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05x03 - Chapter 35: Courage

Posted: 03/13/24 09:33
by bunniefuu
[Lidia] Courage is a quality
we all think we have,

but only a few know what it really means.

People believe that being courageous
is being capable of risking your life.

But it's much more than that.

Being courageous means being strong enough
to accept that those you love the most

might be gone forever.


Courage cannot be learned.

You either have it or you don't.

I'd been through a lot in my life,

but never thought of myself
as a courageous person...

until I experienced the w*r
at close quarters.

No matter how hard we prepare mentally,
life always puts our courage to the test

in many different ways...

She's not on the list
of casualties and wounded.

What do you mean she's not on the list?
Give it to me.

Sofía Pérez Vidal?

[Lidia] Sofía!

-[soldier] Sofía Pérez Vidal?
-[Lidia] Sofía!

Sofía is not here.

-She's been captured.
-[Lidia] Excuse me?

...since the toughest challenges
are always the ones yet to come.


[opening theme song playing]

Everything was quiet,
until we heard an expl*si*n.

I fell to the floor.

When I woke up,
there was smoke everywhere.

I couldn't feel anything.
I tried to get up but couldn't.

It hurt so much.

I heard sh*ts and shouts
from my brothers-in-arms.

I looked around and saw them.

It was an enemy squad.
They finished off the wounded

and captured those
who were still able to walk.

I saw two of them coming towards me and...

I closed my eyes.

I held my breath, pretending to be dead.

That's why I'm still alive.

Relax. You're safe now.

As soon as I heard the voices going away,
I dared to open my eyes a bit.

I saw how they pushed a few
into the truck.

Sofía, Rosario and Felipe were among them.


This is all your fault, Carlos.
None of this would be happening if--

If she hadn't come to Spain to fight
in the w*r. It's her responsibility.

I begged you not to send her to the front.

I know.

-I begged you!
-Lidia, she's alive.

We can still find her.

I'll talk to the manager of the hospital
to try to find out where she's been taken.



-How did the mission go?
-It was a success, sir.

Another position on the enemy front fell.

Very good, Corporal. I see
you can be trusted. Congratulations.

Rest now. You deserve it.

-What shall we do with the prisoners?
-The prisoners?

[soldier 1] You, go in here.

[soldier 2] We'll bring fresh water
and some bread.

[soldier 1] Hurry up.
I don't have all day!

Watch it.

Look at him all cocky. If you had balls,
you wouldn't let your women on the front.

-No permission needed. I do as I please.
-Sure, sweetie. That's why you're here.

[both laugh]

[soldier 1] Move!

[door closes]

[door closes]

Do you have your pills?

Yes, they're on me.

Look. It was a birthday present
from Lidia.

I should have told her how much
I love her, and now it's too late.

Look at me.

You'll have the chance to tell her.

I'm sure of that.

But we are not in Madrid.

It was a long journey,
heading north for around 200 km.

I think the river we crossed
is the Pisuerga.

If I'm not mistaken,
we should be near Valladolid.

How can you be so sure?

Because I grew up here.

[Lidia] I got confirmation
that Sofía is alive.

Thank goodness!

She was taken hostage, moved to a barracks
in enemy territory in Valladolid.

I'll go with Carlos to talk
to the Lieutenant Colonel in command.

Someone called Ríos.

-But I need to ask you something.
-Anything. Just tell us.

This general I'm talking about was
the owner of an important art collection.

Carlos took it from him and sold it
to the Mexican embassy, where it still is.

I need you to find out
if it's possible to get it back it.

I'll sell my New York home if needed.

It's the only way we can
persuade him to release Sofía.

We'll contact the ambassador today,
and we'll let you know next time we talk.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.
Marga, have you heard from Pablo?

Not yet. Isidro is pulling some strings
to try to find out which front he is on.

You have to be strong. Now more than ever.

[Marga] I will be. Don't worry.

I'll call again tomorrow at this time.

Bye, Lidia. Talk to you tomorrow.

-Thank you.
-[Carlota] Bye.

[Óscar] Bye.

How are we going to find the ambassador?

I think he's a regular at Cock's parties.

His name is José Juárez or Suárez.
I'm not sure.

We could go by Cock's tonight
and see if Victoria can introduce us.

-[Isidro] Marga?
-Yes. Do you know where he is?

Not yet. But I came to tell you
your neighbor is persistently calling you.

-Let's go.
-We'll talk to Victoria.

Don't worry.

