
He got out by the skin of his teeth.

Will you stop pretending to be my husband?

Okay, sorry.

I did it because
I wanted to talk to Ernesto,

to convince him to let you take that exam.


He's as stubborn as a mule,
but the gift of my gab has no limits.

So you're going to do it.

Let's see if that's true.

Your gab certainly has no limits.

But what convinced him most
were your merits.

I told him about all you've learned
in such a short time

and that now it's your turn to show him.

Why did you do it, Julio?

You don't get anything
by persuading Ernesto.


I wanted to make a nice gesture
to you after that dumb thing I did.

Besides, as you say,
words are gone with the wind, right?


What a relief. For a moment
I thought Ángeles was right.

Right about what?

She said that you might
have feelings for me.

You wouldn't have gotten
into a mess like that unless...

you liked me.

Look, Marga, I know
that you and I are an impossibility.

I just have...

That night is stuck right here,
and it won't go away.

Julio, I love Pablo.

Sure, I know. Don't worry. I have no hope.

Besides, the main thing now
is that we need to get out of here

so you can do that exam
and go back to Pablo.

Well, at least we tried.

If we get out of this...

This? Relax.
I've been in worse situations.

When I was a kid, I enlisted in the army.

My parents had d*ed,

and it gave me a way to support myself.

It was all fine until they sent us
to the w*r south of the Rif.

When we got there,
our convoy was att*cked.

My bunkmate d*ed by my side
from a sh*t to his temple.

[Ángeles] Why are you telling me this?

Because you're right.

Our relationship
was doomed from the start.

And we need to be on equal terms.

- Ángeles, I did something...
- No, I don't want to know.

- Something illegal.
- No.

I've got something on you, right?

So you'll have something on me.

If you tell me, I'll have to use it.

Guzmán knows.

He knows everything.
He knows you're a cop.

He was going to k*ll us

but I saved us by telling him
I'd cooperate with him.

Now he wants something...

something to help him
get you off the case.

He threatened my daughter.

A week after my buddy d*ed...

If you tell me, I'll have to use it.

I jumped the fence
and came back to the peninsula.

I deserted.

I had to forge my file
to get into the police.

If that comes to light, I'm finished.

Now you can save your daughter.

I don't think this is a bluff.
These people are serious.

[Carlota] It's for your own good
and of the others

I'm sick of repeating
that I will not abdicate.

I've granted them an audience.

Forget your audience.
My patience is running out.

Do as I say, or I set off those bombs
and we all blow sky-high.

Lucía, this is not a good idea.

All you'll get if you do this
is his son succeeding to the throne.

Curro, let's talk for a moment. Come on.

Let's not lose our cool.

[Carlota] Relax, I'll keep an eye on them

I'm not with them.

I knew you couldn't agree to this.

My father was a soldier
and he always said

"Keep your friends close
and your enemies closer."

- I'm proud of you, Carlota.
- Finally, a little sanity.

How do we get out of this?

Communications are cut, but there's
a radio transmitter in the storeroom

- I can't operate it, but maybe you can.
- I'll take care of it.

[Carlota] The main thing now
is to get out of here.

It's very dangerous.
You saw, that guy's crazy.

Carlota, calm down. You're doing great.

Keep calm. Give me the g*n.

Don't do anything crazy, Carlos.

Put down your g*ns or I'll sh**t her.

Do it.

Go on, k*ll her.

Grow a pair.

[Carlos grunting]

I told you it wasn't a good idea.
It's time to take action.

Curro, not like this.

Get out there. Go!


Get walking!

Here. Sit down!

Are you all right?

Where is my daughter?

Calm down.
Unlike us, she's in a safe place.

[Carlos sighs]

I don't believe it.

I can't believe you abducted Eva

and pretended that she
and Elisa were dead.

I did it all for you and Eva,
to protect you from Lidia.

All that woman ever did
was turn us against each other

and bring misfortune to this family.

This is the end, Mother.

Don't you realize
that you've lost the game?

Everything you planned has gone wrong.

Tell me where my daughter is.

At 2:00 p.m., Miriam will board a train
headed to Oporto with her.

Son, you must understand that I did it all
because I love you so much.

You've just lost your only son.


- Where are you going?
- Hey!

- Eva's at the train station.
- Sit back down.


It's our daughter. She was abducted
and we were just told where she is.

We have to go and get her.

Carlota, please.

Carlota, please. It's for Eva.

Nobody gets out alive
until the king abdicates.

[Lidia] I'd finally gotten back the hope
of recovering my daughter.

And I wasn't giving up on her,
no matter the cost.