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05x05 - Chapter 37: Insanity

Posted: 03/13/24 09:35
by bunniefuu
[Lidia] When you're waiting
for your final judgment,

you walk the thin line
between insanity and sanity.

We need to do something
to get out of here.

I hope Sofía made it safely
to the field hospital.

I just hope she's safe.

-[keys jangle]
-[door unlocks]

[Lidia] Unfortunately,
we wouldn't need to wait long.

Our executioner was there
to give his verdict.

This afternoon is my son's funeral.

I'll keep vigil and say goodbye to him.

And when I finally bury him, you will pay
for what that red girl did to him.

[priest] I understand your pain,

and I'll pray for your son,

but Ríos, I'm sure that if you could,

you would have protected your son
as we did--

[Lidia shrieks]

Tomorrow at dawn,

you'll be ex*cuted by g*nf*re.

[Lidia] We had been sentenced, and not
even the biggest madness could save us.


[opening theme song playing]

[Lidia] Many would say it's crazy to cross
the ocean to get into a country at w*r.


-[soldier 1] Hurrah for Spain!
-[soldier 2] Hurrah!

[Lidia] The thing is, most impulsive
gestures are considered acts of madness,

but they stop being considered so
if driven by your love for your people.

[soldiers talking indistinctly]

[soldier 1] Hurrah for Spain!

[Lidia] Worrying about saving your loved
ones can lead you to take excessive risks.

[door unlocks]

[Lidia] But at times of w*r,
when it's about life and death,

the boundaries of madness are vague.

[Lidia] Francisco?

[Francisco] You don't know how long
it took me to find you.

What are you doing here?

Where's Eva?

Don't worry.

Eva is fine.

Don't worry.

-[Lidia] Don't!
-All this is your fault.

-I should k*ll you.
-Do it.

[Lidia breathing heavily]

If it weren't for Carlos,
Sofía and I would be dead.

Let this be the last time
you put my family at risk.

It used to be my family
until you took it from me.

Do you still dare
make reproachful remarks?


You need to go find Sofía.

She's at a field hospital,
at Santa Isabel spa.

It's her heart... You have to help her.

The three of us will get out of here.


-Are you done?
-No. I'll give you more money.

The three of us are leaving.

-No, this is not what we agreed.
-You need to understand, Ismael.

I can't let them get k*lled.

Don't do it. Stop, please.
I can pay you a lot of money.


Go ahead.
I'd rather be k*lled by you than by Ríos.

And you... Don't move.

I can't betray them.

Soldiers! Here!

-[soldier 1] At your command!
-[soldiers] Let's go!

Drop the g*n.

For f*ck's sake, Bernal!
How are we going to explain this now?

I told you it wasn't a good idea.
Ríos is going to slit our throats.


There's a solution
that is much simpler than all this.

We will stay in here,

and he'll go out as he came in.

Ríos won't find out.

And you guys could earn a lot of money
if you help us tomorrow.

The w*r is almost over,

and what will you do when it finally is?

You won't be soldiers anymore,

and you won't be
who you used to be either.

What do we have to do?

Get us out of here alive.

All we need is a g*n, and we need it
before tomorrow's execution.

Leave the rest to us.
No one will find out. What do you say?

[footsteps approaching]

Marga, are you okay? Do you need any help?

Don't worry. I'm fine.

I still can't believe
that Lidia doesn't know about all this.

[Carlota] We'll hear from her any minute.

-[soldier 1] Hurrah for Spain!
-[soldier 2] Hurrah!

[soldiers continue chanting]

[Marga] What is this?

[soldiers] Madrid has fallen!

-Madrid has fallen!
-Long live Franco!

Madrid is ours!

-Madam, get out of the way and step back.
-Can't you see it's a funeral procession?

-I'm burying my husband.
-We have to go through this street.

-I said I'm not going anywhere.
-f*ck your red husband!

-Get out of the way!
-I said no!

I'm burying my husband!
You won't stop me!

-Obey, shut up, and get out of the way!
-[Marga] I won't!

You're wretched scoundrels have
no respect for anything or anyone.

Silence! I said obey and shut up!

[Carlota] Please don't hurt her!

She lost her husband
and doesn't know what she's saying.

That's not true!

[Marga] Show some respect!

-We're leaving. We won't be a problem.
-No, Isidro!

[Isidro] Let's go.

-[Marga] I want to bury my husband!
-[Isidro] Calm down!

[Marga] I want to bury my husband!
I want to bury Pablo!




Oh, boy. I thought you'd
taken up residence in the latrine.