All the western area is enemy territory.

A week ago, we were 1 km away. Now we're
only 500 meters away. They're on us.

Watch your head.

You, the tall one. Cover this area.

Provisioning is every three days:
water, supplies and b*ll*ts.

Don't abandon your positions.
Don't lower your guard.

Remember that we're keeping Madrid alive.
Is that clear?

Where do I position myself, sir?


-[soldier 1] We're under att*ck!

[soldier 1] We're under att*ck!

-You just got a position.


Come on. We need a stretcher-bearer!

[soldier 2] Take cover!

-[soldiers yelling]
-[g*nshots continue]

[Marga] Amalia, it's me.

Did you call?

You don't look good. Are you okay?

I need you to keep this for me.

I don't have time to explain.
They're almost here.

-Who is?
-Keep it in your house, please.

I'll explain it to you
as soon as I get rid of them.

-Good morning.
-[Amalia] Good morning.

-Amalia Terrón?
-That's me.

-We need to talk to you and your husband.
-Sure, come in.

[door closes]

I'm not sure if the soldiers are gone.

-We should hide it until she comes back.

First, we should see what's inside.

What if it's something compromising?

[knocking on door]

It's her.

[Amalia] They're gone.

[exhales] I'm so sorry I put you
in an awkward situation,

but I was informed they were on their way,
and I didn't know what to do.

Don't worry about it. But what's inside?

He's Isidro, my boss. You can trust him.

There are some safe-conducts there.

They are for my son Marcos
and some friends from the seminary.

I finally got them,
and now I have to deliver them by tonight.

So, is Marcos leaving Spain?

The government accused them
of collaborating with the enemy.

-Are they collaborating with nationalists?
-No. Of course not.

Their teachers were arrested for doing it,
but the kids had nothing to do. [sniffles]

These days, anyone involved in religion
is suspected of siding with the enemy.

They are hiding
in an old factory in Carabanchel.

I was going to deliver
the safe-conducts to them tonight.

But the m*llitary men could follow me.

-Don't worry, Amalia. I'll do it.

I insist. They won't follow me.

Could we have a quick word?

-Come on.
-One moment.

Excuse us.

It's very dangerous.

Without the safe-conducts,
Marcos will die just because he has faith.

She's his mother.

A mother shouldn't lose a child.
It's against the laws of nature.

You'd understand if you had a child.

Well, Marga,
you don't have children either.

Isidro, by helping her,

I feel like I'm helping Pablo and Sofía.
Do you understand?

I won't be able to change your mind.

-I'll go with you.
-I can take care of myself.

I know that, but I promised my best friend
I'd watch over you.

That's what I'm doing.

All right, then.

What are we doing here?

-I thought you had gone mute.
-This is not the barracks, Carlos.

We're spending the night. We need gas,
and there's a station at this guesthouse.

I don't want to.
I want to arrive as soon as possible.

Lidia, I've been driving all day.
I'm going to fall asleep at the wheel.

-I can drive.

The lieutenant colonel
won't receive us at night.

We'll resume our journey
first thing in the morning.

What are you doing now?

In people's eyes, I'm a Republican colonel
and it could be dangerous.

We come from Burgos. We're married
and visiting some relatives in Valladolid.

-They shouldn't know we come from Madrid.
-Sure, Carlos.


-[woman] A moment, please!

Give me five minutes, please.

[Lidia clears throat]


Why are you a spy?

Why are you betraying your side?

w*r hardens you.

When all this started...

we thought at Headquarters
that we'd be able...

to crush the coup in a few days.

Three years have already passed.

Three years of Spain being split.

Three years seeing brothers and neighbors

fighting to death on the b*ttlefield.

In time, you realize
ideals are worth nothing.

Surviving is what matters.

And the nationalists have more money,
stronger support.

They're bound to win.

And you've always backed the right horse.

Wherever your mother is,
she'd be proud of you.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

-Sorry to have kept you waiting.
-A double room, please.

Your documents, please?

You need to check my documentation?

It's a requirement
from the new government.

I understand.

Oh, no!

Honey, I forgot to pick it up.
I'm so sorry.

I think I left it at the barracks.
You can write my name down:

Ismael Gredos Salas.

I'm sorry, but I can't check you in
without your documents.

It's a requirement
imposed by the authorities.

I understand, but I suppose
you could make an exception.

Driving back to Burgos now would be crazy.

I'm sorry, but if you can't...

Honey, honey.