I have to call Marga.
She needs to know I'm fine.

Call Marga? Forget it.
It would run an unnecessary risk.

But that man is wearing my clothes
and carrying my identification.

We d*sfigured his face
so he's unrecognizable.

When Marga gets that body, she'll faint.

She'll have a terrible time.

She'll think I'm dead!

Please help me call her.


[soldier 1] Madrid has fallen!

-[soldier 2] Let's go!

[soldier 3] Let's go to Madrid!

[soldier 4] Madrid has fallen.
We're headed that way!

Are we really going to Madrid?

It looks like you're losing the w*r,
but you'll go back to your little bunny.


Julio! Madrid is ours! Let's go!

What's going on here?


this is my brother, Pablo.

You never told us you had a brother.

He's just arrived. I didn't have time
to introduce him to you.

f*ck! I'm in charge of the register
of new members and casualties.

No one joins without me noticing.

Stop kidding me.

-Sorry, there's actually an explanation.
-Hands up!

-[Julio] Cipri...
-Hands up!

-I smell a rat.

Relax, Cipri. Listen to me.

You're right. I lied to you. My brother
was recruited by the Republicans,

but he didn't want to be there.

Am I right? I had to hide him.

You know deserters are looked upon
with suspicion here, for f*ck's sake.

How do I know you're telling the truth?

How can I be sure that he isn't a spy,
or that you both are?

How could he be a spy? He's not.
Are you a spy, Pablo?

-He's not. We--

You'll have to explain that
to the second lieutenant.

Come on!

People from the funeral parlor
said that it's no problem

to keep the casket there
for another night.

-Don't worry.
-[Carlota] Thank you, Isidro.

You see, Marga? Sorted.

Tomorrow, we'll bury Pablo
the way you wanted.


I wanted to bury him today...

because his funeral is today.

And not only did they k*ll my husband,
but they won't let me bury him.

-Marga, you need to calm down.
-I refuse to calm down!

[sobbing] Am I not even allowed
to complain?

This is unbelievable.

I'm Colonel Salgado,

head of the Sixth Military Region
of the National Army.

From now on, no one will be allowed
to go in or out without my permission!

From now on, every Republican symbol
must be wiped away,

and the information that is sent abroad
will be monitored.

We're journalists.
We work for international outlets.

We're not under your control.


-[people gasp]

[James] You'd better stay inside.

The nationalist army has taken the hotel.

There will be interrogations and searches,

and they are going to deport
all foreign journalists.

This is very serious.

-We have to accept the situation.
-"Accept"? Will we let them deport him?

There's another problem.

-If they find out what you are...
-What I am?

-I am a person, just like you.
-I know, but they won't accept that.

They're going to search the rooms.
If they find you...

-If they find me, what?

He's right.

-[knock on door]
-[James] They're here.

[Navarro] Open the door.

I'll go.

-Hide in the bathroom.
-[pounding on door]

-[Carlota] Good evening.
-Good evening, miss.

We're going to proceed
to search this room.

[Carlota] All right.
If you tell me what you're looking for,

I may be able to help you,
and we'll save time.

It's not necessary. If there's
anything irregular, we'll find it.

-Identify yourselves.
-Yes. I'm Carlota Rodríguez de Senillosa,

and I work for L'Illustration newspaper.

-Hmm. And you are?
-He's Óscar Millán.

He's a journalist, too. We work together,
and our pen name is Faraday.

Hmm. Can you show me
any papers to prove it?

[Carlota] Yes, of course.

[Navarro] Soldier, search the bathroom.

[solider] There's nothing
in here, Lieutenant.

I don't have it on me, but give me
some time, and I'll show it to you.

Okay, but find your papers.

And go downstairs, the two of you.
The colonel will want to interrogate you.

We're taking the material we've seized
to examine it.

[door closes]

[door opens]

Well, Santos, Santos...

Cipriano has updated me.

But you know well that, in my section,
deserters are not allowed,

and there's no forgiveness
for those who help them.

No matter how badly
I'll miss my Mus partner.

The thing is that he's my brother.

My own flesh and blood.
What would you have done?

My brother is on our side,
like everyone else in my family.

And so is Pablo!

But he was in the wrong place
when the w*r broke out.

[Julio chuckles]

Yes, I'm... I'm on your side.
I always have been. [chuckles nervously]

[Julio] Come on.

Sing "Facing the Sun"
and show him your real feelings.

I think there's no need
to sing now, Julio.

Go on.

♪ Facing the sun in my new shirt ♪

♪ That you embroidered in red yesterday ♪

Make the salute while you sing.