Don't put her in an awkward position.
We've heard the roads are dangerous.

But I'm sure she would never let anything
happen to us. Would you?

We'll sleep in the car.

We'll get some rest and so will the baby.

Let's go. Thank you, anyway.

[woman] Wait!

Maybe we could make an exception.

[jazz music playing]

-Sorry, are you the Mexican ambassador?
-Yes. José Juárez at your service.


[Juárez] Have a seat, please.

You must be Victoria's journalist friends.

We are.

To be honest, we're not here
to interview you, as Victoria had said.

Why did you ask me to come here, then?

We know the government
gave your embassy an art collection.

We would like to buy it,
no matter how much it costs.

Lieutenant Colonel Ríos sent you here,

I know the government
expropriated it from him.

If he's using you to get it back,
don't count me in.

My country's embassy won't do business
with a rebel.

No, no. He didn't send us here.

We're trying to save
the life of a militiawoman.

The lieutenant colonel
is holding her as a prisoner.

She's the daughter of a friend of ours.
She's only a young girl.

[sighs and clicks tongue]

Let's see.

Since you're bent on causing me
a diplomatic conflict,

let's at least make it worthwhile. Hmm?

I'll give you the collection back
in exchange for something.

I don't want money. I'm interested
in your journalistic talent.

What do we have to do?

Do you know what chekas are?

Yes, unfortunately, we do know.

A friend of ours was held in one.

The Bellas Artes cheka is still open,
at least.

I know. That's why I need you to write
an article to prove their existence.

They were supposed to be closed down,
but they're not.

That would upset the government.

I thought you were on their side.

You've just said you don't do business
with rebel m*llitary men.

I am against t*rture,
no matter where it comes from.

My country has been collaborating
with Spain since the beginning of the w*r.

If you give me an article
with pictures of those illegal jails,

you would be helping me to put pressure
on your government to close them down.

Um, Mr. Juárez, even assuming
we could write such an article,

it wouldn't be published.
There is censorship.

Don't worry about that.
I know how to publish it

without you paying the consequences.
It can be under another name.

In that case, you can count on us.

We'll do that report.

-[Juárez] Do we have a deal?
-[Carlota] Yes.

Carlota, we can't go into a cheka
with a camera.

It's too dangerous. And impossible.

-We'll find another way.
-How? They'd seize the camera.

-We wouldn't get beyond any checkpoint.

I don't know how, Óscar,
but we know someone who's been in there.

James will help us.
We'll find a way to do it.

This must be the abandoned factory.

-[car approaching]
-Look, someone is coming.

Don't look. Don't look.

[Marga sighs]

Are you okay?


It's this sticky heat.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

[engine starts]

[Marga] Hello?

Is anyone there?


I'm bringing you something
on behalf of your mother. It's Marga.


[Man] Marga?

Marga, is that you?



You're so grown-up now!

It's been forever.

-How are you?
-Resisting with difficulty,

but I'm pleased to see you.

-Here are the safe-conducts.
-Thanks, Marga. This could save our lives.

We wouldn't cope much longer in here.

[siren blaring]

Bombing! Where can we go?

-Follow me, guys.
-[Isidro] Let's go. Marga!

Come on, Marga. Hey, Marga!

-[Marcos] Marga!
-[Isidro] Marga, Marga.

-What's wrong?
-[expl*si*n in distance]

[Isidro] Marga, can you hear me?

-[Carlota] James, we have to talk to you.
-Is everything okay?

[siren blaring]

We'll talk on our way to the shelter.
What's up?

[Carlota] So, what are you suggesting?
We must help Lidia.

It might not be necessary to go
into the cheka to do the report.

I can describe the place
in detail for you,

and you can use this information
to write the report and take the pictures.

So, you're suggesting we do
a false report with fake pictures?

Not fake news. It'd be a rough recreation
of something we know exists.

That's preposterous.

And it's against all the rules
of good journalism.

I don't know, Óscar.

I think it's a good idea.

Besides, helping Sofía,

we could contribute to closing down
the chekas once and for all.

How will we manage
to make the pictures look real?

[people scream]

[James] We'd need some props,

soot from the chimneys
and, obviously, not all these people.

Do you want the shelter
to look like a cheka?

[people coughing]

We'd be lying
to the ambassador, to the world.

-No, Óscar. We'd be saving Sofía.
-I want that, too.

-I'd do anything for that girl.
-[Carlota] What options do we have?

I understand you, Óscar. We try to
represent the world surrounding us,

but sometimes, to tell the truth,
you must tell lies.

[man on radio] The western front of Madrid
is following an offensive strategy.

Meanwhile, the sirens have been heard
all over the capital city.

Several German airplanes
have been seen flying over the area.

It fell on the floor.

Thank you.

If we want to rest, we should turn it off.

The bed is all yours.

I'll sleep on the floor.

Thank you.

You had good reflexes earlier
with the guesthouse owner.

-Can I ask you a question?

That scar you have on your back,
is it a w*r wound?

Yes, I suppose, except I didn't get it
on the b*ttlefield.

I was very drunk, and I ended up
involved in a fight at a bar.

I got a Kn*fe stuck in my lung.

I almost d*ed. At the time,
it was what I wanted.

How can anyone want something like that?

It was the day you left

and took Eva with you.

[Lidia] To be courageous, one must
leave behind one's weariness and distrust

and show our bare skin
to our closest enemy.

-We'd better go to sleep.

[Lidia] Even if their hatred
might be devastating,

the wounds it can cause us
will end up making us stronger.

Whoever is courageous enough
to tell the truth

is also courageous enough to face it.

No matter how painful
or disappointing it might be.


Does Romero know anything?

If Romero finds out, we're both dead men.

[Olmedo] I don't know. If he doesn't know
by now, he will very soon.

You'll have to do me a favor.

I'll tell you the names of the people
who have the negatives. They're in Madrid.

-Find them--
-You're despicable.

[Olmedo] Carlos?


You're a son of a bitch, Carlos.
We made a deal.

A deal, you said?
It's not a deal. It's blackmail.

You deserve it. And I thought
there was still some good left in you.

I don't need your pity.
I only want this to be over.

As soon as I get Sofía back.

Or do you want me
to tell that Romero guy everything?

Fire at will!

[soldier] Watch out!

[lieutenant] Mortar shell! Take cover!

Let's get out of here, soldier!

The communications are failing.
It's important to get to Headquarters.

Speed up! Faster! Faster!

[glass shatters]

-I can't go any further, sir.

-We must get out and push the tree aside.
-They're going to riddle us with b*ll*ts.

If we stay inside, they'll do it anyway.
They're not here to take us hostage.

On the count of three, we get out and push
the tree aside, then we get out of here.

Is that clear?
One, two and three! Let's go!

Come on!

Come on, Santos. Come on!

[man] att*ck!

Follow him! He's fleeing!

-[Isidro] How are you getting out?
-[Marcos] We don't know. Maybe by boat.

-We have some friends in Valencia.
-[Isidro] Hmm.



At last!

-Why are we still here? It's morning.
-You fainted.

-How are you feeling?
-It hurts a lot here.

[Eladio] It's a hematoma from the fall.

-It will heal in a few days.
-I'm okay.

I have to go to the Company.
Lidia is going to call.

It would be best
if you rest at home today. Right?

[Eladio] If you feel okay,
you can lead a normal life.

But you should see a doctor,
even if it's at home.

[Marga] All right.

-When are you guys going?
-As soon as possible.

Some friends will pick us up
and take us to Valencia.

From there, thanks to the safe-conducts,
we'll board a ship and leave the country.

[Isidro grunts]

-Good luck, guys.
-[Marcos] You, too. Thanks.

God bless you.

Take care, and go see a doctor.

[sighs] Okay.


Good luck. Easy, easy.

What do you think of the result?

I know you don't fully agree with this.

They look good. I think it could work.

I'm sorry if I've caused problems
between Carlota and you.

I imagine working with your partner
must not be easy.

So many hours together,

so many decisions to make.

How do you know
Carlota and I are a couple?

My friend...

some things are obvious.

You're not conventional, if I may say so.

Maybe. But, in the end,
we are like any other couple.

Ordinary couples don't have to face
as many prejudices as you do.

I think you're very courageous,
especially you.

It's not courage.

It's being faithful to oneself,
no matter what, come hell or high water.

I've met other people
in your situation, Óscar.

I know how hard it is.

Thanks to Carlota, I can be myself
for the first time in my life.

And that's the most important thing.

Even more important than Faraday, right?

[door opens]

The ambassador has arrived.
Do you have the pictures?

Ambassador, here is the report
about the cheka in Bellas Artes.

To be honest, I didn't think
you'd manage to do it.

I've heard this cheka is a fortress.

How did you manage
to get around all the security?

Mr. Juárez, we don't need
to reveal our methods.