♪ Death will find me if it takes me
And I don't... ♪

-...see you again.
-I can't do it.

The two of you are under arrest.

Come with me outside.


What have you done, Pablito?

Come on. We need to get away from here.

[soldier 1] I heard a shot!

-[soldier 2] Where?
-[soldier 1] In the tent. Let's go!

[Julio] Come on, Pablo.
Let's leave through the back.

How did it go?

-Are they going to deport you?
-No. We managed to deceive them.

We told the soldiers James is Óscar.
He's in his room now.

I think he should keep a low profile.

-What are you doing here?
-They're searching everyone.

They won't let anyone out.

[Salgado] Pay attention!

We've finished both the interrogations
and the searches.

Now we'll proceed
to talk to the rest of you.

If you do it orderly and in silence,
nothing will happen to you.

Sorry, but we're not going to
sit back and wait.

[people gasp]

Enough is enough!

[Marga breathing heavily]

Are we really going to tolerate this?

Is there a problem?

Yes, I have a problem.

You're k*lling us,

you're detaining us,

and we have to obey
as if we were your subjects?

Well, I won't tolerate it! Enough!

-Marga, calm down.
-I don't want to calm down!

Why should I be locked up
if I've done nothing wrong?

-I'm off.
-[Salgado] Madam, go back to your place!

-Please let me out.
-Sit down,

or you'll pay the consequences.
It's your call.

Marga! Marga, come here with me, please.

Is that your decision?

[breathing heavily]

Let me out.

You're not going anywhere,
so drop the g*n,

-or I swear--
-Or what?

You don't scare me.

You disgust me.

You and everything you represent.

So I could k*ll you right now.

Let me out...

or I'll sh**t.


Take her inside.

Don't touch me. I said don't touch me!

-Let go of me!
-Don't harm her! Her husband just died!

She's pregnant.

Let me vouch for her, please.

Who are you to vouch for anyone?

I'm the head of the press office,
Isidro Barrero.

[Salgado] Do you know James Lancaster?

He's first on our blacklist,

and we haven't had the chance
to talk to him.

What will happen to him if I tell you?

Nothing, of course.

We'll send him back to his country,
that's all.

Unfortunately, I was ordered
to be soft with journalists,

as long as they're foreign, that is.


Lancaster is the American
who passed himself off as Óscar Millán.


This American son of a bitch
lied through his teeth to us.

So, if this guy is Lancaster,

where's the real Óscar Millán?

Faraday is composed
of two people, Mr. Isidro.

[Navarro] If you want your friend to get
out, I'm afraid you'll have to confess.

[Salgado] All those who are not staying
in the hotel can leave.

The rest,
go back to your respective rooms.

[knock on door]

[lighter clicks]

[Salgado] Well, let's see.

So, you wanted to help a friend
who didn't want to get deported.

That's why you let him borrow
your identity. Is that right?

Yes, that's right.

In that case, you won't mind
taking off your shirt. Right, Mr. Millán?


Take it off.

[exhales sharply]

[exhales deeply]

[Salgado] What am I supposed to do now?

[Salgado sighs]

I didn't come to the Pacífico Hotel
to punish people like you.

I'm here to deport journalists.

But, you see, this w*r is a crusade,

and if we want to turn our country
into a decent place again,

we have to cleanse it of people like you.

You and your friends...

have made everything dirty,

hiding behind a false freedom.
Freedom for what?

Hmm? To be a degenerate?

Being a man or a woman is my business.

No, of course it's my business.

Since I love this country,

and it is my duty to free it
from harmful elements like yourself.

Well, Sara...

You're a beautiful woman.

Why do you insist on hiding it?

Your skin is so delicate...

and soft.

It would be a shame...

to see it harmed.

Am I right?

I'll give you a piece of advice.

Don't ever leave this room again
dressed as a puppet, okay?

And be grateful that you came across me
instead of someone less...


[door closes]


[Lidia] The sun is almost rising.

It won't take them long to come get us.

Do you think it will all work out?

The girls must be worried about me.

We need to trust it will.

Will we ever see our daughter again?


You'll always be the woman of my life.

And even if I'm not
the man of your life...

all I care about...

is that you and Eva are happy.

Francisco loves you.

I've seen the way he takes care of you.

And you love him, too.

And I'm okay
knowing Eva has the best possible family.

I'm so sorry I hurt you
by keeping you away from Eva.

I just wanted to protect her.

You weren't wrong.

[Lidia] No one could have thought that,
after all we had been through,

the wounds between Carlos and me
could possibly heal,

but they did.