I understand,
but before I can give you the collection,

I need to do some checks.

This friend of mine was interrogated
and tortured in this cheka.

Sir. Ma'am. Nice to meet you.

I've asked him to come
to give me his true opinion.

We don't deserve such mistrust,
Mr. Juárez. We've risked a lot.

Sorry, but it's extremely important,
and it's a risk for me, too.

I must check its authenticity.

Lidia, we've got it.
We have the art collection.

Do you think you'll be able to negotiate?

Yes, I will. Thank you, girls.

-Be very careful.
-You, too. One last thing...

Last night, I caught Carlos on the phone.
He was trying to get the negatives.

-He's despicable.
-He is indeed.

I'll keep an eye on him,
but you must be extremely careful.

If everything goes well,
I'll be back with Sofía before tonight.

Don't worry. And bring her back.

[chuckles softly]


[indistinct chatter]

Let me do the talking, okay?

After last night? I don't know.

Look, Lidia.
I understand you don't trust me.

Believe me, I want to get back to Madrid
as soon as possible and alive,

so I'll do the talking.

Good morning. I'm afraid there is
limited access for civilians in this area.

Yes, we know, sir.
We're here to see Lieutenant Colonel Ríos.

It's an extremely important issue.
Tell him I'm Carlos Cifuentes

and that I bring coffee for the troops.

What did you say
about coffee for the troops?

Now he knows I'm one of them.

The lieutenant colonel awaits.
You may enter.

[engine starts]

[knock on door]

[Ríos] Come in.

[door closes]

[Carlos] Lieutenant Colonel Ríos.

So, you're a spy now.

Look at you, Carlos Cifuentes.

I chose the wrong side.

Of course you did. My father,
my brother, and even my son,

we all fight for the cause,
and we don't hide it.

-We're proud and honored to do so.
-I see.

I started on the losing side.

However, you knew which side
to choose from the beginning.

Not everyone shares your intelligence.

-Carlos, what do you want?
-He doesn't want anything.

I'm the one who wants to talk to you.

-And you are?
-Lidia Aguilar.

I've been informed of what happened
to your art collection.

If you're up to negotiating with me,

I could get it back to you.

And what do you want?

[keys jangle]

[guard] You, come with me.

[Rosario whimpers]

-Where are you taking them?
-[guard] What do you care?

-If you're going to k*ll us, tell us.
-It's not exactly that.

-We have many idle hours here.
-There are many ways to k*ll time.

Corporal, this isn't right.

-If the lieutenant colonel finds out--
-Shut up! You should know your place.

[guard 2] You! Don't worry. We'll bring
them back in a while... turned into women.

Son of a bitch! I'll k*ll you!

[guard] Bring him.

You'll get what you deserve
for sticking your nose in our business.


Why is this cell empty?

Some soldiers
took the prisoners away, sir.

I told them it wasn't right, but...

Where did they take them?

Come on! Answer me!

They took them to the woods
to teach them a lesson.

A lesson? What kind of lesson?

I had struggled
to pluck up my courage to get there,

but at that moment, I realized
my suffering had only just begun.

Take him that way.

Come on! Move!

[Lidia] If I wanted to get Sofía back,
I had to go deeper into that hostile place

where life and death walk hand in hand.

[Rosario whimpering]


This is it.


[continues screaming]

[Marga] It's been so hot lately.

To be honest, I try to eat well,
but it's difficult with this hardship.

It's crucial for you to eat more,
as much as possible.

Why? What's wrong with me?

[Lidia] Because life always challenges us,

no matter if we're courageous or not.

[soldier] Halt!

Stop or I'll k*ll you!

[Lidia] Life forces us
to confront our own reflection.



What are you doing fighting with them?

[soldier] What are you doing?

We have orders to sh**t to k*ll.

[Lidia] We will all have
to face the truth.

Be it a sad truth...

[in English] What?

[Lidia] ...bitter truth...


What's wrong, Marga? Are you okay?

I'm pregnant.

[Lidia] ...or one that is happier
than we think.

-[Sofía] Please, don't!
-[soldier] Stop moving!

-I said stop moving!


You bastards!

-[Sofía screams]
-[soldier groans]

-Stop moving, bitch! I'll k*ll you!
-[continues screaming]


[both grunting]

[Felipe grunting]




[Lidia] At the end of the day,

courage is only a tool
to face life and death with dignity.

But when death lurks,

even the most courageous hero
turns into a coward.

[closing theme song playing]