I didn't know it then,

but we had saved Sofía,

and that's something I could never forget.

You gave us a scare.

The doctor says you'll recover.

What about Lidia?

Lidia and Carlos
couldn't make it to the truck.


Where are we?

You passed out.
We're in a hospital halfway to Madrid.

The capital has fallen into enemy hands.

-Have we lost the w*r?
-No, not yet,

but among large cities,
only Valencia resists, and they're...

in trouble and in need of soldiers, and...

You're leaving?

I promise...

I'll come find you when this is all over.

[Lidia] They say falling in love in times
of w*r is a trip towards insanity.

But we all lose sanity
when it comes to true love.

And not even the most sensible person
can escape the sentence.

[Isidro] Marga!

-Isidro, leave me alone, please.


I understand you've lost Pablo,
that it's the worst that could happen,

but it's no reason
for you to put your life at risk.

-I don't care.
-I do! I care about you.

-They were going to k*ll you.
-So what?

I know I should be thinking of my baby...

but I find it difficult to even breathe.

Do you understand?

[Lidia] Love makes you crazy,
and that way,

it's easy to sink and get lost in despair.

Especially when you can't be true
to your wishes or to who you really are.

If you get to that point,

if you can't recognize yourself
when you look yourself in the eye,

you're lost.

Nothing can save you from insanity.



[Lidia] All you can do
is bury a part of yourself...

and let the other one come out.

One that can keep you away
from what you love the most.


-So you're leaving?
-I am.

I'm going to Berlin.
Nazism is the new evil in Europe.

There are rumors
that a new w*r will break out.

I still can't come to terms
with the idea that you're leaving.

Actually, I would have liked
to continue collaborating with you.


Come with me.


Peace is not here.
Victory and revenge are.

Come with me.

We'll work together.

[Lidia] Chasing what you feel,
or being carried along by reason.

When you get to the end of the path,
it doesn't matter what's best.

If it helps you survive, that's enough.

-[keys jangle]
-[door unlocks]

The time has come.

-[Lidia] Will it all work?
-[Carlos] I hope so.

I am General Romero.
Lieutenant Colonel Ríos is waiting for me.

[Bernal] It's loaded.








Obey my order!

[whispering] Lidia, don't run.
Just pretend.

[Romero] Cifuentes!

[g*ns cocking]

Romero. He's here to get revenge.

Arrest him.

[Lidia] Sanity led Francisco
to make the right decision.

We had to protect our daughters.

[Romero] Take the woman
with the rest of the prisoners.

[Lidia] That was my wish, and there was
no point in resisting fighting.

After all, I was already condemned.

[Romero] You have a nice office.

You've deceived us all
from here for years.

Enough kidding around, Romero.

Why did you bring me here?

You were useful for the Fifth Column.

You gave us valuable information
about the enemy army,

but in the end...

you screwed it all up.

You'll die a traitor.

Are you asking if I regret it?

I don't.

-I finally have respect for myself again.
-I see.

And now you're going to tell me
you've gotten your integrity back.

[Carlos] Yes, but I doubt
you'll understand that.

You don't scare me anymore.

I'd rather die
than be a pawn in your hands again.

Be careful what you wish for...

-because it could come true.
-Where's Lidia?

She will get what she deserves.

And so will you.

You wanted to know
why we brought you here.

You're going to take your own life,
the biggest dishonor to a soldier.

Do it yourself.

Dirty your hands for once.

[g*n cocks]

You know what to do.

[Lidia] With the end of the w*r,
everything went insane.

[knock on door]

[Lidia] Lies turned into truth.

[door opens]

[Lidia] And the truth stayed hidden
like a clumsy lie.

[soldier] General!

[Lidia] The worst of destinies
loomed over many,

but fortunately not over everyone.


Thank you for everything.

See you this afternoon at the funeral.


[Marga crying]

[Marga] This can't be true.

Is it really you?

I said I'd come back, and here I am.

[Marga laughs]

I'm pregnant.

[Lidia] There is no bigger joy
than getting back all you had lost.

The feeling that it's real
and you haven't lost your mind.

You can finally be happy again.

But that wasn't going to happen
in my case.

When I arrived at that place, I thought
my mind was playing a dirty trick on me,

as if I were losing my mind.

Something so horrible
couldn't be happening.

I was wrong.

It could still get worse.

[woman over megaphone]
Attention, prisoners!



[Lidia] I hadn't gone mad. It was true.

I had encountered my worst enemy again.

As of today, your lives belong to me.

[Lidia] I had just arrived in hell.


[closing theme song playing]